Read Side Effects May Vary Page 4


  “Ms. Lee, I don’t think you understand. I can’t just-”

  “I understand perfectly well.” Carol-Anne cut off the doctor’s protests. “I know the operation was set up for tomorrow, but I think today is good enough. I see no point in delaying, do you, Dr. Fredrickson?”

  Fredrickson sighed, his hands slapping lightly against his knees. “Ma’am, I understand how eager you are to be able to see, but I really think-”

  “I don’t think you do.” She cut him off again, refusing to be denied. “Now I am well aware that this procedure is experimental and that I will be the first human patient you will be performing it on. However I have complete faith in your abilities and see no reason to delay.”

  “But we’ve already made all the arrangements for-”

  “Then you can change them to today. Call in what staff you need, I don’t mind waiting a few minutes for you to get ready.”

  The silence lingered heavily between them for several minutes before it was filled with the sandpaper scratch as Fredrickson ran his fingers across his stubble-laden chin. “Very well, then, Ms. Lee. I really wish you would wait until tomorrow like we scheduled, but I can see there’s going to be no talking you out of this. Please wait here. I will send in a nurse to assist you while I make the necessary preparations.”

  “Thank you.” Carol-Anne replied curtly, pleased that the young doctor had finally acquiesced to her, as she saw it, reasonable demand. She patiently remained in the chair while she heard the doctor leave. A few seconds later, different footsteps entered the room.

  “Hello, ma’am. I’m Vivian. Dr. Fredrickson wanted me to help you get ready for the operation.” The woman sounded young, possibly in her early twenties. “If you’ll follow me, please, I’ll take you to the examining room where you can leave your things until after the operation. Would you like me to guide you?”

  “No, thank you. I think I should be able to follow you just fine so long as I can hear you.” Carol-Anne replied politely. There was no pity or embarrassment in the young woman’s voice. She was completely professional as if she dealt with the blind every day. This was a person she could accept.

  “Very well. Follow me then please. It’s just down the hall here.” The hollow echo of footsteps was joined by the tapping of the cane as Carol-Anne followed Vivian a few feet away to the room, the back of her mind automatically counting her steps as she went, mapping out her path without a single conscious thought. “Here we are.” Vivian said as she paused to open a door, then stepped to the right. Carol-Anne followed. “Now, ma’am, you can set your purse and clothes down on the bed in the middle of the room there.”

  Carol-Anne carefully made her way to the bed, tapping it lightly with her cane as she stepped closer. “Um, excuse me.” She spoke up as she rested a hand on the edge of the paper-covered mattress. “You said my clothes?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Vivian replied calmly, closing the door. “When you’re ready, I’ll give you a sterile hospital gown to put on, then we’ll go to the operation room. All your possessions will be kept safe and clean, I assure you.”

  “Ah, I see.” Carol-Anne responded. After she had stripped down to her bra and panties, folding her clothes neatly and placing them on the wide strip of paper, Vivian handed her the thin hospital gown, which Carol-Anne slipped easily over her head. She had feared the back of the gown would be left open, but it was a solid piece of material rather than the smock-type that she was used to.

  She then followed Vivian further down the hall, allowing the nurse to lead her carefully since she had insisted that Carol-Anne’s cane must remain in the room with the rest of her possessions.

  The operating room was much louder and busier than the rest of the building that Carol-Anne had been exposed to. She laid down on the hard, flat table that she was directed to and tried to ignore the constant flow of unintelligible chatter that filled the room. Without warning, a plastic cup was placed over her mouth and nose.

  “We’re about to apply the anesthesia, ma’am. Please continue to breath normally.” Came the soothing voice of Fredrickson. After a few seconds he spoke again. “If you would please, begin counting down from ten.”

  “Ten.” Nothing yet.

  “Nine.” A strange taste in her mouth, though she smelled nothing.

  “Eight.” Her lips felt heavy and her tongue seemed to increase in weight. Gravity pulled harder at her body as it was an effort to move at all.

  “Seve-” The blackness moved in to swallow her whole.