Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 28

  “Athena,” Gabriella said. “I know this is really hard. If you want, I will play that role.”

  “There is no other way, I know there isn’t.” Athena sighed. “But I don’t want to do it. I can’t do it, Gabriella.”

  “Then let me. I’ll play the bad cop role, Athena. I can force her into it.” Gabriella promised.

  “You don’t have to force. We can try persuasion,” Athena said looking away. It pained her to do this, but what choices did they have.


  Holding her gasp, Zoe stepped back from the kitchen door and tried to gather her wits. She couldn’t believe it. Athena was joining them.

  She’d come back to get her wine and paused when Athena had been talking. The last part was a shock. She knew her family well enough to understand that they weren’t joking. Castilles happened to have too much influence, she thought with disgust.

  They would get her to the States.

  Stepping back again, Zoe headed down the corridor. Her heart pounding loudly, she knew that there was no way she was going for that hearing. She couldn’t.

  When she reached the foyer, she stood there a moment staring at the front door. Her vision was blurry. She was drunk, and perhaps it was amplifying her fear.

  Zoe wasn’t aware of having moved.

  One moment she was standing, the next she was quietly opening the door and slipping out. All she knew was that she was not attending that hearing.


  Chapter Seventeen

  “How was the consortium,” Danny said into his cell phone.

  He was lying on a lounge chair by the pool at the Sea Green Luxury club in Athens city, sunglasses resting on his nose. Tamia leaned up beside him and popped a grape into his mouth. He smiled at her and she kissed his jaw.

  “I have survived it,” Alex Chang said. “Imagine that. After this, I’m going to visit the nearest club and party for a week. I don’t know how you do it.”

  “I’m impressed, Alex,” Danny chuckled at his best friend. “I was giving you a week.”

  “Such faith in me,” Alex said with a laugh. “Where are you? No, let me guess. You sound too relaxed to be in that office of yours. Athens?”

  “Yes,” Danny said. “I’m taking a leaf out of your life. It feels good.”

  “Did you take the secretary?” Alex asked.

  “Not that it’s any of your business,” Danny chuckled.

  “Finally,” Alex said in mock joy. “You were starting to worry me.”

  “Don’t exaggerate matters,” Danny said, his phone beeped alerting him to an incoming call. “I’m hanging up now. Go talk up an executive.”

  “Come on, I’m surrounded by old men in suits who’re discussing graphs.” Alex complained. “Don’t hang up.”

  “You should appreciate me more,” Danny teased. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Fine,” Alex sighed and ended the call.

  Danny answered the other call.

  “Yes, Jess?”

  “Is Zoe with you?” Jessica asked.

  “No.” Danny said, glancing at his watch, “its six o’clock in the evening, she could be out having some fun. She’s not at home?”

  “No, I thought you’d picked her up.” Jessica sighed. “Oh well, Athena is concerned, that’s why I called.”

  “She could be with that music teacher from AMS,” Danny said he’d had the guy checked out after that first night when Zoe had stayed out late. “He’s okay; she should be fine with him.”

  “You’re right,” Jessica sighed again. “I’m sorry. I think I’m just feeding off Aunt Athena’s anxiety about her. Enjoy yourself big brother.”

  “Good night, Jess.” Danny finished the call and placed his cell phone on a table beside him. Looking at Tamia he smiled. “I apologize.”

  “How much,” Tamia asked meeting his gaze.

  She smiled when he sat up and moved to sit on her chair. His dark hair falling over his left brow, his dark eyes sexy and smoldering, she couldn’t believe he could be so agreeable. Her breath hitched when he leaned over her.

  “This much,” he said, pressing a kiss on her lips, she reached up and sank her fingers into his soft dark hair in bliss.


  “Tony, where is Zoe?” Athena asked it was ten o’clock at night.

  Zoe wasn’t back, and no one remembered her leaving. She always said goodbye and when she’d be back. But today, there had been nothing.

