Read Sintram and His Companions Page 4


  Some weeks after this, in the twilight of evening, Sintram, verydisturbed, came down to the castle-garden. Although the presence ofGabrielle never failed to soothe and calm him, yet if she left theapartment for even a few instants, the fearful wildness of his spiritseemed to return with renewed strength. So even now, after having longand kindly read legends of the olden times to his father Biorn, she hadretired to her chamber. The tones of her lute could be distinctly heardin the garden below; but the sounds only drove the bewildered youth moreimpetuously through the shades of the ancient elms. Stooping suddenlyto avoid some overhanging branches, he unexpectedly came upon somethingagainst which he had almost struck, and which, at first sight, he tookfor a small bear standing on its hind legs, with a long and strangelycrooked horn on its head. He drew back in surprise and fear. Itaddressed him in a grating man's voice: "Well, my brave young knight,whence come you? whither go you? wherefore so terrified?" And then firsthe saw that he had before him a little old man so wrapped up in a roughgarment of fur, that scarcely one of his features was visible, andwearing in his cap a strange-looking long feather.

  "But whence come YOU and whither go YOU?" returned the angry Sintram."For of you such questions should be asked. What have you to do in ourdomains, you hideous little being?"

  "Well, well," sneered the other one, "I am thinking that I am quite bigenough as I am--one cannot always be a giant. And as to the rest, whyshould you find fault that I go here hunting for snails? Surely snailsdo not belong to the game which your high mightinesses consider thatyou alone have a right to follow! Now, on the other hand, I know how toprepare from them an excellent high-flavoured drink; and I have takenenough for to-day: marvellous fat little beasts, with wise faces likea man's, and long twisted horns on their heads. Would you like to seethem? Look here!"

  And then he began to unfasten and fumble about his fur garment; butSintram, filled with disgust and horror, said, "Psha! I detest suchanimals! Be quiet, and tell me at once who and what you yourself are."

  "Are you so bent upon knowing my name?" replied the little man. "Let itcontent you that I am master of all secret knowledge, and well versed inthe most intricate depths of ancient history. Ah! my young sir, if youwould only hear them! But you are afraid of me."

  "Afraid of you!" cried Sintram, with a wild laugh.

  "Many a better man than you has been so before now," muttered the littleMaster; "but they did not like being told of it any more than you do."

  "To prove that you are mistaken," said Sintram, "I will remain here withyou till the moon stands high in the heavens. But you must tell me oneof your stories the while."

  The little man, much pleased, nodded his head; and as they pacedtogether up and down a retired elm-walk, he began discoursing asfollows:--

  "Many hundred years ago a young knight, called Paris of Troy, lived inthat sunny land of the south where are found the sweetest songs, thebrightest flowers, and the most beautiful ladies. You know a song thattells of that fair land, do you not, young sir? 'Sing heigh, sing ho,for that land of flowers.'" Sintram bowed his head in assent, and sigheddeeply. "Now," resumed the little Master, "it happened that Paris ledthat kind of life which is not uncommon in those countries, and of whichtheir poets often sing--he would pass whole months together in thegarb of a peasant, piping in the woods and mountains and pasturinghis flocks. Here one day three beautiful sorceresses appeared to him,disputing about a golden apple; and from him they sought to know whichof them was the most beautiful, since to her the golden fruit was to beawarded. The first knew how to give thrones, and sceptres, and crowns;the second could give wisdom and knowledge; and the third could preparephiltres and love-charms which could not fail of securing the affectionsof the fairest of women. Each one in turn proffered her choicest giftsto the young shepherd, in order that, tempted by them, he might adjudgethe apple to her. But as fair women charmed him more than anything elsein the world, he said that the third was the most beautiful--her namewas Venus. The two others departed in great displeasure; but Venusbid him put on his knightly armour and his helmet adorned with wavingfeathers, and then she led him to a famous city called Sparta, whereruled the noble Duke Menelaus. His young Duchess Helen was the loveliestwoman on earth, and the sorceress offered her to Paris in return forthe golden apple. He was most ready to have her and wished for nothingbetter; but he asked how he was to gain possession of her."

