Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 23

  “I’d say you’ve been good for two days,” Tevin said stretching his legs out before him. “What are you going to do?”

  “Ignore it.”

  “What about her?”

  “I doubt she cares. She’s a cold hearted little bitch.”

  Tevin frowned, “More like vulnerable, the kind that is really dangerous.”

  “I don’t need it right now.” Robbie sighed, falling back on his pillows, eyes closed. “Is Gloria here?”

  “She’s talking to our PR agent and Christine Pendall.”

  Christine, Haden’s producer was a ball buster when it came to scandals. She could do uproar with the best. Lately, those infamous uproars which included, yelling and cursing had been finding Robbie more than usual. He wasn’t up to one that he hadn’t earned.

  “Can you cover for me?” Robbie asked Tevin.

  “Where will you be?”

  “Fixing this, or getting the most out of it,” Robbie said sliding out of bed, quite comfortable in his own skin; he sauntered to the bathroom door. “I’m going to talk to Zoella before Christine takes it out on me.”

  “Zoella’s different,” Tevin warned.

  “We’ll see.”


  “How can you come here when there is such heat going out there?” Kelly demanded. “She doesn’t even want to see you. You’re just making things worse by showing up. You shouldn’t have come.”

  “I have to talk to her.” Robbie insisted. “You wouldn’t have let me in if you didn’t think the same.”

  “I let you in because if we left you out there, you’d become mince meat in a minute. Those reporters are like blood hounds today,” Kelly said shaking her head. This was such a mess. “She says she hates you.”

  “The feeling is mutual. She’s going to have to say it to my face.”

  “Mr. McClaire,” Kelly said in exasperation, “do you think I’m one of your minions to order about? My only concern in this issue is Zoella Mya, and your being here is not benefiting her in any way. Which makes you a problem I have to solve and I’m doing that by asking you to leave.”

  Robbie stared at the dominatrix that was Zoella’s manager and sighed. They must have an academy for these women. Kelly was every bit a pain in the ass as Gloria. She was actually worse because she was managing to act like a pit-bull.

  “I am not leaving,” Robbie said stubbornly. “I have to talk to her. I have questions.”

  “Me too,” Kelly said. “But they don’t get answered; I don’t see why yours have to be.”

  Reaching for her cell phone she pressed a number. “Tony, come in here please. I think Mr. McClaire needs an escort to his car.”

  Robbie’s eyes narrowed and he said, “Get her or let me in to see her. Body guards don’t scare me. She needs me to shut up about what I know. I’m pretty sure if you kick me out of here, I’ll let it slip that I saw her with Williams on his wedding day.”

  Kelly sighed. “Threats are not very becoming.”

  “I’m not trying to win a medal on behavior,” Robbie said sourly.

  “Do you realize you’ve been a plague on my life this week? Why do you meddle in matters that don’t concern you?” Kelly burst out, angry now beyond belief.

  “I’ve never met you before today.”

  “You don’t need to have met me,” Kelly retorted, shaking her head.

  Moving to the windows, she stared down at the crowd below and felt a shudder go through her. Leaving this hotel would require some intricate logistics. The reporters were like vultures prowling around waiting to pounce. Zoe wasn’t ready for this and it would only make her more upset.

  Turning to stare at Robbie, she sighed.

  How did such a handsome man become a pain in the ass? Oh yeah, he’s a rock star, duh, she told herself.

  “What do you need to know so badly?” she asked.

  “It’s none of your business,” Robbie said his arms at his hips.

  “You’re only seeing her if it’s to fix things.” Kelly warned. “So far, you don’t impress me.”

  “Fix things? She’s fixing things,” Robbie said with a frown.

  “No. You’re fixing things. You’re too thick headed, you know. All I can say is that what you’re thinking is between Kenny and Zoe is all wrong.”

