Read She's The Boss Page 45



  I couldn’t take it. How could he do that in my presence? In my face? For all the shit I know, that is the most obvious kind of disrespect to a friend. Kissing your best friend’s girl is unforgiveable.

  “It’s just a game, Guji. Don’t take that seriously. It’s no big deal,” he told me.

  “For you. But for me, it’s a big deal.”

  “Look,” he gave me his usual smile. I grew more irritated. “I’m your best friend. I won’t steal your girl,”

  I watched the evening sky turned purple. It’s already breaking dawn. Any minute now, all of them will wake up and start messing each other’s mornings. I haven’t slept for a minute or two because Yvan’s gesture bothered me throughout the night.

  “Do you like her?” I asked him.


  “Do you like her?”

  “Guji, no.”

  “For the last time,” I contained myself and tried to be calm. I could play blind for all eternity but I just couldn’t take it when he’s being too close to her. I am jealous of him, and it’s eating me alive sometimes. “Do you like her?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So you do?”

  “I couldn’t help it.” By that, I walked away and punched the nearest tree to me. I can’t punch him. I love him too much to hurt him with my own fist.

  I shook my head. I can’t believe he’s doing this to me. We can’t love the same girl. One must give up.

  It’s not going to be me.

  On a Saturday, I asked SB to meet me. I wanted to talk about what happened last New Year’s Day. I can’t help myself but I am so bothered and annoyed and uneasy.

  “I am busy so hurry up,” she complained. “I don’t have forever, you know.”

  “How did it feel?” I started, looking away. “How did it feel being kissed in the forehead?”

  “By you? Oh c’mon. That was –”

  “No. Not me,” I looked at her. Half-glared, half-looked. “By Yvan.”

  I saw her head twitched, her eyes were full of confusion. “Yvan? I don’t remember him kissing me in the forehead. Are you drunk?”

  “No. Are you drunk? Don’t act as if you lost your memory so suddenly.”

  “Hey. If I say I don’t remember I’m serious. The last time I checked, no such event occurred in my memory so I guess it’s just your imagination. Snap out of it, will you?”

  “You don’t remember anything? Not a single thing about the…”

  “The what?”

  “Spin the bottle?”

  “Spin the bottle? Did we play that? I thought we just drunk our asses off and fell asleep? Isn’t that what happened?” Now she’s imagining things. I guess she’s drunk the whole time and her sanity was asleep. “BD, what happened?”

  White lies. I need you now.

  “Oh. Just like what you remembered. We got drunk and fell asleep. Best night ever. Forget about what I said about Yvan. I think I’m imagining things,” I showed her my widest smile and asked if we could get some ice cream. She said yes.

  “Meet me. Talk back and I’ll kill you.” I sent her a text to meet me. Staring at the piece of bond paper in front of me, I imagine Yvan following Janella anywhere she goes, making her laugh, being with her when I’m not around. I can’t let that happen.

  “Okay, Master. Do I need to bring anything?” she replied.


  “Where the hell are you using it for?”

  “Stab you with it so you’ll die. MCDO. 10AM.” I put my phone down and timed her arrival. I was counting beyond 10 a.m. when she came. I told her, “You’re 22 seconds late,”

  “Oh c’mon! It was just seconds! Let it go,” I watched her sit down in front of me as I pushed the paper into her view. I saw her annoyance slowly showing up to her face. Typical Janella. “What the hell is this?”

  “Maybe… a cat. Meow meow –”

  “DON’T BE SUCH A DUMBASS. What’s this for?”




  “TWO THREE FOUR FIVE – Argh!” I snatched the paper and slapped it to her face. That shut her up. She shook her head and read what I wrote down the paper. She read, “’Do you, Maurice Janella Y. Ponce, promise to be mine for the rest of your life?’ What kind of crap is this?”

  Crap? She thinks that’s a crap? “Just sign your name underneath.”

  “I’m not signing something I don’t understand. Explain this to me in 3… 2 –”

  With gritted teeth, ignoring all the people around us, I announced “I’m afraid that someone will snatch you away from me.” With your name signed under that contract, no one can have you other than me.

  I am selfish, and you are mine.

  “I’m still not signing,”

  “What?! Why is it so hard to talk to you?”

  “This is just so romantic, Guji. Thank you but I’m not signing your bond paper,” she stood up and decided to leave. Annoyed, I chewed my bottom lip and thought of ways on how she’ll sign my contract. In seconds, she appeared in front of me again.

  “Wow. You changed your mind that fast? You can’t resist me, can you –”

  “Shut up. I left MY pen,” I watched her reach for her pen at the center of the table and turned to leave for the second time. I shook my head as she walked away only to head back to me.

  “Hi,” I waved at her.

  “Here,” she shoved a magazine in my face. When I looked at it, I realized that I am looking straight at our future wedding photo. Janella and I are on the cover of this magazine, wearing a wedding dress and suit. Great.

  I’ll tear this down and have it framed.

  “Anything more?” I asked her, who’s been standing there longer than she should. “Are you really leaving me now or do you want me to accompany you instead?”

  “What? Of course I’ll leave. Bye!” She stormed out and walked faster. I watched her and smiled. Small things bring big smiles to my face. I figured that making fun of her is my favorite hobby now. Fred just became second.

  “Hey wait up!” I called out while running after her. When I caught up to her, I placed an arm on her shoulder. She elbowed me at my stomach which, by the way, hurts a lot. She always does this and it never ached less.

  “If you think I’ll stop making you sign my bond paper, I won’t.”

  “I’ll tear that to pieces,”

  “I’ll make another one,”

  “I’ll tear that, too!”

  “I’ll make again –”

  “GUJI!” She stopped to look at me in the eyes. “I’ll tell my gay friends to rape you –”

  “You’re mine,” and kissed the side of her head. “And I’m yours.” I saw her cheeks went red and was speechless. I felt fulfilled having her mouth shut and be defeated by me.

  “Oh, I just know how to shut you up now. Amazing,”

  I put my arm down and started walking ahead of her.