Read Sinful Secrets Page 11

  He marched down the long corridor that Cat had indicated would take them to Nathaniel’s office. His gaze darted around carefully to make sure no threats were about to spring at him.

  “Almost there,” Cat whispered from beside him. He had a death grip on her hand. There was no way he was letting that woman go, not even for an instant.

  A quick turn, and then a door loomed before them. Nathaniel Donnelly was etched in big, gold letters on that door.

  Cat started to reach for the door. He stopped her. He’d be going in first. No one hurts her.

  He swung open the door. The lights were off, it was too dark to see but—

  “Cat…” That weak, thready voice sounded like Cameron Donnelly.

  “Cameron!” Cat must have thought that was her brother’s voice, too, because she tried to run by Jason. Not happening. He held her easily.

  Then the lights flashed on.

  “I didn’t tell you to bring company, Catherine,” Brock snapped. Brock…the man standing behind the big, gleaming desk.

  The man holding a gun to Cameron’s head.

  Cat gasped when she saw them, but Jason made no sound at all. This set-up was pretty much exactly what he’d expected.

  Cameron Donnelly was tied to the chair behind Nathaniel’s desk. Brock’s gun pressed into his temple. There was…blood on the floor. From Nathaniel’s death? Or from the new injuries that Cameron seemed to have?

  Probably fucking both.

  “Let my brother go,” Cat said. Her voice was strong. Angry. Damn but Jason loved her.

  She trusts me. Completely. Totally. Cat had told him all about Brock’s call. About how the SOB was trying to lure her away from Jason. How he was trying to make Jason look guilty.

  No one takes her from me.

  The gun just shoved all the harder against Cameron’s temple. “Don’t you see what could happen here?” Brock demanded. “The guilty son comes back to the scene of his crime. He decides to take his own life…”

  “F-fucking…bastard…” Cameron gritted out. “Y-you…killed Nathaniel…”

  “It would have been perfect.” Brock acted as if he hadn’t heard Cameron. “The grieving sister would’ve found your body. She would’ve been lost, so despondent that…” He smiled at Cat. “She took her own life, too.”

  Jason felt the tremor that wracked Cat’s body.

  Baby, I wouldn’t have let you walk out on me. There’s no way this guy would have killed you.

  “But now…” Brock sighed. “That little scene is screwed, isn’t it? Because you brought him!”

  It was Jason’s turn to smile. “She didn’t just bring me, bastard. She brought the whole damn police department.”

  Brock’s jaw dropped. “What?”

  “We figured…her brother was a killer or else you were. Cat was laying odds that it was you, by the way.” Carefully, he eased his body in front of Cat’s. “Either way, we knew we needed the cops here for backup.”

  Brock’s face turned red with fury.

  “Don’t believe us?” Jason taunted. “Check on Donnelly’s computer there. I’m sure it’s connected to the security system. You can hit the feeds and see all the cops storming this place.” Because they were out there. He was wired, they were picking up every word of this conversation, and they’d be coming for Brock any moment.

  Because you’re a fucking twisted piece of shit who needs to be put down.

  Brock looked down at Cameron. Then he lifted the gun away from the guy’s temple.


  And Brock slammed the butt of the weapon into Cameron’s head. Cameron’s face hit the desk as he sagged forward.

  “No!” Cat screamed.

  Jason lunged for the gun, afraid that Brock would fire before the cops could burst inside but—

  Brock aimed the weapon at Jason’s chest. Jason froze, mid-lunge.

  “Don’t move,” Brock ordered. “Not another inch, do you understand?”

  Jason understood that he hated Brock Mayer, and the man wasn’t going to escape that room.

  “Cat, I have my gun pointed at your lover’s heart. If I just flex my index finger, he’s dead.”

  “Don’t!” Cat shouted as she surged to Jason’s side.

  Brock held out his left hand to her. “Come to me or I shoot him now.”

  She stepped forward.

  The hell she did.

