Read Six Little Bunkers at Grandma Bell's Page 3



  "Dear me! What's that? What happened?" called Mother Bunker from thesitting-room downstairs. "Is any one hurt, children? What did you do?" sheasked, as she stood, with some sewing in her hands, at the foot of thestairs, listening for some other noise to follow the crash. She expectedto hear crying.

  "Is any one hurt?" she asked again. She was somewhat used to noises. Onecould not live in the house with the six little Bunkers and not hearnoises.

  "No'm, I guess nobody's hurt," answered Russ, as he climbed out from thewreck of the barrel. "Get up," he added to his brother Laddie.

  "I can't," answered Laddie. "My leg's all twisted up in the soap-box." Andso it was. A box had been put on one of the chairs, and Mun Bun and Margyhad been sitting on that. This box had fallen on Laddie's leg, which wastwisted up inside it.

  "But what happened?" asked Mother Bunker again. "You really mustn't makeso much noise when you play."

  "We couldn't help it, Mother," said Rose, who, being the oldest girl, wasquite a help around the house, though she was only seven years old. "Thesteamboat turned over and broke all up, Mother," she went on.

  "The steamboat?" repeated Mrs. Bunker.

  "I made one out of the flour-barrel you let me take," explained Russ. "ButLaddie rocked inside it, and it all fell apart, and then the chairs fellon top of us and Mun and Vi and Margy all fell out and--"

  "Oh, my dears! Some of you may be hurt!" cried Mrs. Bunker, as she heard alittle sob from Mun Bun. "I must come up and see what it is all about,"and, dropping her sewing, up the stairs she hurried.

  There were six little Bunkers, as you have probably counted by this time.Six little Bunkers, and they were such a jolly bunch of tots and had suchgood times, even if a make-believe steamboat did upset now and then, thatI'm sure you'll like to hear about them.

  To begin with, there was Russ Bunker. Russell was his real name, but hewas always called Russ. He was eight years old, and was very fond of"making things."

  Next came Rose Bunker. She was only seven years old, but she could do somesweeping and lots of dusting, and was quite a little mother's helper. Rosehad light hair and eyes, while Russ was just the opposite, being dark.

  Violet, or Vi, aged six, was a curly-haired girl, with gray eyes, and, asI have told you, she could ask more questions than her father and mothercould answer.

  Then there was Laddie, or Fillmore, a twin of Vi's, and, naturally, of thesame age. Just how he happened to be so fond of asking riddles no oneknew. Perhaps he caught it from Jerry Simms, who had served ten years inthe army, and who never tired of telling about it. Jerry was anot-to-be-mistaken Yankee who worked around the Bunker house--ran theautomobile, took out the furnace ashes and, when he wasn't doingsomething like that, sitting in the kitchen talking to Norah O'Grady, thejolly, good-natured Irish cook, who had been in the Bunker family longerthan even Russ could remember.

  Jerry was a great one for riddles, too, only he asked such hard ones--suchas why does the ginger snap, and what makes the board walk?--that none ofthe children could answer them.

  But I haven't finished telling about the children. After Laddie and Violetcame Margy, aged five, and then Mun Bun, the youngest and smallest of thesix little Bunkers.

  Of course there was Daddy Bunker, whose name was Charles, and who had areal estate office on the main street of Pineville. In his office, Mr.Bunker bought and sold houses for his customers, and also sold lumber,bricks and other things of which houses were built. He was an agent forbig firms.

  Mother Bunker's name was Amy, and sometimes her husband called her "AmyBell," for her last name had been Bell before she was married.

  The six little Bunkers lived in the city of Pineville, which was on theshore of the Rainbow River in Pennsylvania. The river was called Rainbowbecause, just before it got to Pineville, it bent, or curved, like a bow.And, of course, being wet, like rain, the best name in the world for sucha river was "Rainbow." It was a very beautiful stream.

  The Bunker house, a large white one with green shutters, stood back fromthe main street, and was not quite a mile away from Mr. Bunker's realestate office, so it was not too far even for Mun Bun to walk there withhis older sister or brother.

  The six little Bunkers had many friends and relatives, and perhaps I hadbetter tell you the names of some of these last, so you will know them aswe come to them in the stories.

  Mr. Bunker's father had died when he was six years old, and his mother,Mrs. Mary Bunker, had married a man named Ford. She and "Grandpa Ford"lived just outside the City of Tarrington, New York. "Great Hedge Estate"was the name of Grandpa Ford's place, so called because at one side ofthe house was a great, tall hedge, that had been growing for many years.

  Grandma Bell was Mrs. Bunker's mother, and lived at Lake Sagatook, Maine.She was a widow, Grandpa Bell having died some years ago. Margy, orMargaret, had been named for Grandma Bell.

  Then there was Aunt Josephine Bunker, or Aunt Jo, Mr. Bunker's sister. Shehad never married, and now lived in a fine house in the Back Bay sectionof Boston. Uncle Frederick Bell, who was Mother Bunker's brother, livedwith his wife, on Three Star Ranch, just outside Moon City in Montana.

