Read She's The Boss Page 17



  When Aunt Resie, Yvan’s mom, saw me working with her son at the porch, she rushed to me and touched every inch of me. Oh my gosh.

  “Are you okay now? Are you not sick anymore?” Confused, I searched Yvan’s face for any answer to his mom’s questions. I didn’t find any.

  Did Yvan tell his mom that I was sick that’s why I failed to celebrate with them? Unblelievable.

  “I’m okay. Superb.”

  “If that’s the case, eat dinner with us later. Is that okay?”

  I was about to say yes when Yvan butted in. He said, “Ask her first if she has other plans,”

  “I don’t have other plans.”

  “What if Guji asks you out again, will you not go with him?”

  I watched him work with his camera without looking at me. He’s saying all those words like he’s accusing of me a crime. I can’t believe this.

  Then I figured out that sometimes admiration can turn into utter disgust. I thought it was already okay?

  “Wait. You’re friends with that bastard?” Aunt Resie asked. I nodded at her and she made a face which meant “That guy was a hell-sent.”

  I told her that yes, he’s my friend, and yes, he’s a hell-sent. But I don’t care.

  “Tita, I’ll eat dinner with you. Guji won’t stop me this time,” I smiled at her. Before she left, she messed Yvan’s hair which made him smile a bit.

  The silence killed both of us until the Earth cracked open and sent out the Queen of Chicharon. I bowed my head so as not to draw any attention. But she noticed me.

  “Maj, hi!” Lyn put a box of brownies on top of the table. “I baked brownies for Yvan because it’s his favorite. He told me you were with him so I made a lot,”

  I wanted to say I don’t feel like eating them, but instead I said, “That’s so thoughtful of you, Lyn. Thank you,”

  “You could text me if it tastes good,” she was all hyped up and I don’t know how to contain all of that. I just nodded and opened my palm to her. “You could write your number here –”

  “OH MY GOSH MAJ. Your hand’s wounded!”

  Frantic, Yvan took my hand to see it himself. I pulled it back because his touch sent a thousand electric bolts in my system I’m dying. He took it again and held it firm.

  “Don’t be such a baby Maj,” he said sternly.

  “It’s okay –”

  “No, it’s not,” Lyn rushed into the house and went back with a Bag of Terror. I wish she wouldn’t take out an alcohol out of there.

  She did.

  “I’ll clean it for you and have it gauzed,” She took my hand gently and started putting alcohol on a cotton ball. I held my breath. “This won’t hurt,”

  “You don’t say that. It will hurt. I know from experience.”

  “Oh, yeah. But it’s okay. Hurting is part of life. You should accept that though it may seem unfair,”

  “Wait, what?” I didn’t get the last things she said because I think she was referring to something else.

  “You get hurt by the wrong decisions you’ve made. Jason isn’t good for you,” Yvan butted in. Wait… did I just hear Jason’s name?

  “I love him, Yvan. Don’t you get it?”

  Jason… and Lyn? Together?

  Now I’m confused… and neglected. I don’t care what their issues are but what I care about now is my bleeding hand. I slowly took my hand off of Lyn’s grip and collected the medical kit. I also took Yvan’s camera which he insisted that I should use.

  While they were busy arguing, I escaped.

  Yvan’s priority isn’t me. It’s Lyn.

  “Where do you think you’re going –”

  “WHOA.” Shut it! The moment I heard his voice, I got goose bumps all over my body. I even dropped every single item that I had been carrying. It’s a good thing I hung the camera on my arm.

  “WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?” Guji shouted in my face.

  “You startled me!”

  “If your mind isn’t somewhere else you wouldn’t get startled. I’m not that scary.”

  “That’s for you to say, but you look like an ogre.”

  He just looked down on me when I was picking up my things. I stuck out a tongue at him which meant he’s a loser.

  Out of nowhere, he grabbed my hand which hurt so bad. I tried to pull it back but he’s much stronger than I am.

  “Since when?” he asked.

  “During Rizal’s age –”

  “Since when?” he said, this time more demanding.

  “A while ago. Back at your house –”

  “Why didn’t you tell me right away?”

  “It’s not that important. I’m okay –”

  “You got hurt so it’s important!”

  My head jolted back at the urgency of his anger. I won’t die because of a small cut on my palm, right? Why’s he so angry?

  “Stop shouting BD. It’s fine. I’m going to clean it already, okay?” I showed him Lyn’s things and that made his face back to normal. He helped me get up and took the things I’m carrying. I told him it wasn’t necessary because I have hands of my own, but he insisted.

  When he insists, I can’t seem to argue anymore.

  “Have you practiced?”

  “Not yet. I ran away,” I managed to smirk at the thought. “I feel like air around the two them. Lyn and Yvan. I feel like I don’t belong,”

  “Then I’ll come with you,” He stood in front of me, his hand raised. He smiled at me and my heart went straight to Australia. I got confused, amazed, even.

  “No!” I told him.

  “Why not? If it’s Yvan it’s okay, but if it’s me it’s not? You are so choosy!”

  “I’m not choosy, excuse me! I can just tell from experience that you’ll make fun of me,”

  “No, I won’t. I’ll behave,” When I saw no sign of fake drama in his face, I told him he can go with me.

  Guji took care of my hand. I didn’t know that he knows a lot about wounds. He amazed me big time.

  “Why did you follow me here?” I asked him while he covers my wound with gauze.

  “Without you around the house, it’s boring. So I went out to look for you,”

  “What am I to you? A clown? And your life is a freaking birthday party that without me, it’s boring. Is that so?”

  “Shut up. You’re saying way too much,”

  I blew air on my bangs in irritation. BD’s going over his PMS again today, hurray.

  Once he’s done with my hand, he kissed it. WHAT THE HELL.

  “There you go. It’ll soon go away!” He said those words like he’s talking to a baby. His smile was the brightest one I’ve seen and it brought sunrise instead of sunset. Having him smile like that made the new definition of “wonderful”. Suddenly, there were yellow butterflies flying around us and some of them were on our shoulders, flattering their wings.

  I blinked in confusion. Wonder.

  I touched his face. Pinched his cheeks. Slapped him.

  “HEY SB! What the heck is your problem?!”

  “Ha? I was just checking if you’re well. Do you want to see a doctor?” Instead of answering me, he just pressed his fist on my head which damn hurts.

  “You’re the one I’m going to admit in the mental hospital. You’re insane.”

  “I’m not insane, stupid.” I stood up and told him to stay. I told him I’ll go practice by myself and he should not follow me. He promised he won’t.

  When I was walking along the shoreline and was busy wondering about what to take pictures of, I opened my bandaged palm and stared at it.

  Guji kissed it.

  I never thought that Guji could be that sweet.