Read Silent Dreams Page 4

the endless possibilities arose from their murky shallow graves spooking him into failing, inaudibly whispering criticisms, they passed the large oak tree. Matt hadn’t fully realised how small the lake was. It must have only taken them three or four minutes to circumnavigate it.

  He passed the tree another seven times, frantically straggling to Sam’s coat tails. After a valiant effort of eight excruciating laps he was broken and buckled to the floor. “I’m done,” he forced through his heavy breath. Sam was showing signs of weakness too and she walked over to Matt and collapsed by his side. In a frustrated voice she said “good idea!” The same way that one person says ‘go on then I’ll have another chocolate’.

  They recovered against the oak tree, shoulder to shoulder, admiring the astonishing scenery. The sun glistened onto the water reflecting everything that surrounded its edge. A small wooden quay bobbed around in the otherwise still water. “I thought you would like it.” Sam broke the serenity.

  “It’s…it’s…” there wasn’t a single word in the English language possible of expressing how magnificent it really was.

  “…beyond words, right?” She finished on his behalf.

  Matt nodded enveloped in a constant awe.

  They sat among the thick grass that was nearly unnoticeable when standing. It towered over their sitting figures, swaying liberally whenever the wind blew, filling the area with a rustle of expectation.

  Hours flowed languidly into the next as reality was made unperceivable. Matt and Sam sat in silence, they were both in a state of trance and if they knew what to say, they wouldn’t have said it, the perfection of this moment was too prodigiously spectacular to spoil with the humanity that was conversation.

  Sam sighed, "You know, you're the only person I've ever taken here. I don't think anyone else knows about it, I've never seen anyone around.”

  This moment was flawless. The imperfections of civilisation were far behind them, left in the masses of bricks and mortar that we so blissfully call home, acting as temporary monuments to our dominance.

  "It's perfect, in every way." He said his voice full of contemplation, softening as the wind blew, filling the air with the extraordinary sound of the forest moving. Everything had its own unique sound, combining into a harmonious exactness. She seemed content and released herself, lounging further into the tree and think grass.

  She sat up. They met each other’s gaze once more, but this time it was different. Matt saw himself reflecting in her milk chocolate eyes. She allowed her lips to float into a smile and narrowed her eyes slightly, telling Matt: I know exactly what you're thinking.

  Matt transposed himself, ensuring their eye contact was maintained. He moved his hand and met Sam’s unintentionally. Everything clicked into place. Unlike on the train there was no fear, trepidation or withdrawal. Like the train he immediately merged with her. Their hands clasped. His whole body was spouting passion airborne.

  Sam gently squeezed his hand, he squeezed back. The link between them allowed everything to become a collective experience. The I’s were removed and replaced swiftly with us.

  Her lips relaxed into a thin line, her eyebrows lowered and her body opened slightly. They both knew it was inevitable, they could have all the restraint in the world and it wouldn’t be enough to break the force pulling them together.

  Sam went serious. She wrapped her hands around Matt's neck, hoisting herself nearer to him. Matt instinctively began caressing the small of her back with one hand and drawing her closer by the neck with the other. Their eyes never shifted from one another’s. The current streaming between them was reaching danger levels. Some had to be released.

  Then he did it. Matt gingerly inclined towards her, she doing the same. Her eyes flickered shut. Matts would follow in a moment, the last thing he saw was the mid-morning sun brightening her face, revealing true splendour. The untameable craving didn't have to be tamed any longer. Matt was free to roam into Sam's heart, if he would dare.

  He dared.

  Matt pressed against her soft lips. A hand displaced from his neck to his head, where it caressed locks as though they belonged to it. He felt her whole body press against his, every curve, every movement, he could sense. Their peck deepened until it was no longer a peck.

  Sam started parting her lips, her breathing intensifying with ever millimetre they hinged open. Matt done the same. Passion engulfed them both. Desire was king. They rolled from a sitting position to lying. Sam lay on top of him, her legs off to the side. Her hand embraced his chest with desire. Again it deepened.

  Her breathing had evolved into a pant. They were utterly intertwined through their lips. Matt’s heart was rocketing. He was shaking with misbelief. Slowly and gently he nudged her off of him. He kissed her cheek when she contacted the ground, pulling her into a tight embrace – a desperate attempt to maintain the newfound closeness.

