Read Sherwood, Special Preview: The First 7 Chapters (A Robin Hood Time-Travel Romance) Page 4

  Chapter 3

  Safe in Robin’s arms. Sheer bliss. Such a pity it couldn’t last. But then, it never did.

  The second she saw him, Marian forgot all else, knew she was dreaming. She’d had this dream too many times before. It was always the same. She’d find herself deep in Sherwood, captured by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Dreadful man. How she got there, what he wanted with her, she never knew. It hardly mattered. She was Maid Marian, the outlaw’s lady. That was reason enough.

  She’d be frightened, but never for long, because Robin always rescued her. She never saw his face. She didn’t need to. She knew him by his voice, his touch, his scent—by his effect on her. Other men left her cold. Robin set her on fire. He’d sweep her into his arms and carry her off into the trees where they’d make love—real love—and live happily for the rest of their lives. Or until she awoke.

  Knowing that waking couldn’t be far off, Marian groaned. She leaned into his embrace, laid her head on his chest, and fastened her arms about his waist, determined to hang on for as long as she could. His arms tightened in response. Yes. She wanted him to hold her close—the closer the better.

  “Easy, my lady, easy,” a voice whispered out of his hood. A voice she loved, never more than a murmur, but husky and warm. A voice that set her skin to tingling.

  “You’re safe now,” he said.

  Big news. His arms were the only place she ever felt safe.

  “But we mustn’t tarry here. Can you walk?”

  Not if she could avoid it. She hid a pout against his chest. He was supposed to carry her, darn it. It was how the dream went.

  “I…I’m too dizzy.” Well, she was. A little peculiar, that, to feel so dizzy in a dream. Not that she was complaining.

  “No matter. My legs can carry us both.” He shifted his grip on her and swung her high against his chest.

  She snuggled in, resting her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt like purring. “Yes, I know. You’ve carried me before.”

  “I have?”

  “Mmm-hmm, lots of times. Thousands. Maybe even millions.”

  “Indeed. Lucky me.” He settled her more securely in his arms. Not a twig snapped under his feet as he carried her off the road and into the greenwood.

  Nestled against him, the only sounds she heard were the steady beating of his heart and the quiet rasp of her own breath. She buried her face in his tunic and inhaled. Mmm, he smelled of wood smoke and fresh-cut herbs, spicy and sweet, with just a hint of something magical, mysterious. Moonlight perhaps? Did moonlight have a fragrance? Who cared. It was luscious, whatever it was. A warm woodsy scent, uniquely Robin.

  She smiled. “I love you.”

  “You do?” He faltered in mid-step.

  Why did he sound so surprised? Silly Robin.

  “Of course. And you love me.” Wait a minute… Had he ever told her he loved her? She couldn’t remember. It was one of those things she’d always taken for granted. “You do love me…don’t you?”

  The muscles in his arms and chest tensed. “I adore you… I just didn’t realize you felt the same.”

  He didn’t? How strange. “I’m Maid Marian. Who else would I love but Robin Hood?”

  “Hmm, who indeed?”

  A fresh wave of dizziness hit, forcing her to cling to him tighter. “At least in my dreams I’m Maid Marian. In real life, it’s just plain old Marian.”

  “There is nothing plain about you, my lady.”

  Hah, he had no idea.

  “You wouldn’t say things like that if you knew me out of my dreams.” She didn’t realize she’d spoken the thought aloud until she heard him inhale sharply.

  “Um…are you dreaming now?”

  “I must be if you’re here.”

  “Ah. I see. Very logical.”

  Logical? Who was this, Robin Hood or Mr. Spock? She lifted her head from his shoulder to look at his face, found it still lost in the dark of his hood so she couldn’t see a darn thing. Stupid of her to even try really. She should have known better. She wondered how he saw anything from under there himself, wondered how much longer before she awoke. An uneasiness pricked her. Was there something else she should be wondering…worrying about? Someone?

  She couldn’t remember. Everything blurred around her. So dizzy…

  Robin shifted her in his arms to hold her closer, and she gave up thinking. What the hell, so long as the dream lasted she could handle some dizziness, right? Sighing, she shut her eyes and reburied her face in his shoulder.

  When she looked up again, they’d entered a small clearing. Across it a ghostly white mount waited beneath the trees, its legs half hidden in the evening vapors rising from the forest floor. Feathery wisps of steam curled out its nostrils, increasing the spectral illusion, heightening her sense of surrealism.

  “About bloody time you got here.” The call came from a fair-haired, bearded man in a red-feathered cap, with a lute slung over his back. He stood in the deepening shadows, holding the ghost horse’s bridle, staring curiously at Marian.

  She stared back.

  With a wink and a grin, he doffed his cap and swept a small bow before her. Her face flushed.

  “Be needing some help?” the fellow offered, looking hopeful.

  Robin’s arms tightened around her. “Dream on, Will Scarlet. I’d as soon ask a wolf to help me guard a lamb.”

  “Hey, I’m the one who’s dreaming,” Marian said.

  Will’s brows quirked up as he shot her a glance, then he raised his eyes to peer into Robin’s hood. He cleared his throat. “Ahem…all right is she?”

