Read Shreiber and Tome: Unlucky Vamps Page 12


  The next few days passed uneventfully. Bill went to prison, but was bailed out. When Lil checked, his crypt was empty and his shops were closed. Starbucks eventually purchased the lot. He was never heard from again.

  Santiago, somehow, sent back Tome’s Anasasi snake charm along with two Shadow Vipers they had found in Mister Evan’s room. Tome christened them Snuffy II and Huffy. Lil forbade him from ever again bringing them to the office, once she had climbed down from her desk. And that went doubly for Bill’s arm.

  Sadly for Tome, Santiago was busy on the weekend. He suspected that Ryan was purposely making her work late to stop him taking her out. But he wasn’t put off. Rather, he liked the competition. Ryan wouldn’t know what hit him...

  As the days passed, Lil found herself overcome by a slight depression. It only occurred to her after the moment had come and gone what an opportunity she had wasted. When was she ever going to meet another flesh and blood angel from the Higher Realms?

  On Monday, Tome came into the office, late. He was whistling a tune cheerfully.

  “Please tell me you aren’t still thinking about that angel?” he said when he saw Lil’s expression.

  “I can’t help it. All this time, I’ve been trying to find out about my father, and the moment I finally get a chance to talk to an angel, I forget to ask.”

  “Stop beating yourself up about it,” Tome told her. “You’ll get another chance.”

  “Seeing an Ascended Being is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

  “Think of it this way. Tomorrow, you might get hit by a bus.”

  Lil looked up. “You’re just saying that.”

  “No, it could happen. Lot of crappy drivers out there.”

  “I guess.”

  “You just need to take your mind off things. I heard Ryan has a new case. Want to go have a shufti?”

  “No thanks. You just want to go ogle Santiago.”

  “Sure, if the opportunity arises. Oh, come on! Let’s go do battle with the forces of darkness... and whatever creature Ryan’s looking for now. It’ll be fun. You might even die again.”

  The intercom buzzed.

  “Lil,” Amy said. “Mrs Dresden is on line one. Apparently, Mister Dresden is pregnant.”

  “Come again?”

  “He got knocked up by Frank the tentacle beast. Mrs Dresden wants you to find it so she can file a paternity suit. Or maternity suit. Whatever.”

  Tome looked at her and grinned. Despite herself she grinned back.

  “Okay, put her through,” she said. She picked up the phone. “Lil Shreiber. How can I help you?”