Read Sinful Secrets Page 8

  A muscle flexed in his jaw. “You do matter.”

  “Because you can use me to punish my father? Look, I get it—the guy’s a cold bastard. No big shocker there.”

  A woman walking beside her gasped and covered the ears of what looked to be a six-year-old child.

  “I’m sorry!” Cat cried out, horrified.

  Jason pulled Cat away from the woman—he pulled her out of the crowd of travelers and tried to maneuver her toward the entrance of the airport. Only Cat was over being maneuvered by him. “Stop it!”

  He spun toward her. “You’re coming with me.”

  “The hell I am!” She was too angry and too hurt to let the guy take her anyplace. She was tired of him leading while she followed like some love sick—lust sick?—fool. “We’re done, Jason. I told you that before.”

  His gaze fell to her hand. “Then why are you still wearing my ring? Why didn’t you leave it behind, just like last time?”

  She didn’t have to answer him. “My brother is on his way here. Leave now, because I don’t want him seeing you.”

  Jason shook his head as his gaze rose once more. “It’s not going to work.”

  Her temples were throbbing. “What isn’t?”

  “Being without you. It’s not going to work for me. I tried that shit, and I won’t do it again.”

  Cat wasn’t looking him in the eye. Staring into that golden blaze hurt too much. “I’m not a thing to be taken. Not a tool to be used. I’m sorry about your father, more sorry than I can say…but I’m not going to be used in your war.” She couldn’t stay in that airport. So much for transferring her ticket. She had to get away from Jason. She’d call Cameron. Tell him that she’d meet him someplace else. Anywhere else.

  She started to walk by Jason. He pulled her into his arms. His mouth locked on hers. He was kissing her madly, desperately, and, damn him, she wanted to lock her hands around him and hold on as tightly as she could. She also wanted to slap him.

  To keep kissing him.

  To run from him.

  Sanity prevailed. She pulled her mouth from his. Her breath was ragged and—she got caught by his eyes.

  Need blazed there. So did…fear?

  “Don’t follow me again,” she told him, softly. “Don’t come after me.” She slipped from his arms.


  Her hands raised, palms up, as if to ward him off. “You can hurt me too much. Just…stay away.” She backed away from him, aware of the lump growing in her throat. Didn’t he see that she was caught between him and her brother? That she couldn’t keep doing this?

  But…he was stalking after her.

  She broke then. Cat turned and started shoving her way through the crowd. She knew she probably looked like a crazy person, but she just needed to get away. She rushed through the gleaming, front doors of the airport and out into the hot Vegas night. The dry air hit her hard and she gasped. Taxi, taxi…find a taxi and flee again…

  His hand closed around her arm. Dammit, Jason moved too fast. “I’ll back the fuck off,” he promised, voice ragged.

  “You’re not backing off! You’re grabbing me!” And a security officer was already making his way toward them, a fierce frown on the guy’s face.

  Jason leaned toward her. His mouth brushed the shell of her ear as he growled, “Donnelly Dining. I’ll back off, and I’ll let someone else put the last nails in the business’s coffin.”

  Now he had surprised her.

  “I backed off for you last year.”

  Her head turned. She met his stare. Forced herself to hold that heated gaze.

  “I’ll let them keep floundering. No more pressure from me…I’ll back away from the company.”

  Donnelly Dining wouldn’t crash and burn instantly. There would be hope for a recovery. All of Cameron’s employees would still have jobs. Cautious relief surged through her, making Cat feel a bit dizzy. “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”

  The security guard was almost on them.

  “There’ll be a price,” Jason warned her.

  Because nothing was free in this world. She knew that. Cat licked her lips and tasted him. “What’s the price?”

  He lifted up her left hand. The ring gleamed. “You come back with me. Stay with me. We’ll present a united front to the world. We’ll make both companies shine.”

  “F-for how long? Until you get tired of playing with me?” Wasn’t that all he was doing? Jerking her around?

  He leaned in toward her again. “I will never get tired.” She felt the rasp of his breath against her. “Now tell the nice security guard to back off.”

  She gave a weak smile to the guard.

  “You okay, miss?”

  “Fine.” The word was too high. Too sharp.

  Jason eased back a bit. “My wife and I are just leaving.”

  The guard was still staring at Cat with a worried frown. “She came running out of that place pretty fast.”

  “I wasn’t feeling well. I’m fine now,” she said again. Such a lie. Fine didn’t even come close to describing how she felt. But Cat moved away from the security guard. She took Jason’s hand. Walked slowly and normally and wasn’t particularly surprised to find a limo waiting for them. But before she slipped into the back seat of that limo, Cat turned to confront Jason once more, “Promise me.”

  He lifted one dark brow. “Anything if you stay with me.”

  That hadn’t been the response she expected. The guy actually sounded as if he meant those words. Cat cleared her throat. “Don’t go after the business, ever. Leave Cameron alone.”

  His eyelashes flickered. “The business is safe…and for now, so is your brother.” His jaw worked and he pushed out, “I promise.”

  Cat smiled at him. “Why do you always have to act like such a bastard? I think there could be more to you than just that asshole exterior you present so well.”

