Read Sisters In Blood (Blood Series Book 6) Page 5

  Now that Melanie had some alone time she had a talk with Josh confirming he had a very fuzzy memory of a weekend in Vegas with a blonde named Tiffany and a couple of her friends he’d met in college. The girls got the guys drunk to the point of barely recollecting what had gone on only to present them all with photos of their faux nuptials the morning after. Though the girls thought it was a great joke, not one of the guys responded well to the sham of a wedding and he recalled the weekend being cut short by all the guys flying back to school in protest of what the girls had done.

  Melanie relayed to Josh how they had been just passing by the chapel admiring the pictures on the wall and how mortified she was to have found her intended groom already married to some beauty. She told him how Katarina had come to her in her pain and talked her through her fears and pointed out what most likely had happened. She had been very grateful to her soon to be mother-in-law. Melanie was quite sure this intervening Katarina undertook in his absence was the turning point in their mother-son relationship. From that point on, despite the love he had for his adoptive mother, Melanie knew he finally accepted Katarina as his mother.

  Chapter Eight

  Melanie was one of the first to wake and sat like a sentry on the sofa in the suite waiting for Sally to make an appearance from her bedroom. But when all were awake and itching to get something to eat for breakfast and still no appearance, she opted to leave a note telling Sally where they were and for her to meet up with them.

  Since they hadn’t really been much south of Bellagio they decided to try a place Anthony recommended for breakfast at the Venetian called the Bouchon. It was fancy as most good French restaurants were and the food was to die for. Only in Las Vegas could you go to Venice and have French food—okay not really, but they all thought it was kind of funny to go to a hotel that catered to the lifestyle and look of Venice.

  Able to laugh about the picture of Josh and his cave girl wife, Melanie and Katarina entertained the girls who hadn’t been there with the story relayed by Josh. Katarina was glad Melanie and Josh had hashed things out. She hoped that Julianna and Anton would be able to laugh about the fight that had ensued before they departed.

  Katarina hadn’t had any alone time with Julianna to talk about it. Hopefully she would be able to revisit the conversation with her on the plane back—or sooner.

  Many ideas were thrown around as to what they would do for their last day in Vegas. The gangster museum came up, a gondola ride and canal shopping were mentioned, and of course the AdventureDome. After a gondola ride they went in different directions to meet up later for Alyssa’s performance in Cirque du Soleil.

  Seeing as how Sally didn’t show up for breakfast Melanie made it her job to go back to the hotel and see what was up.

  * * *

  As Melanie walked into the suite, a skittish Sally was coming out of her room and just about screamed.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Melanie apologized.

  Sally drew in a cleansing breath and said, “It’s not you, Lanie, it’s me.”

  “That’s kind of why I’m here,” Melanie said.

  “Oh? What do you mean?” Sally asked.

  “You have been very jumpy and distracted, and, well, just not yourself. I’m worried about you,” Melanie declared.

  “I’m fine,” Sally tried to shrug her off.

  “No. You’re not. Something is up and I wish you’d tell me what it is so I can help.”

  “Really, Lanie, I’m fine.”

  “Then why are you locked away up in your room?” Melanie asked.

  “I’m not locked away, I just got up,” Sally said plopping onto the sofa.

  “Where did you run off to last night? Nobody knew where you were and you never said anything to anyone.”

  “Did I? I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling well, so I came back here and went to bed,” Sally explained.

  “But Alyssa checked and you weren’t here,” Melanie said.

  “That’s sweet, but I must have missed her or something. I did sit for a while to look at the lights then I came straight here. We must have passed by one another and didn’t know,” Sally told her.

  She seemed to have a viable answer for everything, but it didn’t make Melanie’s suspicions go away. She realized whatever was up with Sally, she definitely did not want to talk about it.

  Trying to change the subject, Melanie said, “Would you like to go shopping or get something to eat? You must be starving.”

  “No, not really. My stomach’s still a little queasy. Must be all the drinking we’ve been doing. Not used to it.” Sally said.

