Read Shattered Page 4

  She pulled back too soon, I wanted to weep at the loss of her lips. “Good night Angel.” She had an impish little smile on her face that caused me to laugh. ”I’m glad your back.” She turned and all but ran back into the house. I shook my head; ahh man, I am in so much trouble.



  She told me she wanted to talk. But the brat avoided me for a freaking week! A week? She was good; I had to give her that. No doubt she enlisted the help of my sister, who hasn't said too much to me since I’ve been home. I guess I should handle that situation, but there was no need to start a problem when I didn't even know what was going. Who knows what this is between Jasmine and me.

  I walked into Uncle Luke‘s gym. It was the same gym Jay and me used to go to when we were younger. A friend of the family, Uncle Luke used to run it and we always got in for free and could spar with anyone training for boxing or UFC. I took a deep breath, it smelled like sweat and rubber from the mats. This used to be home. The simple things you miss when you're away.

  The lady at the front desk asked if she could help me with anything, but the look in her eyes told me she would like to help me with way more than a gym membership. She was a red head, with a nice pair of lips and a nice set of tits. She looked appealing enough; might be able to slack this rising lust I seem to be controlling less and less.

  I tried to imagine the red head in various positions, one of them being bent over that desk, but instead of the red head, I imagined Jasmine. She was naked, arms chained to the desk, her legs spread and her pretty ass in the air waiting, and wanting what only what I could give her.

  "You’re slacking Marine, standing there smiling like an idiot." Someone broke into my fantasy; thank God. I turned to see a 6 foot 6 monster of a man standing in front of me. "I know it’s been a long time Marine but it hurts my feelings that you don't remember me."

  I cracked a smile and shook my head, "Very hard to forget something as big as you, Tony."

  He laughed, "Good to see you Marine. How you been?"

  "Can't complain, glad to be back home. You here for good or just visiting?"

  "Visiting, heard you were back and seeing how I haven't seen your ass since... well since a long time. I figured I’d come say what's up."

  Tony was the fourth of our little crew: me, Chase, Jay and badass Tony. It was good to see him here after so long. He left a little before I did, trying to avoid getting locked up for good. Tony was the brawler out of the group, although, with his height and size, no matter how many took him on, he always landed someone in the hospital. Last I heard he was working for law enforcement, go figure.

  Nonetheless, it was always good to see people back in a place I called home. It felt good to see, though things have changed, we were still able to come back here and feel at ease. As much as I wanted to play catch up with him, I had pressing matters to attend. And if I wasn't careful, Jas would give me the slip yet again. “Look bro, how long you out here for?”

  He shrugged, “About till the end of the summer. Why?”

  “You should stop by the house soon. My parents are throwing a BBQ. You should come, my parents and Kris would be happy to see you.” I turned to walk away not waiting for his answer. He grabbed my shoulder stopping me. It took every ounce of self-control I possessed not to beat him senseless.

  “What’s the rush Marine? She ain’t out here. She’s in the back sparing with Uncle Luke.”

  I turned to face him, shrugging his hold off, “You going to tell me who you’re talking about or should I guess?”

  He laughed, “I’ve been gone a long ass time Marine. I don’t remember you playing at being this stupid before. Jasmine won’t be done for another twenty minutes. So relax let’s catch up.”

  “We can catch up later. I kind of ne- want to talk to her now.”

  I turned to walk away, but Tony wasn’t dropping it.

  “What did ya need to discuss, how to get in her pants? Hate to break it to you Marine, she’s off limits bro.”

  “The fuck you mean she’s off limits?” Off limits? I know she wasn't with anyone, because no one could get fucking close to her without getting their head chopped off. She couldn't be off limits. All I saw was red. Not having sex in forever and Jasmine avoiding me was wreaking havoc on my temper. This tall bastard, grinning like an idiot, was just making shit worse. Man, if he hadn’t started talking, I was going to beat six inches off his ass. “Is there a reason why you’re smiling and not talking? What do you know that I don’t know?”

