Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 30

  Livia didn’t keep wine in her house; Zoe thought sullenly, the woman was forcing her to kick the habit. Her senses were to remain clear, especially if the family found her. Shuddering at the thought, she rubbed her eyes. It was two o’clock in the morning. She was stone cold sober and quite unhappy. Life had never seemed so real.


  “Zoe is at Aledeus,” Thaddeus announced a day later, his gaze moving over his family.

  Julia sat beside Athena and Gabriella, the excitement at the news was apparent in their eyes. Athena smiled.

  “Olivia is keeping her at her cottage.”

  “We should go then,” Athena said happily, checking her watch, “we can be there in time for lunch.”

  “No.” Thaddeus straightened up, his gaze hard as he laid down the law. “We’re not all rushing there.

  “Thad,” Athena gasped, her gaze on him, outrage rising fast.

  “It’s not happening,” Thaddeus said. Turning his gaze to the three gentlemen seated to his right in the living room, he said, “Danny and Kenny will take Robbie to Aledeus.”

  “What!” Athena said, getting up, hands at her waist. “Don’t think you’re going to stop me, Thaddeus Castille.”

  “Thad,” Gabriella stood up to support Athena, effectively making them a team.

  “No, both of you have to see reason. Robbie is the best bet. Zoe won’t listen to any of us. You stay here, Athena, I mean that.”

  “Thaddeus, Athena should be there with her,” Gabriella protested.

  “Zoe needs a firm hand right now; my wife will only give her comfort. I don’t want her to suffer the pain of being there while Zoe faces reality,” Thaddeus said to Gabriella.

  “How kind of you, my love,” Athena said icily, before she left the room in a huff.

  “Athena,” Thaddeus called, looking after her, but she didn’t stop. Gabriella shook her head at him and went after Athena. Thaddeus let out a soft sigh. “Robbie, I’m counting on you.”

  “Yeah,” Robbie said, getting up. “How do I get to this island?”

  “We go to the Limani Zeas, I have a yacht there,” Danny offered. “I’ll see you soon, Uncle.”

  “Uncle,” Kenny said as well as they all left.


  Gabriella found Athena in the kitchen. She was pressing a tissue to the corner of her right eye. Watching her, Gabby marveled at how young Athena looked. Athena was just turning thirty-eight, but one could never guess. Tonight, she was dressed in tight fitting Levis, a tank top, and her feet were encased in low wedges. Her hair was in a ponytail. She could have been mistaken for a co-ed.

  Athena sniffed and Gabriella decided to announce her presence.

  “Men,” Gabriella said when Athena looked up, “can’t live with them, can’t be without them.”

  “No one uses such old lines,” Athena said wiping her nose. Shaking her head she continued, “He can be so bossy. Can’t he see how hard this is?”

  “Of course he can,” Gabriella moved closer. “He’s just trying to protect you from what has to be done.”

  “You surprise me,” Athena said then. “I could have never imagined you’d champion my husband.”

  “He has his moments,” Gabriella grinned. She reached out to push a lock of hair that had escaped Athena’s ponytail behind her ear. “You’ve opened my eyes to a few good things about my brother in-law.”

  “Really,” Athena teased.

  Gabriella’s grin faded and her expression then turned serious. “I owe you my daughter’s life.”

  “She’s a daughter to me too,” Athena replied. “I love her.”

  “I know,” Gabriella sighed. “I know Athena, but you have to let us help you now.”

  “Oh Gabby,” Athena shook her head, tears filling her eyes at the thought of not going to the island. “I don’t know what to do to help her anymore. I’m out of ideas. I’ve done everything, and now Thad won’t let me—

  Gabriella hugged her tight. “Hush, let others help now. I’m sorry I placed this burden on you. It should have been mine. It should have been mine.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Athena said, holding on for strength.


  “It will take us about two hours to get to Aledeus, from the marina,” Kenny explained to Robbie and Tevin an hour later. They were in Piraeus, onboard the Daisy

  Danny was busy directing the crew and making sure everything was in order. Safety was important; the sea could be unpredictable and unforgiving.

