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Sizzling Romance New York Style

  by Robert C. Waggoner

  Copyright 2014 Robert C. Waggoner

  Sizzling Romance New York Style

  Chapter 1

  It was a blistering hot August afternoon in New York City. Some said it was the hottest on record; others said it was normal for this time of year. All agreed it was just plain hot. I was in my office waiting for my nurse to come in and tell me about the next patient. I was thinking to myself about the evening coming and what I might do on a Friday night. My practice was brand new; I just started my career as a doctor. For the last two months my life was empty and I was beginning to feel that I would never meet a nice girl. After too many years of college and two years of residency, I never had time to date. Man was I lonely. The next thing I knew was a pounding on my office door and someone yelling “Doctor, doctor, come quick!”

  I jumped up and ran out the door. My nurse was at the outside door pointing at the street.

  “What’s wrong?’ I said.

  “Doctor a young lady is lying on the sidewalk.’’ I rushed down the stairs and over to the prostrate lady. I saw she was dressed very nicely and it looked like she had on too many clothes for such a hot day. We had drawn a crowd of on lookers, and I said to one of them, “Please lend me your umbrella.”

  An old lady said, “Take mine.”

  The first thing I did was loosen her collar. She had on a long sleeve blouse with a collar that went up to her chin. Also, she wore long pants and a vest. She was dressed with too many clothes on for such a hot day. It was an outfit an executive might wear. I could tell by her appearance that she was having a heat stroke. My nurse was there and I said to her, “Prepare the examination room.”

  A big strong looking guy was looking on and I asked him to help me bring her into the office.

  He said, “Yes, glad to help.”

  Once inside, I had my first look at my new patient. She was startlingly beautiful. With her long blonde hair and delicate long fingers and long slim legs, I was impressed.

  I told the nurse to tell the other waiting patients I had an emergency and would they please reschedule their appointments. I turned back to the table and began to unbutton her blouse and it was then I had a close look at her beautiful face: Her eyes were closed while I saw the pure white and creamy look of her skin. Not a blemish on it anywhere. A nose that was dainty. It was perfect: not too big and not too small. Her lips were perfect with the color of red wine; and as he thought about her, his heart begin to pound thinking what a lovely woman he was looking at.

  He passed under her nose some smelling salts to wake her up from her fainting spell. She made some moaning sounds and moved her head from side to side. He couldn’t move, staring at her lovely face. Suddenly her eyes opened. Never in his life had he seen such dark blue eyes the color of a deep ocean. She stared at him and said, “Where am I?”

  He said to her, “Don’t worry you’re in my office, I’m a doctor and you apparently fainted from the heat. Has this happened often?”

  “No, I just came out of the department store which was very cool and when the heat hit me, I felt dizzy. The sales lady said they had a problem with the air conditioning and she even had a on a sweater it was so cold in there. The next thing I knew, I was looking up at you.”

  She thought to herself, looking up at the man who was staring into her eyes, what a nice looking man. His grey eyes are so warm and friendly. She looked at his hair, which was curly black and his skin was like color of virgin olive juice: light brown. They both looked at each other and no words were spoken for more than a few seconds. Then she tried to sit up and he said, “Please don’t move for a little while. Let me get you some water to drink and some salt pills for the hot weather."

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile.

  He turned and walked to the door and she noticed that he was not tall and not short with a nice strong looking body. He must work out she thought. She felt a little dizzy and she knew it was not from the heat. She had never met someone for the first time that made her heart race and pound like a drum.

  He went to the door, thinking, to himself, my god, what a gorgeous girl, I must find out her name. He asked the nurse to bring some water and salt pills and turned around to find her sitting up buttoning her blouse. He said, "I would leave a few unbuttoned if I were you. Its way too hot out and you need some air moving across your skin to keep it cool.” She looked up at him and her hands stopped moving and he stared again into those flashing blue eyes then they both knew at that moment: feelings of love was passing between them.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off her lovely face. He was staring at her and he could tell she was getting a little shy from his looking at her. He said, “Please miss…….ah... Miss…….”

  “Oh, my name is Jennifer Curtis, but my friends call me Jen”

  “My name is Todd. Todd Lincoln. Please call me Todd and not Doctor Lincoln.” He knew his face was turning red and he could tell she was pleased to know him as her eyes looked down and a small smile was on her face.

