Read Shinigami Eyes Page 13

  Never thought I’d be happy to go to school. The second I’m off the bus, I race over to the usual tree in the hopes of finding Matt. I’d really like some answers right about now. Too much has happened these past few days, and I’m tired of being kept in the dark. I shudder when a faint wisp of last night’s nightmare floats back to mind.

  “Rin-chan, what are you doing?” a concerned voice sounds from behind me and I realise I’m not alone. Standing behind me looking confused are Haruka and Miki.

  “I’m…” If I say ‘waiting for Matt’ Haruka is probably going to get angry again. I really need to figure out what she has against him at some point. “I’m just stretching my legs a bit before school starts.”

  Haruka gives me a look that says she knows I’m lying, but doesn’t understand why. “Well, come on then, I promised Sakura-sempai that we’d head to club before class this morning to make up for yesterday’s practice.”

  Giving one last glance around for Matt, I follow the two girls into the building. Before we even reach the clubroom, I can hear the sound of a keyboard coming from inside. We open the door to find Satomi standing behind her keyboard while a sullen Sakura tunes her guitar nearby.

  “You’re late. I told you to be here first thing.” Sakura gives us an angry glare before adjusting the strap on her guitar. “Whatever. Let’s just get started already.”

  Slunking my way over to my drums, I pull my purple and black drumsticks from my bag. Even though Sakura looks like she’s ready to murder the lot of us for not following her every command, the rehearsal still manages to be a lot of fun. By the time the bell rings, everyone has found a nice groove, and the music club is actually sounding like a band you might listen to. Best of all, I feel better than I have since I started having those nightmares. There’s nothing like bashing the drums to help clear the mind.

  On our way out, Satomi catches my eye and I indicate for Haruka and Miki to go on ahead. She looks a lot more at ease than the last time I saw her, which isn’t hard considering the last time I saw her was just after a billboard almost squished her.

  “I just want to thank you for what you did the other day. You saved my life.” The tall girl looks down at me with heartfelt gratitude.

  “It was nothing. Right time, right place. That’s all it was.” I feel my cheeks start to burn.

  “I mean it. If you still want my help, we can meet up during the lunch break and I’ll help you out then.”

  I stare blankly for a few seconds before it finally clicks. With everything that’s been going on the past couple of days, I’d almost forgotten her promise to teach me to read. “That sounds great.”

  Satomi smiles and pushes her glasses back up her nose. “Come on, we’ll be late for class if we hang around much longer.”

  * * *

  No sign of Matt.

  It’s been two days and still no sign of him. He hasn’t been to school, he hasn’t contacted me, nothing. How long does it take to read a freaking manga? Did he just abruptly decide getting me to believe his story was good enough? I wish I had his number so I could call him up and yell at him for stressing me out like this. If it wasn’t for Satomi trying to teach me kanji every lunchtime, I’d probably walk out and try and find his house. Then I would yell at him.

  I stare at the latest set of glyphs she has been patiently explaining for the past fifteen minutes and consider walking out anyway. Out of the dozen or so she’s shown me these past two days, I only remember around four of them. And there are still a couple of thousand to go. Yay.

  “Are you alright, Rin-san? You seem distracted today.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get this.” I shake my head. “They just look like little squiggles to me.”

  “Just keep at it. You’ll get used to them given enough time.” Satomi sounds like a patient mother watching her child take its first steps.

  “Enough time? What, like a thousand years?”

  “You’re actually doing better than I thought you’d be. Lunch is just about over. Why don’t we call it a day and we’ll try again tomorrow?”

  I snap the kanji book shut a little harder than really necessary. It may be childish, but I really hope the person who decided an entire language needed to be made up of thousands of tiny pictures died painfully and went to hell. This is impossible. They’ll have invented auto-translate by the time I figure out how to read.

  Frustrated, I shove the book at my bag and end up knocking the entire thing off the desk. Satomi looks about ready to laugh as I bite back a swear, watching the contents of my bag decide to hold a mass prison break. One of my drumsticks is practically rolling for the exit. I sigh and look around the empty classroom Satomi found for our study sessions. At least no one saw me make a fool of myself.

  Recapturing my rogue drumstick, I start shoving everything back into my bag. Satomi bends down to help me, but stops when she finds the burnt piece of cardboard I’ve been carrying around all week.

  “Where’d you get this?” she asks holding up the birthday card like it contains a live spider.

  “It’s just something I found. It’s got something to do with a birthday I can’t remember.”

  Satomi blinks at me before slowly peeking inside the card. “Oh my God. It didn’t click until just now, that was your birthday?”


  “I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. I’ve known Haruka-san for a long time, we went to different junior highs before coming here, but we did know each other. Of course, you’re her cousin. It’s so obvious. That’s whose party it was.”


  “Funny, I don’t remember much of it. But look.” She holds out the picture glued to the inside of the card and points to a girl on the far side of the picture. “That’s me.”

  I stare at the girl she’s pointing to and, now that she mentions it, the girl does look a lot like a younger version of Satomi. Must have been before she started wearing glasses.

