Read Sick Fux Page 22

  Dolly’s eyes closed as if she were overcome by the savage rhythm of the song. She ran her hands up her sides, over her bare skin. My focus stayed glued on her as her hands climbed and climbed until they cupped her tits. Her head rolled back, lips parting as she flicked her thumbs over her hard nipples.

  I gripped my cane-head tighter. I tested the metal under my palm as I struggled to keep a leash on my need for my girl. In my mind, I threw the cane to the side and marched to the stage. In my mind, I took hold of her throat and slammed her back against the pole. I ducked my head and licked my way over her damp skin to her nipples, where I sucked one into my mouth. Dolly would fight against me, but I would hold her in place. Controlling her, making it impossible for her to do anything but submit to me.

  Her lord, her king.

  My hand would fall lower, pushing up the skirt of her dress and ripping off her panties. Her pussy would be slick and wet, and my fingers would slip inside. Dolly would scream as I held my hand on her throat, then moved it to her hair. I’d wrap the strands around it—three times—and I’d make her lock eyes with me. And I’d take from her. I’d take all her moans and screams and swallow them down deep. I’d snap open my pants and, lifting her thigh up, with the leverage of the pole, slam inside her. I’d make her scream louder and louder into my ear as I held her in place, a flush rising to her face. And she’d come. She’d come, shaking in my grasp as I refused to let her move. As I took every ounce of her pleasure until she couldn’t stand on her own.

  Then I’d fill her with my cum. I’d fill her so deep that I’d feel it against my thighs. “My Dolly . . .” I’d whisper in her ear as she panted into mine. “All. Fucking. Mine.”

  My eyes blinked away the fantasy and refocused on the stage. Dolly’s hands were on the waist of her dress. Thumbs hooking into the blue material, she pushed it down over her stomach, her hips, and then finally, her thighs. Dolly bit her lip as the material fell to the floor, leaving her in her frilly panties and thigh-high socks. I pushed the heel of my hand over my dick, trying to tame it for now. I forced my muscles to remain seated.

  This was Dolly’s moment.

  This was Dolly seducing me. After all of these years . . . she was coming for me.

  As the next song began, Dolly dropped to her knees. Leaning forward, she flattened her palms on the stage surface. On all fours, and with a smirk on her lips, she moved toward me. I stayed completely still as she reached the edge of the stage. Close enough for me to touch her if I wanted. Close enough for me to reach up and force her mouth onto my lips . . . close enough for me to swipe my thimble across her throat and watch her blood drip as she danced.

  As if reading my mind, Dolly tipped her head to the side, exposing the milky skin of her neck. Her hand tickled down her stomach and disappeared into her panties. Her eyes fluttered closed as she toyed with her clit. A deep red blush burst on her cheeks, and her throat bobbed as she swallowed in pleasure.

  Licking my lips, hungry at the invitation, I shifted to the end of the seat. I lifted my hand and ran my thimble over her slender white neck and carefully pierced the skin. It took everything I had to sit back as the scarlet droplet descended over her paleness. Dolly moaned so loudly it rang out over the pounding music. Her hand lifted from her pussy, and her wet fingers rubbed over the blood on her neck, mixing the juices. My mouth watered, desperate for a taste. But I stayed still. Watched as she teased and brought me closer and closer to the edge of losing control.

  She had no idea what would befall her if I did.

  I could only be pushed so far . . . even by Dolly. Could I contain the darkness that always walked with me, beneath my skin, ever ready to be freed? The monster that they made me.

  “Conditioning,” Henry said when I had asked him about it one night. The thoughts I had, the ones that only ever involved Dolly. “It is the way you gain the most pleasure.” He shrugged. “Typical with abuse cases.” He sat forward from the darkness of his corner of our cell. “She may be the same, when you find her. She may gain the most pleasure from the way you wish to deliver it.” Henry sighed. “You are both victims of circumstance, Rabbit. It does not make you wrong. Simply . . . different. It is known as edgeplay. Role-playing what in real life would be an unthinkable act. Between two consenting adults, who both gain gratification from the act. It is simply a form of sexual expression.”

  “Taste.” Dolly’s voice sailed into my ear, dragging me from my thoughts. I stared at my girl, braced on the edge of the stage, her pussy’s wetness and throat’s blood waiting on her neck, offered like a feast for me to take. My lips parted in need.