  Robbie didn’t like that statement. He wasn’t blind or stupid. He’d seen the emotion on their faces. Abandoning the conversation with Kelly, he turned on his heel and headed for the study room door. He collided with the body guard who’d been summoned. Meeting the huge guy’s gaze, he shrugged and kept walking.

  The penthouse had an upstairs and piano music drifted down to the living room. He took the stairs two at a time and followed the music to what he assumed was the master bedroom. The bodyguard had come after him so he didn’t knock on the door; he just walked in and locked the door behind him.

  Leaning on it, he turned to find Zoe seated on the piano bench in a white silk night gown, her hair a tangled mess around her shoulders, her gaze fixed on him.

  The dark gaze was caught between being wary and defiant.

  “I’m not leaving until we talk,” Robbie said before she could say anything. “You and I have business.”

  “You are making budging into my life a habit, signore,” Zoe said, turning back to the piano. Reaching for a pencil on the surface of the piano, she scribbled notes on sheet music. “Did you have a good night?”

  “Yes, until I woke up,” Robbie said moving slowly around the messy room.

  Clothes seemed to be everywhere. The large bed was rumpled and unmade. There wasn’t a surface in the elegant room that was neat. Moving a sweater from a Victorian chair, he sat down. Placing the sweater on the table beside him, he sighed.

  “We’re going to talk.”

  Zoe ran her fingers over the piano keys. She’d lost concentration when he’d entered, “What do you want from me?”

  “The truth,” Robbie answered. “Kenny has been my best friend for a very long time. In all those years, I’ve never seen him like I did when you two were talking that day of the wedding, in the drawing room.”

  “You eavesdropped,” Zoe said understanding where his anger was coming from, “you shouldn’t have.”

  “It couldn’t be helped. I was following you. I wanted to talk to you.”

  Meeting his gaze she was struck by how sincere that statement was. Suddenly, the man she’d met at the chapel gardens was before her and for reasons known only to the universe, she explained.

  “Kenny and I are just friends. I’ve known him since I was fourteen. I would never break up his happiness. He deserves it more than you’ll ever understand,” Zoe said quietly, breaking eye contact, she got up. “You should have asked instead of making your own conclusions.”

  “I would believe you but your voice trembles every time you say his name,” Robbie said, green eyes following her as she moved to stand by the windows. Pushing a curtain, she peered down at the press. “You are in love with him.”

  “What’s wrong with everyone?” Zoe couldn’t quite understand the conclusion from Robbie; it was the same one her mother had been suggesting the day of the wedding. She loved Kenny yes, but she loved him as she did Danny, her brother. “Are you in love with your band mates, because what you are suggesting sounds that ridiculous to me?”

  “That is such a stupid comparison. We’re guys. Sometimes we can’t even stand each other,” Robbie said with a laugh. “How can you use that to rationalize your situation?”

  “Why can’t I?” Zoe demanded hands at her hips. “You know what, forget it. Believe what you want. I’m in love with Kenny. I’m so in love with him I can’t think straight. What is it to you? He’s married, isn’t he? I’m in Australia while they’re both somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands. Your worries are useless.”

  “Your temper is short.” Robbie commented, enjoying the flashing eyes and the pursed lips which made h
er dimples appear. He was enjoying pushing her buttons. Her outburst about being in love with Kenny had been so flat. He could see it now. There was nothing romantic about that relationship. It was almost like she looked up to Kenny. The realization made him feel so ecstatic. “What do we do about the press?”

  “I’m not bothered by that,” Zoe said not liking the way he was smiling at her. She also didn’t like the fact that she was attracted to him. “It’s all lies, why comment?”

  “The press will make you comment. Otherwise assumptions will be made.”

  “You think people will believe that you and I are having an affair?” Zoe laughed. “Who would believe this?”

  Insulted, Robbie said, “I thought you were having one with Kenny.” He raised a brow at her. “What makes you think an affair between us is farfetched. You’re a beautiful woman, and I do like you very much.”

  Ignoring the squeeze in her heart at that comment, Zoe retaliated. “I don’t like you at all.”

