Read Shuri Gate Page 13


  3653 and her crew chiefs were gone for three and a half days on first a combat air patrol mission as a flying gas station for a mission to locate a downed aircraft between Khe Sanh and the DMZ. They refueled several fighters before returning to Kadena low on fuel and the crew running out of flying time. The following morning they departed Kadena to fly a round robin courier flight to UT and Guam with a different flight crew.

  Dragging off the flightline dog tired after landing in the wee hours of Saturday morning Rick took his tanker's forms in to schedule some needed maintenance at job control. He was surprised to find a note from Bob Kruse waiting for him.

  "Sorry you missed your birthday party. Cheryl said that the bottle of wine we bought for you was really great though after drinking two thirds of it she was hung over in the morning.

  You guys will have several days of downtime. So far your next scheduled mission isn't until Wednesday. Two weeks of strip alert at beautiful tropical Anderson AFB on Guam.

  Isn't that great?

  So Cheryl wants to go to Naha with you to discover what attracts you so much. Since I have to work all weekend, you my friend, are on your own.

  Recover quickly. Her plan is to catch a bus about 1100 hours on Sunday morning. Oh yeah! That's tomorrow morning.

  Meet her at the house about then.

  An edict from her Royal Highness.

  Cheerio for now.

  Cheryl sends her love." Was added as an after thought.

  Rick handed the note to Leo. "I'm going to take a shower and get a layer of Thailand sludge off me. Then I'll think about all this as I cozy up with my pillow for about 8 hours."

  "You aren't going with us are you?"

  "No. I am not. Nowhere in that note did I see the name Leo Rosko, Leo, or even plain old Rosko appear.

  Besides, I'm going over to the MARS station and try to call my loving wife. If I don't talk to her in the next 12 hours I'm going to go through major withdrawal and try to stowaway on a CONUS bound aircraft. Maybe I'll steal a Piper Cub from the aero club and see how far I can get."

  "Can you fly an airplane?"

  "Well, no. But I'll try anything right now."

  "I suggest that you stick to the MARS station and be satisfied with an audio visit."

  "Yeah but the military won't let us talk dirty."

  "God, you're really fussy. Go take a cold shower.

  I'll see you later. I'm out of here and going to meet my fate and take my medicine like a good little boy. And any other cliches I can think of."

  Rick was sure that he and Cheryl would have a good visit today. The bus trip into Naha by way of the East shore and Nishihara was relaxing even when he pointed out Kimiko's home when they transferred buses in Nishihara.

  "This is Shuri Gate. It was the entrance to Shuri Castle which is no longer here. The US Military had to destroy it during the invasion because the Japanese Navy had put their command headquarters underneath it."

  "What are those buildings over there?" Cheryl asked Rick.

  "That's the University of the Ryukyus."

  "That's where your friend Kim goes to school?"

  "Yeah and her grandmother teaches English there part time."

  "Very educated women. Surprises me."

  "What do you mean by that, My Love?"

  "I guess nothing." Cheryl answered as she looked Rick in the eye and seem to be appraising his reaction.

  "Let's walk down the hill to Kokusai Dori. It's a nice walk and you can get another view of Okinawan life."

  "Sounds good to me." She answered as she reached for Rick's hand and they started walking. "It's really clean. The streets and yards. You can tell that not everyone has a lot of money, but it doesn't stop them from taking care of what they have."

  Since they both had had a late breakfast they were in no hurry to get lunch. Also Rick was hoping to postpone having Cheryl and Tomi meet.

  I doubt if Tomi will be around much after noontime. We can stop at Ryubo's and a couple of souvenir shops and that will give Tomi enough time to go home.

  'Where is the coffee shop that Bob told me about that you guys like to go to? I'm ready for some lunch and a chance to set my weary bones down."

  "Weary bones? Jesus Cheryl, that makes you sound 80 years old or like a 30 year old Okie."

  "I may not be Irish, but I'm not 80 nor am I an Okie either I'll have you know. Now show some respect for an older woman and mother of two hellions and feed me. Take me to the coffee house."