  “Why didn’t you mention this before?” I say looking between the girl in the photo and the one standing in front of me.

  “I didn’t realise it until just now. It’s been over ten years, and I didn’t really know you back then, I only went to the party because I was invited. What’s with the Xs?” Satomi says all this like it makes perfect sense. I guess, considering I don’t remember it at all, it might.

  “Wait, wait, wait. You know what happened that day?”

  “I try not to think about it too often. Especially not since I became friends with Haruka-san. Not really something you talk about if you can help it.”

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “It’s a little fuzzy, but yes. We were all playing a game, I can’t remember what, when a fire broke out. Everyone panicked. All I really remember is a lot of running and screaming. It’s best not to bring this up around Haruka, but her mother was really badly hurt trying to save us.” Satomi carefully closes the card and lays it on the desk in front of her. “She died not long afterwards. Not a very happy memory all told.”

  “Is there anything else you remember?”

  Satomi gives me a look like there might be something more. Something she doesn’t want to say. “It’s strange, but some of the things I remember don’t make much sense. I remember eyes. In the clos—”

  The end of lunch bell blares cutting her off before she can finish. Satomi bolts upright like a meerkat expecting an oncoming car. In a flash she scoops up her things and starts heading for the door. “Sorry, I’ve got a student council meeting right now I need to get to. I almost forgot about it. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “What did you see?” I call out before she can disappear.

  Satomi pauses in the doorway as if considering her options. Finally she turns to me and says, “I remember seeing eyes. Glowing red eyes. In the closet.”

  “What?” I practically fall over in shock. That can’t be what she said.

  Satomi bolts out the door without another word. After a few moments o
f flapping my mouth wordlessly, I manage to pull myself together enough to finish picking up my things and head for class. There is no way she said what I thought she just said. It’s impossible. I must have misheard her.

  I hope I misheard her.

  * * *

  It’s even harder paying attention in class after hearing what little Satomi was able to tell me. My mind keeps racing back to what she said before leaving. What I thought she said. It can’t be what she said. Those cruel red eyes I keep dreaming about. If Satomi has seen them, what does it mean?

  I glance over at Matt’s empty seat for the millionth time in the last two days. It would be nice if he were here to shed some light on things. He promised to help me figure this out and then he up and disappears. What I really want is someone to discuss all this with. As it is I’m getting more and more confused with the more I find out.

  When the bell finally rings, I practically leap out of my seat, hoping to catch up to Satomi before everyone heads off to start cleaning. I need to find out what she knows. I spot her heading out the door, and before I can run after her, Miki pops up in front of me holding a broom.

  “Where are you off to, Rin-san? We’re in the same group today. Isn’t this fun?” She starts bouncing up and down like being in the same cleaning group means she’s won the lottery.

  “Next time. I’ve got to go talk to Satomi about something.” Miki stops bouncing and looks like I’ve gone and shattered her hopes and dreams. It’s just cleaning for crying out loud. I’ll have to buy her some candy or something to make it up to her.

  Out in the hallway, I let out a sigh when I see that Satomi’s already long gone. I guess I’ll just have to go back and clean with Miki then. Yippee. Turning to make my way back to the classroom, I spot someone waving to me from the end of the hall. Matt. About time he showed up. He holds the manga up to me before turning and disappearing around the corner.

  I dash down the hallway, racing to catch up to him, but by the time I get there he’s already heading towards the exit. What’s he up to this time? He doesn’t slow down to give me a chance to catch up, he just keeps moving like he expects me to follow him. This had better be important.

  I burst out the front doors, and glance around trying to figure out where he’s run off to. I almost give up and go back inside when I spot him standing on the other side of the street waving to me. You have got to be kidding me. You know what I’m going to do when I get a hold of him? I’m going to punch him in the nose and demand an explanation. That’s what I’m going to do.

  Matt starts waving for me to hurry up. What does he think I am? A dog or something? I run out into the street glaring at Matt. He is really starting to piss me off. Halfway across, Matt winks at me and I hear a horn blare.

  “Rin, look out!” a voice shouts from behind me.

  I barely have time to register the large truck barrelling down on me before I’m grabbed around the waist and dragged backwards. As the truck speeds past I notice a cartoon fox holding a package painted on the side.

  “Rin, are you okay?” the person holding me asks.

  I can only nod as I watch the speeding vehicle disappear into the distance. That was too close. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of my mounting shock and turn to face my saviour.

  “Rin, we’ve got a problem,” Matt says holding me steady.

  Chapter 19

  I gape at the boy standing in front of me. That’s impossible. He was just on the other side of the street and now he’s right here. Looking out of breath. Standing way too close to me. Arms still around my waist.

  Shoving him away, trying to keep my face from going red, I shout the first thing that pops into my head. “It’s been two days Matt. Where the hell have you been?”

  “I’m sorry. I found something in the manga I had to chase up. Took longer than I thought it would. Why were you standing in the middle of the street?” He looks between me and the street like he might already know the answer.