  Robbie nodded and stared out into the horizon, wondering what he was going to find at this island. From what he had gathered from the family, Zoe had never been able to forgive her mother and aunt for the way they had treated her during Steve Harden’s trial. She was angry with them, and refused to see reason.

  He didn’t blame her. He couldn’t help seeing the situation from her point of view. She had been the victim; they should have seen that and acted accordingly, especially since they were her family.

  Thaddeus was wrong, Robbie decided, his green eyes narrowed. He knew Zoe. She was no stranger to him. This was not going to break them.


  Aledeus was a paradise, fiercely guarded by the local population. It was a picturesque island, trademarked by the stacked, white box like buildings typical of Greek architecture, with numerous paths weaving through them. The people were a close knit community; it was obvious to Robbie when they docked that their presence on the island would be huge news.

  Most of them knew Danny and Kenny; they greeted them enthusiastically as they drove through the road heading up to the hills where the estate was.

  Large gates opened to allow them into Aledeus, Danny drove up a long winding road that led to a circular driveway with a water fountain of Aphrodite in the middle. Stopping the car at the steps, a young man rushed down to take the car keys from Danny, as they got out.

  The four men headed up toward the bravura house which had a portico with banisters yawning open like arms to welcome them. The door was opened by a polite butler and Kenny asked,


  “In the kitchen, Sir,” the butler said.

  “Zoe?” Kenny asked.

  “Sir,” the butler started.

  “We know she’s here,” Danny said, “tell her that we’re not leaving until we see her.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the butler said with a sigh.

  Kenny walked away first, headed for a corridor that would lead him to the kitchen. Danny nodded to the butler and said to Robbie and Tevin.

  “I’d hoped you’d come here under different circumstances, but there’s nothing to do about that. So, welcome to Aledeus, my family home.”

  “Thanks,” Tevin said, his gaze taking in his surroundings with appreciation. High ceilings, incredible paintings on the walls, each room seemed to flow into the other, the mansion was a compliment to Grecian architecture and style. “I have to say, Castille, I’m impressed.”

  Danny grinned. “So am I, this place has that effect. It’s been here for as long as I can remember. My dad and uncle grew up here. It was built by my great-grandfather.”

  “What was he, a prince?” Robbie teased lightly.

  “Of money,” Danny replied with a laugh. “Come on, it’s time you meet Livia Zandross. She’s taken care of this place forever.”

  “Olivia,” Danny said when they were in the large kitchen, he hugged the short woman, “how have you been?”

  “Very well,” Livia answered, pulling his head down so that she could kiss his forehead. “Are you also in a vile mood like Kenny? I’ve fed him soup hoping it will improve.”

  She nodded to where Kenny stood with a bowl and spoon, leaning against a counter.

  Danny grinned. “Tripe soup might cure his mood.”

  Moving away from Livia, he said, “I have brought you some people you should meet. This is Robert McClaire and Tevin Whittaker, guys this is Olivia Zandros

  Livia turned to stare at the man her Zoe had chosen. He was handsome; she couldn’t help noting the green eyes. Kind and gentle like Dr. Sylvia’s if more pretty to look at. And the smile he was giving her…she could blush. He had a strong jaw, and he carried himself well. He looked like a man who could handle any situation. She prolonged her scrutiny to see his reaction. He didn’t waiver, or fidget under her piercing gaze; he was a strong one, this one.

  “So you are Robbie,” Olivia said, with a welcoming smile. “I’m glad to finally meet you. Although, I doubt what you came looking for here will be as excited.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Robbie answered accepting her hug, she smelled homey, it was strange how comforting her hug was.

  “Good, my girl needs a stronger will.” Olivia turned to Tevin and gaped. “Well, look at this one, he is one gorgeous man.”

  Tevin laughed at her outrageous declaration. “Does that mean I can convince you to feed me? I hear you’re a good cook, better than Alain.”

