Read Shadows in the Stone Page 50

  Chapter 27

  Hideous Chunk of Flesh

  Bronwyn reined up as he saw the Midway Keep come into view. They had ridden from dawn to dusk yesterday, but it still left them with nine hours of travelling before they arrived at the supply shop. He halted at the hitching pole, dismounted and secured his horse. Rorie and Garret did the same.

  “Keep your eyes open,” he said. “They may still be here.” He scanned the interior of the shop. A man in the corner looked up from a book, and they exchanged nods.

  “Sergeant?” The rugged human came to stand behind the pay counter.

  “That’s correct, sir. A warm day.”

  “Could be warmer. Is there anything I can help you with?”

  Bronwyn walked to the counter as his men searched the keep. “As a matter of fact, there is.”

  “Anything…for an Aruam Castle guard.”

  Bronwyn liked his attitude, but it didn’t appear sincere. “I’m looking for someone. Maybe you saw him here yesterday.”

  “Many pass through. Business is brisk on The Fork.”

  “This particular fellow, a hauflin, had travelling companions.” Bronwyn stood straight, shoulders back, hiding his weary bones. “He travelled with a dwarf, a gnome and a hauflin child.”

  The man raised his brow. “Many people fit the description. Do you have a name, by chance, or know what they bought?”

  He noticed the man had lost his confidence. “The hauflin’s name is Keiron Ruckle.” The name stirred emotions in the keeper. “Have you seen him?”

  “He wasn’t here yesterday.” The man thought for a moment. “Hasn’t paid a visit to the keep for about two weeks, maybe three.”

  “But you know him?”

  “He’s passed through on occasion.”

  “But not yesterday?”

  “No, and I worked all day.”

  “What about the other two? Did you see a hauflin child with a dwarf or a gnome?” Bronwyn watched the human shift his weight from one foot to the other.

  “People don’t like being spied on, talked about. They mind their business. I mind mine.”

  Bronwyn leant close and spoke in an authoritative voice. “Keiron Ruckle kidnapped the child we seek. If she entered this keep, I want to know.”

  “What would Ruckle want with a child?” The owner spoke in a hushed voice.

  “We’ll learn that when we rescue her.”

  The owner glanced around the empty shop. “Ruckle’s a menace. If he learns I told you anything, he’ll be out for my blood.”

  “Not if I catch him.” Bronwyn had a few ideas of what he’d do with the hauflin, but in truth, he hoped Keiron wouldn’t surrender.

  “I didn’t see Ruckle.” The owner bent near. “But the young hauflin came with Tam and Reese. Rumour has it they’re working for him.”

  “Did they spend the night at the inn?” When the keeper nodded, he asked, “Are they still here?”

  “They left at dawn. Headed towards Paddy’s Hill.” He gestured up the road.

  The bell over the door dinged. Everyone turned to see a female hauflin enter the keep. She smiled at the men and made her way down an aisle.

  “If I see any uniforms come through, I’ll be sure to notify the castle.” The keeper’s voice rose so everyone within twenty feet, including the female, heard what he had said.

  “Thank you, sir,” said Bronwyn. “We appreciate your cooperation.”

  The female approached the pay counter.

  “Fran, good to see you.” The shop owner painted on a wide smile.

  “Sam, you always like to see business walk in the door. As do I.” She smiled at the human then turned her attention to Bronwyn. “Who do we have here? An Aruam Castle finest. I always liked a man in uniform.” She dragged her finger along his arm. “Sticking around?”

  “My business here is done.”

  “Such a shame. Dwarfs have such vigour in all the right places.” She winked at him.

  Bronwyn looked at the keeper. “Again, thank you.” He motioned the guards to the door.

  They mounted their horses, and Bronwyn directed them towards Paddy’s Hill. They passed the Midway Inn at a walk. He checked each face lingering outside the building to find a familiar one, but only strangers stared back. Once out of sight of the buildings, he spoke. “The keeper said Keiron didn’t enter his shop, but Isla did. She came with two men named Tam and Reese. They stayed the night at the inn. At dawn, they headed in this direction, towards Paddy’s Hill.”

  “We know she was there.” Private Rorie Critch dug into his pocket, pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

  Bronwyn unfolded it. “Page three.”

  “We almost missed it,” said Garret. “I stood right in front of it looking at everything on the table. Rorie came up beside me and noticed the books on the window sill. It slipped out from between them when he pulled one from the shelf.”

  “I looked at the books,” said Rorie, “because they were copies of Protocol – The Foundation of Civil Organisation. It’s my understanding copies are not permitted outside the town walls.”

  “You’re right.” Bronwyn glanced back at the keep. “All copies are property of Aruam Castle. When we return to Maskil, I’ll look into this.” What were the implications of copies of the protocol manual being available to the general public?