Read Shattered Dreams Page 1

  Shattered Dreams

  Luna's Children Book 1

  Copyright © 2013 by Melissa Kay Clarke - All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places,

  events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination

  or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,

  living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  To my family. I couldn't have done it without

  your love and support. Thank you for believing

  in me when I had no belief of my own.

  Special thanks to my beta readers for the suggestions,

  comments and holding my hand while

  I wrote, rewrote and rewrote again.

  You know who you are!

  Luna's Children Series

  Shattered Dreams

  Broken Melody

  Lorestone: The Strength Within

  Sapphire Lake (Short Story - coming soon)

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23



  In the time when time began, Father Sol brought forth two children, Terra and Luna. It was obvious that Sol favored Terra over her gentler sister and indulged her shamelessly by granting her every desire. Soon she was adorned in beautiful blue and green gowns, her head wreathed in lovely soft white. He gave her jewels of rainbows, and many living things to love and occupy her time. Luna said nothing, choosing to watch in silent suffering.

  As is normal when a child is over indulged, Terra cared little for all Father Sol granted to her. She became vain, choosing to ignore the creatures put into her care. Sol was saddened to see her indifference and as parents often do with the spoiled, he took it upon himself to watch over them. But, he could not spend all of his time worrying with his daughter's playthings and asked her younger sister to help him. She readily agreed for in her watching of her sister, she loved them.

  So, Luna took the things that were about in the darkness of Sol's absence into her care; the owls, foxes, coyotes, bats, and wolves along with other great and small creatures. Wanting to draw closer to them, one evening she changed herself into a beautiful woman with silver eyes and bright moonbeams for hair. Quietly, she slipped into the forest and took a walk with her new charges, asking them if there was anything that they would wish for themselves. They clamored for her attention, shouting their desires to her. All of them, that is, with the exception of the wolves who sat back and watched quietly.

  Luna moved among them and listened to their petitions. To the owls, she granted night sight so they may see to hunt in the darkness. To the foxes, she gave cunning. The bats were given the ability to see without seeing and so on through all the creatures. One by one they took their gifts and ran away until only the wolves remained. As she was about to leave and return to the sky above, she saw the wolves sitting by quietly. “Is there nothing I may give to you?” she asked softly.

  The oldest of the wolves shook his head. “You have given your attention so that we may not be forgotten. Instead of a gift to us, we wish to bless you with one of our own.” As one, they lifted their heads and sang a song of their appreciation to her.

  Luna was so moved by their selflessness, she caressed each of the six (four males and two females), her tears shining brightly in her beautiful eyes until they fell and swarmed about becoming fireflies. “Oh my sweet wolves, thank you for your song. I am touched by your thoughtful, unselfish gift. In return, I will grant not just one but to each of you a single wish. Please tell me your heart's desire.”

  The oldest brother went first. “I would wish for strength so that I may look after my pack and protect them from those who would cause us harm.”

  “Granted,” she kissed him on his soft head. “You shall be called Alpha and your strength will be great. To help you with your task, there shall be another called Beta. I will leave the task of appointing a beta from among your brothers to your wisdom. Go forth and take charge of your pack.”

  The eldest nodded his great head and stepped back respectfully rejoining his siblings.

  The second took a step forward. “I wish for the ability to heal my brothers and sisters, so that they will know little pain.”

  Luna nodded. “A wise choice and again one that will serve your people well.” She kissed him on his head. “You will have the knowledge to care for the well being of your kind. Go forth and help your people.”

  The second stepped back with the others.

  The next stepped forward. “I wish for the ability to know when my family is feeling sorrow so that I may share their burden and pain.”

  Again, she kissed the wolf on his head and granted his wish. “You will know what your siblings are feeling and share their burdens. Go forth and console your pack.”

  The third stepped back and rejoined his family.

  The fourth, a sister, stepped forward. “I wish for the ability watch our kind, past and future so that I may see if something wishes our people harm.”

  Luna nodded, her heart touched by the selflessness of these beautiful creatures, each one's concern only for their people. “Granted. You will be able to see the lives of your people as they unfold, both past, present and future. This ability will manifest as a waking dream in which you may see what they see. Go forth and watch over your family,” and she kissed her head.

  The fourth stepped back as the fifth stepped forward. “I am afraid that our pack will be lonely. I see the other creatures and how they struggle to find a suitable mate. I wish that all our people may find a perfect mate, one for one, to cherish for all eternity.”

  “Another wise choice.” She blessed his shaggy head with a kiss. “From this moment on, the wolves shall have a perfect mate with whom to share his or her life. You shall know your mate by eye contact, for that is the window into your soul. So that all will know your joy at discovering your mate, a unique individual mark shall be produced – mirror images that fit perfectly together. Go forth and find the one that completes you perfectly.”

  The wolves felt great joy for now they would be able to care for each other in all ways. Luna looked upon them with love in her heart for they were truly noble beasts to care so much for each other. Then her eyes fell upon the least of them, a smallest sister. “What about you, little one. What would be your wish?”

  The others quietened instantly and looked upon her. She took a breath and stepped forward. “Oh great Luna, you have given so much to us, I have no other desire but to see my fellow wolves prosper and to never forget the love that you have shown us. I wish to always be mindful of the great generosity of you and that our voices be forever raised in gratitude to you.”

  Luna was taken aback by the gentle request of the least of them. Slowly she nodded her head. “So shall it be, I will grant your wish, little sister. You shall lift your voice in song. But, I will also bind your people together with it. The melody you have given to me this night shall become one with the life force of the wolves.” She hummed
a bit of the haunting melody they had given to her earlier. Taking the song, she twisted it into their heartbeats and souls, binding them to each other. Then she took their bound songs and melded it with her own. When she had finished, she stepped back and looked at them, the soft song of their lives in perfect harmony to her own. “It is done. You are now bound to each other for all eternity and to me as well. You will seek out each other, forming close knit packs, for your melody will demand it and sing your song while I watch over you from above. Together, you will be strong and build a good life for yourselves and your offspring for all eternity.” She gently caressed them and smiled. “Because you have been so selfless in your requests, I grant you one more gift. In honor of the nobility of your race and the binding of your lives with mine, you shall be able to shift between your natural form to mine – from animal to human and back again at will.”

  As the night finished its time upon Terra's form, Luna left to return to her home in the stars. Just as she was fading from view, she whispered one more promise to her most favored of charges.

  “From this moment on, you will be known as my children.”

  The Gifts of Luna

  as taken from The Archives