  He quickly said to her, “Please come into my office where it’s more comfortable.” Just then the nurse came in with the salt pills and a glass of water.

  Jen took the glass, said, “Thank you.” After taking the pills and drinking the water said, “The water tasted very good.”

  He told her that in a few minutes she would feel much better. He held on to her small delicate arm as he led her to his office. She felt so tiny and fragile. He wanted to hold her and take care of her. He could not remember ever feeling this way. Something very strange was coming over him. He wondered to if this was a feeling of love. He wasn’t sure if he liked this feeling or not. It left him open and venerable. He had always felt in control of his emotions, but now he was weak and his legs didn’t feel like they were a part of his body.

  He said to her as they entered his office, “Please sit here and rest while I make some notes.” She sat down and he could tell she was still a little dizzy from the heat stroke, but knew in a little while she would feel much better. He gave her another glass of water from the cooler and she smiled up at him and he smiled back into her clear blue eyes. He turned around and walked back to his desk and he hit the corner of his desk with his leg. “Ouch,” he said.

  She laughed and asked him, “Are you okay?”

  He rubbed his leg and said, "Yes, I’m fine." Man was he embarrassed. He called on the phone to his nurse and asked her to come in and get the personal information about his new patient. He felt a little warm and he stood up and took off his white doctor’s coat. He hung it up on the coat tree and it was then she had her first real look at him. He had on a dark brown pair of expensive pants with a matching brown and white stripped dress shirt. His tie was a blend of brown and orange with a diamond tie tack. His shoes were a pair of slip on Gucci from Italy. She wondered how long he had been a doctor and from the looks of his dress and the nice office, he must be a very successful doctor.

  He sat down and she finished up with her personal information as he made some notes and then closed his writing book and looked up at her. The same helpless feeling ran down his neck into his stomach. She was looking at him and he felt her eyes were looking deep into his soul.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He noticed she saw his mouth open and a small smile crept across her face. He finally said to her, “How are you feeling now?”

  “Much better now, thanks.” She looked at her watch and said, “My, it’s so late and I’m so sorry to have upset your afternoon schedule.”

  “No problem” he lied. ‘I only had one patient left and she is an old lady who comes in ever
y Friday afternoon because she is just lonely for some company. I’m finished for the day and now that you're feeling better, would you like to go next door to a little sidewalk café and have an ice tea? The tables outside are in the shade of the trees and not so hot.”

  “I’d love to, but can I make a phone call and tell my mother I will be a little late coming home?”

  “Of course, sit here and use my phone while I go to the bathroom.” He walked to the bathroom thinking, I wonder if she likes me. Just a little while ago I was wondering what I might do on a Friday evening and now I’m going to a café and having something to drink with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He hadn’t felt this way before and he was starting to like this thing called love.

  After he went to the bathroom and then she asked to use the bathroom, they made their way to the outdoor café around the corner. Walking he held onto her as she was still a little unsteady on her feet. He held her by the elbow and being so close to her he could detect a faint smell of her perfume. The smell reminded him of his mother’s flower garden on a spring afternoon: a mixture of sweet smells that he always associated with the smell of his mother.

  They sat down under a large elm tree in the shade and ordered ice tea. It was late afternoon and not so much traffic as many people left work early on a Friday night. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds and then he said to her, “How are you feeling now?” He inwardly chided himself for always asking her how she was feeling. Is this the only conversation you can think of? At least maybe talk about the weather or something interesting.

  “Much better now”, she said. They continued to look at each other and both of them thinking to themselves, this could be my lucky day. Both were hoping this was true love and not false because they both wanted desperately to find someone to share their lives with.

  For too many years she had been looking for a nice guy to settle down and get married with. Having a relationship that meant something to both of them was first and foremost on her mind. Money was nice, but not that important. She had a good job and could increase her hours to make more to help support the family. But, the problem was finding a good guy without the ego of most men she met. Every relationship she had been in turned out after only a few dates to end up back at home watching TV with her parents. Suddenly here she sat across from, what she wished, was an unmarried guy looking for the same thing she was looking for: a mate.

  The drinks came and they spent a few moments tasting the cool ice tea. He looked up and said, “Have you always lived in New York?”

