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  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Sin Eater


  Sin Eater Copyright © 2009 Evangeline Anderson

  Edited by Shannon Combs

  Cover art by Syneca

  Electronic book Publication June 2009

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  Sin Eater

  Evangeline Anderson

  Chapter One

  Andrylena LaLain, called Lena by all who knew her, entered the training room dressed for the first time in her transparent white testing garment. She was used to the shapeless gray robes of a novice that covered everything from neck to ankles. To look down and see the outline of her breasts and the cleft of her pussy in plain sight made her feel horribly vulnerable.

  The garment had full sleeves but the rest was little more than a body suit that covered Lena from neck to crotch. The material was both transparent and elastic, the better to facilitate her testing. As a rare and valued Sin Eater, Lena was dedicated to the service of the god-king, Karn the Insatiable, and it was important that her body be kept pure until she met him face-to-face for the first time. The testing garment would allow her instructor to handle and touch her body without being tempted to take her as he might be if she were completely naked. That pleasure—the pleasure of coming deep in her pussy—must be reserved for Karn and Karn alone.

  As she stepped through the heavy brass door of the training room she wondered what her teacher would be like. Would he beat her or hurt her? Would he hold her down and penetrate her or make her suck him? She’d heard frightening stories from the other novices who lived in the temple—not that any of them would know since Lena was the only Sin Eater in residence. Indeed, there could be only one Sin Eater in existence at a time—the rules of the universe decreed it. Only one was born in each generation. Lena suspected that the other novices were just jealous of her status but that didn’t stop her from shivering when she thought of the horrible stories they told about her new teacher after lights out.

  She looked around the room, which was still empty. Well, empty except for the broad padded table upholstered in rich scarlet leather and the two racks of instruments positioned in the center of the rich, hardwood floor.

  Lena walked forward, as though drawn by an invisible hand. The floors gleamed in the warm overhead light and the walls were deep crimson like the leather padding on the strange table. There were straps hanging down from the table on either side as well as padded handles at both ends—but why? For something to hang on to? And as for the two polished dark wood racks and their contents, well, she didn’t even want to think about what they were for.

  The rack on her right appeared to be filled with punishment devices. There were paddles, whips and canes of every description. Gods, was she going to be beaten as part of her training? Lena felt herself break out in a cold sweat.

  The rack on the left was even more ominous. It held carved wooden phalluses of all sizes and lengths. One was so small it was barely longer than her palm and no larger than Lena’s two fingers put together. But there were some that were thicker than her wrist and as long as her forearm. Lena reached out to touch the largest one, tracing the bulbous wooden head. She swallowed hard—it was almost as big as her fist. Surely that isn’t meant to go inside me, she thought nervously. There’s no way it could possibly fit. Could it?

  “Choose one.” The deep voice behind her startled Lena so badly she knocked the large wooden phallus off the rack. Fumblingly, she caught it in both hands and turned to face the person standing behind her.

  He was tall and dark and wearing a scowl on his chiseled features that turned Lena’s bones to water. She hadn’t seen a man since the age of three when she was taken from her birth family to live in the temple, but she knew at once that this person was male. It was in the deepness of his voice, the breath of his muscular shoulders straining against his black robes, even in his very scent, which was warm and spicy and somehow masculine. And of course, it was in the huge bulge she could see beneath his robe.

  But more than any of those things, the emotions she felt coming from him told Lena what he was. A wave of hot lust rolled over her and she was suddenly very aware of how naked she was before him, of how thin and transparent the training garment she wore appeared. Her plump nipples were erect with fear and she could feel the cleft of her pussy beginning to juice, growing slippery and hot in response to the stranger’s need. The emotions of the other novices and priestesses at the temple had never affected her as this man’s did and her body’s instant response to him made Lena even more nervous and frightened.

  “Choose one,” the man said again, taking another step forward so that he towered over Lena.

  “I-I…” She clutched the massive carved phallus tightly in both hands, feeling her palms sweat against the wood. Oh Gods, what was he going to do with her?

  “Is that the one you want, truly?” One black eyebrow arched almost to his short, dark hair and his stern gray eyes narrowed. “You will learn to take it into your tight little cunt, I assure you, but it’s a bit much for your first time.”

  In a flash, Lena realized why he was asking her to choose one of the carved wooden cocks. Turning back to the rack she fumbled the huge thing back into place on the rack and hurried to reach for the smallest one, the one barely the length of her palm.

  The man made a disapproving noise behind her just before her hand touched the tiny device. “So it’s to be the smallest one, is it, Lena? A pity. A Sin Eater without the courage to bear pain and pleasure will be of little use to the god-king.”

  Lena felt a hot blush of shame creep into her cheeks at his mocking words. Turning, she kicked up her chin and met his eyes, trying not to show her fear. “How do you know my name?”

