Read Sherdan's Prophecy Page 9

Chapter 9

  Sherdan had a little bounce to his walk as he made his way down the steps. It had made sense to let her see the prophecy and start eating. He wanted her to stick around for a long time and she really wouldn't be telling anyone else. In less than twelve hours any chance of her ever escaping would be drastically reduced.

  He went straight to his security guards. They confirmed that all the preparations for the evening were complete, so Sherdan went over to his command bunker. The changes would need to be coordinated from one place, and all the residents informed.

  Today was the first step for his organisation to act as a separate entity, and it was a day Sherdan had been looking forward to for many years. Hitchin had predicted it and now it was coming to pass. Their plans would pick up pace from this moment and there would be no stopping them.

  Everyone waited for Sherdan in the command bunker and greeted him when he joined them. There was a tense silence before he gave his first few orders. The visible changes would need to be deployed in a quick and orderly manner. As progress was made, a buzz of excitement grew and continued to grow until Sherdan picked up the microphone and addressed everyone within the organisation.

  “Hello everyone. May I have your attention for a moment? I have promised all of you a better future, where you are all valued. This evening we take the next step in that future. Tonight we will be putting up barriers on every road and path into our land. No one will be allowed in unless invited by us. For the next while we would ask that all residents also stay within those barriers, to minimise the workload of the guards and security. Congratulations, everyone!”

  As soon as Sherdan had finished this speech he nodded at the person standing next to him.

  “All teams move into position. In a few minutes we'll be going into action,” the commander, Graham, said into his radio. The security teams were all heading up the changes and policing the barriers. To start with, there would just be simple road blocks and signs but they had all the resources needed for much more secure measures, if necessary.

  Sherdan smiled and sat listening as everything he had planned was executed. The teams placed their barriers and signs with quick efficiency. The only hiccup was a car that had driven onto their land as a cut-through before anything had been placed and needed to be let out at the other end. Thankfully, it was late on Boxing Day, and not many people were out on the roads.

  The following day would be a different story. It was a working day and he had closed off a lot of roads. This day had been in planning a long time, however, and Sherdan had made sure no major roads were closed off. He wanted to make a point, not start a disagreement.

  Sherdan stayed in his command room for the next hour, in case any problems arose. There was the odd issue but as usual the smoothness of change was a testament to the planning and organisation he inspired in his people.

  Of course, the many extra abilities helped. Each one was unique and fitted in well. There was one woman who could turn plants, fruits and vegetables that were decaying back into perfectly healthy food again. One initiate could control the weather within a small range, although he still needed a little more practice. Sometimes it hailed when he tried to make it rain.

  When Sherdan had satisfied himself that everything was going according to plan, he decided to take a walk back to his home with a few detours around the land. No sooner had he left the compound than he was approached by a resident. The man shook Sherdan's hand and had a large grin on his face.

  “Congratulations. This is a marvellous step,” the man enthused.

  “Thank you. This couldn't have come about without the help of everyone here, and it is just the first step in a full plan for independence and rights.”

  “I'm very glad to hear it. If there's anything else I can do just let me know.”

  “What's your new ability?”

  “I can create heat in anything just by making the atoms vibrate.”

  “That's a wonderful ability. I'm sure it will be very useful over the next few weeks and months. Only three days ago, I think, in an email I was given, I was informed that there were concerns over keeping the winter greenhouse hot enough. I will reply and inform them of your ability.”

  Sherdan found his hand being shaken again with even more enthusiasm than the first time. He then said goodbye and allowed Sherdan to continue his walk.

  Everywhere he went he was stopped by people wanting to congratulate him or offer their support. The general air of excitement buzzed around the entire area. To add to the fun, just as he began to head back to his own house, the first few flakes of snow fell. He smiled and radioed for his car so he could return to Anya and a late supper together.

  Despite the car arriving swiftly and bearing him home, it was gone eleven by the time he informed Anne he was back, and not far off midnight when he took a tray with food for two to Anya.