Read Sight Beyond Sight Page 2


  The next morning found Renny out of the house bright and early as was his wont. Renpol nodded, satisfied that Renny was acting normal, but wondering if he’d spent that silver for nothing, like when he’d gotten Renny the toys. The end of the evening had been much better though, especially after the near blow up with Bekka over the expenditure. She was actually humming and singing this morning as she cooked and cleaned around the house. He hate to have to explain if Renny suddenly stopped drawing.

  The elder Renpol was once again surprised when hours later Renny was again in the shop. “Could I get another scrap, Pa?”

  Well, at least that silver didn’t go to waste, Renpol Senior thought. As he went back to work, Renpol watched again as Renny created another rendition of what appeared to be the same man. This time, with the charcoal and the purple, Renny added the details which had been missing from the previous drawing. He was really quite good, not just for a six year old. Especially considering Renpol had never seen him do anything remotely artistic before.

  When he decided to take a peek at the drawing like the last time, Renpol was surprised. Renpol thought the man depicted looked dangerous. Renny had even somehow managed to convey the sense of wrongness about the man in the lines of his face. And those round things around the man’s hands? What was that all about? It was almost as if Renny was seeing something other people did not. Perhaps Renpol did not understand his son half as much as he thought he did.

  Renpol decided he needed to talk to someone about this. Perchance this incident was not just about a sudden interest in drawing. Renny didn’t talk much, and to be honest, Renpol didn’t quite know how to ask his son if something was wrong, but it seemed as if something was off, and these drawings were Renny’s way of communicating to him.

  When Bepol, Renak and Nella came in that afternoon, Renpol announced to Bekka and the rest that he was taking Renny to Temple Way. It was time he made his once a season visit, and he wanted to have the boy at least familiar with the Temples. Bekka nodded and told him she’d make sure Bepol and Renak cleaned up and worked on their own projects while he was out. Renpol thanked his wife and accepted from her a small pouch of coppers, the customary offering. At second thought, he realized the pouch was a little heavier than expected, and even without counting, Renpol knew Bekka was being extraordinarily generous. Would wonders never cease?

  Renny didn’t say a word as he left with his father, though he did notice the two drawings Renpol Senior had slipped into his pockets. It was an easy guess that the sudden trip to Temple Way had less to do with Renny's spiritual development and more to do with his artistry.

  Father Jorref was presiding this afternoon at the Five Churches. That was perfect for Renpol, because Father Jorref was exactly the person he’d wanted to see. After the ritual, there would be confessions, and then he could ask to see Father Jorref.

  Renny was patient with his father, and besides it was a fine place for him to be. Lots of people to observe, and the bad man wasn’t there. He barely noticed the passage of time. There were so many people from Sanshan that he hardly ever saw that he still hadn’t finished looking at each individual person’s colors when Father Jorref called for confessions.

  Renpol told him to wait on the hardwood bench where he sat while he went in for a confession. The Five Churches were the only ones that had this practice, considering that the act of confession was cleansing for the soul. Renny didn’t understand that, though he liked Father Jorref with his purple and yellow colors.

  “So this is Little Renny.” Father Jorref nodded to him, which Renny appreciated. Many older people that he was introduced to had the maddening habit of patting him on the head like he was some kind of pet. Father Jorref made him feel like a real person with the simple act of just nodding to him. “I believe I have seen him wandering around at one time or another.”

  Renpol smiled. “He likes to watch people.”

  “So I have been told. So where are those drawings you wanted me to look at?”

  Renpol produced them from his pockets and let the older priest look at them. Father Jorref’s eyebrows raised in surprise at the drawings. “How old is the boy?”

  “Six, this Bloom Season.”

  “Impressive. He has the eyes of a seer and the hands of an artist. Who is this man you drew, Renny?” Father Jorref spoke to him, not at him, or indirectly as if he wasn't there. Renny was liking him more and more, and understood better why his father had sought him out.

  Renny shook his head. “I don’t know, Father Jorref. He was here yesterday and today.”