  “You’re lying to yourself then,” Robbie stated confidently. “What did you tell me in Italian last night?”

  He’d felt evil when she’d said it.

  “I told you to go to hell,” Zoe answered moving to her bed to pick up a robe. She suddenly wanted to protect herself from Robbie’s unrelenting green gaze. It was as though he saw everything. “I figured you conveniently did.”

  “Oh yeah,” Robbie asked getting up from the chair. That smile on Zoe’s lips fascinated him. He moved closer to her. “You annoy me. It annoys me how much I want to know you, and how difficult you are.”

  “It’s not my problem,” Zoe said watching him warily.

  He was now standing so close; she could see the green in his eyes so clearly. It unnerved her. He made her aware of herself as a woman. So much she wanted to hold him. Press against him and allow him to hold her.

  Shaking her head at that thought, she looked away and said, “Are we done now?”

  “No,” Robbie said, his gaze moving over her soft olive skin.

  She took a step back and he reached for her arm to stop her. He closed the distance between them, and slid an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He lifted his other hand to bring her chin up.

  Zoe trembled as she met green eyes.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he said, when she gasped.

  “Don’t,” Zoe said afraid of it when she was unable to look away. She felt captured by his gaze. She didn’t want to move away, she wanted him.

  As his head lowered closer, her heart pounded hard against her chest. She closed her eyes at the feel of his lips over hers. A thrilling shiver ran through her. He kissed her softly. Pressing his lips over hers more firmly, she found herself responding and kissing him back. Her arms came up to cling to his shoulders as he deepened the kiss making her breathless. When he pulled back a bit, she sighed.

  “Accept it.” Robbie urged, running his hand over her back. His fingers moved up to sink into her soft hair. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Smiling at the surprise in her eyes, Robbie captured her lips in another kiss, this time it was deep and urgent. Desire rose between them like wild fire, consuming her like never before. Clinging to him, she allowed him to explore her mouth. His tongue moving over hers so sensually she wondered if it was possible to actually combust from the heat.

  One moment she was thinking the next they were spiraling out of control. His hands moved over her body awakening feelings she’d never imagined she could have. The heat he left behind threatened to swallow her. She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped.

  The sound of it pleased him and as he ran a hand down her hip, his fingers bunched the silky fabric of her night gown. He wanted her. She was so hot. The taste of her so sweet, she responded with wild abandon. She wanted. He knew she wanted.

  Panic had Zoe pulling away abruptly.

  He was making her lose control. Pushing away from him, she made space between them by moving around the piano. Breathing hard, she stared at him with wide eyes.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Robbie asked, breathing hard. His brain in a daze, he wanted more.

  “You’ve got to go.” Zoe managed, clinging to the polished piano surface. “You have to leave.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Robbie said moving around the piano toward her.

  “It’s just a kiss,” Zoe said moving back to the window. “If you leave now, it will be over.”

  “Come on,” Robbie said moving around the chair she’d placed in his way. He couldn’t walk away now, he just couldn’t. He wanted her.

  “I want you to leave,” Zoe said vehemently. Running fingers through her hair, she marveled at how achy she felt. She was shaking. It was almost as though she felt alive for the first time. It was mind blowing and the only way to deal with this was to run or him run, either way, someone had to give the other distance.

  Robbie was of different thought. He moved closer and was cupping her cheeks in his palms before she could talk again. Closing her eyes as he leaned down and kissed her again he said, “It’s not just a kiss.”

  “You really must go.” Zoe mumbled when he stopped kissing her again.

  “No,” Robbie said against her lips. “We’re already the morning news. This is the first time I’m actually grateful for it.”

  “I can’t do this,” Zoe said placing her hands on his chest ready to push him away. Yet all she did was manage to bunch the fabric of his t-shirt. “Not with you.”

  “Oh you won’t be doing it with anyone else.” Robbie warned. “I won’t let you.”