  "Paris must have been a sorry knight," interrupted Sintram. "Such thingsare easily settled. The husband is challenged to a single combat, and hethat is victorious carries off the wife."

  "But Duke Menelaus was the host of the young knight," said the narrator.

  "Listen to me, little Master," cried Sintram; "he might have asked thesorceress for some other beautiful woman, and then have mounted hishorse, or weighed anchor, and departed."

  "Yes, yes; it is very easy to say so," replied the old man. "But if youonly knew how bewitchingly lovely this Duchess Helen was, no room wasleft for change." And then he began a glowing description of the charmsof this wondrously beautiful woman, but likening the image to Gabrielleso closely, feature for feature, that Sintram, tottering, was forced tolean against a tree. The little Master stood opposite to him grinning,and asked, "Well now, could you have advised that poor knight Paris tofly from her?"

  "Tell me at once what happened next," stammered Sintram.

  "The sorceress acted honourably towards Paris," continued the old man."She declared to him that if he would carry away the lovely duchess tohis own city Troy, he might do so, and thus cause the ruin of his wholehouse and of his country; but that during ten years he would be able todefend himself in Troy, and rejoice in the sweet love of Helen."

  "And he accepted those terms, or he was a fool!" cried the youth.

  "To be sure he accepted them," whispered the little Master. "I wouldhave done so in his place! And do you know, young sir, the look ofthings then was just as they are happening to-day. The newly-risen moon,partly veiled by clouds, was shining dimly through the thick branches ofthe trees in the silence of evening. Leaning against an old tree, as younow are doing, stood the young enamoured knight Paris, and at his sidethe enchantress Venus, but so disguised and transformed, that she didnot look much more beautiful than I do. And by the silvery light of themoon, the form of the beautiful beloved one was seen sweeping by aloneamidst the whispering boughs." He was silent, and like as in the mirrorof his deluding words, Gabrielle just then actually herself appeared,musing as she walked alone down the alley of elms.

  "Man,--fearful Master,--by what name shall I call you? To what would youdrive me?" muttered the trembling Sintram.

  "Thou knowest thy father's strong stone castle on the Moon-rocks?"replied the old man. "The castellan and the garrison are true anddevoted to thee. It could stand a ten years' siege; and the little gatewhich leads to the hills is open, as was that of the citadel of Spartafor Paris."

  And, in fact, the youth saw through a gate, left open he knew not how,the dim, distant mountains glittering in the moonlight. "And if he didnot accept, he was a fool," said the little Master, with a grin, echoingSintram's former words.

  At that moment Gabrielle stood close by him. She was within reach of hisgrasp, had he made the least movement; and a moonbeam, suddenly breakingforth, transfigured, as it were, her heavenly beauty. The youth hadalready bent forward--

  "My Lord and God, I pray, Turn from his heart away This world's turmoil; And call him to Thy light, Be it through sorrow's night, Through pain or toil."

  These words were sung by old Rolf at that very time, as he lingeredon the still margin of the castle fish-pond, where he prayed alone toHeaven, full of foreboding care. They reached Sintram's ear; he stoodas if spellbound and made the Sign of the Cross. Immediately the littlemaster fled away, jumping uncouthly on one leg, through the gates andshutting them after him with a yell.

  Gabrielle shuddered, terrified
at the wild noise. Sintram approached hersoftly, and said, offering his arm to her: "Suffer me to lead you backto the castle. The night in these northern regions is often wild andfearful."


  They found the two knights drinking wine within. Folko was relatingstories in his usual mild and cheerful manner, and Biorn was listeningwith a moody air, but yet as if, against his will, the dark cloud mightpass away before that bright and gentle courtesy. Gabrielle saluted thebaron with a smile, and signed to him to continue his discourse, as shetook her place near the knight Biorn, full of watchful kindness. Sintramstood by the hearth, abstracted and melancholy; and the embers, as hestirred them, cast a strange glow over his pallid features.