  “She’s a bit fuddled it seems. No great wonder considering all she’s suffered today.” Robin heaved a small sigh.

  “Ahh,” Will said. “Sir Guy the Gross and old Notty, you mean.”

  “That and…other things. ’Tis all bound to take a toll, if not sooner than later.” In two easy motions Robin lifted Marian into the saddle, then swung up behind her.

  She leaned against him and winced when the back of her head met with the ridge of his collarbone. Her hand explored the sore spot. “Ow. How did I get this lump?”

  “A bump is it?” Will handed Robin the reins. “Poor lass. I’d be pleased to kiss it and make it better.”

  Robin pulled the horse around so its hindquarters stood directly in Will’s face. “Kiss this instead, why don’t you?” he said, and trotted them off.

  Will’s laughter followed them into the trees.

  Cheeky fellow, wasn’t he?

  “One of your ‘Merrie Men,’ I suppose,” Marian said.

  “If he gets any ‘merrier’ he’ll find himself missing some teeth.” Robin slowed the horse to a walk. “In truth, my lady, the man’s a…traveling minstrel…for the moment. He’s but recently arrived in Sherwood. My men tried to rob him a fortnight ago, and we’ve not been able to rid ourselves of him since. He claims to be wandering the land in search of a wife. I suspect anyone’s wife will do.”

  He clucked to his horse and turned its head a fraction to the side. Like magic a secret trail materialized before them. The night shadows closed in, and the forest swallowed them up.

  Marian stared about, trying to pierce the gloom. So still and dark. Nothing around her but the sounds of the horse, the whispering leaves…and Robin. Surrendering to it all she settled back to enjoy the ride. A new experience. There’d never been a horse in the dream before. She’d never been on a horse before, waking or dreaming. She liked the motion of the animal, the feel of it under her thighs.

  She liked even better the feel of Robin’s arm around her, his masculine torso supporting her back. Snuggling closer she wrapped both arms over his at her waist, turning her face so her cheek nestled in the hollow of his throat. He lowered his chin and rested it on top of her head. Perfect. Now they fit in the saddle like two spoons nestled in a drawer.

  The motion of the horse rocked their hips together, her back to his front. Mmm, what would happen if… She experimented with
arching her back so her buttocks ground into his groin. Something twitched and hardened behind her.

  Robin sucked in his breath and released it in a groan. “If you keep that up we may never get where we’re going.”

  That was a problem? She arched again and felt the hardness lengthen and grow. “You know what? If you keep that up, I won’t care if we don’t.”

  Good lord, did that come out of her mouth? Never would she act this way with anyone else—she’d slit her wrists first. But Robin wasn’t anyone. He was the only one. And this was her dream, darn it.

  Make the most of it while it lasts.

  Using the rhythm of the horse as a guide she pressed her hips against him again. And again…

  He made a strangling noise in his throat and pulled back on the reins. “Whoa, Marian, whoooaa…”

  Whoa? He was ordering her to stop like she was a horse? The heck with that.

  As they came to a halt she realized he was talking to the horse. She frowned. “You named your horse Marian?”


  “Um…yes. After you. Do you mind?”

  Oh my… How could she mind anything when his voice touched her like silk? Feeling warm flutters inside she leaned forward to stroke the mare’s neck. “Actually, I think it’s sweet.”

  With both hands Robin pulled her back and lowered his head to hers, his breath tickling her ear. “’Tis you who are sweet, my maid.” His lips grazed her cheek, a touch tender as new leaves, as timelessly sensual as the forest around them.

  It was all she needed to tip her over the edge. A delicious heat spread through her. Her nipples hardened. She went damp between the legs. “Well, if that’s the way you feel, let’s forget the ride and do ‘sweet’ things to each other in the bushes.” She twisted around and latched onto his shoulders, intent on finding the lips in that hood and kissing them.

  Robin grabbed her wrists, holding her off. “No, wait—”

  “I can’t wait. Who knows how long we have? I could wake up any second.” The thought drove her straining toward him.

  His hands tightened on her. “No, we can’t do this—not now—you don’t understand—”

  “What’s to understand?” She grappled with him, trying to pull free. The movement sent a fresh wave of dizziness crashing over her, leaving giddiness in its wake. “I’m just having a wonderful dream is all. Let me enjoy it while I can.”

  “Lady…” A desperate edge sharpened his voice. “You are not dreaming. This is real.”

  God, if only that were true. It wasn’t, but it was nice of him to take her fantasies so seriously, especially since he was the main part of them. She demonstrated her appreciation by leaning in against his hold and rubbing her body against his.

  Robin groaned. “Marian—”

  On hearing her name, the mare nickered and stared over her shoulder at them, coyly batting her big brown eyes.

  “He doesn’t mean you, dear. He’s talking to me,” Marian the human told her. “Why don’t you take a long walk and come back for us later. Find some grass to nibble on or something.”

  Her namesake snorted and bobbed her head up and down, pawing the earth, then suddenly—

  Wow, just like the Lone Ranger. Hiho, Marian!

  “Bloody hell—” Robin grabbed for the reins as the mare reared high. Too late. He toppled backward and landed with a grunt on the ground. “Oof.”