  She eased into the car.

  He followed her. The door slammed behind him. “I’m not acting, love.” His voice was hard, warning her. “I am a bastard, and I will do anything to get what I want.”

  The words were so cold and… “You sound like him.”

  His fingers skimmed down her arm. “Who?”

  “My father…he’s also a man who’ll do anything to get what he wants.”

  His hand dropped away from her. When the limo pulled from the curb, neither of them spoke.


  Cameron had just walked into the parking garage when his phone rang. He glanced down and saw an image of his sister on the screen. “Cat?” He answered her immediately. “I’m on my way. Sorry I was—” No, don’t tell her. She doesn’t need to know.

  “I’m not at the airport.” Her words were hushed, tense.


  “I’ll call you tomorrow. Look, everything is going to be all right, understand? The business will be safe. Just…trust me.”

  His fingers tightened on the phone. “What’s happening?”

  “Everything is all right,” she told him once more.

  No, it wasn’t. “Is August with you?” Fury had his words snapping.


  He’s a dead man.

  “He’s going to back off, he’s going to leave Donnelly Dining alone.”

  Screw the business. “Get away from him. He’s trouble. You’re not safe with that guy!”

  “I am.” Her voice was still soft. “I’ll…I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “No, no, Cat, wait—”

  But she’d hung up on him.

  Sonofabitch. He’d warned August. He’d told the man to stay away from Catherine. She shouldn’t be with a jerk like him.

  Cameron was almost to his car.

  Bright headlights flashed on at that moment, pinning Cameron in their spotlight. He lifted his hand, trying to shield his eyes. It was a private damn garage. No one else should have been there and—

  The growl of an engine echoed all around him as that vehicle shot forward. It wa
s coming right toward him. Fuck, fuck—Cameron tried to run.

  But he couldn’t get out of the way in time.

  The vehicle slammed into him and Cameron flew through the air.

  Chapter Six

  “You look gorgeous.”

  Though Jason thought gorgeous was a fucking understatement when it came to Cat. She was wearing a dress he’d bought for her, sinful silk that slid over one shoulder while leaving the other tantalizingly bare. The dress slid to her ankles, but there was a long, seductive slit on the left side that revealed the perfect expanse of her legs.

  Her hands were in front of her. She’d dressed in near record time—he had to admit that he was impressed. Though he now wanted to get her out of that dress.

  He rolled back his shoulders, feeling uncomfortable in his own tux. Cat wanted the damn business saved, so he was working on some fast and furious damage control for her.

  Step one of that control? Getting them seen in the right places, together, right then.

  They were heading out to mix and mingle, and Cat looked like a million dollars as she stood there. They’d appear to be a happy couple, they’d make sure they were seen by the right people, and suddenly…folks wouldn’t be talking scandal when they shared their names.

  Not scandal…marriage…merger.

  He knew how the business world worked, and he could use PR spin perfectly. It was just a matter of moving quickly enough…

  And that is why we have to hurry the hell out there.

  He offered his arm to Cat. She bit her lip, hesitating, before she stepped forward. Come to me, Cat. Come on…

  She wrapped her hand around his arm. “How did you get the dress so fast? I mean, it’s my size and—”

  He laughed lightly as he led her out of his penthouse. “Love, I know every inch of your body. Size wasn’t a question for me.”

  They were in the elevator now. She was tense beside him. Her lips shined with a faint gloss that she’d applied.

  “You don’t have to be afraid,” Jason told her, trying to keep his voice low and easy, reassuring. “This is going to work.”

  She glanced over at him. “I can’t figure you out. One minute, you’re cold as ice, and then—”

  He brought her hand to his lips. “When it comes to you, I’m many things, but trust me, cold isn’t one of them.”

  “Why me?”

  That was a question he didn’t want to touch. Not yet, not until he’d had a chance to prove himself to her. “My team is still looking into the leaked video of us. It was taken in your hotel room last year, so they think someone put a camera in there. That person was recording either everyone who stayed in that room or…you, specifically.”

  She swallowed.

  “Did anyone ever come into that hotel room while you were there?”

  “J-just the maids. And you.”

  And someone had recorded them. Then held onto that footage for nearly a year…

  Why use it now?

  The elevator reached the ground floor. He gazed at her for a moment longer. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready to play the blushing bride?”

  He gave a small, negative shake of his head. “Ready to save the company.”

  She nodded.

  “Then let’s get this game started.” They walked from the elevator. There were parties waiting on them. In Vegas, there were always parties, no matter how late the hour. Clubs they could enter. Private events for the elite of Sin City. The right people would see them, and Jason would make certain those people received the message he wanted sent…

  Cat isn’t just a casual fuck. She’s mine. His ring was on her finger and his arm was around her waist. Damage control—yes, it was starting now.

  And so was his life with Cat. Tonight, he’d show her just what they could have. He could give her anything, everything…if she’d just stay by his side.

  They walked out into the streets of Vegas. And he held her tight.


  Cat kept the bright smile pasted on her face. Another party. Another too full room with people laughing and champagne flowing. Everyone there seemed to know Jason. And because they knew Jason, they wanted to know her.

