Read Shopping for Love (BookShots Flames) Page 8

  “I have some ideas,” I say. “But I need some time.”

  The waiter pops open the champagne and pours us each a glass. “To Shopping for Love!” Diana announces.

  We clink glasses. I’ve got my work cut out for me, for sure.

  Chapter 14

  Three weeks go by and I dive into projects for a few other clients to make ends meet. I don’t hear from Caroline or Blake at all, only Diana, who checks in every other day to ask about progress.

  I’ve been going to her office to look through profiles of men, but none of them seem to be a good fit for Caroline. Even if they did, what am I supposed to do? Call her up and I say I found you a man, and some new clothes? I have to figure something out.

  A few days later I find myself sitting in Frankie, waiting at Crompton Enterprises for Caroline to leave. I’m literally stalking her now.

  I see her exit the building and the first thing I notice is that she is wearing the leather jacket I picked out for her, over the dress, tights, and boots we had gotten together. She looks stylish, and it looks like her hair is curled. Wait, yes, her hair is curled. Wow, what a difference.

  I get out of the car and shout across the parking lot. “Caroline! Can I talk to you? Just for a minute?”

  I fully expect her to look startled and run, but she doesn’t. As she gets closer, it looks like she’s wearing a small smile.

  “Hi, Hayden,” she says, approaching me as I stand near Frankie.

  “Caroline, there’s so much I want to say to you. Your friendship means more than me ever spending a minute with Blake. Please believe me.” And I’m not just saying that.

  She looks down at the ground. “You did help me, Hayden. I was mad at you. I felt betrayed by both of you, but I also learned something about myself in the process.”

  “Well, you look fantastic.”

  “Thanks to you. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “What is it?”

  “I do want to work here. This is my passion. This company. I told my dad there were parts that were missing in my life, like this.” She draws her hand up and down gesturing to her clothes. “I told him I need self-expression. I need music. But I can have all of those things and still kick ass at this job.”

  “I believe that, Caroline, I really do,” I say emphatically. “What did your father say?”

  “He understood. I feel like for the first time in my life he was seeing the real me. He told me I was unlike my mother, and unlike him.”

  “Yes. You are your own person! We all are.”

  “Do you know why he finally came around?”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Because Blake talked to him.”

  I feel a stabbing ache I have no right to feel. “Blake cares a lot for you. He would do anything to help you find your place. I don’t think Blake will ever stop caring.” I believe that. I still don’t think Caroline and Blake are the right fit, but that has nothing to do with me, especially if they’re still seeing each other.

  “Hayden, I also realized this wasn’t right for Blake. I’ve always known that.”

  “Didn’t he give his notice?”

  “I don’t mean that. I mean, I knew this relationship wasn’t right for him…our relationship. I’ve clung on to him unfairly.”

  “It’s hard to let go, Caroline.”

  “But I did.”

  “You guys broke up?” I ask incredulously.

  “We did that night, after we left your house.”

  “What? Why haven’t I heard from you since then? Why didn’t you tell me?” This is shocking.

  I wondered idly why Blake hadn’t tried to contact me, either. It has been a while. I guess it would be too soon still. Or maybe he was just using me; maybe I was just a way for him to get out of his relationship with Caroline.

  “I was jealous of you, Hayden.”

  “Jealous of me?”

  “Because you know exactly who you are, and Blake could see that. And it was something I had been grappling with for so long within myself. I didn’t know who I was.” She looks past me as if she’s in deep thought. “Anyway, Hayden. I’ve got to get going.”

  “Okay. I’m so glad I got to see you,” I say.



  “Blake will always be in my life.”

  I nod vigorously. “Of course. You have a history. You care for each other.” It wouldn’t be right for them to completely break things off. They’re family.

  “I’d like you to be in my life as well.”

  I’m touched. I find myself giving her a watery smile. “I would love that.”

  “You’ve really changed things up for me. In a good way, I’ve realized.”