  “We could make an appointment at the spa. Maybe you could have a message or take a sauna. It might make you feel better,” Melanie suggested.

  “I don’t think so. I just want to hang here and get some rest,” Sally said.

  “Are you sure?” Melanie asked.

  “Yeah. I’m going to take something and get some sleep,” she said.

  “Can I get you anything?” Melanie wondered.

  “No. I’m good. Have fun with the girls. I’ll be fine,” Sally told her.

  “Okay, but you are going to make it for the performance tonight, right?” Melanie prided.

  “The Cirque du Soleil? Yeah. I’ll be there. Don’t want to miss Alyssa’s performance,” Sally said.

  “Okay, well, I guess I’ll meet up with Katarina and Julianna then. Are you sure you don’t need anything or just want some company?” Melanie asked.

  “You’re going to watch me sleep on your vacation? Don’t be silly. Go have fun,” Sally insisted.

  “You’ll call me if you need anything?”

  “I’ll call you. I promise,” Sally said.

  “Okay. I hope you feel better,” Melanie said as she started out the door.

  “I will and we’ll have a great time tonight,” Sally said.

  * * *

  Melanie met up with Katarina and Julianna at the Valencia. Julianna had found a gorgeous pair of shoes that were outrageously expensive and was hemming and hawing about whether or not she should buy them.

  “Those are beautiful,” Melanie said admiring the pumps Julianna was modeling.

  “Aren’t they?” she agreed.

  “I’ve been telling you that for the past twenty minutes, Jules,” Katarina complained.

  “Guess I needed another opinion,” Julianna said and nodded to the salesperson to wrap them up.

  “Was Sally in the suite?” Katarina asked.

  “Yeah and she had an excuse for everything I threw at her,” Melanie said.

  “Then it was just a case of active imagination?” Julianna surmised.

  “I guess, but my gut tells me she’s hiding whatever’s bothering her. Though I don’t have the foggiest idea why,” Melanie explained.

  “Not much you can do if she doesn’t want your help,” Julianna said.

  “My mind says your right, Jules, but my heart is telling me I should still be worried,” Melanie said.

  “It’s sweet that you’re worried, Lanie, but maybe you should back off. Some people need to work through things on their own. She’s a big girl. She can take care of herself,” Julianna replied.

  “I know she’s a big girl, and I realize she can do it on her own, just like all of us are, but don’t you ever want a little help? Maybe someone to notice that something’s not right in your life? Or to share the load with?” Melanie said a little annoyed.

  “No. I guess I don’t. Never needed it before, why start now?” Julianna retorted.

  “Then I feel sad for you, Jules, because opening up and letting people into your life is what family and loved ones are all about,” Melanie said standing and grabbing her purse.

  “I’ve got some errands to do before we go to the show tonight. I’m going to head out,” Melanie said politely as she excused herself and left the boutique.

  * * *

  “Horses for courses, I suppose,” Julianna said to Katarina referring to Melanie.
  “Horses for courses?” Katarina asked nervously.

  “Yes. It’s like…let’s see, ‘to each his own’ for Brits,” Julianna explained.

  “I see,” Katarina said as Julianna paid for her shoes and they left the shop.

  “Shall we have a drink?” Katarina said pointing to a nearby pub.


  Once they were seated and ordered their drinks, Katarina said, “I’ve been meaning to ask if you spoke with Anton since we’ve been here.”

  “No. I’m taking your advice using my time here to clear my head,” Julianna said as she took a dainty sip from your drink.

  “You said when we talked earlier that you had been arguing a lot and that he thought you were procrastinating with certain things,” Katarina said.


  “I wonder if what is troubling Anton is what was troubling Melanie when she left the boutique.”

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

  “What I’m trying to say is Melanie made some very poignant observations about how you look at things.”

  “Such as.”

  “Letting people into your life.”

  “That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Anton and I are living together. You can’t let someone into your life more than that.”