  “Have you met my wife?”

  The first time he’d said that, her knees had knocked together.

  Shock was in the eyes of some people. Envy in the eyes of more than a few women Cat encountered. Maybe a bit of hate, too.

  Her mind was still spinning. Three hours ago…just three hours…she’d been about to fly out of Vegas.

  Now she was dancing with Jason. All eyes were on them. Whispers followed their every move.

  And she felt as if she were suffocating.

  You’re doing this for Cameron. For the business. It was working, too. People weren’t talking about scandal. They were talking business deals.

  “You’re too far away.” Jason’s low voice had her blinking up at him in surprise. His left hand was curled around her waist. His right held hers. Their bodies were so close that she could feel his heat and strength.

  Cat shook her head. Distance wasn’t exactly an issue that she could see.

  “Your mind,” he said as his head lowered and he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Not your delectable body.”

  Goosebumps rose on her arms. “Is the kiss because people are watching?” Staring at her like a bug under a microscope. She wondered how many people there had seen the naked pictures before Jason had managed to get the copies off the street—and the internet. Is anything ever really gone from the Internet? No, it wasn’t. The assessing, sexual gleam she’d caught in a few men’s eyes had told her that much.

  “The kiss is because I like the way you taste.”

  She jerked at that, and her steps slipped.

  His hold tightened. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  For now. Later?

  She didn’t know.

  “I hate parties like this,” she whispered. “My mother and father—they thrived on them, but I hate the crowds. Always have, I—” Cat broke off.

  “You what?”

  “I feel like I don’t belong.” Her whole life, Cat had always felt as if she were pretending to be someone she wasn’t. She didn’t want the glitter and glamour. She wanted privacy, secrecy.

  “You belong with me.”

  The music stopped. Jason didn’t let her go. The other couples moved off the small dance floor, but he stood there, still holding her. Again, she wondered…was it just part of the show he was creating?

  Was it more?

  And did it matter?

  She gazed up at him. He carried so many secrets. She could see them in his eyes. She wanted to know his secrets. Every single one. “How much longer do we have to stay here?”

  His fingers twined with hers as he slowly led her from the dance floor. They didn’t head toward the other couples, though. Instead, Jason took her out on the balcony. No one else was there. Just the night waited, and, once outside, Cat could actually breathe again.

  She pulled from Jason and walked to the edge of that marble balcony.

  “Money and fame…they won’t make you happy.” He sounded so certain.

  She glanced back at him.

  “What will make you happy?”

  Such an odd question, to come from him. “Being loved by someone.” Oh, jeez. Talk about baring her soul. But now that she’d started… “I’d be happy if I was loved completely—no restraint—by a man I could trust.”

  His lips firmed. “You don’t trust me.”

  She shook her head. “And you don’t love me.” They were alone, so it was safe to drop the act.

  Only…Jason caged her against the edge of the balcony. “How do you know what I feel?”

  Her heart sped up, a faster drum beat. “You want me, physically—”

  “I don’t blow millions on women I want.”

  Her eyes widened. “What are you saying?”

  But laughter rang out then and more party-goers spilled onto the balc

  Jason swore. “It’s time to go.”

  Right. Another party…another fake smile. Speaking of that smile…Cat pasted it on her face again as they made their way back through the crowd.

  Focus on breathing. Don’t make eye contact. You won’t be here forever. It’s okay, it’s—

  They made it inside the relative safety of an elevator. Just the two of them. No, hell, another couple was coming forward.

  “Get the next one,” Jason advised as he pulled Cat closer. “We’re full.”

  The doors slid closed before the couple could respond—or enter the elevator.

  Cat exhaled on a low sigh. “How many more?”

  “You’re fucking gorgeous in that dress. It’s the same shade as your eyes.”

  She glanced down and realized…um, yes, it was.

  His hand slid over her side, caressing her lightly. “I look at you, and I want.”

  The elevator sure was moving slowly.

  “Let me take what I want, Cat…” His head bent and his lips brushed over her neck. Right in that sweet spot that she loved for him to lick.

  Her knees were jiggling like mad. In her high heels, her toes even wanted to curl.

  “No more parties, we’ve done enough for tonight. We’re going back home.”

  Home. It wasn’t her home. Vegas wasn’t her city but…

  She was leaning toward him. Moth to the flame.

  He was the only man she’d ever met who made her feel both desire…and fear. It shouldn’t be a combination that she wanted. He shouldn’t be what she wanted.

  He was.

  The hotel lobby passed her in a blur. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, and soon, so soon, they were back in his limo. Heading…home.

  The privacy screen was up. The leather was soft beneath her and—

  “I need you, Cat.”

  Jason was kissing her. His mouth brushed over hers, his tongue thrust past her lips, and her hands reached out to hold him.

  “Now, Cat, I need you now.”

  His hand slid down her body, moved to the daring slit in her dress. When he touched her bare leg, Cat shivered.

  She didn’t stop him.

  “More,” she whispered against his mouth. She’d been walking on egg shells all night. In this moment, with him, for the time they had, she wanted to let go.