  "And of all the German trading-towns," continued Montfaucon, "thelargest and richest is Hamburgh. In Normandy we willingly see theirmerchants land on our coasts, and those excellent people never fail toprove themselves our friends when we seek their advice and assistance.When I first visited Hamburgh, every honour and respect was paid to me.I found its inhabitants engaged in a war with a neighbouring count, andimmediately I used my sword for them, vigorously and successfully."

  "Your sword! your knightly sword!" interrupted Biorn; and the old wontedfire flashed from his eyes. "Against a knight, and for shopkeepers!"

  "Sir knight," replied Folko, calmly, "the barons of Montfaucon have everused their swords as they chose, without the interference of another;and as I have received this good custom, so do I wish to hand it on. Ifyou agree not to this, so speak it freely out. But I forbid every rudeword against the men of Hamburgh, since I have declared them to be myfriends."

  Biorn cast down his haughty eyes, and their fire faded away. In a lowvoice he said, "Proceed, noble baron. You are right, and I am wrong."

  Then Folko stretched out his hand to him across the table, and resumedhis narration: "Amongst all my beloved Hamburghers the dearest to me aretwo men of marvellous experience--a father and son. What have they notseen and done in the remotest corners of the earth, and institutedin their native town! Praise be to God, my life cannot be calledunfruitful; but, compared with the wise Gotthard Lenz and hisstout-hearted son Rudlieb, I look upon myself as an esquire who hasperhaps been some few times to tourneys, and, besides that, has neverhunted out his own forests. They have converted, subdued, gladdened,dark men whom I know not how to name; and the wealth which they havebrought back with them has all been devoted to the common weal, as iffit for no other purpose. On their return from their long and periloussea-voyages, they hasten to an hospital which has been founded by them,and where they undertake the part of overseers, and of careful andpatient nurses. Then they proceed to select the most fitting spotswhereon to erect new towers and fortresses for the defence of theirbeloved country. Next they repair to the houses where strangers andtravellers receive hospitality at their cost; and at last they return totheir own abode, to entertain their guests, rich and noble like kings,and simple and unconstrained like shepherds. Many a tale of theirwondrous adventures serves to enliven these sumptuous feasts. Amongstothers, I remember to have heard my friends relate one at which my hairstood on end. Possibly I may gain some more complete information on thesubject from you. It appears that several years ago, just about the timeof the Christmas festival, Gotthard and Rudlieb were shipwrecked onthe coast of Norway, during a violent winter tempest. They could neverexactly ascertain the situation of the rocks on which their vesselstranded; but so much is certain, that very near the sea-shore stood ahuge castle, to which the father and son betook themselves, seeking forthat assistance and shelter which Christian people are ever willingto afford each other in case of need. They went alone, leaving theirfollowers to watch the injured ship. The castle-gates were thrown open,and they thought all was well. But on a sudden the court-yard was filledwith armed men, who with one accord aimed their sharp iron-pointedspears at the defenceless strangers, whose dignified remonstrancesand mild entreaties were only heard in sullen silence or withscornful jeerings. After a while a knight came down the stairs, withfire-flashing eyes. They hardly knew whether to think they saw aspectre, or a wild heathen; he gave a signal, and the fatal spearsclosed around them. At that instant the soft tones of a woman's voicefell on their ear, calling on the Saviour's holy name for aid; at thesound, the spectres in the court-yard rushed madly one against theother, the gates burst open, and Gotthard and Rudlieb fled away,catching a glimpse as they went of an angelic woman who appeared at oneof the windows of the castle. They made every exertion to get their shipagain afloat, choosing to trust themselves to the sea rather than tothat barbarous coast; and at last, after manifold dangers, they landedat Denmark. They say that some heathen must have owned the cruel castle;but I hold it to be some ruined fortress, deserted by men, in whichhellish spectres were wont to hold their nightly meetings. What heathencould be found so demon-like as to offer death to shipwrecked strangers,instead of refreshment and shelter?"

  Biorn gazed fixedly on the ground, as though he were turned into stonebut Sintram came towards the table, and said, "Father, let us seek outthis godless abode, and lay it level with the dust. I cannot tell how,but somehow I feel quite sure that the accursed deed of which we havejust heard is alone the cause of my frightful dreams."

