Read Sisters In Blood (Blood Series Book 6) Page 2

  “I’m not going to have one iota of fun if you don’t get whatever is bothering you off your chest. You’re my best friend, Jules. What bothers you, bothers me. Maybe if you talk, I can help,” Katarina explained.

  “You’re right, I suppose. I’m still getting used to this ‘having friends’ thing. I’ve spent so much of my life alone, I forget sometimes what it means to have people in your life who want to make things better or listen to your worries and problems,” Julianna said.

  “So…what is it that’s got you so bothered?” Katarina asked.

  “Anton and I got into this big fight before I left and I can’t seem to set it aside,” Julianna said.

  “What about?” Katarina asked.

  “He claims I’ve been procrastinating,” Julianna said in a huff.

  “Have you?” Katarina asked.

  “No!” Julianna said reacting angrily at first, then, “well, maybe.”

  “You seem a little defensive,” Katarina noted.

  “I guess I am. It’s been an ongoing theme between Anton and me since we moved in together,” Julianna responded.

  “It’s understandable to go through growing pains as you get to know one another. There’s no downtime between dates anymore. You see each other in ways you’ve never seen before, whether that’s good, bad, or annoying,” Katarina explained.

  “I know all that, but it seems like all we do is argue,” Julianna said.

  “Then this is the perfect time for you get away and get perspective on why you are arguing,” Katarina said trying to spin the conversation to a positive side.

  “I suppose that’s true,” Julianna said forcing a small smile.

  “Look you have three days of girl time ahead of you. Use this to take the edge off. There’s not a woman here who doesn’t care about you and Anton. Think of us as family and enjoy yourself,” Katarina said.

  “You’re right. We’re here to have to fun and blow off steam. Maybe this is exactly what Anton and I need,” Julianna said.

  “Exactly,” Katarina agreed.

  “Thanks, Kat. You’re the best,” Julianna admitted.

  “I try,” Katarina said with a laugh, when she spied Melanie and Alyssa emerging from the crowd, smiling as they came.

  The second leg of their trip was a hoot. They sat in first class with a woman who looked suspiciously like Lady Gaga, and five Elvis impersonators. The Elvises ranged in age and weight, documenting Elvis’s change in appearance over the years of his career: from the boyish James Dean look of the fifties, to a heavier look and mutton chop sideburns. With polyester bell bottoms, big collars, sequins and big hair, let’s just say there was a whole lot of shaking going on.

  By the end of the flight they’d been through nearly all of Elvis’s most popular songs, seen a large array of famous crowd pleasing signature moves, including swiveling hips, rubber-legged dance moves, and the all-important upper lip curl. Add a few hundred ‘Thank you very much’s’ and ‘you’ve got yourself one heck of a flight.’ There wasn’t an adult on the plane who didn’t exit humming their favorite Elvis song. One smart-aleck who was last to depart the plane even announced, “Elvis has left the plane,” much to the staff’s amusement.

  * * *

  Sally and Rowan had a direct flight to Las Vegas in the early afternoon which had them arriving very close in time to the Connecticut girls. Rowan was ready for some celebration after finishing her bachelor’s degree. She, Blake, Sally, and Dean went out for a small dinner in her honor but this trip she planned on letting her hair down and doing some serious partying.

  Sally was all for that. She’d not done much of anything for a while. Getting the bookstore back in business after the explosion, and expanding as she had lately, was taking up a great deal of her time. Business was growing enough that she had hired a gal to take over the day to day management of the store so she could focus on expansion and also have time to herself.

  The flight to Las Vegas was uneventful, which is how one likes to have a flight.

  “Aaachew.” Rowan sneezed.

  “You’re not coming down with something, are you?” Sally asked.

  “No, but even if I were, I refuse to get sick,” Rowan announced.

  “Is that so. And how is it you plan to do that? After all, isn’t getting sick what always happens right before you get a break in your schedule. I remember whenever I went on Christmas break, half of the vacation I spent sick with the flu; it’s like your body is playing some kind of really bad joke on you,” Sally said.