  “Oh, but you can, and I think maybe that’s the problem. Has Anton been complaining that you don’t talk about your future with him? Or when he makes plans you procrastinate committing to them.” The look Katarina received from Julianna said volumes.

  “It is, isn’t it?” Katarina said.

  “Yes, I’d say we’ve had a conversation or two about those things.”

  “Jules, all he wants is for you to let him in,” Katarina explained.

  “But I have let him in. I love him, I’ve moved in with him, we own a house together. I’ve done all that,” Julianna defended.

  “You don’t seem to understand. He wants you to lean on him. He wants you to feel like you can tell him your worries and your sadness. He wants to wipe away your tears and fight your fears. He wants to feel needed.”

  “But I don’t need him that way. For so much of my life it’s been just me. Vulnerability was death. I’ve learned to survive by shutting down that part of myself,” Julianna admitted.

  “And for most of that time your survival instincts were your savior fueled by hatred and betrayal. I realize it’s not an easy thing for you, but in order for you to have a long lasting, loving relationship you have to allow that vulnerability to be seen. That’s what love is about, taking leaps of faith and allowing someone in.

  “Like Melanie said, sometimes you even need to push someone into helping themselves. She knows something is wrong with Sally and she’s not giving up just because Sally claims nothing is wrong,” Katarina said.

  “But that’s silly. What if nothing is wrong?”

  “Then nothing is wrong, but Sally knows how much Melanie cares for her and notices when she’s not quite herself.”

  “So what are you saying? I should become some bawling spineless woman so Anton can feel like I need him?” Julianna said.

  “Not at all. Just be aware of what you’re doing when you do it. For instance, when you have that really crappy day at work and you feel yourself packing away those feelings in your steel armor, realize you’re doing it and try venting or talking it out with Anton instead of keeping it to yourself and see what happens. I think the more you try, the more you might like the results and what it can do for you and your relationship with Anton.”


  “Really… Remember how I had to poke and prod you to get you to tell me how you were feeling?”

  “Yes. It was very annoying.”

  “I remember you telling me that a lot,” Katarina said with a laugh, “but in doing so, don’t you feel better about yourself, me, and our relationship?”

  “I do and so enjoy our talks now,” Julianna said.

  “As do I. Think how much better you would feel if you could do that with Anton.”

  “I guess I never thought of it like that. I think I understand now what he was referring to.”

  “That’s great, Jules.”

  “I see—it makes sense. Funny but all I want to do is call him now,” Julianna said.

  “Then do it—no time like the present.”

  “Thanks, Kat. I don’t know what I would do without you?”

  “Oh I’m sure you would be fine, might be a little less happy…” Katarina smiled.

  Julianna smiled back, grabbed her shoes and ran off to make a very important call to Anton.

  It made Katarina happy that she could make Julianna realize what she was missing. She’s had so much hurt in her life. She hoped that she and Anton would have much deserved love and happiness in their lives.

  Chapter Nine

  The girls met at the Mirage to get their tickets for the Cirque du Soleil show. Melanie was glad to see Sally had shown though she was quiet and rather distant. She tried not to bring up the touchy subject but she did keep a close eye on her and stayed nearby in case she darted again.

  A crowd began to line up for entrance to the theater, and Melanie felt the tension oozing off of Sally like radiating heat. When she stopped suddenly and stared into the crowd, Melanie confronted her.

  “Sally, what is it? Are you okay?” Melanie asked.

  “I fine,” she said clearly trying to loosen her stature to reassure Melanie.

  “I’m not buying it, Sally. Something’s wrong and if you won’t tell me I’ll have to touch you,” Melanie said.

  “NO. Don’t,” Sally said nervously. “Everything is fine.”

  “No, it isn’t. Look at you. You’re ready to jump out of your skin. I don’t like having to use my psychometry but if you won’t tell me what is going on I will resort to other means,” Melanie threatened.

  “Fine. I’ve been seeing…” Sally hesitated.

