Read Short Shorts by Dom Cadiz Page 1

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  Copyright ©2014 by Dom Cadiz

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  by Dom Cadiz

  “Have a good night ma’am… sir…”

  The girl at the window blushed and lowered her eyes to the floor. I smiled and nodded my head with tolerance as I drove off. In my head, she hadn’t offended me one bit. I mean, just earlier a little girl called me an “it.” She was a cutie, but it took a lot of self-control to not lose it. If she were related to me, she would’ve gotten the backhand. Yup, and a couple of pinches, too.

  “Aw, that girl was funny! She was hella surprised when we pulled up, though! She saw you and gasped, girl!” Myron laughed aloud as he threw a couple of French fries into his mouth. He wiped his face and fixed his baseball-fitted cap in the rearview mirror. When he was satisfied, he retreated back behind the passenger seat and took a huge gulp of his soda. “So, ladies. Downtown or Weho tonight?”

  “I’m just the driver,” I said. “Just tell me where to go.”

  “But you’re dressed more girl today. Would you be cool if we went downtown?” Otto set down his burger and placed a hand on my shoulder as he asked me the question. His hazel eyes locked onto me and his slight grin exposed his right dimple. My skin heated and I flushed.

  “You boys know that I’m up for whatever you want. I just want to drink already,” I said, trying to cover up the reality that I don’t ever feel comfortable downtown.

  I tried to seem nonchalant. I tried to hold it together. But I know Otto saw through my whole façade. With one look, he cracks the walls I put up; the very same walls meant to keep him out. I know that he knows he’s got me wrapped around his fingers. He knows that I’ll never admit to it. We’ve spoken about it once before, but the conversation was never resolved…

  “Babe, can you pass me the soda,” Otto said as he reached behind his chair. Myron handed the soda over and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Knots wrung in the pit of my stomach. Flames of fury flared.

  “Well then, if you’re cool, I say we check out downtown. There’s a rooftop lounge with a great view on 7th and Grand. Their late night happy hour is the bomb dot COM, yo. And the girls there are fine!” Tanner bounced like an excited schoolboy, nudging the back of my chair stiffly with his knees.

  “Tanner, you’re gay. You need to just accept it already,” I interjected, purposefully trying to douse his flames of excitement. Otto and Myron sunk into their respective seats convulsing with cackles and hollers.

  “I’ll start taking advice from you when you figure out whether you want to be a boy or a girl,” Tanner said. “Just be a chick with a dick already,” he said with a mocking squeal. I could tell that he was trying to sound snarky.

  Vibrations reverbed throughout my body. I clutched my long hair from the roots and pulled it to the side. I took in a deep breath. My head was cursing Tanner. Goddamn, if only I wasn’t driving. He’s lucky I wasn’t back there to slap him across the face…

  I ushered in a moment of silence.

  Otto could read the change in my mood by the expression in my face. He smacked Tanner on the side of his head and said, “We’re going to Weho.”

  No one tried to argue. No one said a word.

  Again, my skin heated and I flushed.

  The club in Weho swarmed with testosterone and estrogen-pumped glamazonic men. Flashing lights and strobes danced along with the heavy bass and electronic trance melody. Once we entered, Otto and Myron pushed through piles of sweaty bodies and coined their spot on the dance floor. They grabbed each other by their muscled tank tops and intertwined as they hopped to the beat. Don’t look at them. Don’t look.

  I turned to look for Tanner, but he was long gone. ‘Probably with one of those go-go’s,’ I thought to myself as I pushed my way to the bar. I swayed my hips back and forth and swung my hair so that it sashayed in the wind. I purposefully pitched my voice higher as I pardoned myself through people.

  The minute I sat down at the bar, a silver daddy slithered over to the seat next to me. Although his skin was pulled tight and glowed orange, his receding hairline gave away his age. He spoke words of flattery, exalting how stunning I was. He ordered me a drink. I happily obliged.

  I sipped on the Long Island Iced Tea as he ranted about nothing. I giggled and laughed to make it seem that I knew what the hell he was saying, but in all honesty, I barely heard a few words here and there. Blah blah blah. Boring.

  My focus drifted and I started to watch people as the silver daddy talked on. I spotted Tanner at one of the go-go booths, just as I expected. I got to the bottom of my drink and blatantly slurped. I stirred the cup of ice and set it down at the bar.

  “Thank you, darling,” I said as I tried to b-line it over to Tanner. The silver daddy’s firm grip caught my arm.

  “Don’t go gorgeous. Tell me more about yourself. Your hair is magnificent! Is it a weave or extensions?” He was ready to make me work for that drink.

  “Honey, this hair is all natural,” I said. I tried to walk away again. I was stuck in his grip again.

  “So are you taking hormones?”

  “I’m not a tranny either,” I said. I gagged. I would have rather been called an it. “If you’ll please excuse me, my friend is right over there…” I turned to make another move, but his vice grip held me back.

  “So, you’re a really pretty boy with nice hair?” he said, trying to hold back a chuckle.

  “I’m not a boy. I’m not a girl. I’m just me and I’m comfortable with that. Now, please, let me go.” The bass in my voice started to return. The silver daddy persisted.

  I screamed.

  From the corner of my eye, a right arm had appeared and accelerated straight towards the silver daddy’s jaw. The silver daddy’s head thumped on the bar.

  “You okay?” Otto had seen that I needed some help and ran to my side.

  My skin heated and I flushed.

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