  He barked out a laugh, “You cannot be this dense. Same reason Kristal was, or is off limits is the same reason she is. You would be the ultimate dick if you pursue this and you know it. What do you think Jay would say? Shit can't wait for you to have this conversation with Kristal.”

  "Nothing is happening between us. I just need to freaking talk to her. For the record, if something were to happen, Jasmine is legal; my sister was not."

  The ass laughed some more, "You really think that's going to make a difference? Let me ask you; would you even be contemplating this if Jay were still here?"

  Probably not. "I'm not contemplating anything Tony. Nothing is going on."

  "That's bullshit and you know it. Word of advice: if you're going to be stupid enough to contemplate this, you're wasting your time. Something happened while we were gone. All I can tell you, is it has to do with her brother’s death. It also affects her relationships with other people. As far as I know, she hasn't had a boyfriend or anything since she dated that punk in junior high school. She is not the same chick she used to be Angel."

  “Thank you captain obvious, I can clearly see something has happened. I am fully aware she’s not the same chick she was when I left. I did write her when I was gone. It’s not the end of the world, people change. Clearly you did too, Tony. And why is it, I can’t just talk to this chick without someone thinking something of it?”

  He leveled his gaze at me and crossed his arms over his chest, “You came back for her, didn’t you?”

  “What? No I didn‘t.” Well maybe, “Why is no one happy to actually have me home? Why does everyone think I came back for her? My tour ended, I’m done. There’s nowhere else for me to go but home. Are we done? Yea good, I’ll see you at the damn BBQ.”

  I turned and walked away, heading towards the back where the sparring was going on. What the hell was with everyone? How do they know I didn’t come home because I missed my mom’s cooking? Or because I had nowhere else to fucking go. This is stupid. I did not come back for her and I’m not actively pursuing her. Yea I want her, but I also need sex. I knew the shit storm it would cause if I did. So what, I kissed her a couple of times; didn’t mean anything. So what if I wanted to know exactly what she tasted like. But Tony was right, I knew she was off limits. Just like she would always be off limits. This sure wasn’t the conversation I wanted to have with her this morning. But thanks to my good friend Tony for pointing out how much of a dick I would be if I pursued her, I need to nip this shit in the bud before things get messy.

  I pulled open the door to the sparring area and my jaw dropped. Jasmine stood toe to toe with Uncle Luke throwing punches and blocking hits. This had to be the sexiest fucking sight I've ever seen in my life. Jas was dripping with sweat, her long hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had on a black sports bra that did little to compress her chest. God, her stomach was so sexy; she had the little "V" that only made me want to lick my way down to her sweet pussy. And the black shorts she had on had to be shortest god damn shorts she could find; looked like they were painted on her skin. They made her legs seem like they went on for days, and the way they incased her ass had me drooling on myself.

  This girl was built. She was strong, like she could and would take on anyone and anything standing in her way. The way she moved, the way she threw a punch; her kick was like watching Gina Carano in action. The girl was amazing and I have never seen her look more mouthwatering. She bent down to block a hit and the sight
of her ass in her shorts made me groan. I was too loud. Jas paused for a second and took all her focus off Uncle Luke. Shit, he was going to knock her on her ass. Uncle Luke swung his leg out and knocked her flat on her back. She hit the mats hard.

  "I’ve told you so many times Jasmine, focus. Just because something is going on around you doesn't mean you lose focus on what's going on in front of you. Up now; run some laps."

  “How about she spars with me instead of the laps Uncle Luke?”

  “Angel? Hey son, when did you get home?”

  * * *

  About a damn week ago and he’s been a pain in my ass since then. I knew I couldn’t avoid him for much longer, but did he really have to catch me in here?

  I got up and went to go run my laps when Angel grabbed my arm. Don’t know why this guy insists on touching me all the damn time. “Where you going Jas?”

  “To run the laps that you just so graciously got for me, so unless you plan on running them with me, you want to let go of my arm?”

  The bastard laughed, but dropped his hold on me.

