Read She's The Boss Page 6




  I sat in front of this pitiful being, boringly. He’s curled up like a beaten dog, colored red and pink and white. It’s his fault. He’s looking at us gravely and even talked back at us. We don’t give a shit especially if you’re in our territory. Especially if I’m really pissed.

  I’m totally pissed right now because Yvan let my car explode somewhere he didn’t tell me. He’s my best friend so I let it go. But still, he destroyed what’s mine. Mine.

  “S-stop please… I’m sorry,” he pleaded, his eyes twitching.

  “What? I can’t hear anything,” I smirked, reaching a bottle near me. I played with it, and saw his eyes widened at that. “Can you make it a bit louder? I’m deaf,”

  “Please stop! I love my life,” he slid away from me as I edged closer. As I was about to hit his head with the bottle in my hand, he motioned his hand in the air to hit me first. I knew better. I clasped the bottle he’s been hiding under his shirt and crashed it in front of him. I saw an expression on his face called horror.

  “Stupidity isn’t in my blood. Never underestimate a Guji Tarence Kim,” I sprinkled bits of crashed glass over his face. “Remember that name,”

  I stood up, threw the bottle I’m holding at Jason, and slid my hands inside my pockets. I walked out of The Looter’s with everybody’s eyes fixed at me. I sensed fear. I could feel their fears in my skin like snow air. Cold and stingy, I liked it best. Imposing fear to people makes you supreme.

  People who don’t fear me shall be eliminated.


  Shocked, I stopped in place. A sharp thing came across my face from the left, grazing the bridge of my nose. It stung but I didn’t mind it at all. Inside my pocket, I tightened my grip around the sheath of my Swiss knife, ready to take it out when someone approaches. But no one did.

  I continued to walk home.

  When I reached home, someone was already in my room. I guess she finally accepted the job.


  She stood like an elementary teacher holding a thick roll of paper, pounding the same on her palm every now and then. It irritated me.

  “What time is it?” she demanded.

  “Do I look like a clock which you could ask time from? Stupid,” I lied down my bed to sleep. But she walked straight at me and hit my stomach with that effing roll of paper. It hurts!



  “Why are you just now, huh?”

  “SO WHAT?” She gripped my shirt, and smelled me. I swallowed… hard.

  “God, you smell awful! I can’t teach with you smelling like that! I might die in suffocation, you alcoholic bastard. CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES.”

  I pushed her away, she stepped back.

  “Can you see this?” She showed me the roll of paper she’s been holding and smiled. Of course I could see that, I’m not blind. “This roll of paper will leave a mark on your face if you don’t start changing your clothes. SO MOVE.”

  When I said that I won’t, she charged at me and hit me relentlessly. I couldn’t fight back. I just kept on running around with her following me, beating me. “You’ll change your clothes or you will change your clothes? Guji Tarence Kim, change your clothes in 10.”


  “10… 9… 8…”

  When I realized I have only 7 seconds left to change, I ran as fast as I could. I pushed her out of my way so I could walk into my closet. When I heard her counting at 4 seconds, I took my shirt off quickly. As I was about to take my pants off I saw her watching me, her breathing uneven. By reflex, I wrapped my arms around my body.

  She saw my body.

  She’s seeing my body!

  I threw my shirt at her face and closed the door behind me. She shouted, “GOD! Can’t you move a little faster? I still need to go home!”

  “CAN’T YOU BE MORE PATIENT?” I shouted back while I change into a T-shirt and shorts. When I was about to get out, I paused. There’s something wrong in here. Why am I allowing her to bark orders at me? I’m Guji Tarence Kim and I take orders from no one.

  No one.

  “HEY! I’ll burn your closet down if you don’t get out of there this second!” She banged the door a thousand times before I opened it. I saw her fist coming into my face before I closed my eyes. My nose bled. “Damn you!”

  “Damn your face! Sit there,” she pointed straight into my study table I haven’t used for decades. I glared at her, she didn’t even flinch.

  That’s it. That’s it that’s it. This girl is way too much. “Why would I even listen to you, huh? Who do you think you are?”

  She again charged at me and beat me with her roll of paper. Given the chance, I’ll burn that effing paper – with her. “You’re not going to sit down, huh?”

  I raised my hands in the air, defeated.

  She’s growing into large prickle in my eyes, my eyes are effingly bleeding.


  I bang the table every time I remember her face that Yvan started to worry about their table. He said he can’t afford to buy another one, especially when I have already destroyed two.

  “She beats me, shouts at me, and calls me nasty names every single time. She even poured cold water on my face one night! She’s a total nightmare!”

  “Whoa there, brother. You asked her to be your ‘private tutor’ so don’t complain –”

  “You know what’s even worse? She confiscated my keys. Now I have to walk all the way here just to –”


  “Yeah, complain – ARGH.” When I grew more frustrated, I put my glass down and started drinking straight from the bottle. When I finished it, I stood up and told him I should get going. It’s Thursday so the Old Hag’s been waiting at home for me.

  “You want me to drive you home?”

  “Nah. Don’t try to be my boyfriend,”

  “What? You’re crazy,” he slapped my back, and I laughed. I laughed even more when I realized that I’m up for another night of torture.