  “I was following you. You led me out here.”

  “I only just got here. Whoever it was wasn’t me.”

  “But… I saw you…” I say weakly, noticing that the Matt in front of is wearing completely different clothes to the one I followed out here. “What the hell is going on?”

  “That’s what I came to tell you. I’ve noticed some discrepancies in the manga. Contradictions. Strange things happening in the background of other events. People acting out of character. Being in two places at once. I backtracked it through every issue I have. It’s been going on the whole time. Someone’s been going around looking like other people.” He pulls the manga out of his bag and holds it out to me. “Have you told Satomi about your dreams yet?”

  “What?” I just blink at him. I’m so confused right now.

  “I need to know if it’s happened yet. I need to know where we’re up to. Have you told Satomi about your dreams yet?”

  “What? No. We talked a little, but I never mentioned my dreams. How do you even know about those?” I shake my head trying to get my thoughts straight.

  “There’s still time then. We’ve got to find her. We need to stop it from happening.” He starts flipping through the manga, trying to find a specific page.

  “Matt, what’s going on?” I grab his arm and make him stop.

  “If I’m right, we don’t have much time. It’s going to happen soon.”

  “What…” I cut off when I spot the figure standing in the doorway trying to get my attention. The tiny girl in a worn kimono franticly waving her arms above her head. The one flickering in and out like a bad TV signal. The one with eyes flashing in waves of neon red. The one no one else can see.


  As if from a great distance away, I hear her faint voice whimper. “Rin, hurry. She’s in danger!”

  I push past Matt and follow Misa into the building. I hear Matt call out something behind me, but I don’t stick around to listen. My only concern is keeping up with Misa, and boy, is she fast for such a tiny thing.

  I barge past students busily cleaning the halls, knocking over a few as I go, trying desperately not to lose track of my little ghost girl. She dashes up the stairs and a sinking feeling that I know where she’s taking me washes over me.

  “Rin-chan? What’s the matter?” Haruka shouts as I go barrelling past her on my way down the hall. I ignore her and keep running.

  Misa stops in front of a closed door at the end of the hall. From here I can hear voices shouting from inside the room. The same room Satomi and I have been using for our study sessions. I can’t make out what’s being said, but I can tell that one of the voices is Satomi’s. The other sounds familiar but I can’t place why.

  Misa bangs her fists against the door, flickering more and more rapidly each time. I reach out and try to pull the door open, but it won’t budge. It’s like someone’s nailed it shut from the inside. I can hear the voices arguing, but even right up against the door, I can’t tell about what. I try to catch a glimpse through the small window in the door, but something is jammed up against the glass.

  “Rin-chan, what is going on?” Haruka asks, stopping behind me.

  Misa slams into the door with all her might and I feel something let go. She slumps down against the wall blinking in and out like lights on a car battery running flat. I slide the door open and see Satomi struggling with another girl. The entire room is trashed. Desks and chairs are scattered all over the floor.

  Satomi screams when I charge into the room, and as if waiting for the cue, the other girl lifts her up like a ragdoll and throws her. I can only stare helplessly as Satomi goes crashing through the window. Pieces of glass rain down, clattering to the floor seconds before I hear a sickening thud on the concrete below.

  The other girl lets out a twisted laugh as she gazes down at her handiwork, and I feel rage boil over inside of me. Screaming, I dive at the girl. She won’t get away with this.

  She lithely dodges and knocks me to the ground. When she looks down at me
I feel my insides turn to ice. The girl glaring down at me is wearing one of those creepy festival masks that hides her face. A creepy black fox mask. The only thing I can see of her is the streak of purple in her jet black hair. The girl laughs once in that disturbingly familiar voice and runs for the door, barging straight past the shell-shocked Haruka.

  “Haruka! Stop her!”

  Haruka starts reaching forward, but stops midway. She just blinks and shakes her head like she’s waking up from a dream. “Stop who?”

  “The girl! The one who killed Satomi!”

  “What?” Haruka looks at me like she’s worried I’ve gone crazy.

  “Haruka, you saw it happen! She’s getting away!” I push myself to my feet, leaning on a desk.

  “Rin-chan, please calm down.” She approaches me like someone would approach an angry bear. “Saw what happen?”

  “She killed Satomi! Look around! The room is wrecked!” I swing my arms around for her to take in the trashed state of the room. Why is she fighting me on this? The girl is getting away.

  “No, it isn’t. Rin-chan, you’re scaring me.”

  “What are y…” I nearly fall over again. The room looks exactly as it did at lunch. Not a chair out of place, no signs of a struggle, and no broken window. It’s like nothing ever happened.


  I push Haruka out of my way and rush over to the window. Not even a crack. Looking out I don’t see any trace of Satomi. No panicking students, no body on the pavement, nothing. Everything out there is so normal. I can even see Matt waiting for me to come back and explain why I ran off. I didn’t imagine what happened here. I’m sure of it. What the hell is going on?