  “Yes, and how about you, have you always lived here?”

  “No, I used to live in San Francisco, but I moved here after I became a doctor.”

  “Oh, you're such a long ways from your home.”

  “Yes, I know, but circumstances led me here after my parents died.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you,” I’m learning to live with it.” He didn’t mean to tell her that his parents had died, because now she would take pity on him and he didn’t want her to feel sorry for him. You and your big mouth he said to himself. He smiled at her and said, “Do you like living in New York?”

  “Not so well, I have my friends and my parents, but my life doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. The most exciting thing in my life lately was fainting in front of your office.” He laughed and she saw his pure white teeth. Perfect in all respects, she thought to herself.

  She guessed his age around thirty and noticed there was no ring on his finger. I wonder if he is married, she thought to herself. At the same time he was thinking the same thing: I see no ring on her finger, can I be so lucky as to have found a girl that might be interested in me?

  Jen turned quiet thinking about her failed relationships in the past. There was one guy in college that she fell in love with but after he took her virginity he dropped her and moved on to some other unlucky girl. That affair devastated her and for the next few years only went out a few times. Recently she had been seeing a guy from another ad agency and even though they both liked one another and the sex wasn’t bad, neither wanted to get married. Now she was ready to find her man and sitting across the table from her was that man.

  Todd just sat there looking at her watching her play with the ice tea. He knew she was deep in thought and he was going to sit there for as long as it took before she broke her reverence. Suddenly she raised her eyes up and locked onto his and smiled. She knew it was getting late and she needed to go home as her mother was worried about her. She said to him, “I must go now, or my mother will worry about me.”

  “Okay, but would you like to come to my office tomorrow and let me give you a check up?”

  Her heart skipped a beat and said, “Sure if you think it is necessary.”

  “I think so,” he lied. She knew too that it was a small white lie, but she longed to see him again. They made a date for eleven am. They shook hands formally and said good-bye to each other; he watched as she drove away in a taxi. He turned and walked back to his office and he didn’t think his feet ever touched the ground!

  After a sleepless night, he looked at his watch and it was only six am. He remembered last night coming home and turning the television on and going into the kitchen to look for something to eat. He wasn’t really hungry, but he looked in the refer for something to munch on. Finding nothing that looked good, he made a cup of tea. He had visited China some years ago and fell in love with their green tea. He couldn’t get the lovely blond haired girl out of his mind. Her hair was the color of honey, very fine and thick. “Stop this foolishness,” he said out loud. He wondered what she was doing right now; probably telling her mother about her passing out and a handsome doctor taking care of her.

  Across town, Jen was doing exactly that: telling her mother all about the incident and then going and having ice tea at a little romantic café. She told her that she had an appointment tomorrow morning for a follow up check on her health.

  “But you seem fine now”

  “Yes, but I want to see him again mom.”

  “Jen, I’ve never seen you this way before.”

  “Mom, I know it sounds silly, but I think I’ve fallen in love after twenty eight years.”

  Her mother laughed and said, “Go wash up and let’s have some dinner, dad will be home shortly and knowing him he will be hungry.”

  Sitting down at dinner, dad said, “What’s this nonsense I hear about you falling down and meeting a handsome young doctor? Your mother said you passed out from heatstroke and this shinning white knight of a doctor just happens to have his office right where you fell down?”

  “Yes, dad, that’s what, happened.”

  “Are you feeling alright now? ‘Do you want me to give you a check up?”

  “No thanks dad, I’m fine.” I must not tell Todd that my dad is a doctor, she said to herself.

  After dinner she ran up the stairs to her room to call her best friend. Her heart was still beating so fast thinking about Todd, that when her friend answered the phone, her friend said to her, "What is wrong with you, have you been running?"

  “No, Beth, I met the most charming and handsome guy this afternoon and I had to call and tell you about him. Beth, I know I’m in love for the first time in my life!”

  “You’re crazy Jen!”

  Jen went on to tell her about all that had happened that afternoon and her meeting the next day with Todd. Beth told her to be careful and take it easy tomorrow. “Don’t do anything crazy and try to play a little hard to get.”

  Jen told her she would and that she had to go now and take a bath and get on the computer and e mail some other friends about her day.