  “I know and that’s why I refuse to get sick. I intend to use mind over matter. If I don’t admit I’m sick then I won’t be,” Rowan explained with determination.

  “Sure you will. I think you’ve been hanging out with Dean too much,” Sally joked.

  “That’s probably true, but just in case,” Rowan said, opening her purse and revealing a mosh posh of flu and cold deterrents, including Zircam, Echinacea, vitamin C, hand sanitizer and Zinc lozenges.

  “At least you came prepared.” Sally laughed.

  “Better safe than sorry, right?” Rowan said.

  “Right. On that note, hand over some of that vitamin C and the hand sanitizer. If we’re sharing a room, I better arm myself too,” Sally retorted.

  * * *

  Darby’s second flight from New York to Las Vegas was delayed, otherwise she might have met up with the girls at the time they arrived, but that wasn’t in the cards. The plane sat on the tarmac fully loaded for well over an hour before take-off.

  She was in first class and closed her eyes while they waited, only to be constantly interrupted by an ever-complaining French accented gent across the aisle and behind her. He was giving the stewardesses the workout of a life time. Though he didn’t look familiar, the man seemed to think everyone should know who he was. She only knew he was some kind of actor or performer only because he kept insulting the stewardesses with “Do you have any idea who you are speaking to?” or “I’ve had better service in the slums.”

  Like most around the obnoxious talent, Darby requested earphones to drown out the grumblings of his tirade. Soft soothing, sleep-inducing music was no match for the boisterous fellow, so it was the classic rock station and later a movie to muffle the griping.

  She was glad to finally leave the plane for the droning white noise of the crowd murmurings of the airport. Aside from the occasional shout or cry of an infant or child, it was bliss compared to being trapped on the plane with that egotistical belly-aching man.

  Her cellphone buzzed the announcement of a delayed message from the rest of the girls that noted due to the delay of her plane they had employed a separate driver to take her to the hotel so the rest could get settled. The driver would have a sign and wait for her outside the baggage claim area.

  Darby waded through clumps of people, weaving in and out of on-comers, following several of her plane travel mates to the baggage carousel. She checked the board for the destination her suitcase would take and hunted down the specific depository. After a few moments, a handful of people turned into a tiny mob staring at the monitor and waiting for the metal conveyor belt to whir into motion. A siren announced the start of the machine and a long line of similar black bags slowly paraded past the impatient recipients.

  When Darby first arrived at the baggage carousel, she stood with a straight shot to where the suitcases would pass by, but now that the crowd had moved forward, she could only see tiny glimpses through gaps of the mob. Was that her bag? She looked like she was doing some kind of strange dance as she stooped, stretched, craned, and bent to catch sight of a green canvas bag creeping by. She excused herself and pushed her way to the case conveyor lunging for her item, which knocked her off balance when she miscalculated the weight of the luggage. She yanked freeing it from a nested black duffle and dropped it at her side.

  A shrill sounded beside her and she jerked to her right to see the irate Frenchman who plagued her flight, ranting and swearing at her.

u miserable, swine. I think you broke my foot,” he shouted.

  A wide berth emerged around Darby and the hollering man. She couldn’t blame them. If she hadn’t been the means of his protest, she’d have tried to blend into the crowd and disappear herself.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to drop it on your foot. I got knocked off balance.” He was having none of her apologies.

  Airport security and personnel appeared from everywhere.

  “What’s happened here?” An overweight security fellow with one hand on his club asked Darby.

  “I accidentally…” Darby started.

  “This wretched imbecile, has ruined my career, is what’s happened,” the Frenchman whined.

  “Uh, I set my suitcase down and due to the crowd pushing in, I hit his foot,” Darby finished.

  The security guard looked at Darby and looked at the non-stop sniveling man and said, “Would you both come with me. We’ll take down a report of the injury.”

  “Report? Arrest her…this, this, tart is a danger to society. She should be behind bars. She…” he went on and on.

  “Smith, take Mister…” The security guard stopped for the Frenchman to insert his name.