  “You’re a charmer too,” Olivia said. “Don’t think I don’t see you nosing in my business, Williams.”

  “Come on, Livia, I’m starving. I only want to appreciate your skills.” Kenny called from the gas cooker where a few pots were covered.

  “That one is dangerous,” Livia said with a wink. She hooked her arm with Tevin’s and led him toward Kenny. “Robbie, she’s in the rose gardens. Go through that door over there, walk along the path to the cottage and go round it. You’ll find her there.”

  Danny pointed to a door off the kitchen that led outside; Robbie nodded his thanks and left them without another word.

  Livia urged Tevin to a stool and said, “I suspect it will be an explosive one, best to let them do it out there. Meanwhile, Kenny, tell me what is going on. I want the full story.”


  The best thing about sitting in the rose gardens was the silence. The atmosphere was calming. The sound of wind whistling, the tree branches whispered and waved, the birds chirped occasionally. It soothed her chaotic mind, and made her relax a little. It also amplified her loneliness. She wished for someone to talk to. Someone who was understanding and who genuinely listened. She wished for someone who’d help her work through these painful emotions in her heart.

  She wished for…Robbie.

  Even without knowing her past, he’d always known what to say to make situations easier. Most times, he hadn’t needed to say anything, just being there had always been enough. The nightmares had never disturbed her when they had been together. She’d always felt safe with him. She missed him so much. She missed waking up to find him beside her. He’d made her laugh; he’d made love with her until she’d known there would never be anyone else in her life. She couldn’t breathe without remembering his touch, his kiss, his laugh.

  And now, she’d lost him forever.

  It hurt so much that her music was gone. She couldn’t seem to write one decent melody since she’d left London. It pained her to imagine that she had possibly left her music in that penthouse with her heart.

  How was she to recover from this?

  She couldn’t see a way out of this one, not anymore, everything was fucked up!

  Letting out a sob, Zoe buried her face in her hands, and mourned her lost life.

  Robbie stalked into the gardens ready to fight. His heart beating a mile a minute, he was armed for a shouting match. But the sight that met him deflated his mood fast.

  Seeing Zoe on the ground crying like it was the end of the world touched a very primal part of him. He was beside her in seconds, pulling her into his arms, to comfort her.

  It was a slap in the face when she pushed him away the moment she realized who he was. Falling back on the ground, he glared at her, green eyes boiling over with fury.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” he demanded.

  “You,” Zoe said in shock, her eyelashes clumped with tears. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  “A boat,” Robbie snapped. “Why are you crying?”

  “None of your business,” Zoe said staring at him. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  How had he gotten here? She wondered in a panic. Eyes widening, afraid that the family was here too, she scrambled to her feet.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said fiercely, and then started running toward the beach.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Robbie said not about to let her go.

  He ran after her, tackling her to the ground with speed and force that made her grunt and start fighting him.

  They scrambled on the grass for a few minutes, before Robbie grabbed her arms and rolled her to her stomach. He covered her back, effectively imprisoning her under him and ordered,

  “Quit fighting,” he said.

  “No,” Zoe huffed, blowing hair out of her face. “I won’t. I don’t care what they said to you, Robbie. I’m telling you I’m not going to that hearing.”

  “What are you on about?” he asked shaking his head.

  “Don’t play dumb with me,” Zoe warned. “We’re not engaged anymore. I don’t listen to you. Aunt Athena should have—

  “Stop it!” Robbie said sharply. Before she could continue he added. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not here to take you anywhere. But I do need to talk to you. You lied to me Zoe, and I want answers.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?” Zoe asked. “Can you let me go? I think you’re about to suffocate me.”

  “Will you run?” Robbie asked, looking down at her beloved tangled hair.

  “I don’t know. Do I need to?” Zoe asked.

  “Maybe,” Robbie sighed. “I should beat your ass up, now that I have you restrained. Do you know there was an actual man hunt for you? Everyone was so worried.”

