Read Skyline Page 10


  Emily sat, waiting patiently on the seat she had been shown to. She tried to compose herself into a picture of calm competence and professionalism. She wondered if she was succeeding. Truth was she was a little frantic. It was the nervousness that had her seated in the waiting room of a rival law firm some fifteen minutes early for the appointment.

  Nobleson was closing the deal with the Japanese company today. For some reason, Mr. Okorie had wanted her in this meeting. She had argued with her father on the necessity or not of her presence but he had insisted. Clients always won in situations such as this.

  "You are early." she jolted slightly as she turned towards the speaker and came face to thighs and then face with Mr. Okorie.

  "It would seem so." she responded as she got to her feet consulting her watch as she did so. "You are pretty early yourself." she commented and then remembering her manners, she greeted, "Good morning."

  "Good morning yourself, and thank you for helping me out the other day." he responded as he took a seat next to her. Someone else walked up to them and she saw that her father had finally arrived. She gave him a one sided smile in welcome which he returned.

  "Good morning. Please if you would come with me to the meeting room." An efficient sounding voice invited the group.

  They followed the sweet looking lady to a meeting room that had its door slightly ajar. There were four men of various nationalities seated at one half of the table. Two were obviously Asian while one was a Caucasian and one African.

  The two Asian stood up spryly as Mr. Okorie walked into the room ahead of the rest of their group while the other two men got up a little less quickly obviously caught off guard by the briskness of the Asians.

  After they had dispensed of pleasantries and introductions, they all settled down to the purpose of the meeting.

  Emily felt a buzz of exhilaration as she mostly observed the proceedings. She had never been a part of a team brokering an international contract and she found all the nuances exciting. At the end of the meeting, everyone at the table seemed to be content with the agreement they had reached. Signatures were placed on the documents and hands shaken all round with polite smiles on every face.

  Emily felt strangely deflated as they left the room. It had been so exciting being a part of the meeting that she felt a bit nostalgic already now that it had ended. She realized that she might be interested in participating in just such another meeting in the future.

  "I can almost feel the excited waves coming off you." Mr. Okorie said in a mildly amused voice as the doors to the elevator closed and they began their descent to the ground level of the building.

  Emily smiled demurely at him. "I had never attended an international closure meeting before today. It was exciting watching the business cultures blend." she commented.

  Kenneth smiled as he stood straighter. "So you'd be interested in attending another?" he asked casually.

  "Yes I would actually." Emily quipped as she turned to watch the numbers on the console as they descended. Finally they were on the ground floor and they all exited the elevator. At the exit, her father and Mr. Okorie shook hands and exchanged parting pleasantries. Kenneth turned to look at her and thrust a card at her. She reflexively brought up her hand to collect it and studied the embossed card.

  "Call me whenever you'd like to attend another of these. I'd see what I could do." he smiled his cute-boy smile, the one that made his face handsome and then stepped down into his waiting car leaving a gaping Emily staring after him.

  When Emily collected herself, she turned to find her father watching her.

  "What was that about then?" he asked.

  Emily shrugged. "I said I enjoyed today's meeting and he offered to invite me to another should I be interested." she answered.

  Just then, their car came up to them and they got in for the ride back to the office.

  "Another one in what capacity?" her father asked when they had settled and the car had moved off.

  Emily shook her head. "He did not say." she responded.

  "And you did not think to ask." her father reprimanded.

  "I was caught off guard." Emily defended herself.

  Her father sighed. "Try to have your wits around you with the clients Emily. In business, it's always best to have clarity so that you understand what exactly is on offer and how it can best suit your purposes."

  Emily narrowed her eyes in thought at him. "Purposes, Dad?" she asked. "I just mentioned that the..."

  Her dad cut her a reprimanding look. "Purpose, Emily. You are a grown woman and a pretty one at that." he commented and gave her a meaningful look.

  Emily wore a look of puzzlement for a moment and then as understanding dawned, a smile touched her lips. "I don't think he was trying to hit on me, Dad." she said.

  Her dad shrugged as he brought out his copy of a newspaper and began to peruse the headlines.

  "If you say so Emily, if you say so." And they rode out the rest of the way in a companionable, if a bit thoughtful silence.