  “Taste,” Dolly said, sterner this time.

  Placing her hand under my chin, she guided me forward. Her eyes never left mine as I approached. Her eyelids hooded as I snarled, and I wondered if Henry had been right. If she would be able to take it. If she would gain the utmost pleasure from me that way.

  When she whimpered as I flicked out the tip of my tongue and swiped at the blood and juice, I thought maybe she would. Spurred on by that thought, I dove back in for more. Slamming my lips on her skin, I sucked hard, the intoxicating flavor of the blood cocktail bursting on my tongue. Then, losing the little control I had, I bit. I sank my teeth into her skin.

  Dolly stiffened under me, then released a moan so loud that I almost came right there. Her hand slammed into my hair. Her nails raked over my scalp, ripping a snarl from my throat. She pushed me closer. I bit her harder. She screamed louder. Her nipples hardened further against my chest.

  Then Dolly pushed me away. I fought. I overpowered her, pushing against her, refusing to go. But then she pushed back . . . and I fucking smiled wide. Her hands clawed at me, pushing me away.

  I reared back, needing to look into her eyes. Needing to read her, to see if Henry was right. When I pulled back an inch, Dolly’s fierce gaze met mine. She shifted, then a hand came sailing across my face. My head snapped back, but I swung it back to see her. She was breathing heavily as my eyes dropped to the bite mark on her neck. I looked into her eyes again, and my heart thundered as I saw what was in them . . . need. Want.


  In a second, Dolly had her arm around my neck, and she smashed her lips against mine. We were all teeth and tongues as we bit and lapped at each other’s mouths. The she pushed me backward. My elbows slipped from where they rested on the edge of the stage. The heel of Dolly’s boot was on my chest. She kicked out, warning me to get back on my seat. My lip curled into a smirk as I felt my blood spark from her challenge.

  Our gazes locked, a battle of wills . . . until I sat down, legs spread, and unzipped my pants. Dolly’s eyes glazed as she watched. Watched as I reached inside my pants and pulled out my cock. The cock that was going to take her before we left this place.

  The one I knew she craved just as much as I craved the pussy that was soon to be mine.

  Dolly’s gaze narrowed, and she shifted to her knees. Her hands roamed her body, landing on the waistband of her panties. She rolled them down her hips, her blond pussy immediately on show. She sat down and kicked her legs into the air. She mimicked the whores she’d seen outside as she worked the panties slowly over her legs. Reaching into my vest pocket, I pulled out some cash, and as her eyes met mine, I threw the notes at her. Fire sparked in Dolly’s eyes as her panties hooked on the tip of her boot. With a quick flick, the panties flew my way and landed on my chest. I tucked them into my pocket.

  And then I choked on a breath as Dolly stood and faced me. Naked, but for her socks and boots. Her wet hair was wild as it haloed her face. Her hands moved to rest on her hips. I drank in the view —tits and stomach and thighs and that blond pussy, all calling my name.

  Dolly bit her lip as she crouched down and moved to take off her socks. I brought my cane onto her thigh. Dolly’s eyes snapped to mine. “They stay on.”

  Dolly’s expression changed, like she was about to challenge me. My heart beat faster, knowing I would have to insist . . . but her lip hooked int
o a ghost of a smirk and she stood up. Black-and-white thigh-high socks and black leather ankle boots were all I could see.

  Then Dolly began to move. She swayed and swung her hips to the music as she moved to the stairs of the stage. I stroked my cock harder as she began to walk toward me. Her eyes didn’t break from mine as she skirted around the stage, her white skin red in the soft lighting.

  She stopped before me, her head tilting as she regarded me on the couch. As her blue eyes dropped to my busy hand. Her lips parted and she sucked in a sharp breath.

  Dolly edged closer still. She placed her knees on either side of the couch, straddling me. She didn’t touch me. Instead she swayed over me. Her arms moved either side of my head, gripping the backrest of the couch. Her hips began to grind to the beat, her tits a mere inch from my face. My cheeks heated, my body boiling with the need to grab her by the wrists and slam her down on the couch. To ravage her mouth and slam my dick inside her.