  “Are they?” Zoe asked. “Have they told you why? Have they said they need to find me so that they can ship me to the States for a hearing I’d rather die than attend? I don’t really care about the man hunt. They can keep looking, now will you get off me.”

  “Quit being so stubborn and I might,” Robbie said easing his body up a bit. “Jeez, Castille, you’re a pain in my ass.”

  “Yeah well, you’re free of me, Robbie,” Zoe replied to that. “I don’t know why you’re here.”

  “Really,” Robbie said. “I’m getting off you now, no running.”

  “Do I have a choice?” Zoe asked, rolling her eyes as he let go of her arms.


  Zoe took in a deep breath as he moved off of her. Sitting up, she rubbed her arms and refused to meet his gaze.

  Pushing her hair back with trembling fingers she started, “I—

  “Stop,” Robbie cut her off. He sat cross legged beside her. “Why did you lie to me? That’s all I want to know.”

  Zoe swallowed, closing her eyes, she tried to still herself. Her excitement at seeing him so close was driving her insane. She wanted to throw her arms around him and hug him tight. She wanted to kiss him so much…she could still do it…but it worried her he might push her away.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. It was the best she could think up. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “We were getting married; supposedly, we were ready to make that kind of commitment to each other. How can you say that to me?”

  “It was very hard to lie to you, Robbie.” Zoe opened her eyes and clenched her fingers in her lap to keep from touching him. “I almost went out of my mind doing it.”

  “Not like me,” Robbie turned to look at her, “my fiancée cheating on me was hell on earth, Zoe. Hell, Zoe, because I love you like nothing else in this world. I thought it was going to kill me to live without you.”

  Tears sprang to Zoe’s eyes at his words. What could she say?

  “I—,” She shook her head. “I don’t know what to tell you.”

  “Who was he?” Robbie asked. “I’d like to punch him out for h
elping you.”

  Zoe looked up to meet his green gaze. Her breath hitched at the anger she read there. It surprised her that she could still drown in his green eyes.

  Blinking, she said quietly, “He used to be my bodyguard. His name is Franco; he was just doing me a favor. If you want to punch someone, punch me.”

  Robbie frowned. “You hurt me.”

  Zoe reached out and caressed his jaw, at those words.

  He was real. She couldn’t believe he was here with her. He was yelling at her, but it didn’t matter, he was here.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  Robbie took the hand that was caressing his jaw and sighed, wondering at how those simple words could soothe a rage that had been burning inside him for months.

  Was it that simple?

  Was seeing her look so fragile and real enough to make it alright?

  “Tell me about your past, Zoe,” he said abruptly.

  The change in her was fast and abrupt.

  She pulled her hand away and broke their gaze. “I can’t.”

  “Tell it to me,” Robbie urged, reaching for her hand again and lacing his fingers with hers. Studying the long elegant fingers with calluses from playing the violin, he sighed, “Please.”

  “I can’t.” Zoe shook her head. “It’s too hard. I haven’t figured it out, and now there is this thing that’s come up. It’s taking all I have not to break, I’m so tired.”

  “Let me help you,” Robbie said, “tell me.”

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Zoe said pulling back her hand.

  She moved to stand up but he stopped her by pulling on her elbow.

  “I know about the assault and rape,” he said when she struggled, “Kenny told me.”

  “He wouldn’t,” Zoe said in shock, staring at Robbie panic in her eyes.

  Kenny wouldn’t dare, Zoe thought in fear.

  “He didn’t give me the whole story,” Robbie said in a quiet tone. “I came here hoping you’d do that.”

  She couldn’t talk. Her tongue seemed stuck. How many times had she agonized about telling him? How many times had she come close to saying it? The shame that came with the story flooded her and she looked down, wishing the ground would open beneath her. Now that Robbie knew, he must be so disgusted with her. She’d been dirtied by a monster and kept it from him. She’d allowed him to think she was clean when in fact she was insanely rotten.