Read She's The Boss Page 37



  Yvan took me to dinner with my uniform on. Yeah. Straight out of school, dating. My mom could get me scolded for this. She isn’t home so it’s okay.

  My phone rang a gazillion times that I grew irritated. Yvan told me to answer my phone because it sure is annoying.

  BD’s looking for me. I saw that one coming.

  I texted him that I’m not available tonight and that I’m attending my “org thing.” He wasn’t satisfied with that so he called me again. I just rolled my eyes and buried my phone deep deep down my bag.

  When our food arrived and we started eating, Yvan asked me one stupid question.

  “Do you like anyone?”

  I nearly choked myself by that.

  “I’m sorry? Are you okay?”

  “No it’s okay. I was just shocked.” I said, drinking water in between words. “And… I don’t like anyone.”


  “Yeah. And if there’s someone I do like, he won’t like me back.”

  “Why not? You’re kind.”

  I’m kind? Can he hear himself? If I’m kind then what does he call the others? Saints?

  I shook my head in disbelief. “Neh. I’m not a girlfriend material. I always get rejected,”

  “You’re not that bad. Maybe someone out there’s secretly in love with you,”

  Like Guji.

  “How about you?” I asked him. “Will you like me? I bet you won’t.”

  “What makes you think I won’t? Maybe I’m in love with you,” that made me cough. “And Guji might be, too.”

  That made me coughed a little more because Yvan hit it big time. “No – no way! He can’t be.”

  “Why not? It’s obvious that he likes you. I could see that by the way he looks at you,” he said as-a-matter-of-factly.

  My eyes widened at what he said. What kind of look is he referring to? Seeing the question in my eyes, Yvan dared not to answer. He just laid his back on his chair and crossed his arms in front of him.

  He’s looking past me.

  So I looked back.

  I know I’m dead.

  “Org thing?” He put his hand on top of the table and blocked the only exit I have. “Is this what you call ‘org thing’? How fun,”

  Oh Maj, I told you, lying is bad.

  “Yo bro, happy birthday.” He greeted his best friend just across the table. “I didn’t know you were with my tutor,”

  “We bumped into each other a while ago so I thought of treating her dinner,”

  “Oh. I see. Now that I’m here, I’ll eat dinner with you, too.” By that, he pushed me aside so he could sit beside me. How did he know that I’m here? Is he my stalker?

  “Wow, I thought you were low bat,” I was surprised to see him playing with my phone already. “I’ve been calling you since forever.”

  “It’s on silent. I’m not hearing anything –” then I heard my own ringtone. Nice try, Maj.

  “There, I changed its setting. It’s on silent now,”

  “Guji, if you’re trying to pick up a fight with her –”

  “I’m not trying to pick up a fight with her. I’m talking to her.”

  “You are not.”

  “So what do you call this then? Dancing?”

  “Stop it,” I butted in. “Stop it please –”

  Guji then stood up with his hands on either of his pockets. “Yvan, bro. I want to make myself clear to you,” he now reached for my hand and forced me to stand beside him. “I like this girl and you’re not allowed to like her, too.”

  That small piece of a moment felt like someone just poured icy water over my head. Without saying a word, Guji dragged me out of the restaurant knowing that he just messed up his best friend’s mood on his birthday. Way to go, Gujerk.

  “How could you lie to me?” He stopped walking but didn’t face me. “You can just tell me that you’re with him and I would understand. Why do you need to lie to me? Yvan and you are what?”

  “We’re nothing! We’re just friends. He’s my best friend like what I told you,”

  “Org thing?” This time he turned to face me and I could see it in his eyes that he was hurt.

  “Well that’s because,” I was trying to avoid you. “Whatever. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I lied –”

  “You’ve hurt me.”

  My heart fell out of its cage and burned in the core. They’re just three words but they had a huge impact on me. It felt like I was the biggest mistake on this earth. that I am the worst person of all.

  “I’m sorry… I’m insensitive.” I said, looking down.

  “I know.” He turned and I watched his back walk away from me.

  I wanted to run after him but I held myself back.

  The night is the worst thing that ever existed in my life.

  I woke up with a start and found myself catching my breath. I reached for my phone and saw that it was only 1:30 in the morning. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself.

  Darts. They’re killing me.

  The crazy thing I did this time was crawl toward the door and leaned against it. Just the mere thought of Guji on the other side of this door calmed me even more.

  Damn you, Guji. I missed you so much.

  In the morning, he didn’t eat breakfast with me. Pres. Song Hyun did this time.

  “So, hi there.” He greeted. “Your boyfriend’s early today. He’s changing. For the better. I like that.” He noticed that I wasn’t speaking so he asked, “He didn’t even say hi to you?”

  I shook my head, though I secretly laughed a bit when he said “boyfriend.” The thought of Guji being my boyfriend is, well, great. But I give it no chance at all. He is my friend.

  I stick to my principle, till death do us part.

  Hidalgo’s class is the best time to daydream. Did I ever mention that to you? It is by-far the most boring subject ever this semester and it’s Filipino 102. If I could just sleep –

  “Ms. Ponce, how much do you enjoy daydreaming in my class? In my face?” I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I heard Hidalgo’s evil voice. I even stood up for her to see that I’m respecting her – a little.

  “I’m half-asleep, too.” My head turned to my side and saw Guji standing next to me. What the hell? “If I say that you are boring, then it’ll be an understatement.”

  “Hey stop it! She’ll get angry by that! You’re putting me into your trouble,” I hissed, my face burning.

  “My trouble? This is your trouble and I’m putting myself in for you. Have some gratitude, will you?”

