Read Silent Feelings Page 1


  By H. P. Ron

  Copyright 2015 H. P. Ron

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  She looked out of the window, lost in the silent white waters of the backyard lake reflecting the warmth of summer’s noon; the scenic, snowless, roller-coaster like grasslands that surrounded the lake, afar stretching mountains and the clear blue sky. All that seemed like a beautiful day’s dream, a dream that hooked her in seconds.

  But the dream didn’t last long as a familiar chuckle pulled Reena out of her reverie. She looked at the class door, hoping to see him. She felt nervous as well as happy after seeing a handsome man in his twenties, fair-skinned, tall and rightly fit, with a pair of white headphones lifelessly hanging around his neck, standing at the door. He wore the regular rugged washed-out denim jeans along with a lighter blue boat-neck tee, which was one of her favorites too as it featured ‘Jamie Lee’, the God of Guitar from the ‘Fluids’ band.

  Mark was chatting with his mates, whose faces weren’t visible to Reena: a white haired boy and a girl, who looked like her mate, Nelly, in her light brown hair.

  Fearing that Mark would notice her stare, she ducked a tad lower trying to avoid direct contact, but her fear came to life the very moment. Mark glanced in her direction while trying to settle his long and silky hair, which were messed up by the duct air, and caught her stare. She fumbled and chaotically broke her settled gaze on Mark. She looked down at the notebook on her lap, held her breath and cursed herself, not raising her head for a while.

  Few minutes passed the awkward moment, she realized that someone had just filled in the alongside empty seat. She slowly glanced at her unknown neighbor, starting from the shoes to the jeans, tee and finally the face. It was Mark, grinning at her. She was stunned, completely oblivious to what she should say, so she responded with just a meek smile.


  “Hi” he said, still grinning.

  “Hello” she said, holding her breath tight as her heart pounded like a wild beast that could die any minute.

  “So you are Nell’s friend” he asked, while standing his guitar-case to the wall behind.

  She nodded, avoiding an eye-stare.

  “Have heard you play, you are kinda awesome” he unzipped the guitar-case while staring at her with the smile that had her smitten.

  She fought a sudden reddening of her cheeks and said, “Thank You……”, although she knew his name, she took a deliberate pause.

  “Mark” he reached out his hand to her, sensing the bait for an introduction.

  She noticed the shine in his blue eyes as he introduced himself. It was the first he was so close, a step closer and she would feel his breath.

  “Reena” she grabbed his hand and shook it almost formally while trying her best to hide the excitement in her. She was awestruck at how gentle his hands felt yet the grip was so strong.

  She fought a faint feeling of not leaving his hand but quickly unwrapped it as their tutor entered the class. For the entire session, she thought about her close encounter with Mark. She occasionally, smiled at herself, looked out of the window and glanced at Mark, who met her glances once or twice; making her heart beat soar further. But suddenly, something held back her joy. That something, wiped out the smile on her face, leaving behind quiet, lifeless shapes and eyes. ‘This isn’t for you’ she thought.

  Their class ended. Usually after class, most of the students left the premises, while some took refuge at the lakeside garden, enjoying the freshness of the slightly cool evening winds and trying hands on their respective instruments.

  As usual, Mark and his friends headed towards the backyard garden and lay down at the top of a grass landscape, shaped like a camel’s hump.

  They sat in a big circle, with Nelly sitting beside Mark. As the evening turned redder and cooler with the gradually setting sun, one-by-one they showed off their moves on their strings. Jacob started with a lute. His notes turned down the present souls and silenced them into a depressing yet addictive trance. His own eyes didn’t see the world while he played, deeply engrossed in his music, his hands moved on the string like a breeze of cool wind. Bella played violin, while Ben tried his hand on his ten string sitar and did pretty well for a willful ovation from all. All this while, Mark checked out the entire place, hastily looking everywhere, trying to find something, rather someone.

  “Looking for Reena??” Nelly whispered in his ears.

  Mark was stunned at her sudden question. He was glued at his place for a moment, but then he quickly recovered and answered casually “No.. Why?”

  Nelly gave him a piercing look, which she managed very well with her neatly raised brow.

  “Ok... yes” he confessed as a grin crossed his face while he blushed unknowingly.

  Nelly chuckled to herself, “Knew that… I saw the way you guys steal looks at each other” and continued when she had laughed off her amusement “So, do you like her, pretty boy?” she asked, tilting her head a little and eyeing him with her bright green eyes.

  “I don’t know” he said, anxious and confused.

  ‘I have asked the same question to myself a thousand times’, he thought.

  “Are you ok?” she placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “I don’t know what is happening Nell. I find her strangely attractive. I feel pulled towards her” he paused, moving his hands in air, finding it difficult to explain, “You know, like a helpless piece of iron being pulled towards a strong magnet.”

  “I want to know her, talk to her, listen to her music, but…” he paused again for a moment, “You understand? It’s complicated; I don’t know what’s happening.”

  “Whoa! You sound lovesick” she chuckled, moving to and fro like a hit-me-bop bag.

  “It may be funny for you, but not for me” he said firmly, instantly ceasing Nell’s chuckle.

  He looked down at the green grass and said, almost to himself, “She is so strange.”

  “Maybe you should talk to her” said Nell, placing her hand again on his shoulder.

  “I tried today, don’t know how it went” he said “I see her looking at me, but then she behaves so vague when we meet.”

  “Maybe she is shy. I know that she is sort of a loner.”

  He looked at her, not uttering a word.

  “Seriously champ, go talk to her” she said again, grinning and staring with her confident eyes, “If you are lucky, you may catch her at the lake.”

  Mark nodded with a rouge smile and stood up quickly, picking up his guitar that was lying beside him.

  “Where the hell are you going now?” Ben shouted, accidently interrupting Gwen, while her fingers plucked the strings of her pillar less, Celtic wood made bow harp.

  All eyes were now on Mark, which made him nervous.

  “Chill guys, I am off to something important. I’ll be back soon.” Mark announced almost hurriedly, “Keep playing Gwen, you are wonderful” he said and hurled goodbyes towards his friends, which garnered a similar response from them as well.

  He then rushed his way down the slope, towards the lake.

  “Easy boy” shouted Nell from behind, followed by a giggle.

  But Mark was in a hurry and he ignored her advice. He quickly ran down the slope, a little faster, and he would have tumbled down.

n, he reached the lake side which was vast with silent waters and cool breeze. He took a deep breath inhaling the fresh air and smiled at the beauty of it. He then looked back, seeing no one. He noticed the twilight colors of late evening in the sky that pierced through the silver clouds were being reflected in the lake water. He had never noticed that the evenings were so beautiful here.


  As he stood by the lakeside, he heard a melody which came unmistakably from a guitar. Every single piece hit him like the soothing evening wind. Mark knew that only established guitarists could craft such music. He walked towards the sound and reached near a wooden deck on the lake. There was a girl sitting on the wooden deck. Her untied hair fluttered in the wind while her hands effortlessly moved across the neck of the guitar. The air around the deck was filled with the feel of her music: heart and passion in it. He walked closer to Reena, who was dressed in her tight denim jeans and a white shirt that stuck tight to her body because of the incoming breeze, revealing her beautiful feminine curves.

  He walked slowly, trying not to startle her. He saw her eyes, which were closed while her