  “You’ve been seeing…what?”

  “Rachel,” she said on a whisper.

  “Rachel. Rachel who?”

  “My sister Rachel. Everywhere I go, I see her. She seems to be stalking me and I’m scared she’ll hurt one of you.”

  “Your sister. The sister in jail?” Melanie asked.

  “Yes, but she must have escaped or something. I don’t know how she knew I was here, unless she’s done something to Dean and Blake,” Sally said as her eyes darted around the enclosing crowd.

  “Have you talked to her? Do you know what she wants?” Melanie asked.

  “Are you insane? The last time we spoke was in the midst of all out war with Darby and the rest, and she wasn’t really in the mood for conversation, if you catch my drift. She tried to kill me and the others,” Sally explained.

  “Why haven’t you told the others?”

  “I was hoping she hadn’t seen me, but I think that is not possible since she looked right at me this time,” Sally said.

  “Why do you suppose she’s looking for you?” Melanie asked.

  “To finish what she started—kill us,” she said with a screech catching the attention of Darby.

  “What’s going on?” Darby asked. “Are you okay?”

  “Sally’s seen Rachel, her sister, and she’s worried she’s here to cause trouble.”

  “How would your sister be here, Sally? She’s in jail,” Darby asked.

  “I don’t know but I just saw her over there.” She pointed to the left. “And I saw her a few times yesterday, but I don’t think she saw me then,” Sally said and was clearly shaken by the incident.

  “Sally, if Rachel had broken out of jail, the boys would have called us. It would be all over the news.”

  “But what if she got her powers back? She could have broken out very easily if she had her magic,” Melanie defended.

  “The binding spell we put on her magic could only be lifted if she was doing good; if she had made up for her sins of the past. We’ve not seen or heard of any such thing,
so she couldn’t have gotten her powers back,” Darby tried to convey.

  Sally began trembling and tears fell from her eyes as the crowd around them grew more dense. The energy in the air seemed electrified by her tension; she was panicking and there was no telling what she would do in that state.

  Melanie grabbed her arm to try to calm her forgetting that her psychometry would kick in and she would see what Sally saw. The past sighting of the beautiful woman with Sally’s green eyes came at her fast and furious. Sally had been right. When she’d spotted Rachel among hoards of people she had not been looking her way, but this last sighting minutes ago, she looked right at Sally. The only thing Melanie noted that Sally had not, was Rachel didn’t look mad and full of vengeance, she looked as if searching—looking for something or someone. When their eyes met, Melanie did not see the rage and hatred someone would have in order to kill. She only registered sadness.

  Sally yanked her arm away from Melanie and said, “What are you doing? I told you I didn’t want you to do that,” Sally said annoyed.

  “I’m sorry, Sally. I hadn’t meant to. I was just reaching out to you because you looked like you were panicking. I wanted to help.”

  “Well, you’re not helping by looking into my head,” she said angrily.

  “That’s not…” Melanie started and Darby interrupted.

  “Sally, you’re having an anxiety attack. Maybe we should get out of this crowd and sit somewhere and talk this through.”

  “Why won’t either of you believe me? She’s here and she’s going to kill us. You of all people, Darby, know what she’s capable of. Why won’t you help me?”

  “I am helping you, Sally—Melanie is too. You need to calm down. If she wanted to kill us she would have done so already. Take a deep breath.”

  “Oh my God… There she is,” Sally screamed. Melanie and Darby both looked in the direction Sally pointed but they didn’t see anyone who resembled Rachel.

  “Where, Sally?” Darby asked.

  “There by the man in the bright green shirt. She’s staring right at us,” Sally said in a panic.

  “The guy with the blond hair and the green polo shirt?” Melanie asked confused.

  “Yes. Right there to his left. How can you not see her? She’s all in green herself.”

  “I don’t see anyone that remotely looks like her, Sally,” Darby stated.

  “Could she be cloaking herself?” Melanie asked.