  “I am not sure about the man, he seems to have caught Renny’s eye more than usual, but I don’t understand the colors Renny has surrounded him with.” Renpol also wasn't sure about the sudden interest in art, or if the sketches were in fact a symptom of something else he could not even begin to fathom.

  Father Jorref nodded, finally understanding why Renpol Cobbler had brought the drawings and the boy to him. “I don’t know about such things, but Healer Gerthas might.” Some people didn't like to let others know that they were at a loss, or ignorant about some things. They would often make something up to make themselves sound more authoritative, but Father Jorref knew it was wise to refer others to a real authority when he did not have an answer.

  Renny smiled at Father Jorref’s declaration. Healer Gerthas, one of the three in Sanshan, was the one Renny had seen with the green glows of energy around his hands.

  Renpol Cobbler Senior thanked Father Jorref for his time and gave him the offering for the Church. It was still some time before Bekka would have the evening meal prepared. They would have time for a brief stop at the Healer’s Court.

  Crafter’s Crescent, Temple Way and Healer’s Court made up three points of a largish triangle in the northern section of Sanshan. If you added the Mayor’s House, they would make a diamond of which the Temples made up the northern tip. Beyond that were the palisade walls around Sanshan which led to a barren field yards from the sheer drop of a cliff above the Western Sea. A barely passable path led from the top of the cliff to a thin beach which was submerged at high tide. Only the most adventurous of villagers ventured out this way. Though Sanshan was near the Equator, the altitude and proximity to the coast made the climate here pleasant year-round.

  Renpol enjoyed the hot sun and fresh coastal air as he walked from Temple Way down the few streets which led to Healer’s Court. Renny watched his father as well as the other villagers as they walked, noting the ones that Renpol nodded or waved to, which seemed to be almost everyone. Ever since he'd moved to Sanshan, all the villagers had come to own a pair of shoes or boots made by Renpol Cobbler. He sold to his fellow villagers at far less than he did to others, but they came back for a special pair often enough that with the business he did outside the village, he was quite comfortable.

  The approach to Healer’s Court was from the West, and though there were only three Healers currently in Sanshan, there were nine buildings around the circle which made up the Court. The largest and most central building was the Healer Hall, which all three Healers used to see clients or patients. There was room there for those who needed to stay for days or weeks for treatment, which thankfully did not happen often. On one side of the Hall was a smaller building where old folk and the dying were taken to be cared for. On the other side, nearly as large as the Hall was a green house where the Healers grew most of their herbs. Three of the other buildings were currently unoccupied, though they could be used by special visitors to Sanshan, or upon special request to the Healers. The last three buildings were the Healers’ residences.

  Healer Gerthas had the largest house. He was Sanshan’s eldest resident Healer. In fact he had trained one of the other two Healers. That was where they were headed. As luck would have it, when Renpol knocked, Gerthas himself answered. “Ah, Cobbler. Good to see you. I happen to have Green House duty today, so you are lucky to have
gotten me here. I was just finishing the mid-day meal. Care to join me?”

  Renpol shook his head then looked to Renny who repeated the gesture. It was almost time for the evening meal. Different people kept different hours it seemed. “Very well then,” Gerthas conceded. “What can I do for you two?” Healer Gerthas let them in as he asked his questions.

  Renpol explained that Father Jorref had recommended he come by and showed Renny’s drawings once again. Healer Gerthas was just as impressed as the priest had been and asked Renny more acute questions about what he had seen. He then asked Renny to describe what he saw about himself and his father.

  “Interesting,” said Healer Gerthas.

  “What can you tell us?” Renpol asked.

  “Not much actually.” He smiled when he saw the looks on both their faces. Renpol and Renny had both expected more since Father Jorref had recommended they see Healer Gerthas. “Don’t despair though. Like Father Jorref recommended me to you, I will send you to another. That is, if you wish to understand what is going on with Renny. I will leave it entirely up to you, but I think there is something important going on with the boy.”