  But I stayed still as she sat over my thigh. I released my cock, and she stared at it with hunger. But she resisted, torturing me where I sat as she rolled her back, her tits coming toward my face, her hard nipple scraping past my lips. I groaned as they circled and came back again and again. Then Dolly dropped down, her naked pussy against my clothed thigh. The tip of my cock rested against her stomach as she rocked back and forth. Her cheek brushed past my cheek, and her mouth landed at my ear. I heard her breathing—fast and out of control. It hitched as her clit swelled against my lap.

  My hands were fists at my sides. I stared up at Dolly’s face, lost in rapture. Then she looked down, and all her movement stopped. Her eyes flared, and a slow smile pulled on her mouth. Her tongue lapped around her moist lips, then it came. The whispered sentence that broke me.

  That brought out the darkness I had fought to keep back . . .

  “Rabbit belongs to Dolly now.”

  I jumped forward, wrapping my hands around her neck. Dolly cried out as I swung her off my lap and slammed her down onto the couch. Dolly’s hands raked at my arms, her nails clawing at my skin. But I couldn’t feel it. Sitting up, moving my knee to Dolly’s chest to keep her pinned down, I ripped at the buttons of my vest and shirt. I threw them off my body and across the room. My chest was tight with anticipation. I closed my eyes and rolled my head, only to open them and see Dolly fighting for freedom beneath me. I smiled and lowered my head down until my mouth was at her ear. “There’s no getting away from me, little Dolly,” I whispered. Dolly thrashed under me. Her hands slapped onto my back, and I hissed with pleasure as I felt her nails slice into my skin. She clawed like a wildcat, but I kept her pinned down. I moved my body as I felt her draw blood. Shifted until my cock was braced between her legs. Her pussy was drenched as I held her down. As she fought to be free . . . as she tried to throw me off.

  I drew back and met her eyes. They were ecstatic. Furied. Wide with violent bliss.

  My heart fucking exploded in my chest.

  My Dolly liked to play.

  I gripped her shoulders, keeping her in place. “Get off me,” she cried. My mouth tightened when I saw her smile. When I felt her slap at my face, rake at the skin on my arms and chest and neck with her nails. “Don’t touch me!” Dolly was panting, her breath labored and thick.

  So I gave it back.

  Leaning down, I moved one of my hands to take hold of her face. “I’m gonna fuck you,” I told her. Heat rose to Dolly’s eyes as they fluttered closed. My blood rushed faster and faster as Dolly’s hips lifted off the couch, her pussy rubbing against the tip of my cock.

  She worked her hips harder and harder until she was squirming under my tight hold. Until her eyes fixed on mine and she hissed through gritted teeth, “Get off!”

  Smiling darkly, knowing what she really wanted, I forced her thighs apart with my knees and brought her wrists above her head. Dolly fought me the whole way, kicking and thrashing, all the time causing me to harden even more. I added more pressure until she was locked beneath me.

  I ran the tip of my nose up her cheek and across to her lips. I caught her bottom lip in my teeth and nibbled. Dolly’s moans filled my ears, then she tried to buck me off.

  I saw red.

  Taking her wrists in one hand, I moved my free hand to her throat. Dolly’s eyes grew leaden, her lust feeding off my violent touch. I squeezed, watched her face redden and her cheeks fill with heat. Then, cock braced and ready, I slammed inside her. Dolly cried out as I filled her to the hilt.

  And I didn’t stop. I didn’t give her time to adjust. Didn’t give her time to catch her breath. I unleashed my darkness on her, wrists locked and throat captured; I slammed inside her, relentless, harsh and hard, and so fucking good.

  Her lips tried to work as I held her down. But her voice was unable to make a sound, my hand on her throat holding it in check. “No words,” I demanded and hovered my face just above hers. Her gaze lit with challenge as she tried to speak again. I lifted her wrists and smacked them back down off the couch. But Dolly’s lips kept working. My jaw tensed as her pussy clenched around my dick.

  I growled on seeing the victory in Dolly’s eyes. She fought to get her wrists free, but I held them like a vise. “Don’t push me,” I warned and squeezed her throat as a reminder.

  In response, Dolly thrust her hips against mine, drawing a groan from my throat. Sweat ran over our slick skin as I pounded into her. Her pussy clenched tighter and tighter in time with the choked sounds of her impending orgasm.

