Read Sheltered Page 3


  A couple of years ago, I volunteered in a homeless shelter for several months. And I pretty much did everything from working with the administrators to start up programs to get residents jobs, to helping cook meals in the cafeteria.

  After spending several weeks in any one location, you start knowing people and observing certain things; well, I noticed how some brothas in the shelter had certain ‘side hustles’ they’d do for extra pocket money. Some made bracelets out of various items, some cut hair, some ran assorted errands for the staff and residents, but the most common and lucrative of these hustles seemed to be selling cigarettes.

  Now, I’ve never been a smoker, and I don’t judge anyone who is, but nicotine must be a helluva’ drug, ‘cause I’ve seen the lengths people will go through to either get cigarettes or smoke them.

  I particularly remember one brotha who was older and from Africa—he had those cafeteria halls clickin’ with cigarette sales; my man was in it to win it. And he never got high on his own supply, ‘cause he didn’t smoke himself…but he always had a fresh pack on him.

  Then I remember there was a certain white guy who was admitted to the shelter, he seemed ordinary enough, he was short and had a gray mustache and goatee and looked to be in his late forties. After a couple of weeks, I noticed this guy started bragging about his several expensive cars and showing their cell phone photos to people; and I was thinking, if he’s got all that, why would he be in a shelter? Then I figured he was either a pathological liar or was just killing time braggin’ about stuff he wish he had. Shortly thereafter, I just forgot about it.

  I then noticed this guy started conversing more and more with the administrative staff. And I wondered why he was so welcomed around the administrative offices, when a lot of those workers outright despised the residents.

  Then, something really strange started happening; the administrative staff started cracking down on the ‘cigarette hustles’ of the shelter; so a couple of brothas and the older brotha from Africa were quickly put out of business. Then, this squat white guy who was bragging about his cars started selling cigarettes, but no one on the administrative staff seemed to be stopping him.

  Now, I’d heard from some of the residents how they found out this guy was working for the organization which funded the shelter; and I thought that figured. Then one day, I saw something that confirmed to me who he was…or at least who he was really down with.

  I saw him starting to flash these freemasonic hand signals. He’d stand with his hands clasped together and he’d accentuate the interlocking fingers of his hands. This is one of their signals, another one is called the ‘Baphomet’; this is where someone folds down their middle and ring fingers, with the pinky, forefinger and thumb extended outward. Kinda’ like the hand signal you see thrown up at a lot of rock concerts; google the term ‘Baphomet hand signal and entertainers’ to see a picture of what I’m talking about. Be forewarned, some of the pictures of this signal are a bit graphic in nature.

  Then I wondered, why would a white supremacist freemason sell cigarettes in a shelter? Moreover, if he was flashing these hand signs, there had to be another white supremacist freemason he was communicating with, so who was that person?

  After this, I noticed this guy would sell to other white guys less and less, but he’d sell to every brotha he saw. That’s when I asked myself, what’s in these cigarettes he’s selling almost exclusively to brothas? That’s how this story came about.

  Also, I was talking with a person I know who’s a homeless white supremacist freemason, and I asked him about this because he spent some time in a shelter. He told me how white elitist masons are always reminded to keep a presence in poor neighborhoods or enclaves because these areas are the ones most likely to have a revolt break out.

  Now, there’s a mention of a substance called ‘Quinacrine’ (pronounced KWIN-a-krin) in this story; and this is a chemical used to sterilize women in ‘under developed’ countries. Even though the main targets here are Black men, it felt contextually right to bring this chemical’s name up in this short tome.

  If you google the name Stephen D. Mumford, you’ll find how this man is responsible for the sterilizing of approximately 100,000 women in poorer parts of the world using this chemical in a ‘pellet’ form. These ‘pellets’ would be inserted into a woman’s uterus and they’d work by scarring the female’s fallopian tubes so she wouldn’t get pregnant. In surgeries they’d often be introduced into the woman’s body without anesthetic. This is how barbaric the white elites are to our women and this is how inhuman we appear to them.

  This also reminds me of the murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls, regarding how things aren’t often as they seem. Like several million others, I was a fan of Tupac’s music; not only that, but I also liked his sublime revolutionary leanings. This came from his mother Afeni, who was a member of the Black Panthers and his father Lumumba Shakur, who was a founding member of a Black Panther chapter in New York.