  “Oh!” Maid Marian landed face-first flat on top of him.

  Both lay panting as their transport disappeared down the path.

  “Thank you,” Marian called after her.

  “Wench.” Robin rolled them over, pinning her beneath him. “Are you happy now?” His whisper reverberated in the darkness.

  Marian peered into the shadows of his hood, trying to guess where his mouth was. “I’ll be happier when you kiss me. How about it?”

  He made a noise between a groan and a growl.

  Was that a yes or a no?

  She felt his breath on her face. So close… Her arms snaked around his neck and pulled him closer.

  “Never mind, I’ll kiss you instead,” she said, and joined him in his hood. Her mouth found his on the first try.

  He tensed, jerked back—then caved in completely, pressed her hard into the ground.

  Lips parted. Limbs tangled. Time stopped.

  Electric. The kiss struck her like lightning, burned clear through to her core, sliced her open and left her quivering, bleeding, dying for more. Hot need pulsed deep inside, a hungry ache between her thighs—

  “Lady…please…” Robin pulled back, panting.

  No, no, no—don’t stop! She grabbed his hood with both hands, yanked him down and dove straight back in. Her mouth plundered his, licking, nipping, sucking…

  A crazy woman. Crazy for Robin. Mmmm… She wanted to eat him alive.

  He stiffened against her, his whole body rigid—one part of him especially. A steel rod dug into her abdomen.

  Robin groaned, dragged his lips away from her. “Marian…” His breath came ragged. “We have to stop this… Now… There’s something I have to tell you—”

  “Later. I’m busy now.” She locked her legs behind his knees when he tried to push away. One hand pulled him back by his hood, the other raked down his back…made a marvelous discovery.

  “You’re not wearing anything under your tunic,” she murmured against his mouth.

  A shudder racked through him as her hand touched his buttocks. “My ap-pologies,” he choked out. “I had…no time for the niceties of braes or hose today.”

  “I’m not complaining. I don’t seem to be wearing any panties either.” She’d just noticed that, in fact. How historically accurate. And how convenient. “Want to see?”


  Too bad.

  She stroked his bare flesh. Smooth, warm, firm… Goodness, he had a great ass. She dug in her fingers and squeezed—then gasped as he bucked free from her legs and heaved back. Clinging to his hood she went with him. He landed on his great ass. She landed on her stomach with her face in his lap.

  Oh my. He had a great erection, too.

  Marian let go of one head to examine another. She lifted his tunic and stared at the shadowy monster hiding beneath. Her eyes went wide in the darkness. Good God, he was huge. Had he ever been this big before? Her breath hitched. How had she fit him inside? She had a flicker of panic wondering if he’d fit now.

  Oy… Only one way to find out. Trembling but determined, she rose to her knees and hoisted her gown.

  “W-wait!” Robin’s voice cracked. “What are you doing?”

  Stupid question.

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” Wriggling forward, she advanced on him.

  “Oh no—” There was a frantic crunching of twigs as he scrambled to his feet.

  Marian’s hand shot out and closed around his shaft. “Oh yes.”


  Why did he sound like he was strangling? She wasn’t tugging that hard. “This is my dream, and if I say we make love, we make love, damn it. Use it or lose it, big boy.”

  “Will you please listen to me— Uhhh.” His rump reconnected with earth as he lost the tug-of-war. “This is no dream,” he finished weakly.

  “How the heck would you know? You’re part of it. Now shut up and sit still. I don’t know what you’re so worried about. You’ve got the easy part.” Without loosening her hold on his erection, she braced her free hand on his shoulder and climbed aboard his lap, straddling him. His breath rasped out as she positioned him at her opening and locked her legs around his waist.

  “Easy?” He grabbed onto her hips.

  Marian couldn’t tell if he was trying to push her away or pull her closer. Perhaps he couldn’t decide either.

  “Lady, you are making this most hard for me.”

  “Good. It’s supposed to be hard. There’s not much we can do with it otherwise.” She rubbed against the length of his shaft, making him slick with her own juices.

; Robin let out a low guttural growl. His hands tightened on her. “Marian, for the love of God—”

  “No, for the love of you.” Before he could stop her she lifted up, then pressed down, driving him all the way into herself with one hot, heavy thrust. They both gasped as her muscles contracted around him.

  O Lord have mercy… Robin was right, this was no dream, she wasn’t asleep. She must be dead, because this was heaven.

  With another gasp, she lifted again. He met her this time, pushed up as she came down. In wordless agreement they moved together in a dance older than time, more natural than breathing. The rhythm of waves kissing shore, sky hugging earth. The ebb and flow of life itself. With each thrust he sank deeper, filled her more—pulsing, pounding, throbbing, swelling—until there was nothing left inside her but Robin. Only Robin. Loving Robin, she exploded into sparks.

  She felt his arms tight around her as they collapsed back onto the forest floor, the world suddenly spinning, the woods receding into fog.

  “You know what you’ve done, don’t you?” he whispered. “You’ve made yourself mine forever. I’ll never let you go now.”

  The words fell on deaf ears. The dream had already dissolved into dark.