  “How about weekly lunches and a little shopping? Do you think your dad would go for that?”

  “Absolutely. We’re all turning over new leaves. Even him,” she says.

  As she walks away, I’m so proud to see how I’ve helped her. This is what my job is about. This is why I love it. I have the power to affect positive change, and help people realize who they are, and who they can be. I begin walking toward Frankie, feeling fulfilled and happy, and I almost stop short when I realize I’m still thinking about Blake and if I’ll ever see him again.

  Chapter 15

  I’m sitting in a café in Buckhead waiting for Caroline when I overhear a very confident man speaking on the phone about some company being sued for fraud. Being my nosy self, I turn and take him in. He’s my age, the kind of man who’s been wearing a suit and tie his whole life. And he’s wearing it well, by the way.

  When he ends the call, he very politely approaches the counter and asks for a double latte. I notice he’s charming in his politeness. Like, regardless of the business call he just ended, nothing could bring him down. I scan his finger for a wedding ring…nothing. As he waits, he checks his phone. It’s time for me to make my move.

  “Hello,” I say.

  I can tell immediately from the look on his face that I’m not his type, but he’s polite anyway. He has a good-humored face. “Hello.”

  “So are you working with Crompton Enterprises?”

  He looks around and smiles. “Well, it would be a breach of attorney–client privilege to tell you, wouldn’t it? But no, I’m not.”

  Oh, this is getting better by the second. I need Caroline to be late so I can set this up.

  “Hmm, I’m just curious because I know they’re looking for internal counsel at Crompton.” That was true. Caroline told me in one of our phone conversations.

  “I’m just wrapping up this case I’m working on. I’m actually looking to move on. I’m familiar with Crompton. The company, not the owners.”

  “What’s your name?” I ask.

  “Marcus Levey.”

  “Well, Marcus Levey, I’m Hayden Fox and I just so happen to be meeting with one of the owners of Crompton in a few minutes. I can introduce you.”

  Just then Caroline walks through the door. Yes! She’s wearing the plunging neckline blouse, a bright red, A-line skirt, and stilettos.

  “There she is,” I say.

  Marcus’s eyes go wide. “That’s the owner of Crompton?” He swallows.

  “Yes, it is. Caroline!” I call to her. “Come meet Marcus. This is Marcus Levey. He’s an attorney. A revered attorney.” I had to throw in that part to help the cause. He smiles at me. I continue. “For his work on another fraud case.”

  “Hello,” Caroline holds her hand out and they shake, businesslike but for just a few seconds too long.

  “I can assure you, Mr. Levey, our company is completely innocent of any illegal business activities. There is no merit to these accusations, and I gather the case will be open and shut, but Crompton would be happy to evaluate your body of work to see if you’re an appropriate fit.”

  “Please, call me Marcus.”

  “Marcus,” she says hesitantly. I know that look well. She’s smitten, and so is he.

  I’m dying to c
all Diana right this instant, but I have to let this play out naturally.

  “Well, Caroline, I’m sorry, I have to run,” I say. “I forgot; I’m meeting another client.”

  She looks at me strangely.

  “You and Marcus can discuss his work right now. It’s the perfect opportunity.”

  “Sounds great,” Marcus says. “Let me buy you a coffee, Caroline.”

  Chapter 16

  I drive straight to Diana’s office and barge through the door. “I did it! I found her a new man. And, by the way, why didn’t you tell me she and Blake broke up?”

  Diana is powdering her nose at her desk. She shrugs. “Oh, I thought that was old news.”

  “Not to me. Anyway, I found her a lawyer.”

  Diana’s eyes light up. “Wow, perfect timing. Good girl, Hayden!” She pulls out a checkbook. “Time for your bonus.”

  She scribbles in an amount and hands me a check…for ten thousand dollars?! I almost pee my pants. “What on Earth is this for?”

  “Consider it a little good faith on our new company. Let’s get to work, kiddo.”

  She hands me a book of her clients’ profiles and headshots and points out the women she thinks need the most styling help.

