Read Silverbeach Manor Page 12

  He sees she cannot speak for her rainbow tears and smiles. Presently he dismisses the old flyman, with largesse beyond his dreams, and Pansy and he go slowly homeward between the pines through which they see the blossoming of radiant golden stars, while across their path there floats the echo of happy bells. The ringers are practising this evening at the church where so soon these two will be made one.


  Here are two questions you might like to answer by yourself or in a group sharing this story.

  1. It is 1891, and you are either Pansy Piper or Marlow Holme. What would you do with the inheritance?

  2. It is the present time in the 21st century, and you are either Pansy Piper or Marlow Holme. What would you do with the inheritance?

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