  And now, when I have mentioned Cousin Tom Bunker, who had recently beenmarried, and who lived with his wife Ruth at Seaview, on the New Jerseycoast, I believe you have met the most important of the relatives of thesix little Bunkers. You see they had a grandfather, and two grandmothers,some aunts, an uncle and a cousin. Well supplied with nice relatives, werethe six little Bunkers, and thus they had many places to visit.

  But I'll tell you about that part later on. Just now we must see whathappened after the steamboat broke to pieces because Laddie jiggledhimself inside the barrel, when Russ was sitting on the outside of it.

  "Are you sure none of you is hurt? You look so!" cried Mother Bunker, asshe saw the confused mass of children, barrel staves, box, footstool andchairs in the middle of the playroom floor.

  "I'm all right," said Laddie, as he pulled his leg out from where it wasdoubled up in the box, and stood up straight.

  "So'm I," added Russ. "Did I fall on you, Laddie?"

  "Yep--but it didn't hurt me much."

  "My dear Mun Bun!" said his mother, pulling the little boy out from undera chair. "Are _you_ hurt?"

  Munroe Bunker was going to cry, but when he saw that Margy had no tears inher eyes, he made up his mind that he could be as brave as his littlesister. So he squeezed back his tears and said:

  "I just got a bounce on my head."

  "Well, as long as it wasn't a bump you're lucky," said Russ with a laugh.

  Vi pulled her doll out from under the pile of barrel staves. The doll'sbathing-dress was torn, but Rose said that didn't matter because it was anold one anyhow.

  "What made it break?" asked Vi as she did this. "Did somebody hit yoursteamboat, Russ? Or did it just sink?"

  "I guess it sank all right," Russ answered, laughing.

  "Well, what made it?" went on Vi.

  "Oh, my dear! Don't ask so many questions," begged Mrs. Bunker.

  "I got a new riddle," announced Laddie, as he rubbed his leg where it hadbeen a little scratched on a box. "It's a riddle about a wheelbarrowand----"

  "You told us that!" interrupted Russ.

  "Well, then I can make up another," Laddie went on. He was always ready todo that. "This one is going to be about a barrel. When does a barrel feelhungry?"

  "Pooh! There can't be any answer to that!" declared Russ. "A barrel can'tever be hungry."

  "Yes it can, too!" cried Laddie. "When a barrel takes a roll, isn't ithungry? A roll is what you eat," he explained, "I didn't think thatriddle up," he added, for Laddie was quite honest. "Jerry Simms told me.When is a barrel hungry? When it takes a roll before breakfast--that's thewhole answer."

  "That's a very good riddle," said Mrs. Bunker with a smile. "But I haven'tyet heard what happened."

  "Didn't you hear the noise?" asked Rose with a laugh. "It ma
de a terriblebang."

  "Oh, yes, I heard _that_," answered Mrs. Bunker. "But what caused it?" sheasked anxiously.

  Five little Bunkers looked at Russ, as the one best fitted to tell aboutthe upset.

  "We had a make-believe steamboat," explained the oldest boy. "Laddie wasinside the flour barrel you let me take. He was the fireman. I sat outsidethe barrel to steer. But Laddie jiggled and wiggled and joggled inside thebarrel and----"

  "I had to, Mother, 'cause I was making believe the steamer was on therough ocean where the water is ten miles deep," interrupted Laddie. "So Irolled the barrel and joggled it and----"

  "And then it fell in!" added Rose. "I saw it."

  "I _felt_ it," remarked Russ, rubbing his back. "But it didn't hurt memuch," he added.

  "I guess the barrel was so old and dry that it couldn't hold together whenyou two boys got to playing with it," said Mrs. Bunker. "Well, I'm glad itwas no worse. At first it sounded as though the house was coming down. Youhad better play some other game now."

  "Oh, the rain has stopped!" cried Rose, looking out of a window. "We canplay out in the yard now."

  "Yes, I believe you can," said her mother. "But you must put on yourrubbers, for the ground is damp. Run out and play!"

  With shouts of glee and laughter the six little Bunkers started to gooutdoors. It was a warm day, late in June, and even the rain had not madeit too cool for them to be out.

  As the six children trooped out on the side porch they saw their fathercoming up the walk.

  "Why, it isn't supper time, and daddy's coming home!" exclaimed Rose.

  "What do you s'pose he wants?" asked Russ.

  "Maybe he heard the barrel break and came up to see about it," suggestedLaddie.

  "He couldn't hear the barrel break away down to his office," said Russ.

  Just then Mrs. Bunker, from within the house, saw her husband approaching.She went out on the porch to meet him.

  "Why, Charlie!" she exclaimed, "has anything happened? What is the matter?You look worried!"

  "I am worried," said Mr. Bunker. "I've had quite a loss! It's somevaluable real estate papers. They are gone from my office, and I came tosee if they were on my desk in the house. Hello, children!" he called tothe six little Bunkers. But even Mun Bun seemed to know that something waswrong. Daddy Bunker's voice was not at all jolly.

  His loss was worrying him, his wife well knew.