  A trip to Zoe’s room had surprised her because the suite was smart and clean, no clothes dumped everywhere. This meant that Zoe had not returned to her room after the maids had cleaned.

  “I haven’t seen her. She’s been in the house all day,” Tony answered. “The last time I saw her she was in the kitchen with you.”

  “That’s hours ago,” Athena said. “All the cars are here?”

  “Yes, madam,” Tony said. “I don’t think she’s left. She is somewhere in the house.”

  “Fine, Tony, just alert everyone to be on the look out. And if you see her, don’t tell her am looking, I just want to know where she is.”

  “Of course,” Tony said, and then hurried off to do his own search. It worried him that no one had seen Zoe. The girl was capable of slipping in out of places, he knew her well.

  Alone, Athena let out a sigh and wondered why she was feeling so uneasy. May be it was the lack of music; Zoe was always blasting music in her room, or playing piano in the ballroom. The silence was deafening.


  By morning, the worry had spread through the household. Kenny came down to the kitchen to find Alain staring out the window. Frowning, he greeted,

  “Alain, what’s so interesting in the morning?”

  “Morning Williams,” Alain said, nodding to the coffee pot. “Coffee is fresh.”

  “Why are you so down in the morning?”

  “Zoe didn’t come home,” Alain said.

  “What?” Kenny said, in surprise. “Are you sure she’s not in one of the rooms having a moment with the wine?”

  “Stop joking, Williams, she’s nowhere to be found. Tony looked for her himself.”

  Kenny sighed and abandoned his coffee. He was going to strangle this woman.

  What was with the disappearing acts lately? It was getting old.

  “Damn it,” Kenny said. “Am sure she’s within the compound, she can’t go anywhere else now.”

  “Yeah,” Alain shrugged. Moving away from the kitchen window, he went back to his work at the sink. “She was losing it yesterday, you know, she broke my wine bottle on the floor. I never realized how strong she was.”

  “What happened yesterday, Alain?”

  “There was a moment, here in my kitchen. Miss Zoe got angry at Julia and yelled at them all,” Alain said, looking up at Kenny. “Maybe you should be more concerned about getting her back with Robbie.”

  “That’s not happening,” Kenny said. “I gotta go find her. Tell Jessica I had to go out.”


  “Demetrius Avinoff?”

  Demetrius glanced up from his desk to find two men standing at his office door. They were both tall; one was blonde and the other dark haired. They were casually dressed in t-shirts and shorts, their feet in sandals, despite the relaxed outfits, the look in their eyes spelled trouble.

  “Yes, how may I help you?”

  “I am Danny Castille and this is Kenny Williams, can we have a few minutes of your time?”

  He wasn’t sure what it was that made him stand up, but the Castille name gave him pause. This was the second time someone affiliated with Zoe had come to talk with him.

  “Please come in.”

  “Thank you,” Danny said. “I’m sure you’ve already figured it out. I am Zoe Castille’s brother. Do you mind if we ask you some questions.”

  “Go ahead,” Demetrius said, his gaze moving to the blond man beside Danny. He seemed on edge, like he was re
ady to lash out at him. “What’s happened to Zoe? Her bodyguard was asking me about her days ago.”

  “Have you spoken to her?” Danny asked. “Has she called you?”

  “No, she hasn’t. And I haven’t seen her since the last time I came to the Villa,” Demetrius said. “I called her once, but she didn’t answer.”

  “You really haven’t seen her?” Kenny asked with a frown.

  “No,” Demetrius said, shaking his head.

  Danny nodded, studying him for a moment; he then turned and placed a hand on Kenny’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  “Are you sure?” Kenny asked his tone hard.

  “Yes. Come on.” Danny urged. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Avinoff.”

  Kenny gave Demetrius one last glance, those silver grey eyes giving a warning, before he allowed Danny to lead him to the door.

  Alone, Demetrius let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Those two were extremely dangerous, he decided whatever was going on he pitied the person who’d be on the wrong side of those two.


  “Scare him much,” Jessica asked when Kenny and Danny got back to the villa. “Demetrius doesn’t have a clue and you just had to go there.”