  Enraged at his son, Biorn rose up, and would perhaps again have utteredsome dreadful words; but Heaven decreed otherwise, for just at thatmoment the pealing notes a trumpet were heard, which drowned the angrytones his voice, the great doors opened slowly, and a herald entered thehall. He bowed reverently, and then said, "I am sent by Jarl Eric theAged. He returned two days ago from his expedition to the Grecian seas.His wish had been to take vengeance on the island which is calledChios, where fifty years ago his father was slain by the soldiers of theEmperor. But your kinsman, the sea-king Arinbiorn, who was lying thereat anchor, tried to pacify him. To this Jarl Eric would not listen;so the sea-king said next that he would never suffer Chios to be laidwaste, because it was an island where the lays of an old Greek bard,called Homer, were excellently sung, and where more-over a very choicewine was made. Words proving of no avail, a combat ensued; in whichArinbiorn had so much the advantage that Jarl Eric lost two of hisships, and only with difficulty escaped in one which had alreadysustained great damage. Eric the Aged has now resolved to take revengeon some of the sea-king's race, since Arinbiorn himself is seldom on thespot. Will you, Biorn of the Fiery Eyes, at once pay as large a penaltyin cattle, and money, and goods, as it may please the Jarl to demand?Or will you prepare to meet him with an armed force at Niflung's Heathseven days hence?"

  Biorn bowed his head quietly, and replied in a mild tone, "Seven dayshence at Niflung's Heath." He then offered to the herald a golden gobletfull of rich wine, and added, "Drink that, and then carry off with theethe cup which thou hast emptied."

  "The Baron of Montfaucon likewise sends greeting to thy chieftain, JarlEric," interposed Folko; "and engages to be also at Niflung's Heath, asthe hereditary friend of the sea-king, and also as the kinsman and guestof Biorn of the Fiery Eyes."

  The herald was seen to tremble at the name of Montfaucon; he bowed verylow, cast an anxious, reverential look at the baron, and left the hall.

  Gabrielle looked on her knight, smiling lovingly and securely, for shewell knew his victorious prowess; and she only asked, "Where shall Iremain, whilst you go forth to battle, Folko?"

  "I had hoped," answered Biorn, "that you would be well contented to stayin this castle, lovely lady; I leave my son to guard you and attend onyou."

  Gabrielle hesitated an instant; and Sintram, who had resumed hisposition near the fire, muttered to himself as he fixed his eyes on thebright flames which were flashing up, "Yes, yes, so it will probablyhappen. I can fancy that Duke Menelaus had just left Sparta on somewarlike expedition, when the young knight Paris met the lovely Helenthat evening in the garden."

  But Gabrielle, shuddering although she knew not why, said quickly,"Without you, Folko? And must I forego the joy of seeing you fight? orthe honour of tending you, sh
ould you chance to receive a wound?"

  Folko bowed, gracefully thanking his lady, and replied, "Come with yourknight, since such is your pleasure, and be to him a bright guidingstar. It is a good old northern custom that ladies should be present atknightly combats, and no true warrior of the north will fail to respectthe place whence beams the light of their eyes. Unless, indeed,"continued he with an inquiring look at Biorn, "unless Jarl Eric is notworthy of his forefather?"

  "A man of honour," said Biorn confidently.

  "Then array yourself, my fairest love," said the delighted Folko; "arrayyourself and come forth with us to the battle-field to behold and judgeour deeds."

  "Come forth with us to the battle," echoed Sintram in a sudden transportof joy.

  And they all dispersed in calm cheerfulness; Sintram betaking himselfagain to the wood, while the others retired to rest.


  It was a wild dreary tract of country that, which bore the name ofNiflung's Heath. According to tradition, the young Niflung, sonof Hogni, the last of his race, had there ended darkly a sad andunsuccessful life. Many ancient grave-stones were still standing roundabout; and in the few oak-trees scattered here and there over the plain,huge eagles had built their nests. The beating of their heavy wings asthey fought together, and their wild screams, were heard far off inmore thickly-peopled regions; and at the sound children would tremblein their cradles, and old men quake with fear as they slumbered over theblazing hearth.