  Now, myself and every other person in america was coerced into believing that Tupac and Biggie basically killed each other over some East Coast/West Coast ‘rap war’; and I felt a sense of shame behind this, thinking of how dumb it was for these two musicians to have such a violently fatal ending over some silly beef. And it wasn’t really verbalized, but everyone was thinking, only Black people commit such dumb acts.

  What I later found out was the people in prison who told Tupac that Biggie’s people had him shot were in fact FBI agents…mind you, these were FBI agents posing as prisoners. (Don’t take my word for this, please look this fact up!)

  Tupac said he never had a criminal record, until he made a music industry record. And this makes a lot of sense given the history of the Shakur family. ‘Cause I also found out Tupac’s grandfather Syed Shakur, was a member of Malcolm X’s O.A.A.U. (Organization of African American Unity); this was when Malcolm made his split from the Nation of Islam and was trying to form ties between Black Africans and americans.

  Tupac was also a national leader of a grassroots organization called the ‘New Afrikan People’s Organization’ (or NAPO) throughout his musical career.

  Ya’ see, not only did this government know who Tupac was before he knew himself, but the american government had been keeping an eye on the entire Shakur family for decades. And, they knew what a mature Tupac was going to do; he would serve as the best hope for a Black revolutionary leader that his generation had seen.

  Interestingly enough, The FBI infiltrated the Black Panthers and had disparate chapters of the organization fighting with each other; so much so, that rival factions of Panthers on different coasts were involved in what was called, the ‘East Coast/West Coast Panther War’…google this if you don’t believe me. Talk about history repeating itself.

  Now, the whole point of this story is to ask the Black Diaspora, if white elites are working this hard against us in homeless shelters, how much harder are they working against us in court houses, police stations, city hall’s, corporate offices, etc.?

  And how dedicated are we to healing the rift amongst ourselves so we can reclaim our communities and our sovereignty?

  So I say, any information you get from the white elite should be filtered through your melanated mental lens.

  One example I talk about constantly pertaining to believing in white elitist information is when they tell us there’s a drought in an american city…or anywhere for that matter. But we all know, or should know, that there’s more water than land on this earth; so there couldn’t possibly be a drought anywhere.

  When I mention this to people, they automatically say, well…you can’t drink sea water because of its salt content. Then I tell them, so let me get this straight, we have the technology to send these glorified dune buggys to Mars, but we don’t have the technology to take the salt out of sea water and ship it where it’s needed?


  Now, Brent Grimes is a charact
er I intend to use more in my upcoming fictionalized stories. Brent is morally ‘bent’, therein lies the meaning of his first name; and Grimes is pretty self-explanatory as far as insidious sounding sir names go.

  I intend to delve deeper into Brent’s past to show how a childhood trauma led him down a wrong path. That kinda’ reminds me of the film ‘American Gangster’ and Denzel’s portrayal of Frank Lucas. The real Frank Lucas spoke about seeing his 12 year old male cousin lynched by the KKK for ‘recklessly eyeballing’ a white woman; he said this was the incident that made him embark on a life of crime.

  Thanks for reading my story.

  About the Author

  MontUHURU Mimia is a novelist, short story, non-fiction, song and script writer who is dedicated to eradicating the anglophilic tendencies he’s picked up in the american educational system and he’s researching and practicing the spiritual sciences of his ancestors.

  Other books by this author

  Revering Revolutionaries

  Is the Black Diaspora ready to get free? I mean free from the tyranny of western fascists and their institutions; well, here's the tale of four brothas who dared to challenge the western status quo, while leaving a blueprint for the rest of us to follow; brotha Wesley Snipes, Dave Chappelle, Kat Williams and Prime Minister Robert Mugabe.

  The miseducation of Michelle Rhee

  Michelle Rhee was sold to the public as the savior of the Washington D.C. school system. She was an Ivy League darling who would be the person to finally reform the swarthy denizens of its poor neighborhoods and make them see the true value of an education. But the reformations she would initiate after becoming School Chancellor would have her looking more like Lex Luthor than Superman.

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