  "Yes, My Dear. This way about a block."

  Oh shit! She's not going to let up

  It's after 1 o'clock. Maybe Tomi has gone home. I can hope anyway.

  Older woman my butt. She has the body of a twenty year old and the endurance of an athlete. Those tight jeans aren't really necessary but are nice to look at. Cool your jets, Rick. She's your best friend's wife and is also a best friend. Not a lover.

  Rick took Cheryl's hand and led her around the iron rail and started down the stairs.

  "You'll want to take off your shades before we go in the door. It's really dark and cool in there."

  "Konnichi wa, Rick-san."

  Good, I think. Michako is here. So Tomi must have gone home already. She remembers my name? I've never talked to her and she was only here the last time I was here.

  "Would you and your friend like to eat?"

  "Dozo, Michako."

  Cheryl and Rick followed the petite girl to the table where Tomi usually put him.

  "Who is she? She isn't pregnant." Cheryl whispered in Rick's ear being careful that Michako couldn’t hear her.

  "She's a receptionist and waitress. She seems to fill-in when Tomi isn't here."

  "So I'm not going to get to meet the pregnant lady who has enchanted my husband and his best friend?"

  "I guess that's so. I don't see the Enchantress here at the moment. She must have gone home."

  "You would like kohi?" Michako asked as she seated them and laid two of the coffee house’s half page menus on the table.

  "I will be back shortly." She added as she turned and started back towards the front of the coffee house.

  "I have to say, this is a very nice place, Rick. Especially to take a girlfriend. Or meet one." She added with a smile. "What's good to eat here."

  "It's a coffee house and you can see the menu is limited, but their specialty is donburi. I don't think that you can go wrong there. Or if the cook is in a creative mood fried rice is always safe."

  "Now, who is this very pretty lady carrying coffee and coming this way?

  Would she be Tomako?

  My God Rick. You are blushing redder than I have ever seen you do before in the four years of our affair."

  "Oh shut up Cheryl. Yes, that's Tomi."

  "You must be Tomako." Cheryl stated as Tomi set their coffee cups in front of them. "I'm Cheryl. Rick's friend, Bob's wife.

  My . . . you are as pretty as my men said you were. And I'm managing to embarrass both of you."

  The two petite and dark haired women made eye contact and smiled simultaneously. One has big round dark brown eyes with tanned skin. The other has a tiny bit of Asian fold on her dark brown almond eyes with golden skin.

  “Konnichi wa Cheryl. I'm glad to meet any friend of Rick's." She bowed slightly still making eye contact with Cheryl.

  Damn. They already like each other. How do they do it?

  "Konnichi wa, Rick. Michako told me you were here. I was catching up on paperwork before I went home. Now I am glad that I decided to do it today instead of finishing it yesterday afternoon."

  "Please Tomi, sit down?" Cheryl asked.

  "Domo, but first I will tell the cook to fix us some lunch. He made yakasoba today. Do you like it, Cheryl? I know that Rick will try it if he hasn't already tried it someplace else."

  "Please, that would be fine for both of us, Tomi." Rick answered for them both.

bsp; Tomi moved around to his side of the table and laid a small hand lightly on his shoulder.

  "You have been flying this week? You look tired."

  "Actually several days days. Started Monday just had Tuesday off then flew all day on every day the rest of the week until late last night."

  "You flew in that terrible weather?" She asked with concern in her voice before placing her free hand on her baby belly and smiling.

  "How are you? And the aka-chan?" He asked her.

  "He is resting right now I think. He was kicking earlier just like you felt before. I will get our lunch started. I will join you if you do not mind, Cheryl?"

  "I don't mind at all Tomi. Please.

  Just like you felt before?" Cheryl asked raising her eyebrows after Tomi was part way to the kitchen.


  "What do you feel about her, Rick?"