  “You know Jasmine, it’s kind of sexy you being all aggressive. I was serious though, how about you come spar with me. Promise I’ll go easy on you.”

  The jerk was smiling . . . Really? He thought there was something funny here? “I don’t want to spar with you Angel. Why are you even here?”

  “Clearly, looking for you. I wanted to talk, remember? But being that I found you here, I’d much rather spar with you. What’s the matter Jas; scared you can’t handle me?”

  He had on his mischievous grin and it was actually reaching his eyes. He looked like he did the night he walked me home. At least he was having fun with this. But I damn sure was going to enjoy wiping that damn smirk off his face. I got toe to toe with him. He thought he was some big bad Marine. Psh, not in here; this is my domain; the one area that I am always at my strongest. If Angel wanted to play, I was game. I am going to enjoy making him tap. This damn sure beats the hell out of running laps. A smile stretched across my face, “I can handle you just fine Marine. The question is can you handle me?”

  He brought his hands to my face tilting my chin up towards him. “More than you know baby. I just hope you can keep up.”

  His hands left my face and tapped me on my ass. I swung but he caught my wrist spinning me, and pinning my back to his chest. He chuckled, “Always so impatient to start. Don’t cheat now. I can’t spar with you like in my clothes. Let me get ready first and then I’m all yours.” He pushed me off and quickly discarded his shirt and shoes.

  This man had the balls to say I cheated? How was I supposed to concentrate now? There weren’t enough words in the English language to explain the body on Angel. Zero percent body fat, ripped corded muscle after muscle. His nipples were pierced and he had a dragon tattoo that started on his right side and seemed to disappear under his shorts. He had a nice sized scar on his left pectoral. When did he get that? He never told me he got hurt. He crossed his arms over his chest I watched as the veins popped out on both his arms. Why did I agree to this? There was no way I was going to be able to concentrate properly.

  It was quite a while after my incident before I could even look at someone of the opposite sex and appreciate their body or even be aware of them on an intimate level. I couldn’t keep the bad memories away long enough to allow anything to happen. Maybe on some level, I didn’t want to try again with anyone. But staring at Angel’s body like this did something to me that I wasn’t ready for or willing to delve into further.

  “Whenever you’re done drooling Jasmine, I’m ready.”

  I felt my face turn three shades of red, “I’m not drooling, merely examining where I can hit you, that’s all. Whenever you’re ready to get your ass handed to you, I’m game.”


  She was magnificent I had to admit. I was surprisingly impressed. She held her own. I tried going easy on her in the beginning but Jasmine wasn’t having it. She tried kicking me in the balls twice; almost hit me the second time but that was enough to get me to spar with her like an opponent.

  We were circling each other waiting for an opening to strike. We were both tired and dripping with sweat, but neither one of us was going to give. If we were by ourselves, I would have rushed her, tackling her body to floor and pinning her to the mats. I just wanted her beneath me, tasting her, touching her, and teasing her. I couldn’t deny how turned on I was by this, by the sight of her. Every time she inhaled, causing her chest to rise, my dick twitched. She looked like every bit the Amazon she was. Strong and powerful, every instinct in me screamed to conquer. I wanted to be the one igniting that hidden fire and passion that burned through her. I wanted her to submit it all to me.

  I paused a second just to admire her athletic body, watching the power just vibrate off her. I saw it a second too late; Jasmine was going to strike, thinking I’d let my guard down. She swung out her left leg, going for a roundhouse kick. I went to dodge it. She must have expected my attempt to dodge the blow because the next thing I knew, I was flat on my back. Jasmine had her foot on my chest smiling in pure triumph. “I think it’s time for you to tap.”

  * * *

  Hell yea! I couldn’t help but be proud of myself. All the years of coming here and the extra hours I put in to keep my mind off shit definitely paid off. I knocked a Marine on his ass. I was giddy, like little girl, happy she got the Barbie dream house giddy. Shit, it was a rare feeling. I wanted it to last but, Angel hadn’t tapped yet and I would be damn if he caught me off guard the way I did with him.