  “Cat,” Jason snarled. “Don’t.”

  Where were the fucking cops? They’d pulled in the cops as back-up for a reason—so he and Cat didn’t get killed. So they could prove Cameron’s innocence.

  Where are the damn cops when we need them?

  “Come here, Catherine!” Brock bellowed.

  Cat actually tried to walk toward the guy. Like Jason’s life was more important than hers. Hell, no. Jason grabbed her and shoved her right back behind him again. “Go ahead, you prick,” he invited. “Shoot me. But you better do it fast, because I’m about to beat the shit out of you.”

  Brock’s mouth dropped. “You—”

  The guy hadn’t noticed that the gun-hit-to-the-head hadn’t really knocked Cameron out. Jason had noticed, and he knew Cameron was about to attack. The guy had just needed for Brock to be distracted.

  I distracted him for you.

  Cameron jerked sideways and slammed his chair into Brock. Brock went down, a bullet fired wildly, and Jason launched at his prey. He rushed for Brock, shoved Cameron and the chair out of his way, and then he shattered Brock’s wrist with a hard kick.

  The gun fell from Brock’s now useless fingers. That takes care of the weapon.

  Jason drove his fist into Brock’s face. He pummeled the guy, and Brock tried to fight back with a fierce kick, but Jason barely felt the blow.

  He was going to kill Cat. He was going to take my Catherine away from me.

  His fist drove again and—

  “Police!” A hard cry.

  So they’d finally joined the party.

  His fist was poised, mid-air, above Brock. The guy’s face was bleeding. His lips busted. It wasn’t enough.

  “Let him go,” Cat said, voice soft as her fingers slid over Jason’s back. “The cops are here. They’re going to take him away. He won’t ever hurt anyone else.”

  Jason wanted to make sure of that.

  But…Cat was pulling on his arm. Cat needed him.

  Jason rose to his feet.

  The cops swarmed in then. Four closed tightly around Brock. Two other cops moved toward Cameron—freeing him from the ropes. Cat headed for her brother, too, reaching out for him as a smile broke across her face.

  “You thought you were the only one…” Brock’s voice. Mocking. Hard.

  Jason glanced back at him. The cops had the guy on his feet.

  “Nathaniel Donnelly destroyed everything he touched…your father wasn’t the first.” Brock spat out blood. “Neither was mine.”


  “They should have paid.” Brock’s gaze cut to Cat—and her brother. Cameron was hugging Cat and she was holding him just as fiercely. “That whole Donnelly family—they needed to be destroyed. You know that. You had the power—you should have taken them all out!”

  Jason stared into the man’s eyes. Saw the same fury and hate he’d carried for so long.

  “H-he…hired the man to video Cat,” Cameron’s voice was weak. “He’s been…stealing from the company for years… Nathaniel…our father found out…that’s why Brock killed him…he-he told me everything…”

  Because he planned to kill you.

  “The Donnelly’s are…poison…” More blood dripped down Brock’s face. “You’ll see…” His eyes cut to Cat. “Poison.”

  And right then, Jason saw too much in Brock’s face—in his expression. Fury, hate…but…


  Brock wanted Cat.

  Just what had the bastard planned to do before he let Cat meet her end that night?

  I should have killed him.

  Brock’s gaze cut
back to Jason. His stare hardened as he seemed to realize that Jason had been watching him that whole time. “Maybe…” A bloody smile flashed at Jason. “I would’ve…let her live…” The cops were shoving Brock toward the door. “If she’d fucked…me…like she did…you in that…video—”

  Jason’s control shattered. He flew after the man. Shoved the cops out of his way. Grabbed Brock and slammed him into the wall. His hands went to Brock’s throat.

  “Stop! Stop!” A cop was shouting near him. One cop—two. Both were barking orders at Jason. Orders he ignored.

  The cops pointed their weapons at Jason.

  Jason eased his hold, but didn’t let the bastard go.

  Brock started laughing.