  "She's a friend. Oh, come on, Cheryl. She's carrying another man's child. A man who has been dead for barely 4 or 5 months. And from all I have heard and can see, she loved him very much."

  "I don't doubt any of that. I'm just observing and voicing my questions. That's all.

  You flew in that terrible weather?" Cheryl quoted Tomi with a concerned look which quickly turned into a full smile. “Right!”

  There was no doubt that the three who had been virtual strangers a couple of hours previously were becoming firm friends and were discovering similar interests and opinions about life.

  "Where is your taxi driver, Tomi?"

  "He is spending the day with a friend. Actually, the woman he lives with. They have been together for many years.

  I will take a taxi shortly. I did come in late so it has not been so long a day.

  And I have so much liked being with you and Cheryl, Rick. We talk of many things that I have not talked about for a long time." Tomi brushed a tear from the corner of each eye as she turned away from her new friends.

  "Excuse me. Sometimes memories come when I do not expect them.

  Here Rick, my son is getting restless." Tomi took Rick's hand and placed it on her stomach.

  "I must go home now. It is his way of telling me that I must rest. Though I have only been sitting all day."

  "Come on. We'll put you in a taxi. Do you want us to go with you" Cheryl asked with some anxiety in her voice.

  "Oh domo, I will be all right. When will I see you again Rick-san?'

  "I'll be gone for two weeks starting Wednesday. Leo and I are taking the tanker to Guam."

  Rick felt the quick sharp pain on his ankle bone and turned quickly to Cheryl trying to figure out why she had kicked him.

  His look of wonder and question disappeared when she mouthed 'TOMORROW' soundlessly.

  He was smart enough to pickup quickly on Cheryl's message before she could land another hint on his ankle. "Why don't I come by tomorrow and take you out for lunch. I know the food here is great, but a different restaurant would be nice. You pick."

  "That would be very nice. Dozo, Rick. I will look forward to it. I'll have Michako work all day and I will take the whole day off for some . . . R & R? That is what the GIs call it, neh?"

  "It's a date then. 11 o'clock? Here?"

  "Do you know Shuri Gate? Up on the hill by the university?"

  "Sure, Cheryl and I walked down from there today."

  "I would like to meet there."

  "Okay. I'll be there."

  "I have been trying to walk some every day and I like to go to Shuri but sometimes it is too much for me to walk up the hill. But I can always walk down the hill even with my big belly.

  Cheryl, please come back soon."

  "I promise, I will. Then you can teach me more about Okinawa and its people. Thank you Tomi. I'll come after Rick leaves for Guam."

  "Well my Dear Friend, I can no longer call you my lover. Nor can we make out on the couch or have sexy good night kisses."

  "What are you talking about, Cheryl. Bob isn't getting upset after all this time is he? Besides, you started it over four years ago."

  "No, Bob still knows where we're coming from. Yes I did start it, and yes, I'm ending it."

  Rick looked at her, made eye contact with a huge question on his face.

  "My God, Rick. You would be one lousy poker player. You put your whole life on your face.

  I still love you. But I am no longer the number one woman in your life, nor the only one who really loves you."

  "Will you please stop talking in riddles Cheryl." Rick pleaded as they walked up Kokusai Dori towards the Shuri Gate.

  "Are you so obtuse that you can't see what is apparent to everybody around you?

  The fire between you and Tomako burns everybody around you. You don't feel it?"

  "I feel a connection, as friends not lovers."

  "You are that obtuse." She stated boldly. "You are big time in love with her. She loves you, maybe not jumping in bed type yet. But you are giving her the companionship and support that she needs as a single mom and a girl who has lost the first real love of her life. Take my word for it Rick. Take your time, be her friend and you will enjoy life and she will have a good chance at a decent birth experience and in a while she will know you are the man for her and will want you in her bed.

  I know that you don't take a relationship lightly and have never been a man to jump into bed just for the sex. You have to have feelings for a woman and get vibes from her that she also likes you and wants more than $2.00 or dinner or a guy to feed her ego."

  They reached Shuri Gate and stood under it looking off towards Naha.