  Towards the end, his mind wasn’t in this. Had it not been for his natural honed instincts, I should have been able to knock him down sooner. I had to wonder what he was thinking about that had him so distracted. I looked down at him, waiting and watching just in case he tried some slick shit. He was staring up at me with something close to awe in his eyes.

  “You want me to tap Jasmine?”

  “Um, I knocked you on your ass. Yes, you‘re supposed to tap. Duh!”

  Before I had time to react, he knocked the leg I had on his chest off to the side. He reared up grabbing my thighs and pulled me down on top of him. I straddled his chest, “Um Angel?” He pushed me down his body but stopping just above his hips. My hands were on either side of his head and my face was just above his. I went to sit up, but he forced my body back down.

  “You want me to tap Jasmine?”

  I was a little breathless “Um, yea, you lost Angel.”

  “Yea, well Jasmine, I want you.”

  Before I had time to process what he said, he shoved me down past his hips and I came in hard contact with him. Oddly enough, the shiver that went up my spine had nothing to do with fear. There was no panic rising, there wasn’t anything but what I was feeling at the moment. First the giddy feeling and now this? So this is what normal felt like?

  “Jasmine,” he growled my name and another shiver went up my spine. This was a little weird; good weird though. “Jasmine where are you? I want you here now, not in your damn head.” His hands gripped my hips hard, “You feel that? You see what you do to me? I want you Jasmine. God I want you.” His hands were fisted in my hair and his lips came crushing hard on to mine. He growled, “Pay attention Jasmine and kiss me back.”

  God this man's lips! He was nipping and licking, waiting and wanting entry inside. I was lost to him, to his feel, to his taste. Again, I wasn’t panicking; the only thing I was focused on and felt was him. Could it be finally, finally I could be normal? Could I enjoy this without feeling dirty or scared? Four years, four long goddamn years and finally I felt some type of desire and it didn't scare the shit out of me or make me feel like a dirty slut.

  He broke the kiss; both of us were breathing unevenly. I was just happy I could enjoy this. His hands came to cradle my face, "God Jasmine, you don‘t understand how much I want you!"

  The intensity in his eyes, I knew he wasn’t lying: well that and his hard-on pressing into me. But his admission sc
ared me a little bit, and it thrilled me. With other girls, Angel was subtle in his desire for them. He never had to chase them, never had to express any interest. Probably because they just used to flock to him, he never really had to put in any work with anyone. So for him to openly admit that he wanted me, it was a nice ego boost! It also showed how much he really wanted and cared for me.

  He licked his lips, "Your kisses, are intoxicating. Your lips taste amazing. I want to taste your other lips too Jasmine. Could you let me do that? Could you let me devour you? Drown in you? I want to watch you shatter for me Jasmine. I want to hear your cries of passion; I want my name screaming from those gorgeous lips." He traced his thumb across my lips as my breath began to quicken. I started imagining what his words were saying. I felt him get even harder beneath me. Only desire and the need to let him do those things to me coursed through me. This was progress, progress I hoped would not end.

  "And when I've consumed every sweet drop of your orgasms, I'm going to bury my dick so far in you and fuck you till you can't think of anything but me and the pleasure I am giving you." I closed my eyes trying to imagine Angel giving me this pleasure. Could I handle it? Could he erase the bad and make better memories for me? "That's my good girl." He brought his lips to my ear, "I’ll bet you're dripping wet right now. I’ll bet that beautiful little pussy of yours is begging to be fucked."

  I froze; a nice bucket of ice-cold water was thrown on my desire and it was replaced by full-blown panic and fear. I tried to get it under control. Tried to remember I was at the gym, but I couldn't get out of my nightmare. Why was he doing this? I didn't want him; I didn't want this. Please stop. I don't want this. "

  You will, you little bitch. That cunt of yours is begging to be fucked by me. I own you Jasmine, look how wet you are for me. Now shut the fuck up and take this dick."
