Read Skyline Page 3


  Alero’s laughter into the phone was pure joy. The thrills of shared mirth and happiness echoed back from the other end.

  “Oh Maggie! I’m so excited for you!” she exclaimed. “Do you need me to pick you guys up?”

  “And my mother will let you, how?” Maggie laughed. “Just meet us back at the house. Quinn will be glad to see you again. He couldn’t stop raving about you to his boys here. Actually, a few of them are quite looking forward to meeting you. You know I rub off on you in a good way.”

  Alero felt the now familiar twinge that such comments elicited. She knew Maggie meant no disrespect but she couldn’t help but feel slighted.

  “Okay, okay. We’ll see at house. Girl, it will be soooo exciting! I really have missed you guys.” She thrilled.

  “And whose fault is that? Cancelling on me at the last minute like that. I should be really mad at you, you know.” Maggie scolded and then chuckled girlishly. “You know I can’t stay mad at you for long. Between you and Quinn, I’m just a sap!”

  Alero looked up at the clock hanging on her wall. “Maggie I’ve got to go. I have a meeting in a few and if I hope to be any kind of prepared, I need to hang up now!”

  “You work too hard!” Maggie whined.

  “Says the pot calling the kettle black!” Alero responded sharply with a smile in her voice. “Love you girl! Keep me posted!” she said and made kissy noises into the phone before clicking the disconnect button. She shook her head wryly. Maggie could go on for days. That girl never seemed to run out of conversation fodder.

  The intercom phone on her desk rang out and she picked it up even as she went through the papers on her desk. Her secretary’s voice came through. “Your 10 ‘o’ clock is here madam.”

  “Oh. Ah…give me a few minutes and then send her in.” Alero instructed.

  “Yes madam.” The phone clicked off.

  Alero sorted through the papers she needed for the interview she was about to conduct and collected herself mentally. It was a huge compliment from her director that she was left alone to conduct this interview for a prospective hire. When she had joined the firm of architects and civil engineers, she had been not only the youngest but also the only female architect on the team. There had been a couple more female hires since then but they had not stayed on longer than a couple of years. It would be Alero’s sixth year with the firm in a few months and she was scrabbling to make junior partner. She hoped that by her tenth year, she would be a senior partner in the firm.

  So many people exclaimed at how ‘lucky’ she was to be a part of Skyline Architectural. She scoffed softly. Lucky indeed! She had busted herself up to get to where she was today. She had no friends other than her family and Maggie and lately, Quinn. Every other moment was consumed with Skyline and her big dreams for it and for herself. If she had anything to say about it, and she had a lot, this generation would know Alero Bekere’s name before she was through.

  There was a soft rap on her door followed by the sound of the door opening. A young lovely looking lady walked in closing the door smartly behind her. Alero put on a smile as she stood to welcome her.

  “Good morning Ma’am.” The young lady greeted with a decidedly American accent.

  “Good morning,” Alero peeked at the papers on her desk, “Patricia. Sorry for keeping you waiting a bit.” She indicated the seat in front of her desk as she took her own seat.

  “It was no problem.” The young lady demurred.

  “Thank you.” Alero said as she turned to pick up the file on her desk. “I have been looking at your submissions and I have to say, I am impressed.” She smiled. “Tell me a bit more about yourself.”

  And so the interview began and lasting for the better part of an hour. Alero had been so rarely impressed by colleagues and the young girl seating across from her had blown her away over the course of the past one hour.

  “If you ask me,” she concluded, “I’ll say you’re ideally suited for this firm but, the final decision is for Mr. Wanigo.”

  Patricia nodded her understanding.

  “I’d like to say, welcome to Skyline though. I have a feeling that this interview was just a formality. He seemed very impressed by you when we spoke earlier.”

  “I’d be really excited to work here.” Patricia gushed before she could get a hold of herself.

  Alero stood to shake her hand and formally end the interview. As she walked around her desk to show her to the door, Patricia turned to her.

  “I don’t mean to be forward but I wonder if you know Maureen. Maureen Okwara.” She asked a surprised Alero.

  “Yes, yes I do.” Alero answered wonderingly. “Do you know her?”

  “Our families have been friends for years.”

  “Oh really? It’s a small world.” Alero said.

  “That it is.” Patricia responded. She made to turn and stopped at the last minute. “Will you be at her place then? She’s coming into the country with her fiancé this weekend.”

  “Definitely. She’d probably be upset if I didn’t show. But how did you know I knew her?” Alero asked.

  “You used to come to her house when we were much younger.” Patricia answered.

  “Oh my goodness!” Alero exclaimed. “I am so not good with faces! Oh dear! Don’t tell me I met you there and then I just went and forgot your face!”

  Patricia chuckled. “We never exactly met per say. I just used to come visit Jacinth.” Calling the name of one of Maggie’s younger siblings.

  “Oh dear, oh dear! I’m so sorry.” Alero apologized.

  “Ah! I wasn’t exactly…you know, we were younger, Jacinth and I.”

  “I’m so not good with faces.” Alero reiterated ruefully. “So till the weekend then or maybe even before.”

  “Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day.” She greeted and walked out of the office.

  Alero settled back down to work on her desk only to find that she couldn’t see properly as the light coming into the office seemed to have dimmed. She looked to the window and realized that the weather had changed to cloudy during the course of the interview. In fact, a good thunderstorm was imminent.

  She stood and walked to window to adjust the slats that directed sunlight into the room. She wondered briefly how Patricia was going to fare if the rains started before she could exit the building. As she made to turn away from the window, she noticed her figure walking briskly towards a car that was parked in the visitor’s car park. A male figure got out of the car and enveloped her in a hug. They spoke briefly and Patricia indicated the building as she spoke to him. He looked up and Alero was glad for the slats that would shield her from his view. Adebanjo Adeniran!

  She gasped in surprise as she watched him get back into the car and call out something to Patricia. The memory of the burn from that long ago day some ten years before skittered through her mind. Suddenly it clicked into place. Of course! Patricia Adeniran. She was his kid sister.

  Alero did not know how she felt about that.