  “I didn’t ask for it,”

  “Initiative’s best.” He smirked at me and that sent me to heaven. My annoyance for this guy grew as big as the universe.

  “You two, since you’re so bored in my class – GET OUT. N – O – W.” Reluctantly, I marched toward the door and walked out of it. If it wasn’t for this despicable guy, I’d still be inside and my dignity still intact.

  “See? If I didn’t put myself in, you would be talking here by yourself. ♪ Oh, such a crazy crazy girl on the hallway singing to herself a lullaby ♪”

  I glared at the guy who ruined my reputation just ten minutes ago. “You! What were you thinking?”

  He stepped closer to me, closing too much space that I usually tolerate him so. I could see his eyes, his eyes in a different shade of brown, and this time lighter. I wonder why his eyes were so different. They change every time.

  “What am I thinking? Oh, I’m thinking of hmm guess what?” He then blew air on my bangs. “You.”

  I pushed him away so he could not see that I’m blushing. “Just stop that! It’s not funny anymore. We’re okay being friends,”

  “Why are you blaming me? You’re the one who has a crush me.” I turned around in disbelief.

  “How many times do you have to say that?!”

  “’Til it happens for real.”

  I stared at him while he runs a hand over his hair at the corner, looking at me

  My lips gaped but no words came out.


  She doesn’t like me the way I like her. That’s my biggest problem so far.

  “So far, your biggest problem is hmmmm guess what,” I eyed at Klein who has just sat beside me, a burger in between his lips. “You.”

  “Don’t make fun of my lines.” I punched him in his side for that. “I said that with feelings. It’s sacred.”

  “What are you? A God?”

  “A Demon Behind Her. To be exact.”

  Fred and Jason came over and we ate lunch. We used to eat together with SB’s friends but since she became too awkward around me, they ate by themselves. Fred seemed sad about it since one of them was Mean. Flirty Little Fred.

  “What are your plans now?” Fred asked his mouth full of nachos. “Since Plan A didn’t work.”

  “She’s stronger than I thought she was,” I said remembering that time when the three of them barred her way, acted like gangsters and tried to hurt her. I jumped out of the tree and was about to “protect” her only to watch her fight them with her bare hands.

  Incredible, I must say.

  Plan B didn’t work for me either. I creatively pretended that I was having this epic stomach ache and was trying to see if she was concerned about me. She did not even ask me if I want to go to the infirmary and get some medicines. How sweet.

  My Plan C and Plan D didn’t go as I wanted them to. I’m losing hope. I just wanted to make her feel the same way as I do about her and I am doing the best I can.

  “But I guess my best wasn’t goooood enough ♪” I kicked Klein’s leg to tell him that I’m getting annoyed at his insults so he should stop it.

  “A rooftop scene could be dramatic,” Jason said as-a-matter-of-factly. “I mean, that I’m-going-to-die-if-you-don’t-show-up scene. That’s pretty lame but it sure is effective,”

  I watched him sipped his Chocolate Shake as a great idea popped into my head.

  Leaving my lunch behind, I ran as fast as I could toward our building. I went straight to the rooftop and walked toward the edge.

  As if by cue, so many students were starting to swarm in front of the building. All of them were terrified, scared, confused. Fred, Klein and Jason came also.

  “BOSS! Don’t you know that Jason’s IQ is below average?! Don’t listen to him!” Fred shouted. Jason punched his shoulder and said, “My IQ’s impeccable. You’re the one whose IQ’s way way below average. You’re an absolute zero.”

  I saw that Nikki was running into the scene, too. I don’t see any sign of Janella in there. She doesn’t really care about me, does she?

  “What the hell is your problem?!” Nikki shouted through the megaphone. “DAMN. I’ll get Maggie for you!”

  Maggie? Who the hell is Maggie anyway? I don’t know her so why would she bring someone I don’t know? Nikki, where’s your brain?

  I squatted down to see all of them. Maybe Janella’s out there and I’m just too blind to see. Maybe she’s hiding in their shadows and actually looking at me right now. Maybe she’s –


  Someone just pulled my shirt from behind and made me fall on my back. I was staring at the sky and was blinking blinking blinking all the stupid sun rays away that burns my eyes.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  I pushed my head back and saw her face.

  She’s angry, and mad, and worried.

  “You’re insane, Guji! COMPLETELY INSANE!” She then sat above my head. I was about to sit up but she pushed my head back. That hurts. “Explain. Now.”

  “I have nothing to explain.” I said, putting an arm above my eyes to block off the sunlight.

  “Why are you here? You’re killing Fred in worry for Pete’s sake!”

  “Only Fred?”

  “And… your Dad.”


  “Nikki, Jason, all of them!”


  “Ugh. STOP THAT AND THING!” I threw my head back to look at her. “How about you? Are you worried about me?”

  “Why are you standing on that edge?! What are you trying to prove?!”

  “Answer me. Are you worried about me?”

  Before answering me, she held my face and smashed her head on mine. She did a head-butt on me! She really is a freak.

  “FUCK YOU GUJI TARENCE KIM!” She pressed her forehead harder this time. “I’m so tired of getting rid of you for so many days and what sucks the most is I see you every day but I just can’t talk to you anymore because it’s so freaking hard! And now you’re standing on this rooftop and you’re killing me in deep fear and worry! You are such a bullshit!”

  My lips gaped at her sudden outrage. I don’t know what to say at this point.

  “If Nikki didn’t come for me at the publications office, what is it that you could’ve done?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You should be!” When I felt that my hair was being wet, I reached for her head and held it at a distance so we’re facing each other.

  She is crying.

  “I’m sorry, Janella. I didn’t know you’d react like that. I am really sorry,” I leaned forward to kiss her tears away.