  In his mind Rick could see Tomi walking up Kokusai Dori. She had a flat belly, a soft smile and was holding the hand of a toddler who was laughing as he looked up at his mother and the man who was holding her hand.

  "What about Kim and my relationship with her? I care for her and we've slept together."

  "I don't know her, only what Bob, Leo and you have told me about her. So I won't really pass any opinion about her. But I know you very well and I think that you should think a lot about what she means to you and what you mean to her.

  I don't think that you should compare Tomi and Kim. God no! Don't do that. Accept Tomi for the loving, giving and kind person she is. No questions asked or needed.

  Think hard about your relationship with Kim. How you met. What your time together has been like. Where you think the relationship can go."

  "Let's go back to Kadena. Find your crazy husband and go the the NCO Club and get quietly drunk."


  He felt relaxed, the result of a good nights sleep and lack of anxiety. He was looking forward to being with Tomako and having her to himself for however long they were to spend together. He took a sukoshi cab to Kokusai Dori and since it was not yet 11 o'clock decided to walk from Ryubo's department store up the hill to the Shuri Gate.

  When Rick approached the gate he was watching for Tomi in the area of the gate but didn't see her. Taking a few steps away from the gate and when he looked towards the university campus he saw Tomi coming towards him.

  "Ohayo gozaimasu Rick-chan. Having you been waiting long?" Her smile was wide and welcoming as she moved slowly towards him in her pregnant woman gait.

  "Ohayo gozaimasu Tomako-chan. Only a minute. I walked up from the department store."

  "I cheated. My taxi brought me up the hill. You look very well today. Not as tired as you looked yesterday. Tomi stepped up to Rick, reached for his arm and stretched up towards him.

  Without a thought, Rick bent to her waiting lips and they exchanged a short, but warm kiss on the lips.

  "How's the kid this morning?"

  With a laugh she smiled up at him and still hanging onto his arm asked. "Isn't that a baby goat?"

  "Yeah. But it's common slang for an American child. Actually, any child and a child is any person younger than yourself."

  "So I can call you a kid since you are younger than
I am, neh?" She asked letting her hand slid down his arm so she could grasp his hand.

  "Whoa. By whose count are you older than I am?"

  "You just turned 32 last week."

  "How do you know that?"

  "I am correct, neh?"

  "Well, yes. But how did you know?"

  "Which date last week?" She asked as she led him slowly back down the sidewalk towards Kokusai Dori.

  "The 20th. Last Friday. I was flying back from Guam. How do you know all this?

  And how old are you? No making up numbers now. The truth."

  "I won't make it up. I was 38 on the first day of October. Cheryl told me how old you were yesterday, but I was afraid to ask her when your birthday was. She is a very nice person. I like her very much and she loves you."

  "She thinks that you are great also, and wants to get to know you better."

  "Are you hungry? Do we have to hurry to eat?"

  "Heck no. It's up to you my sukoshi tomodachi.

  Why were you at the university? If I can be nosey?"

  "Yes, you can be nosey. I went to get a schedule and to find out what classes I would be able to take after Brad is born."

  "I thought that you were going to go to the States after the baby. . . . Brad he's going to be?"

  "After his father. Is that all right?"

  "Why ask me? You don't need permission from anybody what you name your baby."

  "No, I don't have to ask permission, but I want to have you tell me if it is acceptable or not and if you like it."

  "I think that it's a great idea. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be acceptable to anybody.

  What about your American Navy friends? Do they approve?"

  "I never asked them" I asked you first before anyone. That was all right, neh?"

  "Yes. Yes it's quite all right."

  "I'm not in a hurry to go to the States. Maybe when Brad is older and ready to start school. By then I will have gotten more education here and get a position so I can support my child . . . kid, by myself." She said with a small laugh.

  "I have a very serious question."

  "Dozo. Nan desu ka?"

  "What if it is a girl?"

  "Iie. He is a boy. And if he should not be, she will have to live with his name.