  “See…” He whispered, his voice only carrying to Jason’s ears. “Now she sees you…for what you are. Got a…a killer inside…just like me…” He licked the blood on his lip. “They made us this way…one day…one day…they’ll pay…”

  “Let him go, Mr. August!” The nearest cop shouted.

  Jason still didn’t let him go.

  “Please, Jason!” Cat cried out.

  Jason kept gazing into Brock’s eyes. “I do have a killer inside,” he said, keeping his own voice low. “And if you ever so much as look sideways at her again, you’ll be dead.” He leaned in even closer to his prey. “But I’m not as dumb as you…no one will ever connect me to the crime. You’ll be gone, and I’ll be the one laughing.”

  That froze the bastard.

  Jason dropped his hand. He stepped back. “Get this bastard in a cage.”

  Where he’d stay—and rot—forever.

  Cat wrapped her arms around Jason. Held him tight. And, over her shoulder, he smiled at Brock Mayer.

  Good-bye, bastard.


  Jason was staring out at the city, no doubt drinking in his million dollar—billion dollar?—penthouse view. Cat slowly crept up behind him. He wore only a loose pair of jogging pants, and his broad shoulders were tense as he looked out at the expanse of Sin City.

  She leaned toward him. He had to know she was there, but he hadn’t turned at her approach.

  Her lips skimmed over his shoulder.

  “Maybe you should run from me.” His voice was low, hard.

  She kissed him again. “Why would I want to do that?”

  “Because I want you too much.”

  Her fingers slid down his back. So strong. So warm. “Is it possible to want someone too much?”

  He glanced back at her. The desire in his eyes—hot and fierce—had her sucking in a sharp breath. “If I think Brock is ever a threat to you again, I will kill him. I will make his death painful and slow, and I will—”

  “Stop.” She pulled him around to fully face her. “You’re trying to scare me.”

  “I’m trying to make you see me for who I am.”

  Cat shook her head. “I know who you are.” She reached into her pocket. Pulled out the ring that she’d bought less than an hour before. A plain, gold band to match her own. She slipped it onto his finger. “You’re my husband.”

  “Cat…” He’d stiffened.

  “You’re the man I love. The man I trust.” She’d confided in him, been willing to believe him…when Brock had wanted her to doubt. She’d listened to her heart this time. She hadn’t run from him.

  I’ll never run again.

  “You don’t know all my secrets…”

  She swallowed and gazed steadily up at him. “Maybe it’s time I did. And maybe it’s time you learned all of mine.” The good, the bad, all the gray ones in between.

  His fingers curled around hers. “I don’t want to lose you. I don’t…I can’t.”

  He thought she wouldn’t love him? If she knew the darkness inside? Oh, he was so wrong. The darkness had drawn her from the beginning. “If Brock ever gets out…if he comes after you or my brother…” Her breath eased out in a soft exhale. “Then I will kill him. It won’t be slow.” That wasn’t for her. Torture, fear? No. “It will be quick and fast, and I will never hesitate.”

  His eyes widened a bit.

  “I’d do it because I love you, and I won’t let anyone hurt you.” She’d realized some truths of her own. “Because I don’t think I can ever let you go, either.” Her lips curled in a smile that felt sad. “The last year has been hell, and I never want to go through any of that pain again.”

  His arms wrapped around her, and he lifted her up, holding her easily against him as her toes dangled a bit above the carpet.

  “I wanted you for all that time,” she confessed.

  “I dreamed of you every damn night,” he whispered back as his mouth came closer to hers.

  “Only you,” Cat told him.

  “Love, you’re the only one, ever, for me.” His lips took hers. Passion, love, lust—it was all there. Everything was there. In his kiss. In his touch.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck. Cat held him as tightly as she could.

  Her husband. Her lover.

  Her legs lifted and curled around his hips. Her mouth pulled from his, just for a moment. “Tell me,” she breathed against him.