  “You’re not my keeper,” Zoe said looking up at him. “We can’t stand each other. We’ll drive each other crazy.”

  “Stop professing the worst,” Robbie said with a smile. “I like our fights.”

  “I hate you,” Zoe said in answer.

  “You secretly like me.” Robbie countered his expression smug. “Go out with me. Let’s have a date.”

  Zoe sighed and leaned her head on his broad chest. He was impossible she decided when he hugged her close.

  In a week, she’d leave the city and it would be over. He would be a good destruction.

  Holding her closely, he sighed too, knowing that this was not what he’d been imagining would be the outcome of this visit. He couldn’t break away for some reason.

  God, he loved her scent, he thought.

  She was—it was better not to define that yet, he thought.


  Two months later, Gloria Swanson sat on a high stool at a bar in New York, staring at a cosmopolitan magazine. There was a story of Robbie McClaire’s latest flame, and a picture of Zoella Mya and Robbie together accompanied it. It was surprising to see that they were still together.

  “I don’t know whether to be grateful or wary about this,” Gloria said to Christine Pendleton.

  “It’s grounding him a bit,” Christine said with a sigh. “He’s writing music which is good for the band. I’m not sure about the rest.”

  “There have been no scandals.” Gloria noted. “Her camp is strict, they don’t take anything lightly. I always thought Chris Stone was a control freak.”

  “He is,” Christine said, her gaze moving over Zoella Mya in the picture, “But I suspect it has to do with her more than it does with him. There is something about her I can’t put my finger on.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s a very talented musician. She’s effectively taken the entire world by storm, but she’s a recluse. Apart from Robbie, there is no other public part of her life. And she’s keeping him in a tight box also don’t you think that’s very peculiar for a musician. Take Haden; there isn’t any fan out there who won’t tell you Robbie’s favorite brand of clothing, or even food. Hell they even know the kind of tissue he prefers in the bathroom. With her, there is nothing.”

  “She’s not like Robbie. Haden is a rock band, we attract crazies. She’
s all passionate and touchy feely music, her fans are classy.”

  Christine shook her head. “Say what you want, but I do think there is something there.”

  Gloria sipped her drink and closed the magazine. “I think we should just see where this takes us. He’s happy, that’s my priority. You and I should just relax for now anyway.”


  “Why are you holding back? Your music is dynamite, the States would love you.”

  “Because I can’t go there, it’s not a move I’m comfortable with,” Zoe said calmly. The trick was to not show even the slightest crack in your armor when dealing with corporate Chris. He was a hard deal maker, and refused to make any sort of concessions on decisions already made.

  Her crossing over to the States was a battle she was ready to do. She wasn’t going to cave in.

  “Your personal feelings shouldn’t influence—

  “Stop right there. I don’t think we are going to agree on this issue, Chris,” Zoe said. “I have made my decision and it’s not changing any time soon. Don’t push this any further.”

  “I’m going to get an aneurism soon because of you.” Chris sighed shaking his head. Moving around the elegant boardroom, he came to stand over her. “Is it the new fling?”

  “My fling with Robbie has nothing to do with this,” Zoe said smiling at the comment. Leaning back on the chair, she looked up to meet his hazel eyes. “Are you jealous?”

  “You know I am,” Chris said seating on the corner of the table, he studied her. She was glowing. It was almost ridiculous how golden her skin seemed. Her hair usually a wild mess was groomed to shining perfection though she still wasn’t holding it. “He’s changing you.”

  “He can’t change me. I’m still the same woman, Chris.” Zoe answered refusing to think about the reason she was still seeing Robbie McClaire. “Look, I’m going to do all the tours you may want me to and go wherever—

  “But not the U.S,” Chris finished for her.

  Holding her gaze, they both remained silent for a moment,

  “Will you tell me why one of these days?” Chris asked.

  “I have already told you.”

  “Those are excuses, love, and we both know it,” Chris said his gaze thoughtful.

  “Well,” Zoe sighed. “I will tell you sometime.”