  “Hayden, my dear, Shopping for Love is going to be the one-stop shop now with you on board.”

  “But what if Caroline and her new man don’t pan out?”

  “I have a feeling you’re better at this than you think.” She pulls a bottle of champagne from a mini fridge and pops it open.

  I’m so excited that I can help my mom. I’m excited that I can support myself and that I made this new business deal happen all on my own. I feel like something is still missing for me, and maybe it always will be. But I can’t let those thoughts get in the way of my happiness for now.

  Weeks go by, and Diana and I have been working nonstop. Shopping for Love is the new Atlanta hit.

  Crompton Enterprises hired Marcus, and he and Caroline have already been on five dates. One night after some champagne in the office, Caroline joined us. She alluded to the fact she and Marcus were compatible in all the ways you can think of.

  I wondered about Blake, but didn’t want to ask.

  I’m sitting at my desk going through invoices when I get a call from Caroline. She’s crying. “Blake’s been in an accident. I told him not to ride that death trap. Oh my god!”

  My stomach sinks into a pit. “Calm down. Is he okay? What’s going on?”

  “We’re at Saint Joe’s. They’re taking him into surgery. His knee is torn and he has lacerations. I don’t know what else. He was unconscious when I saw him.”

  “Unconscious? Oh, no. But is he stable?”

  “I don’t know. They don’t know if he has a head injury. Can you just come down? I need you.”

  “Sure,” I say. “I’ll be down right away.”

  I’m literally crying in Frankie as I speed toward the hospital. So young and vibrant, so beautiful and full of life. I can’t think about Blake being injured so badly.

  When I arrive, the whole Crompton family is sitting in the waiting room in tears. My mind immediately goes to the darkest place, and then it goes to the lightest. His entire alternate family is here for him. I think about him almost kissing me, and then I believe in this moment that it will never ever happen again because he’s gone and I’m in the dark again. It’s like a knife in the gut.

  Caroline runs to me and hugs me. “He’s still in surgery.” He’s alive.

  I realize how much her family cares for him. He’s like a son to them. I look past her and notice Marcus is there. I wonder how Blake would feel about it.

  Just then a doctor comes out and speaks to Mr. Crompton first as Caroline stands nearby. She comes over to give me an update.

  “They said he’s stable. Thank God. His knee needed surgery, pins and screws or something, but no head injury.” She’s smiling through tears and so am I. I feel like I’ve known them all forever. I’m so glad he has this many people who love him in his life. He deserves it.

  Several hours later we’re finally able to go in and see him. He’s lucid and smiling. Caroline starts in on him immediately. “I told you that death trap—”

  He puts his hand up. “CC, they just cut my knee open. Give me a break here.” She’s crying as she goes over to him and hugs him. I notice Marcus is standing behind her, but in front of me. “Marcus.” Blake nods.

  “Glad you’re okay, man.” They’ve met. He must know everything. I’m sure he sees that the bond between Blake and Caroline can never be broken.

  As everyone else congregates around Blake, Caroline comes over and hugs me. “Thank you for coming. You’re such a good friend to all of us.”

  The room starts to disperse; even Marcus puts his arm around Caroline and walks her out. Diana is the last before me to address Blake. “You know how hot I think you are on that motorcycle, right, Blakey?” she says. “Still, we don’t want to lose you.” She kisses him and he hugs her back.

  “It was the other guy’s fault,” he says to her. He finally looks up at me and laughs.

  She leaves the room and then it’s just us. “So, I guess this makes me the ultimate champion again,” I say. “Though I don’t know when you’ll be ready for a rematch.”

  He shakes his head. “It was stupid. I got cut off. Some guy with a lead foot.” He winks at me. “Come closer, Hayden. I’m not gonna bite you.”

  I move toward his bed and pull two small photos from my pocket. Photos I had taken of him that he wasn’t aware of. It was the night we were out, and he was walking a little ahead of me, laughing at something I had said. “I wanted you to have these.”