  “I love you…” He started carrying her through the den. Back…back to the bedroom. His lips captured hers once more. His tongue thrust into her mouth. Her panties got wet.

  He lowered her onto the bed.

  “Tell me,” she said once more.

  His hands braced on either side of her head. His gaze held hers. “I love you,” he said, the words thick with desire. “Forever.”

  That was exactly what she wanted. “I love you,” Cat whispered.

  Then his left hand curled around hers. Their rings touched.



  Also available now from Cynthia Eden…MINE TO CRAVE:

  New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Cynthia Eden continues her dark and sexy “Mine” romantic suspense series with…MINE TO CRAVE.


  From the moment that billionaire casino owner Drake Archer sees Jasmine Bennett, he’s obsessed. Consumed by desire for the mysterious redhead, Drake will do anything necessary to claim her. Yet as desire rages between them, danger is stalking ever closer. Drake’s past isn’t dead, and the ex-Special Forces agent will soon have to face the ghosts he left behind.


  Jasmine isn’t who she pretends to be. She’s a woman on a mission—and she’s supposed to be stealing secrets from the mysterious Drake. Falling for him isn’t on her agenda, but when lust and love tangle together, all the rules get broken.


  When Drake learns of Jasmine’s betrayal…all hell breaks loose. He knows that he should turn his back on her, but it’s too late for him. He can’t let her go, but he can teach her a lesson. No one betrays him…not without paying a heavy price. Drake will destroy all of the enemies on his trail, he’ll bury his past, and he’ll teach Jasmine to want only him…just as much as he craves her.

  A Note to the Reader

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read SINFUL SECRETS. Sometimes, we all need second chances in life—and in love. Those second chances can lead to incredible things.

  I hope that you enjoyed Cat and Jason’s story.

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  Cynthia Eden

  About The Author

  Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over thirty novels and novellas.
br />   Cynthia is a southern girl who loves horror movies, chocolate, and happy endings. More information about Cynthia and her books may be found at: or on her Facebook page at: Cynthia is also on Twitter at

  Her Works

  List of Cynthia Eden's romantic suspense titles:

  MINE TO TAKE (Mine, Book 1)

  MINE TO KEEP (Mine, Book 2)

  MINE TO HOLD (Mine, Book 3)

  MINE TO CRAVE (Mine, Book 4)

  DIE FOR ME (For Me, Book 1)

  FEAR FOR ME (For Me, Book 2)

  SCREAM FOR ME (For Me, Book 3)

  DEADLY FEAR (Deadly, Book 1)

  DEADLY HEAT (Deadly, Book 2)

  DEADLY LIES (Deadly, Book 3)

  ALPHA ONE (Shadow Agents, Book 1)

  GUARDIAN RANGER (Shadow Agents, Book 2)

  SHARPSHOOTER (Shadow Agents, Book 3)

  GLITTER AND GUNFIRE (Shadow Agents, Book 4)

  UNDERCOVER CAPTOR (Shadow Agents, Book 5)

  THE GIRL NEXT DOOR (Shadow Agents, Book 6)




  List of Cynthia Eden's paranormal romance titles:

  THE WOLF WITHIN ( Purgatory, Book 1)

  ANGEL OF DARKNESS (Fallen, Book 1)

  ANGEL BETRAYED (Fallen, Book 2)

  ANGEL IN CHAINS (Fallen, Book 3)

  AVENGING ANGEL (Fallen, Book 4)



  ETERNAL HUNTER (Night Watch, Book 1)

  I'LL BE SLAYING YOU (Night Watch, Book 2)

  ETERNAL FLAME (Night Watch, Book 3)

  HOTTER AFTER MIDNIGHT (Midnight, Book 1)

  MIDNIGHT SINS (Midnight, Book 2)

  MIDNIGHT'S MASTER (Midnight, Book 3)

  WHEN HE WAS BAD (anthology)


  BELONG TO THE NIGHT (anthology)

  E-book only titles by Cynthia Eden