Read Signal in the Dark Page 18


  It was nearly midnight by the time Penny reached home. Mrs. Weems hadgone to bed, but a light still burned in the study where Mr. Parker wasworking on a speech he expected to deliver the following day before theChamber of Commerce.

  "Well, I'm glad you finally decided to come home," he remarked severely."Since my little daughter became Tillie the Toiler, she seems to havedeveloped independent hours."

  "Wait until you hear where I've been," Penny said, sinking into an easychair beside his desk. "Dad, you won't blame me for staying out late whenI tell you what I saw and heard."

  Eagerly she related all that had occurred, and was pleased to note thatthe story interested her father.

  "Tell me more about Professor Bettenridge," he urged. "Describe him."

  "He looks very scholarly, but his language doesn't fit the part," Pennyrecalled. "He's tall and thin and his nose is very pointed. Middle aged,which might mean forty-five or maybe fifty. That's about all I noticedexcept that he has a quick way of darting his eyes about. And he wearsglasses."

  "From your description, he sounds like the same person I heard about thisafternoon," Mr. Parker commented.

  "Someone told you of his experiments at the lake?"

  "Quite the contrary. An Army officer, Major Alfred Bryan called at myoffice this afternoon, seeking information about a man who may beProfessor Bettenridge."

  "Was he interested in buying the machine for the Army, Dad?"

  Mr. Parker dipped his pen in ink, wrote a few lines, and then looked upagain. "No, Major Bryan was sent here to trace a man who has severalcharges against him. At one time he impersonated an officer and in recentmonths has been swindling persons by various schemes. He pretends to sellArmy or Navy surplus war goods."

  "That doesn't sound like Professor Bettenridge, Dad."

  "Perhaps not, but from your description it could be the same man. Thissecret ray machine business sounds phoney to me. Most crooks try morethan one game--the mine exploding trick may be his latest scheme tofleece gullible victims."

  "Do you think we should report the professor to the police, Dad?"

  "It might be a better idea to send Major Bryan to see him," Mr. Parkerreturned thoughtfully. "If the professor should prove to be the man he'safter, then the Army would take over."

  "Where is Major Bryan now, Dad?"

  "He didn't mention the name of his hotel, because at the time he calledat my office, I had no thought I could assist him in any way. However, heexpected to stay in Riverview several days. It shouldn't be so hard totrace him. I'll get busy tomorrow."

  Tired from her adventures of the night, Penny soon went to bed. The nextday Mr. DeWitt gave her several interesting assignments, and when one ofthe stories appeared in the final edition of the _Star_, it bore a neatlittle "By Penny Parker," under the headline.

  "Getting on in the world, I see," Elda Hunt observed sarcastically.

  Not even the unkind remark could dull Penny's pleasure. She had earnedher way on the newspaper by hard, routine work. The by-line meant thatshe had turned in an excellent well-written story. Elda, whose writinglacked crispness and originality, only once had seen her own name appearin the _Star_. Penny felt a trifle sorry for her.

  "There's no fairness around here," Elda complained in a whine. "I'veworked over a year. What do I have to show for it? Not even a raise."

  Penny did not try to tell the girl it was her own fault, that herattitude toward her work was entirely wrong. Elda must learn for herself.

  Not until Wednesday did Penny have a chance to ask her father if he hadtraced Major Bryan.

  "To tell you the truth, the matter slipped my mind," he confessedruefully. "I've had one conference after another all day long. TomorrowI'll certainly try to find him."

  Penny reminded him of his promise on the following day. Mr. Parker, aftertelephoning several places, found the major registered at the St. RegisHotel, not far from the Parker home. However, the army officer had leftfor the day, and was not expected to return before nightfall.

  "Oh, dear," fretted Penny, "that may be too late. If ProfessorBettenridge is successful in his demonstration tonight, he may rake inMr. Johnson's money and skip town before the major even sees him."

  "It's unlikely the professor will leave without cashing the check, Penny.And banks will not be open until nine o'clock tomorrow."

  "I'd feel safer to have police take over," Penny sighed. "If only wecould prove charges against Bettenridge!"

  "He hasn't swindled anyone yet," her father reminded her. "Learn what youcan tonight, and if the sale goes through, we'll then turn him over tothe police."

  "It may be too late then."

  "I think not," smiled her father. "You always were a little impatient,Penny."

  Eagerly Penny awaited the arrival of evening and another adventure atBlue Hole Lake. She and Salt arranged to leave the office at fouro'clock, hoping to reach the farmhouse early enough to observe whatpreparations Webb made for exploding Mr. Johnson's mine.

  But at three, Salt was sent on an important assignment.

  "I'll get back as soon as I can," he promised Penny, pausing beside herdesk. "I may be a little late, but we'll still make it."

  "I'll be right here waiting," Penny grinned.

  At ten minutes past four Salt returned. Thinking he might have picturesto develop before he would be free to leave, Penny did not rush him bygoing back to the photography room right away. When she had typed herlast story of the day and brought it to the editor's desk for inspection,she gathered up her purse and hat.

  "Leaving early, aren't you?" Elda inquired in a loud voice so thateveryone would notice.

  "That's right," Penny replied, without explaining her special mission.

  Not wishing to leave the city without ample funds, she first wentdownstairs to cash a pay check at the company treasurer's window. He gaveher the crisp five dollar bills, joking with her about skipping town withso much money.

  Penny tucked the bills into her purse and was turning to go back upstairsagain, when through the window she saw a man coming down the alley fromthe rear of the _Star_ building. Recognizing him as Mr. McClusky, thedeep sea diver she had assisted, she darted to the window and rapped toattract his attention.

  Not hearing her, he walked hurriedly on, and was lost in the crowd of thestreet.

  "Wonder what he was doing here?" she thought as she slowly climbed thestairs. "Perhaps he came to see me. But in that case, he probably wouldhave come up the front way."

  Dismissing the matter from her mind, she sought Salt in the photographyroom. The outside gallery was empty, though the photographer's hat andcoat hung on a hook by the window.

  "Salt!" she called, thinking he must be in the darkroom.

  No one answered. Nevertheless, a strange feeling Penny could not haveexplained, took possession of her. She sensed a presence somewhere nearas if she were being watched.

  Nervously Penny stepped to the door of the darkroom. She tapped lightlyon it, but there was no answer.

  Suddenly fearful, she jerked open the door and groped for a light. As thetiny room blazed with illumination, she uttered a startled gasp.

  Almost at her feet, cheek against the floor, lay Salt Sommers.