  He takes them and stares at them. “Silly girl was making me laugh again.”

  I shrug. “He thinks I’m funny,” I say, eyes rolling, and sigh.

  “I love that about you.”

  Caroline comes back into the room and Blake and I straighten up. That wasn’t nearly enough time for the two of us to talk—or say everything that needed to be said.

  “Well, Blake,” I say, “I agree with everything Diana said, and I’m glad you’re all right.”

  Caroline is smiling peculiarly. I hug them both and then walk out of the room—deciding it’s not the right time to tell him he’s basically crushing my heart.

  Chapter 17

  It’s a month later and I’m at Rag-O-Rama with Caroline. She’s telling me all about Marcus.

  “I mean, my dad basically hired him on the spot as our internal counsel. And just like that, the case was dropped, all thanks to Marcus.”

  “He seems like an amazing lawyer.” She’s sifting through a rack of dresses. She holds up a short skater dress. I nod, and say, “with tights.”

  “Okay to the tights. I just like everything about Marcus. He’s caring and sweet and funny—all the things Blake is, but Marcus and I just click. We enjoy the business; we enjoy brainstorming on how to make it better. We love the same food and the same movies.…”

  I’m trying to be nonchalant. “But you and Blake liked the same music—”

  “That’s kind of it, though, Hayden. I’ve really done a lot of soul searching in the last few months and I figured out why Blake and I didn’t work.”


  “It had nothing to do with him. I was actually pretty controlling. Maybe because we were basically together since we’d been kids. But we’d both grown up—we’d changed. It affected the dynamic of our adult relationship. I needed to find someone more like-minded. I was taking a lot away from Blake…a lot away from his passion and art. He’s very talented, and loyal beyond words. I mean I practically broke up with him a year ago when he asked to marry me, and he still stayed with me and loved me.”

  I knew all of this but wanted to hear it from Caroline’s mouth. “Then what happened?”

  “I strung him along. I kept him around. Now with Marcus, the idea of marriage doesn’t sound so far-fetched.”

  I wonder briefly if I reco
rded her saying that, would Diana give me another bonus? “That’s great progress. I’m truly happy for you,” I say, and I am.

  She looks at me so we’re face to face. She smiles. “Yeah, it is.” She pauses and looks at me meaningfully. “You know Blake will be fine, right? I mean in more ways than one.”

  Of course he will. I have at least six clients that would kill to go out with him. He’ll find someone who deserves him in no time. “How is he doing, by the way?”

  “He’s on crutches and he has a knee brace, but that’s about it. They say he’s making a miraculous recovery.”

  She knows that’s not what I mean. “I meant—”

  “Let me put it this way…he basically thanked me for breaking up with him. It was time. He told me he loved me and was happy for me…that I found someone else. It takes a lot for your boyfriend of ten years to say that. We both knew it was time.”

  As happy as I am to hear her words, something about it still makes me frown. So much of his life has been tied to Caroline, her family, and his job at her father’s company. What will he be like now that he’s his own man? Now that he’s free? I picture him sitting in his apartment all alone, with his messed-up knee elevated, binge-watching Game of Thrones.

  “He still won’t sell that damn motorcycle,” she adds, laughing, and then I laugh, too, but my laughter is forced.

  “Well, I’m glad his spirits are high. At least he’s still being stubborn about the motorcycle.”

  “Most stubborn man alive.” She giggles.

  “Yeah.” I don’t totally agree that Blake is stubborn—he’s too easygoing to be stubborn. I belatedly wonder, for the five thousandth time, why he hasn’t called me.

  I think Caroline has picked up the sadness in my tone, so she adds, “Hey, you know what? Marcus has a hot friend, Kade. We should all go out.”

  Oh, no. Diana’s been nagging me for weeks about getting out there and dating. Now Caroline’s trying to play matchmaker, too. “I don’t know, C.”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun. Even if nothing pans out.”