  “Laurant.” He paused waiting for the security man to react, but when he didn’t get a reaction or the recognition he hoped, he continued, “Jean-Pierre Laurant? THE Jean-Pierre Laurant,” he said as if adding ‘the’ would make everyone recall who he was, When that did not occur, he was insulted and even more coarse.

  “Smith, take Mr. Laurant to the back and get his statement.” The man who Darby could only assume was Smith stiffened at the mention of his name and began fumbling for his words before leading Mr. Laurant away.

  “Miss?” the security guard said gesturing she walk the direction his outstretched arm indicated.

  She followed, wheeling her bag behind her. After a forty-five minute interrogation and the signing of the completed report, she was allowed to leave.

  She found an anxious man no longer holding up his name sign surmising he was her ride to the hotel. After a brief explanation of what happened as he put the bags in the trunk of the sedan, they were finally off to the hotel.

  Chapter Four

  Upon arriving at the Bellagio, Katarina quickly checked everyone in, distributing keys to the girls. There was a total of three suites. Two of the suites had two bedrooms and one was a family suite which had three. They were on the same floor and near one another.

  The suites were decadent and finely decorated. The living area of the two bedroom suites overlooked the dancing fountains of light that adorned the entrance to the hotel. A little down time of unpacking, and exploring their rooms, gave way to Darby’s arrival. Once she was settled in the suite she shared with Rowan, it was time to rock and roll.

  * * *

  L’Atelier de Joel was one of the restaurants mentioned when the topic of dinner came up, but after Darby explained her Frenchman woes in the airport, they opted for something more casual and ended up at Tacos and Tequila at the Luxor.

  Daiquiris (virgin for Darby) and margaritas passed among the ladies to start the weekend on the right foot.

  Katarina lifted her glass and said, “I want to raise a toast to you all for coming this weekend to help me celebrate my rapidly approaching wedding. Each of you and your significant others have become my family and I’m thrilled to have you here. To family.”

  The girls repeated, “Family,” and clinked glasses.

  “Since it’s been a while since we’ve seen one another, I thought we could go around the table and everyone give a little insight of what you and your partner in crime have been up to.

  “To make it easy, I’ll start things. As you probably know I’ve been busy planning my wedding. Dominic surprised me with this Vegas event to have a little down time with you. All I had to do was send out the invites and he did everything else. That’s pretty much it,” Katarina said then turned to Melanie next to her.

  “My turn. Right. Well, I too am planning my wedding to Josh who most of you probably know since the invitations just recently went out. Katarina and I have been doing a LOT of shopping and talking. If it weren’t for her, I’m sure I would have totally forgotten to have music for the reception. Let’s see, Josh and I bought a little house in Connecticut. I’m staying there presently and he’s staying at the Larsen’s until we’re married,” she said with a blush.

  Alyssa jumped in, “Lanie, you’re such a good girl—saving yourself for the wedding night.” Melanie hid her face in her hands with a smile.

  “I’m next,” Alyssa continued. “Mark and I are living in the cottage on the Larsen estate, thanks to Dominic’s unfailing generosity. Mark’s been traveling a lot for him. Dominic and I have been spending time cataloging all the amazing historical documents and relics we found in the archives after our dealings with Dr. Rowe, but now with that done, I’m looking into getting a job in town. I’ve applied at a couple places so we’ll see what pans out.” She turned to Sally on her right and said, “Your turn.”

  “Dean and I have finally got the bookstore doors open after the explosion. It’s been a godsend having a boyfriend who’s a contractor, plus with the long hours I’ve put in getting things ready for the grand opening, he’s often at the bookstore either working or overseeing someone he’s contracted. I’m going to miss that or have to keep him employed on a never-ending expansion so I can see him like I do now. While the bookstore is being fixed, I expanded onto the internet to the point it keeps me busy full time, so I recently hired a gal to manage the physical store while I take care of the internet part,” Sally told the girls.