  “I know everything about you, Lena,” the big man rumbled, reaching down to stroke her cheek with one large hand. At his touch, the fire inside her spiked and she felt a deep need building between her thighs. Her pussy lips began to feel swollen and wet and her clit throbbed.

  Lena gasped and pulled away abruptly, frightened by the suddenly heightened sensations. “Wh-who are you?” she asked in a voice that fought not to tremble.

  The man frowned. “You can call me Teacher,” he said, crossing his muscular arms over his chest, causing the fabric of his black robe to stretch almost to the ripping point. “For that is what I am and shall be for the next year of your life. I will teach you all that you need to know in order to be worthy of the title Sin Eater, when Karn the Insatiable ascends the throne and has need of you.

  “Under my care you will learn to pleasure a man by
taking his cock in your mouth and milking him until he shoots his cum down your throat. You will also learn to receive a cock deep in your pussy and in your ass as well.” He nodded at the rack again with its row of wooden phalluses. “So choose one. Your first lesson begins now.”

  Chapter Two

  “Show me your nipples.”

  “Yes, Teacher.” Lena tore herself away from the memory of that first encounter—of the way Teacher had held her down on the spanking table and worked the thick wooden cock into her tight, virginal pussy until she moaned and gasped and begged him both to stop and to never stop. Just the thought made her wet and hot between her thighs.

  The phallus Teacher had used on her had been sent to Karn the Insatiable himself, so that he could know her flavor and anticipate the day when she would join him.

  Lena sometimes wondered if the god-king ever looked at the device that had been used to take her virginity and speculated on what his future consort and Sin Eater would be like. Did he anticipate meeting her? Or was she simply another badge of his royalty like the black fur robe and the golden mask the god-king wore when he ruled? No one even knew what he looked like—although she supposed she would find out in time. Then she sighed. She had a long way to go before she knelt naked and trembling at Karn’s feet, ready to give her body to satisfy his lust. To start with, she must pass her final lesson with Teacher.

  She sat up straighter on the padded spanking table and thrust out her chest so that her full creamy breasts with their hardened nipples were clearly visible beneath the thin white testing garment she wore.

  “This is your final lesson with me.” Teacher stepped forward. Beneath his long black robe, Lena could see the outline of his cock, hard as always during these sessions, though she had never been allowed to touch it.

  “I know it is the last lesson.” Long fiery red hair swirled around her shoulders as she nodded sadly. “Our year together has passed so quickly. I confess I will miss you, Teacher,” she said, daring to look up into his stern gray eyes. They softened a little at her words and Lena felt a surge of affection come from the tall man. The words I love you trembled on her lips but she managed to swallow them back. It would be sacrilege for her to admit her feelings for her stern instructor. She was supposed to be saving her heart for the god-king, but how could she love a man she’d never seen? And how could she help falling in love with a man who had taught her so much about pain and pleasure, who had taken her body to heights she never would have been able to reach on her own?

  “I will miss you too, Lena,” Teacher murmured, reaching out to cup her cheek briefly in his warm palm. “But you can only progress if you pass my final test. Now spread your legs and let me see your pussy.”

  Lena spread her legs wide on the padded table, reaching down to make sure that her pussy lips were parted under the thin material of her testing garment so that her teacher could see the hot pink inside of her cunt.

  Teacher stepped up to her and stood between her spread legs. Lena felt a hot blush coming over her cheeks as always when his wintry gray eyes raked over her body. She felt his lust, took it within herself and sent it out tenfold, as she had been trained to do. This was what she would do for Karn the Insatiable once she was his consort. By feeding his hunger and then offering her body to satiate it she would help him control his lust and make wise decisions that affected the entire country.

  Apparently her training stood her in good stead. The huge lump that was Teacher’s cock stiffened even further under the long black robe he wore and the need she felt coming from him made her nipples that much harder and her pussy even more wet and slippery.

  “Now, Lena,” he said, reaching out to stroke her nipples casually through the thin material of the testing garment. “Tell me the signs of a true Sin Eater.”

  Lean moaned softly at his touch on her breasts and wished, as always, that she could feel her teacher’s hands on her without the testing garment in the way. But that could never be.

  “Answer me!” Teacher said sternly and twisted her sensitive nipples cruelly until sparks of pleasure ran from her tender breasts to her wet sex.

  “You shall know the true Sin Eater by these signs,” Lena quoted quickly. “One, that her eyes are the true gold of the midday sun and her hair is as red as flame. Two, that her nipples are always hard and-and three,” she half moaned as Teacher leaned down to suck her hardened nipples into his mouth, wetting her willing flesh through the thin testing garment. “Three,” she continued at last, “that her pussy is always tight, wet and ready.”

  “And is your pussy wet and ready for me tonight?” Teacher straightened up and looked down at her, his face still stern.