  “Zoe’s capable of going to his place,” Kenny said. “This is like before and it never used to be easy to find her.”

  “Are you sure she’s not at Aledeus,” Danny said. “She just can’t disappear.”

  “Olivia, who takes care of the house at Aledeus, says she hasn’t seen her,” Jessica said. “Athena didn’t believe her so she had Tony go there and check. Zoe’s not there. Which makes me ask, perhaps she was kidnapped?”

  “That’s jumping to conclusions,” Danny said pacing the living room, a hand at his hip. “Besides, anyone who kidnaps a Castille will demand money. The person we should call is Chris Stone. He might have given her a place to stay in London. That man is very cunning.”

  They were in the living room where Jessica had been busy making calls to deal with a few matters at her London office. She was now seated on the edge of the couch, with Kenny and Danny both pacing the living room carpet like caged animals.

  Kenny sighed and dropped into an armchair. He closed his eyes and said, “She’s breaking.”

  “If it happens when she’s alone,” Jessica spoke out their worry.

  “We won’t let it happen!” Danny ordered, giving them both a hard glare, he huffed and headed out of the room, living them alone.

  “We should call Robbie,” Jessica said suddenly, from what Athena had told her, he seemed like the only one who could help her sister.

  “It should be a last result,” Kenny said tired. “I’m afraid Robbie might not be too receptive to Zoe’s problems right now. Aunt Athena has a few people who might know something, let her make the calls and then we’ll call McClaire.”


  “I have the numbers you requested,” Ian, the assistant, announced into the living room, making Robbie turn around to stare at the lanky young man Gloria had foisted on them at the airport. “The car will be downstairs in a few minutes.”

  Robbie raised an eyebrow at the speedy results of his orders. He didn’t want to know how Ian had gotten the phone numbers.

  Tevin came down from his room and paused at the sight of them. He was holding a beach towel and a pair of sunglasses, dressed in shorts and sandals; he was clearly ready to hit poolside.

  “Are you sure about this?” Tevin asked. “Ian, will you give us a moment please.”

  Ian excused himself and left the room, leaving Robbie to stare at Tevin.

  “We’ve already talked about this.”

  “I’m just saying Mick and Ron have a point. Torturing yourself is not helping the situation, maybe you shouldn’t go.”

  “It’s good for everyone to have an opinion,” Robbie said, heading for the phone. “Have a good time at the pool.”

  “I will,” Tevin said. “Call me if you need me.”

  “Sure,” Robbie said not turning to see Tevin leave the penthouse.

  Robbie picked up the phone and dialed the number Ian had circled as Mr. Thad’s personal line.

  A young woman answered and he said, “I’m looking for Mr. Castille.”

  “I’m sorry but he is preoccupied at the moment.”

  “I need to talk to him, tell him it’s Robbie McClaire.”

  There was a pause and then she said, “Mr. McClaire, I apologize. Mr. Castille informed us that if you called we were to direct you to the Villa. Please jot down this address; I will alert him that you’re on your way.”


  It took thirty minutes to get to Villa Thermopolis. The car pulled up at the front and Robbie took a few minutes to appreciate the beauty around him. His gaze strayed to the massive entrance doors and a frown creased his forehead. He got out and hurried up the steps wondering what he was going to find in there.

  A butler let him in and ushered him to a living room with an amazing view of the Aegean. He’d visited the Villa with Zoe once, but they had never had a chance to spend an extended amount of time here. Their schedule conflicts had seen to that. Their honeymoon was supposed to have taken care of that, but here he was chasing dreams.

  Thaddeus didn’t allow him to wait long. He came in looking as powerful as always.

  He knew Thaddeus had always had reservations about him, but that hadn’t stopped Robbie from respecting the hell out of this man. Thaddeus Castille was the definition of a man of honor; he defended and protected his family with all he had.

  “Good of you to come, McClaire,” Thaddeus said, waving for him to sit. “You’re welcome here anytime.”