  “My turn,” Rowan said excitedly. “When Sally isn’t working at the bookstore she’s been helping me plan my wedding which is now in the works. Yes, I’ve finally graduated. Yay!” Everyone gave a little cheer and tinked their glasses. “Other than that, Blake’s been working at this small start-up he really likes and it looks like they want to hire him to head up a big project they’re considering. He’s pretty excited about the prospects of being an actual employee and settling into a job other than bouncing around as a contractor.

  “Before I start my job at the university, Blake and I will be taking a vacation to Ireland to spend time with Darby and Devon before getting tied down with our new jobs and all,” Rowan said, looking to her right at her sister.

  “We can’t wait. We are so looking forward to your visit,” Darby added then continued. “As most of you know Devon and I just got back from our honeymoon.”

  Alyssa interjected, “Do tell… We want details,” and winked.

  “My lips are sealed. You’re going to have to get Mark to the altar and live out your own honeymoon fantasy,” Darby teased.

  “Oh believe me, I’m working on him. I’ll get him to the church one day even if I have to drag him kicking and screaming,” Alyssa said and a roar of giddy laughter spilled from everyone at the table.

  “No doubt he’ll be dragging Dean along with him,” Sally added.

  “Good then we can have a double hitching,” Alyssa said to her best friend Sally.

  When the laughing died down, Darby continued, “Now that we’re home we’re focusing on renovating the house. Devon had it updated to the point he can work from home, but we need the plumbing and kitchen updated. Hopefully all will be in working order when Blake and Rowan come for their visit.”

  Melanie asked, “Where did you go on your honeymoon?”

  “All over Europe. We started in Paris, then to England. After that we took a river cruise down the Reine and explored as many castles as we could. Venice was next, then Rome, then Spain. Each country was amazing in its own right. Being from California there’s not much around structure-wise that’s older than 100-150 years, it was like walking inside a history book in Europe. Everything is ancient and historical.”

  “Was there anything you didn’t like?” Rowan asked.

  “Living out of a suitcase for ten weeks. If we go again, I’d like to
visit one maybe two places and stay there for a couple of weeks and explore. We wanted to see as much as we could but it was exhausting packing and unpacking, at least for me. Nothing ever seems to bother Devon,” she japed. “Guess I’m just a home body at heart. I like to unpack and enjoy my surroundings. Other than that, though, it was absolutely perfect. Great food, amazing people, and lots and lots to see,” Darby said.

  “Sounds fabulous. Let me speak for all of us, in saying we are glad you had a great time, but we’re thrilled to have you back home, safe and sound,” Katarina said.

  “Here, here,” Alyssa said raising her glass causing them to clink their glasses together once more after a refill.

  Dinner came and talking died down to a minimum, which is always a sign of good food. One more pitcher of margaritas and the bill arrived giving them leave to stroll the strip.

  * * *

  The girls made their way up the street in the direction that would eventually take them to their hotel. It was darker now and the lights shown in their full glory. Las Vegas was truly an adult’s playground equipped with its own stationary electric parade—like Disneyland.

  Katarina noted to Julianna, “Seems like with all these lights, surely one could see all this illumination from space.”

  “You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” Julianna retorted.

  Most people Katarina asked about visiting Sin City prior to visiting, seemed to struggle at putting the place into words. Now she knew why. It was beyond overwhelming; it was over the top in every sense of the word.

  They walked along the strip awestruck by the lights and sights. Alyssa ran a couple paces in front of them, a feat they all thought was amazing in her five inch heels, and spun in front of them arms outstretched and yelled in her best Austin Powers imitation, “This is Vegas, baby!” making them all laugh out loud along with those passing by who applauded her impersonation.

  The girls proceeded ahead to the Excalibur with its Camelotesque facade graced with towers, turrets, and a keep. Next to it was a small version of the Big Apple skyline at the New York casino. Not only did it have a city scape of skyscrapers including the Empire State Building but also its own Staten Island adorned with a replica of our Lady Liberty.

  The next casino in line was the Monte Carlo. Though it didn’t have the flamboyance of NY, NY, it was this hotel they made a beeline for. Maybe it was that ‘Monte Carlo’ instills a picture in one’s mind of being the epitome of gambling—whatever the reason, there was no discussion or argument, they all migrated to its doors.