  “Submit,” I ordered and increased my speed. Dolly struggled harder, one final attempt to fight me off. My balls tightened as she did, giving me the resistance I craved so fucking badly.

  “Submit!” I bellowed with a final thrust. Dolly’s scream joined the music vibrating in the air. She arched into my chest, before her body went limp under my touch. Seeing her flop to the couch, wrists weak and throat vulnerable to my hand, heat swept through me and I came. I gritted my teeth together as a feeling I’d never felt before, a release so strong that I snarled and growled, took me over, incinerating me from the inside.

  I thrust and thrust until Dolly’s tight pussy ceased gripping my cock. Her legs collapsed to the side, her body completely spent.

  Breathless, I rested my forehead in the crook of her neck and shoulder. Her body shook and shivered under mine. Heat filled my chest when I knew who caused those jerky movements—me. My roughness. Her fight. Our perfect fucked-up-ness.

  Needing to see her, I raised my head and looked down. Dolly’s eyes were closed as she took in deep breaths through her nose. Her hair was slicked to her face, her cheeks flushed red. The cut on her neck was red from my thimble’s stroke. Blood stained her flesh, and my fresh bite mark branded her skin.

  I groaned, liking that most of all. It announced to everyone that Dolly belonged to me. She was branded with my mark.

  Dolly’s tits rose and fell as she came down from her high. My cock twitched at the sight of one of my hands holding her wrists above her head. My balls ached at the sight of my hand over her throat.

  As if feeling my stare, Dolly opened her eyes, long false lashes now the only bit of makeup that remained on her face. She blinked, clearing the fog from her sight. I held my breath, waiting for her to say something. To react.

  Then she smiled.

  Exhaling, I released her wrists and pulled my hand from her throat.

  Dolly’s hands slowly slid from above her head. Her eyes never left mine as she pushed her hands behind my neck. I dropped my forehead to hers and just breathed.

  She didn’t speak until I went to pull out from between her legs. “No,” she said, wrapping her thighs around my waist. I could have easily overpowered her and withdrawn, but I liked that she wanted me to stay inside her. My cock began to wake as I met her eyes and she shook her head. “I want to keep you there.”

  I sat up, taking Dolly with me, and rested my back against the couch. Dolly was plastered to my front, her head tucked into my neck. I ran my hands down her back. Dolly
practically purred into my ears as her hips rolled slightly at my touch.

  I stared straight ahead, replaying her cries and moans in my head. I stared at the pole and stage, seeing again my Dolly strip for me. Seeing her offer me her vein. I dropped a kiss on her shoulder and wondered if anyone had ever done this before. Wondered if any fucker out there had this with his girl. A woman who was handcrafted for him.

  Perfection, forged in hell.

  Dolly sighed and slowly drew back her head. Her arms stayed loosely looped around my neck. “Darlin,” I greeted her, seeing her eyes dip and a flush set on her cheeks. She looked up at me from below her lashes and bit her lip.

  What a beautiful sight.

  Dolly stroked a piece of hair back from my forehead. Her finger dropped to the spade tattoo on the side of my face. Then she looked right at me. “Do you think other people in Wonderland, people like us, Rabbit and Dolly, find pleasure just like that?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Meaning?”

  Dolly ran her hand down to my chest and over the welts that her clawing and scratching had brought to my tattooed skin. I fixed my attention on the bite mark on her neck.

  Dolly held me tighter. “I was watching TV the other night. There was a film on.”

  I waited for her to continue.

  “The people . . . the people like us, they were doing what we do. What we just did.” She paused again. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head until she met my eyes. I raised my brow in question. Dolly sighed. “They didn’t do what we do. It was different.”

  “Different . . .?” I trailed off, wondering how else people were when they fucked.

  Dolly nodded her head. “They were on a blanket. In a field under the stars.” A whisper of a smile ghosted her lips. She shrugged. “There was no fighting. There was no blood being shared.” My eyebrows pulled down, imagining what that even looked like.

  Dolly’s finger went down to my chest. She traced the Sick Fux tattoo. “The man was on top of the woman. She was holding him close. Soft . . .” Dolly’s voice seemed just as confused as I was. “It was slow. It was gentle.” She smiled and tipped her head up, reaching her arm into the air. “It was under the stars. The moon was so big. And . . . and he told her she had his heart. He told her he loved her.”