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She’s The Boss

  M.G. Marquez


  Copyright 2014 M.G. Marquez

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  For my sisters, brothers, and parents whose love never fades.

  For Kim, Reena, Czarina, Angel and Jen who love me for who I am.

  For Mae Ann, Pamela and her sister Pi-chie who were there for me from start to finish.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Chapter Thirty Three

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Chapter Thirty Six

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty One

  Chapter Forty Two

  Chapter Forty Three

  Chapter Forty Four

  Chapter Forty Five

  Chapter Forty Six

  Chapter Forty Seven

  Chapter Forty Eight

  Chapter Forty Nine

  Chapter Fifty

  Chapter Fifty One

  Chapter Fifty Two

  Chapter Fifty Three

  Chapter Fifty Four

  Chapter Fifty Five

  Chapter Fifty Six

  Chapter Fifty Seven

  Chapter Fifty Eight



  About the Author

  People make choices.

  People make sacrifices.

  People are afraid.

  People try to be brave.

  People get tired of being brave.

  People love.

  People get hurt.

  People try to accept.

  People don’t.

  But life goes on as how people want it to go on.

  I’ll move forward.

  We’ll move forward.

  Because moving forward is the only way to feel alive.



  Wednesdays are never for me. It’s a day of bad luck. It follows me like a black cat, ruining every single thing called “good”.

  It’s a Wednesday today so I’m supposed to be unlucky. I am. I tripped over my heels at 6:30 in the morning, in the middle of everyone’s attention, right in front of his attention. I felt my face all flushed up. Oh dear Earth, please open up and eat me whole.

  I cursed over and over as I ride on the jeepney which stopped in front of us. I heard him chuckle a bit. Geez. So much about making an impression.

  He. We’re always going to the same school, at the same time, right at this same place. I’ve always wondered if he was my soul mate or stalker.

  Hah! Stalker?

  If I would be standing next to him I would look more of his stalker. He’s gorgeous, no kidding. His arms are the best sculpted ones, smooth and sleek. His eyes are the brightest shade of brown of among I’ve seen. They’re beautiful.

  “I’d wear flat shoes if I were you,”

  I felt my stomach rose up to my throat. He sat next to me and actually talked to me. His voice melted my heart. Oh wait. Talked to me? He laughed at me. Ugh, how rude.

  I paid him no more attention after that. He’s an ass, I declare.

  The jeepney stopped abruptly that my face crashed into my seatmate’s back. I think I broke my nose, damn. I apologized to my seatmate and repositioned myself. By plain instinct, I looked back. Butterflies filled my tummy when I saw him looking straight at me. Straight. Into. My. Eyes. Emeged, we’re having a one-second nirvana. I swear I melted. I looked away when my phone rang.

  “Hi,” I greeted.

  “Where the hell are you? Sir Manalo is here already!” Nikki said frantically.

  “What?!” I exclaimed loudly, too much that everyone looked at me like I killed someone. I smirked. “If the roll call starts tell him that I’m present, okay? Do something about that.”

  “Are you near?”

  “Not yet. I’m so far. So far far far away. I got caught up in a traffic jam.” Everyone looked at me again, wide-eyed. It wasn’t traffic at all. I just made an excuse.

  “Okay. We’ll make an excuse for you. Take care.” I said thanks and goodbye before I hang up.

  Seated uncomfortably beside him, I waited. When we reached our stop, I hurried out and have completely forgotten that I was wearing heels. Oh shit. I tripped again in the middle of the intersection and thank you Heavens, a truck was roaring toward me. I closed my eyes.

  Is this my end? Wow, what a great way to die.

  After 3714831 years, I felt light. My feet have been swept off of the ground. I think I’m flying. I opened my eyes and stared out to the sky. St. Peter, I called out, we will see each other at last.

  “Angels in Heaven, you can now fetch me…”

  “Until when will you be dreaming?”

  My body shook in alarm. It was just then when I realized that I am being carried princess-style by someone-who-I-admired-30-minutes-ago-turned-out-to-be-an-ass. “You?! W-what do you think you’re doing?!”

  “Don’t you know that those who don’t thank people don’t go to heaven?” he simply said. I punched him in the chest which hurt… so bad. “Especially those who are violent,”

  “Put me down!” I demanded, and he did… in a not-so nice way. He simply let me fall from his arms to the cold hard ground, and then walked out like nothing happened. What an ass! I picked up my shoe and threw at him. He yelped.

  Served you right.

  It’s 7:20 a.m. and I’m dying. My class started at 7 which only meant I’m freaking late.

  As I was running along the sidewalk, something hard fell on my head. Confused, I looked down on my hand and saw a mango fruit. I looked up only to find one, two, three… four guys jumping down the tree. Stunned, I stepped back.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “Where did he go?” asked the tall, bald guy. He looked like Mr. Clean.


  “The one you’re talking to a while ago! Where did he go?!” the short guy asked rudely. His eyebrows are so thick they look like electrical tapes. I shall call him “Electrical Tape” from now on.


  “H-ha?! I don’t even know him!”

  “You don’t know him but he carried you in his arms?”

  “What? I can’t believe this. So you’re saying
, when someone carries you you know each other now? I can carry you right now! C’mon, I’ll carry you!” I challenged Electrical Tape but he didn’t move. I shoved them away. I am so late on my first class and these freaks are making my situation worse.

  When I did try to escape, someone pulled me back. He accused me of being an ill-mannered woman. Wow, look who’s talking?

  “Let her go,” someone commanded. “Looks like she doesn’t really know him,”

  Someone No.3 loosened his grip on my arm. I brushed the pain away as I somehow thank Someone No.4 in my mind. I looked up to see him and my jaw unhinged itself.

  Is he human or am I an animal? My eyes travelled from his no-words-can-describe arms to his perfect collarbones, chiseled jaw, tomato red lips, up to his eyes. His eyes are of a different shade of brown that I love them are full of sadness. He also has a scar on his left brow which made him look more masculine. Hot.

  “Let’s go! You guys are so slow!” He dragged his friends away. Electrical Tape was the last one to follow. He faced me, disgusted.

  “Thank Boss because he stopped me. If not –”

  “If not what? You’re going to hurt me? Geez, you can’t even reach my forehead, can you?”

  Irritated more than irritated he ran.

  I checked my watch. It read 7:43 a.m.

  I walked.

  Wait. WHAT?! This can’t be happening to me!