  Renpol thought for a few seconds. “How important?”

  Healer Gerthas nodded, happy to see the fatherly care Renpol was exercising. “I think the boy is manifesting a talent in weaving, but it is apparently his sight that is affected. I am not sure, being no expert in this field. You would have to see the Weaver Finder who lives in Mokhtan. Actually, his home is in the hills just outside Mokhtan, but anyone there can direct you to his home. You are familiar with Mokhtan?”

  “South and east of here. I've been there, sold some good boots. So I really should see this Finder?”

  “If what I think is happening with Renny is correct, you should see Finder Thusgro as soon as possible. Renny is what, five or six?”

  “Just turned six this Bloom Season.”

  Renny was watching the conversation, and still hadn’t said a word. Sometimes Renpol wished Renny said more, asked more questions. He hadn't even gone through the 'why?' phase, like his siblings had.

  “He’s a bit young for this, but I think he is coming into power as a weaver. That can be dangerous for him and those he is close to. Usually boys develop this way around puberty. You could ignore this for a while, until his change comes fully upon him, but like I said, that can be dangerous. Usually at the first hints, it is best to seek help and counsel.”

  “That is why I am here, Healer. So Finder Thusgro near Mokhtan is who I should see.”

  “Yes.” Renpol was already making plans. Perhaps next week he could arrange to go there. He could bring some more boots with him.

  “I should not wait either.” Healer Gerthas stopped Renpol's thoughts short. The Healer shook his head. “If it weren’t so late, I’d tell you to leave now, but you’d be on the road at night. Best leave in the wee hours and you’ll make it there by night fall.” The Healer didn't say this, but there seemed to be an exigency to the matter. Renpol knew little to nothing about weavers and their powers. Healers were common enough, and some said they were like weavers, but rumors of what weavers could do seemed so far fetched. Renpol had never seen anything like what was described, and he hoped he would never have to. But he felt the need to respond to the Healer's urging.

  Renpol nodded. He thanked Healer Gerthas who asked if he could see him soon to get some new sandals. Renpol always welcomed business, so he promised he would return after his trip to Mokhtan.

  On the way back to Crafter’s Crescent, Renny stopped suddenly just outside the Crescent. “We are leaving Sanshan tomorrow, Pa?”

  “Yes, Renny. I have to see the Weaver Finder the Healer spoke of.”

  “Do you think something is wrong with me, Pa?”

  Renpol looked at his son and realized the boy needed reassurance. He’d dragged him all over the village in the last few hours, though it was in a general sense the same circuit Renny was used to making, but on his own terms. “No, son, I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with you, but if the Healer is right, you will need to see people who can help you learn about your skills far better than I could.”

  Renny listened to his father’s voice and words, but mostly he looked at the swirling colors around him. He noted there was little to no change. He’d seen change in others who hid things or twisted the truth. He felt reassured not by the tone and content of the words his father spoke, but by the constancy of his colors. Renny nodded. He was hungry now, and it was nearly time for the evening meal. He practically ran back to the house with his father taking long steps next to him to keep up, but not quite running himself.

  Renpol discussed the afternoon’s proceedings with Bekka after the children had gone to bed. They were comfortable in each other's arms, lying together in the house they lived in and had raised four wonderful children around. "I wish I could go with you tomorrow." Bekka was concerned for Renny’s safety. She got up from the bed suddenly and foraged through one of the clothes baskets in the corner. Coming back under the covers, Bekka gave Renpol a large pouch with coppers, silvers and even three golds. “Just in case, as you are going far and will be gone at least two days.” They talked and cuddled for a few minutes more after that.

  After Bekka had fallen asleep, Renpol went to his shop and packed up a traveling case with some basic cobbling tools and a travel pack with clothing for himself and Renny. They would only need to take some food in the morning.

  Renpol found his side of the bed still warm when he returned to it, and Bekka roused sleepily when he slipped back in. It wasn’t too much later before he in turn fell asleep.