  “Thank you,” Robbie said sitting down on the couch. “How have you been?”

  “Well,” Thaddeus said taking a seat in an armchair across him, “not as industrious as you though.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Tell me, McClaire, what brings you to Athens?”

  Robbie’s eyes narrowed as he realized Thaddeus’s intent. This was an interrogation.

  Swallowing angry words, Robbie answered, “I need to talk to Zoe.”

  “Has she called you?” Thaddeus asked, his gaze probing.

  “No,” Robbie said. “I know she’s staying here. It would be nice if you called her for me.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Thaddeus said with a shake of his head.

  “Why not,” Robbie demanded. “Are you stopping me from seeing her? Because—

  “I may have reservations about you, but I’d never play that role when Zoe feels the way she does about you.” Thaddeus cut in, his tone hard. “I can’t call her to meet you because she’s not here.”

  Robbie frowned. “I’ll wait then—

  “She’s missing. I was hoping she’d called you.”

  “Missing,” Robbie scoffed. “Isn’t that getting to be a habit? This is her home for goodness sakes where else would she go?”

  “Good question,” Thaddeus mused, his gaze studying Robbie. Robbie was feigning lack of concern but he was obviously tense.

  “She’s probably out in the town,” Robbie shrugged. “When she’s back, I’d like to talk with her.”


  “What do you mean?” Robbie shook his head. “After all that has happened, you still ask me why? She’s your daughter, maybe you can give me the answers I need.”

  “What answers?”

  “Why did she lie to me?” Robbie asked his gaze narrowed. “I don’t know why she brought that bastard to our house, but now that I look at you, it’s even clearer that she lied to me.”

  “I don’t have a clue,” Thaddeus replied. “But what does it matter to you Robbie? You’re free.”

  Thaddeus stood up and moved to the bar set up by the wall, pouring two shots of brandy, he turned to study Robbie.

  “I can’t begin to understand why you’re sitting in that chair.”

“Why do you think?” Robbie asked.

  “I think you’re here to heal your injured ego. She has embarrassed you terribly, McClaire. Leaving you at the altar so to speak, you, the famous rock star that you are, sought after by the entire world of women. How dare she? You’d chosen her after all. How dare she leave you?”

  “Are you done?” Robbie asked

  “No, I could go all day,” Thaddeus said still standing at the bar. “There are hordes of women waiting in line for you. You could always go for them. They’d be happy to spend a second in your presence—

  “I want to spend my time with Zoe,” Robbie said through gritted teeth. “I wanted to have her accept me too, so don’t speak like you know everything.”

  “But I do.” Thaddeus sighed, pushing away from the bar, and moving to stand by Robbie’s chair. He held out the glass to him. “Do you care for Zoe, Robbie?”

  Taking the glass, Robbie tossed the scotch back in one gulp. “I love Zoe that will never change.”

  He looked up to meet Thaddeus’s unwavering gaze, his emotions clearly there for Thaddeus to read.

  After a moment, Thaddeus moved back to his seat.

  “The truth is, McClaire, there is a lot you don’t know about Zoe.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Robbie asked affronted by that remark. “I beg to differ—

  “Trust me; she’s a stranger to you,” Thaddeus said, cutting him off again. “If—, and yes, I do say if—, you do get back together, you’re going to be recreating a relationship. This was something she recognized and I believe that’s why she left you.”

  “I can’t listen to you,” Robbie said anger rising fast.

  Robbie wasn’t sure what was making him think that Zoe’s reasons for leaving were much scarier than he imagined. She’d always had this big wall hiding her past, a wall he’d never managed to break. What could be so bad that she needed to run away?

  “I’m not trying to be condescending. I want to help.” Thaddeus admitted.

  “Help,” Robbie scoffed. “If you’d wanted to help you’d have called me the moment you realized she lied to me.”

  “Zoe’s wishes will always take precedence. I can’t change that.”

  “Regardless of the situation and who it involves?” Robbie asked. “Did you even stop to think what this would be like for everyone else?”