  As she had been taught, Lena spread her legs even wider. “I invite you to see for yourself, Teacher,” she murmured, hoping that he would take her up on her offer.

  “Very well.” Holding her eyes with his own the whole time, Teacher let his hand wander down the trembling flesh of her belly to cup her naked mound in his palm. The night before, Lena had shaved off the fluffy mass of reddish gold curls that had crowned her sex, leaving her pussy completely bare for her final lesson, and she couldn’t believe how much more sensitive it felt. Two of Teacher’s long fingers parted her cunt lips wide and began stroking over the enflamed button of her clit, making Lena writhe and moan.

  “So beautiful,” Teacher murmured, stroking lower to caress the slippery entrance of her pussy. “So responsive to my touch.” The same two fingers that had been stroking her suddenly pressed into her hot, wet entrance, the material of the testing garment stretching easily to admit them.

  Lena moaned as her teacher finger-fucked her pussy, testing her readiness to take something larger than his fingers. For the hundredth time she wished that he could fuck her with his cock but even with the testing garment between them, that was forbidden.

  “Please, Teacher,” she moaned, pressing back against his fingers as they continued to fuck into her hot wet pussy. “Please, I need…need something bigger, something more.”

  “I’ll give you something more,” Teacher growled, his cock obviously throbbing beneath the black robe. “But not in your pussy, Lena. Your pussy has been ready for ages. Today I need to test your ass.”

  Lena felt all the blood rush out of her cheeks and she tried to draw away from him, her pleasure in the two fingers fucking her pussy forgotten. “Please, Teacher,” she said in a low, shaking voice. “I—I think my ass is ready. Please don’t test me there.”

  “Lena, I’m serious.” Teacher withdrew his fingers from her slippery sex and went to the rack where the wooden phalluses were kept. Lena took a deep breath, her eyes fastened on her Teacher’s selection from the assortment of wooden cocks.

  A Sin Eater’s pussy was always tight, no matter how often she was penetrated or how large the cock that entered her, but she had to be trained to take a large sized phallus into her cunt, ass and mouth in the first place. Lena had always been good at allowing the larger wooden phalluses to slide into her wet, willing pussy, but her ass was more tender, the tiny rosebud tight. It was frightening and difficult to allow something so thick to pierce her sensitive ass. Lena always tightened up, and Teacher had a hard time fucking her ass with whatever instrument he chose. Lena knew she needed to get over the fault but it was a hard lesson to learn. In fact, maybe it still wasn’t learned.

  When Teacher came toward her with the second thickest phallus, carved from pale milkwood and two inches thicker at the base than it was at the tip, Lena tried to scramble away. She hopped off the table and started to run, only to be caught in Teacher’s merciless grip.

  “Not so fast, Lena. You need this and you know it,” he warned.

  Lena eyed the thick shaft with wide eyes. “But, Teacher, please! That’s almost twice as big as anything you’ve ever taken my ass with and I’m tender yet from our last lesson.”

  Teacher scowled. “You think Karn the Insatiable will want to hear you deny him because of his girth? He’ll fuck you, Lena, i
n your mouth, ass and pussy, whichever he chooses, and you must be ready to offer any and all of yourself for your god-king’s enjoyment. Do you understand?”

  Lena hung her head and stopped tugging at his grip on her arm. She knew Teacher was right and he was only trying to prepare her for the trials to come. Still, it was very hard to climb on the spanking table and spread her ass cheeks for the thick wooden phallus. So hard she could barely make herself do it.

  “Lena, enough dragging your feet. I think a punishment is in order to drive this lesson home. Up on the table and lie flat on your stomach with your legs spread,” Teacher rapped out.

  Knowing that she was dangerously close to failing her final lesson, Lena did as he said, lying down on the waist-high table with her vulnerable ass on display and her legs spread wide to give Teacher the best view of her swollen pussy and tight pink rosebud. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him select a wide, black wooden paddle from the punishment rack and heft it in his hand. This punishment was going to hurt but it was no more than she deserved.

  “Count the blows,” Teacher instructed, raising the paddle, and Lena squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to tighten up her ass. Teacher had taught her to take her spankings correctly, with open legs so that her cunt could be spanked as well, if he deemed it necessary. She tried not to tense her muscles as he raised the paddle. She had also been taught that the sting of the paddle was something to be accepted as well as the thickness of a phallus within her, fucking her pussy or ass.

  She heard a whistling sound behind her and the first blow fell, landing squarely on her tender buttocks and making Lena gasp. “One,” she moaned as Teacher raised the paddle again. Another blow fell, and then another as she counted in a soft, agonized tone. Already the fire was beginning beneath the skin of her tender backside but despite that, she could feel her pussy juicing as well. As if to punish her desire, a well-placed blow of the black paddle landed on her swollen cunt lips, making her gasp the next number as Teacher continued to spank her.