Read Skyline Page 35


  The air in the conference room seemed stifling to Alero. Every inch of her seemed to be in rebellion against itself as she sat there and tried to focus on what was being said around her. She had hardly said a word to anyone since they all sat down to this meeting. Banjo had barely glanced in her direction for the past hour as well as the hour and half they had spent inspecting the sites of renovations. She felt like bawling like a child and yet she could feel the stirring of anger in her spirit.

  Perhaps, she needed to chuck all this up to life’s experience and move on.

  “I think we are all in agreement,” Banjo’s voice cut into her thoughts and her head snapped around to where he sat at the head of the table, “Unless you have a different opinion Miss Bekere. You’ve hardly contributed to the conversation.” He challenged.

  Alero narrowed her eyes at him as she tried to figure what he was about.

  “I believe my colleagues have a firm grasp on my thoughts on the project. We have always discussed extensively.” She responded trying to tamp down the heat she could hear in her tone.

  It was Banjo’s turn to spear her with a narrow eyed look of his own. Alero held his glance in challenge until he was obliged to nod and gather up his notes and officially bring the meeting to a close.

  Alero gather up her notes and drawings and stuffed them into the satchel she had brought them in. She jerked in surprise as she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Mrs. Adeniran.

  “Good morning Ma.” She greeted wonderingly. In all the meetings they had had, she had never sought Alero out or singled her out. In fact, she had only ever stayed long enough to ascertain that her wishes were clearly comprehended by everyone but left the nitty gritty of the actual process to Banjo. It was surprising that she had stayed all through this one.

  “Good morning dear.” She replied with a kind smile. “I understood from Patricia that you were under the weather. I hope you’re fully recovered now?” She finished on a questioning note.

  “I am alright now Ma. Thank you so much for asking.” Alero returned her smile. Banjo glanced at both of them as he made his way out of the conference room talking with Mr. Wanigo and Chidi.

  “And thank you for including Patricia on this project. She was so excited to cut her teeth as it were, on it in particular.” She murmured sotto voice and Alero fell in love with her.

  “It has been a distinct pleasure.” Alero affirmed.

  Mrs. Adeniran inclined her head and made to walk away but turned around at the last minute.

  “Talk to him.” she instructed quietly. Her mouth moved like she would like to say more but she must have changed her mind because she just smiled and walked away.

  “Miss Bekere?” Mr. Wanigo poked his head back into the conference room to call.

  Alero smiled an apology and walked up to join the others at the elevators. Somehow she was standing next to Banjo who had elected to escort them down to the lobby. She felt the thrill of attraction, desire wind its way around her body as she breathed in his scent. She felt itchy with her discomfort and his continued silence. She was immensely relieved when the doors swung open and she could step out of the confined space. Banjo and Mr. Wanigo had begun a conversation on golfing which she listened to with half an ear.

  Soon they were all standing at the stoop of the entrance and the company car that had brought them to the meeting slid smoothly in front of them. Alero was sorely tempted to climb hurriedly down the steps to the car but she had promised Mr. Wanigo that she would comport herself and she would do it even if it killed her.

  “Mr. Adeniran, it’s always a pleasure.” Mr. Wanigo said as he held out his hand to Banjo who took it in a firm handshake which was extended to Chidi. Finally, he turned to Alero and looked her full in the face. Alero could not help looking him over. There were signs of strain around his eyes, like he was not getting enough sleep.

  “Have a good day Mr. Adeniran.” She said and Banjo nodded not even saying a word.

  Alero decided she had been sufficiently dignified for one morning and she made a swift exit even if it might not have been as graceful as she would have wished.

  The car was half way to the office when her phone finally chimed with a notification that a text message had been delivered. Alero pulled out her cell phone from her hand bag and checked. There were actually two messages. She checked for the name of the senders and blinked in surprise. One was from Maggie and the other…was Banjo’s. She slid the phone back into her hand bag. When she read these texts, she did not want to be anywhere around her office environment. Even if her private life was disintegrating, she was not going to bring it to work with her ever again.

  It was a rush the rest of the day as she swung back into the rhythm of work. Her phone felt heavy every time she picked it up but she refused to read those messages. It was a relief when she finally logged off from the system and shut down her computer at the end of the day. Mrs. Ajala poked her head through her door and bid her a good night. Alero answered cheerily, including Haruna who had also poked his head through beside Mrs. Ajala, in her greeting.

  Her phone chimed again with a text message notification and Alero eyed it like it could bite. For some inexplicable reason, she suspected that this text was one she did not want to read in the office but she allowed herself to be overcome by curiosity and picked up her phone to open it.

  ‘Can we talk?’

  Alero re-read the text and the sender’s name one more time and pulled up a response bar. Before she could type out a response though, another message came.

  ‘This evening. I can pick you up at home around seven. It’s been an age.’

  Alero shook her head fondly at the sender. She typed out her response.

  ‘Sure. Seven good. See you soon.’

  She made her way out of the office hoping that the traffic out would not be so bad. She barely had thirty minutes to make her commute home and still be on time for her date.

  It took her some fifty minutes to navigate the craziness that was the late traffic. She supposed she should be thankful it had not taken even longer but she noticed the strange car parked in the compound as she pulled into it. It meant that Olly had gotten here already. She hurried into the house with anticipation and wariness warring within her. She heard his voice as he chatted with her mother before she had even opened the front door.

  “And look who’s here!” He boomed, his face writhed with a wide smile.

  “Hello Stranger!” Alero greeted jovially as she allowed herself to be pulled into a big hug. “It’s good to see you! Where have you been hiding?” she asked as she went over to her mother to give her a slightly awkward hug in greeting. While they had both decided not to speak of her mother’s outburst, they were still skirting gingerly around each other.

  “Good evening Mum.”

  “Welcome dear. How was your day?”

  “It was better than I expected I guess.” Alero answered frankly and felt the conviviality of the atmosphere diminish.

  “What happened?” Olly asked as he plucked another apple from the bowl on the low table.

  “Ah…just some stuff but it’s all good.” Alero shrugged it off and then her eyes brightened. “Mr. Wanigo says he recommended me for partner!” she squealed.

  “Oh my daughter! That’s fantastic news!” her mother exclaimed and jumped up to hug her in congratulations.

  “My! Ally keeps bursting those ceilings.” Olly smiled as he stood for his own hug.

  “Thank you!” Alero thrilled “You are all so kind!” she said in her best interpretation of a posh lady’s voice.

  “So do you need to freshen up before we leave?” Olly asked.

  Alero made an expression of regret as she asked “Could we hang out here? I’m exhausted.”

  “Then you need to freshen up so we can leave and still get back in good time.” He wagged his finger at her as she made to protest. “It’s been medically proven that it is bad for you to go to sleep exhausted.”

  Alero and
her mum looked at him in consternation. “Really?” Alero asked.

  “Really.” Olly deadpanned.

  Alero groaned and made her way to her room complaining loudly about inconsiderate friends who didn’t care that you were exhausted. When Olly did not take bait, she glanced over her shoulders at him only to see him carrying on a furtive conversation with her mum.

  ‘Hm!’ she thought as she went on to her room. ‘What is that about?’

  A few minutes later, she was out and hustled into the car with Olly.