Read Simply Shorts Page 12

Timothy Weary was his name. A long gangly kid with a pimpled face, and stringy dish water blond hair. His faded, torn blue jeans were inches too short and way too tight. He wore suspenders, a bow tie, and ugly, black, thick framed glasses, that made him look more like a cartoon character than a teenage boy. Needless to say he wasn't one of the more popular kids at Messick High. But he was one of the main kids that were the brunt of the so called popular kid's jokes.

  The teachers loved and felt sorry for poor Timothy. He was a super geek and one of the smarter kids at the school. "Class who was the fifth president of the United States?" Mr. Homer, the history teacher inquired of his class that sat dumbstruck and silent. He knew Timothy could answer, but he wanted someone else to answer for a change.

  Looking at his feet and running his hand through his dirty hair, Timothy hoped Mr. Homer wouldn't ask him again. He hated being the smart kid. Why couldn't be one of the cool kids? Why couldn't he have friends? Why did they hate him so much? His mom said they were jealous. He wished he had been born good looking instead of smart. His brains were his curse.

  "Timothy, would you please answer the question?"

  He didn't want to. He knew it would make the cool kids even madder at him. "James Monroe." Timothy said like he was born knowing the name of all the presidents.

  A similar scenario played out in math class. The dumb cool kids cool kids couldn't answer the teacher's questions and Tim had to do it. He didn't want to do it. The cool kids were pissed. They vowed retribution.

  The cool kids waited for Timothy after school. Big football players, gang bangers, and tough chicks waited for him behind the gymnasium. They'd show this geek, not to be so smart.

  Not suspecting a thing of course, why would he. Timothy never held hate in his heart and would never have expected anyone would actually want to hurt him. Walking along the back side of the gym as he did everyday, he sang a geeky song, swinging his arms like a chimp, kicking a pebble down the walkway.

  Waiting like a group of stalking animals, the cool kids hid inside the gym door ready at the right moment to strike their injurious blow. Football jocks, gang bangers, and tough girls with tattoos set upon poor Timothy, beating him with fists, clubs and purses. They left Timothy unconscious on the sidewalk, blood covered his face, his glasses broken, stomped into pieces.

  "What in God's name happened to you?" His mom was heard to exclaim. She took him to the hospital, they patched him up, the police were called. Timothy never said what had happened, but held it inside. There day would come. Those cool kids. Their day would come.

  Timothy was never the same after that day. He started spending time in the garage, working with his dad's tools. He started to wear black. Black pants, shoes, and high laced black combat boots. And dark black glasses, they hid his even darker mood.

  The cool kids noticed the change in Timothy, but paid him no mind. "Look at the geek now. He thinks he's one of those Goth people. What a loser, they would say.

  It was the beginning of football season and there was to be a pep rally for all students and teachers in the gym that night. Of course all the cool people would be there.

  Finishing up in the garage, Timothy headed for the school gym. and his destiny.

  The gym was rocking with cheers and band music as Timothy sneaked around back, to the place where the cool kids had changed his life forever. It was time. The device was set up. It was going to be awesome.

  There was a loud explosion. It shook the gym and the students came running out in fear. What they saw was beyond belief. There was Timothy with a contraption he had built in the garage, shooting out the most fantastic display of fireworks the students and even the cool kids had ever seen. Way up in the sky, written in the fireworks were the words, "Go Messick High beat Sharpe" It was the coolest thing, even the cool kids had ever seen. After what they had done to him, he had done such a thing for them. Maybe he wasn't such a geek after all.

  Timothy graduated from MIT with honors, started a software company in the valley and became one of the richest men in the country. The cool kids all didn't graduate. Some went to prison and others worked dead end jobs their whole life Timothy had his revenge. By not seeking revenge on the students who had harmed him, he showed them who was the better man. They had did him a favor. He had became a strong man up to any challenge. Some times cool kids aren't cool, they're just bullies, who grow up to be losers.

  If I Only Had a Brain

  The sun rose on another beautiful day in La La land, through a heavy cloud of smog, thick enough to cut with a butter knife. I grabbed the alarm clock that blared its arrival from the night stand and hurled it across the room. The pieces fell on the floor, I laughed manically, turned over and went back to sleep. "The hell with going to work today. I might not even go tomorrow."

  I finally drug my severely hungover ass out of bed around noon, feeling like ten miles of bad road and looking. worst. I decided a shower was in order, having not felt the need for one for the past two days. I stripped off my stained briefs, grabbed the cleanest dirty towel I could find and stepped into the shower, turned it on. Nothing. I turned it off and on, no water. Then I remembered, I forgot to pay the water bill. The truth was I couldn't pay the bill, no money. Guess I should've went to work after all. Oh, what the hell.

  Putting on some deodorant and powder, I looked at my mug in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw. My brown eyes were red, the skin on my face that was normally baby smooth was rough with a two day stubble of neglected growth.. I reached in the cabinet for a razor. Oh no, don't tell me I forgot to buy blades. Damn it. Make a mental note, buy blades. Got it? Got it.,

  My stomach suddenly rumbled like a 6.0 earthquake. I felt sick and queasy, time to eat. I opened up the fridge, empty shelves stared back at me, I shut the door, somewhat surprised and disappointed. Forgot to buy food. Truth was I had no money for food. Guess I should've went to work this morning. What was I thinking? Wasn't, I guess.

  "Hell, I could still go to work. Get a half day," I said looking at the clock in my bedroom that said one o'clock.

  I looked in my closet for a clean shirt and pants. It was empty. Damn, forgot to do my laundry. Make a note, "do laundry." After much searching in the dirty clothes hamper and a great deal of stiffing, I decided on a shirt, trousers, underwear, and even socks, I thought weren't too funky.

  Grabbing my keys, I headed out the door to my car. Or I headed to where I thought my car was, but it wasn't. Damn, I forgot to pay my car note, or I didn't pay the car note.

  As I turned to go back inside my apartment in utter disgust, a car came out of nowhere. I hurled through the air with the greatest of ease and landed on my head, rendering me unconscious.

  "Follow the yellow brick road. Follow, the yellow brick road." I said as I danced down the road with the tin man, the lion and Dorothy, dressed as a scarecrow.

  "How will ever find the Wizard Dorothy?" I asked

  "Are you kidding?" said the Tin Man.

  "Please," the cowardly lion said in disgust.

  "Give him a break guys, you know he doesn't have a brain. To answer your question scarecrow, we just follow the yellow brick road."

  "The yellow brick road?"

  "Yes, the yellow brick road."

  Can he give me brain? 'Cause I really need one," I said looking bewildered.

  "Yes, he can give you brain," Dorothy said with a smile.

  So we eased on down the road and sure enough at the end we found the Wizard. He was a magical fellow just as promised. He gave the cowardly lion courage, big deal. He gave the tin man a heart, boring. He was just about to give me a brain, when I suddenly came to in the hospital emergency room.

  "Sorry, we can't admit you sir, your insurance policy is lapsed. You'll have to go to county," a lady behind the counter informed me. Damn I forgot to pay my hospital insurance. If I only had a brain.

  The End

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