41. Jim decides.
August is happy, which is at least something positive from the mess we are in. Her Mummy is coming back to live with us in the morning and she is excited about a new brother or sister coming in a couple of months or so. I had to bite my tongue before adding the word "half". Although I sound like a wimp, it is the best practical option, I will sleep back in the box room, while Vi and the cot will be in the master bedroom. I will put a TV with cable in the dining room for Vi to use in the evening, so I can have use of the living room; she can use that room whenever I don't need to. She will look after her own meals and washing, and we have divided the housekeeping between us.
I will not have anything to do with child care, if she wants to go out she will have to arrange for a baby sitter; she won't be able to call on her parents and certainly not me, except where August is concerned.
42. Darren tweets to his 132 followers.
Nicked in Thailand for drug possession. I'm innocence, man.
43. Darren tweets to his 114 followers.
Must have been her, last night LHR, blond tart @rosiegee29, nice arse, she planted drugs in my bag, man.
44. August happy.
It is so nice seeing my Mummy so cheerful this morning. She cooked my breakfast and did some for Daddy too, although he's still upset with her. Nanna and Gramps went away and won't be back till Christmas. They dropped off a lot o'loverly presents for Daddy and me and lots of baby stuff. It'll be good to see Mummy when I get home from school. Better than waiting hours for Daddy to get home from work or Auntie Rosie, who doesn't come round every afternoon like she used to, I miss Auntie Rosie.
45. Darren tweets to his 13 followers.
Consul legal adviser reckons I'll get 8 years. If I ever find her I will kill that blond cow!
Tony Spencer
Is living in the UK and has been writing all his life, mostly sports reports with provincial newspapers and some factual works and now concentrating on fiction. Was a printer and proofreader for over 40 years and still freelancing as a 'corrector of the press'.
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