Read Shadows in the Stone Page 20

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  Bronwyn pushed the silver pin through the lapel of the guard’s vest. Although officially still a private, the triangular pin indicated recommended for promotion. The guard, a corporal in training, would take charge of ten men, making him the forty-fifth junior corporal unofficially promoted in the past two years. His own promotion to sergeant fourteen months ago had better equipped him to instruct his men to respect the junior corporal rank.

  Bronwyn had tried to promote men officially, but the lords had declined all but a handful of his recommendations. Sanderson agreed with most of his referrals but couldn’t grant them all. Still, the captain of the guard saw the benefits of junior corporals and supported his efforts to gain control over the privates who desperately outnumbered the officers.

  “I know you’ll respect this pin, Junior Corporal Cronin.” Bronwyn stood back and saluted the guard.

  Sawney Cronin turned to the ten privates who stood at attention, watching the formality. These men were now his responsibility. They saluted him in unison.

  “You may take possession of your men. I know you’ll serve them competently.” Bronwyn nodded at Sawney and watched him lead the men from the courtyard.

  “I think he’ll do well.” Farlan stepped up behind Bronwyn. “Sawney is tough, but he knows when the men have had enough.”

  “I’m sure you’re right,” he said.

  “Have you spoken with Tibs?” The human pulled several pumpkin seeds from his pocket and popped them in his mouth.

  “I’ve arranged to meet with him at day’s end.”

  “I wonder what he wants.” Farlan crossed his arms and looked around the empty courtyard. “I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with the drills. The last change was ridiculous.”

  Bronwyn put his hands in his trousers pockets. His left hand fingered the small rectangular stone Isla had given him years before. Though he had planned to return it to her pouch, he never did. Instead, he carried it with him every day. When considering matters of importance, he liked to hold the stone. It seemed to clear his mind.

  “I don’t know what he wants,” said Bronwyn. “He gave no indication.”

  “Let me know if it’s anything serious.”

  “Will you be in your quarters this evening?”

  “No, I’ll be busy.” The human smiled mischievously. “After I visit the castle gate, I’m off duty.”

  “And Selina?” Bronwyn grinned. “Will she be busy, too?” Farlan had dated Selina for about two years. He thought they made a perfect pair—Farlan enjoyed a good joke, and she loved to laugh.

  “She might be.” He winked at his friend and backed away. “You’ll have to tell me about Tib’s meeting in the morning.”

  The two waved goodbye and headed in different directions.

  Farlan walked through the guardhouse and headed for the front gates of Maskil. Along the way, he saluted fellow guards, waved to friends and stopped to help a young elf tie his shoes.

  “Corporal Burkenshaw.” The privates saluted Farlan as he approached the gate.

  Farlan returned the gesture. “Any troubles or concerns?”

  “No, sir.” A tall blond man stepped up to make the report. “Bored all day. It’d be nice to get a little excitement now and again.”

  “Excitement costs lives, Macky.”

  They heard the warning signal used to alert the guards of an approaching traveller to the town gates.

  Farlan saw Alaura leading two hauflin children along the road. Isla and Liam raced and skipped, playing tag from what he could judge.

  “Good afternoon, Alaura.” He gave a slight bow to acknowledge her arrival. The attractive woman presented herself unlike any he knew. She had an inner strength he respected.

  “It’s a fine afternoon, Farlan—I mean, Corporal.”

  “And how are the two rascals?” Farlan flicked Isla’s nose and she made a funny face. When she became Bronwyn’s ward, he took on extra responsibilities. He and the dwarf spent a lot of their leisure time together; Isla naturally tagged along. He enjoyed the days and nights passed with her while her das patrolled.

  “As active as ever.” Alaura smiled. “Have you seen Bronwyn?”

  “He’s at the guardhouse.” Farlan watched the sparkle dance in her eyes. It always did when she spoke of his friend. He’d have considered this lovely woman himself, if not for her relationship with Bronwyn. She befuddled the otherwise rigid sergeant like no one else. She could also ignite a smile for no particular reason or send him on an uncontrollable tantrum. This surprised Farlan at first, but over the years he came to understand why—Bronwyn’s blood burnt for Alaura.

  Farlan pointed in the general direction of the castle. “He’s in a meeting but shouldn’t be long.”

  “I’ll wait for him at the bakery.” Alaura gestured at the children. “Let’s go.”

  As they passed, he grabbed Isla and tickled her sides. She giggled and wriggled until he stopped. “Little Sprite, that’s payback for the lizard in my boot.” She laughed harder as he kissed her cheek and sent her on her way.