  "Well that was good," Matt coyly whispered. There was no need to talk above a whisper as his lips were adjacent to her ear.

  "Yeah!" She forced while attempting to catch her breath, gasping in astonishment.

  The vast array of emotion running through Matt was indescribable. He felt excitement, hopefulness, joy, fear and overwhelmingly a total ignorance - it's not as if he were a ladies man after all. Sam was one of the first girls Matt had spoken to for longer than a few seconds. She seemed totally enamoured with him, much to his surprise. It's an impossibility to collect his feelings and coin them under a single term. Was it love? Was it confusion? Matt realised he was on his own, he had to make every decision for himself. The problem was he couldn't evaluate these emotions to determine what he really wanted, not when he was utterly blinded by Sam.

  He could only assume identical thoughts and sensations were flowing through her. He saw the glint in her eyes that showed the utter confusion behind the strong and controlled persona she portrayed. Silence loomed over them, with a mutual understanding that each was trying to figure out what to do. It was like a complex game of chess, attempting to use all prior knowledge of humanity and intellect to decipher the opponent’s next move. The opponent however was not external. He couldn't think straight, the want for her echoed through his mind, reverberating throughout the entirety of him.

  Desperation for Sam overwhelmed him. He tightened their embrace, pulling her even closer. Every part of Sam was pressed against every part of Matt. The mass of emotions fused and passion reined unimpeded. Once more their lips locked. He could feel the tenderness, warmth and strength of her against him. He felt her heart beat in sync with his own - which was in his throat. Every breath, the subtle expansion and shrinking of her lungs, eased him further as if gently massaging him.

  His decision was final, her eyes burned with want, their desires were completely unhidden. She needed him, possibly even more than he needed her. His heart rate increased, Sam was bound to have felt it, she knew what was coming.

  Matt whispered into her right ear. "I love you." The gentle notes flowed from him, every entity that was Matt purred along in unison, and he knew he had made the correct decision.

  She lay beside him, staring into his eyes, unquestionably attempting to find his soul. She found it. Without a word spoken, she flashed her characteristic smile that still sent a quiver down his spine. Her heart was thundering now, his too.

  She nodded, minimising movement as to not disrupt the unity of their connection. The indescribable sensations combined into one as their lips joined once more. Love.

  The evening languorously tumbled in, Sam drifted into a slumber, but Matt could not sleep. He was utterly enthralled with the figure that lay before him, tucking its head deep into his chest. He wondered what she was dreaming about. She did not stir. Her dreams silent.



  May I start by thanking you for reading; every download encourages me to be better, more intellectual and punctual regarding my creation of fiction. The initial idea for this novelette (I am still undecided regardi
ng the classification of this work, I am now leaning towards a novelette as there is more than one setting, goal and event, although it’s lacking the accepted 7,500 words to be an ‘official’ novelette) came to me just as the story begins. I was having trouble sleeping and was just staring out into the night. However that is where the similarities end, instead of an attractive girl taking an interest me from across the street, I had a dog on the window ledge barking like mad. I would love to be able to pin point how the story developed into the text you see now but that is an impossibility, as the story progressed without much outside support. I gave it the characters and here we are, over 6,000 words later, with a completed manuscript! I must ensure than I extend my gratitude towards everyone that came within ten metres of me during the time I was working on this project, as you are the story – intentionally or otherwise!

  I wasn’t - by design - attempting to convey a particular message or moral, but when proof-reading I think one may have accidentally developed. I believe I accidentally conveyed the message (successfully, depending on one’s perception) that love is undefinable. I hope this is clear now. I wish to ask all whom read this not to place their judgement on others for anything, but in particular their choice (if one can call it that) of a lover. This is regardless of age, sexuality, race, nationality or any other conceivable segregating factor. I would also like to thank all of those campaigning for equal marriage within Scotland with me, attempting to convey this truth through legislation. I hope the epigraph (the question before the main text) has further emphasised this theme.

  - Kieran Nimmo

  If you wish to know more about the author click here

  More Matt and Sam

  Follow the escapades of these two uncertain, frightened and young characters within the 'Matt and Sam' series by Kieran Nimmo. Silent Dreams is the debut novelette of teenage author Kieran Nimmo. Silent Dreams kicks off the ‘Matt and Sam ’ series, which will entail the story of Matt and Sam.

  Needing You (Estimated publication Jan 2014)

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