Read Slayer's Awakening (Legends from the Imagination) Page 17

  Chapter 16

  Blocked Enchanta Spells can Hurt

  Traveler met Jelly in the morning and headed for the courtyard to continue their training lesson.

  “Jelly,” Traveler said.

  “Yes Traveler,” Jelly said.

  “I am sorry about what I said.”

  “It is okay Young Master. It is good to have emotion. It is all part of the process.”

  “Can you tell me if I have done anything wrong so far?”

  “Nope, just learn the basics and you can spar later in the training area.”


  “And do not worry about making mistakes. It is better you do them now than in battle...”

  “There you are,” King Gavel said as he walked over to them. The two guards behind him seemed to be ready for any kinds of ambush. Traveler recognized one of them as Radius.

  “Hello Your Highness,” Jelly said.

  “I came over because I heard about the incident in the classroom,” King Gavel said.

  “Yes Sire, Traveler is fine. It was just a minor issue.”

  “Yes your highness, I am fine,” Traveler said.

  “Okay then. In that case, Jelly, I need you to go to the Terrala and find me a scout. Jelly, it is important that you understand that I need the best one for this reconnaissance task,” King Gavel said.

  “But Your Highness, what about my training?” Jelly said.

  “I’ll tell Aiken, not to hold it against you. He’ll understand. Now hurry,” King Gavel said as he turned to Traveler. “So, how is the training going?”

  “Good Your Highness.”

  “I don’t have to remind you. You can call me Archer.”

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting. I am learning a lot.”

  “Good, I am about to go on my roundabout. I was wondering if you would like to join me.”

  “What is a roundabout?”

  “Once in a while, I like to walk among my territory and check on my people. It helps me gauge the morals of everyone.”

  “I see; yes, I would love to come. But, won’t I miss my next lesson?”

  “I would not worry about that. I think I can get you back in time.”

  King Gavel gave a nod to Radius, and Radius pulled out a red crystal ball. POOF! Traveler tried to stare through the thick red smoke. Once the smoke dissolved, he realized he was in a marketplace full of people. Everyone stopped and stared at the king, and then just as someone flipped a switch, everyone knelt before him.

  “Well Your Highness, you know how to make an entrance,” Radius said.

  “Everyone please, go about your business!” King Gavel said to the crowd of people.

  They slowly rose and continued what they were doing before the king’s arrival. “This is more like it. I think I’ll head over to the infirmary first.”

  Traveler had never seen the infirmary from the outside. It expressed a cottage like feel. It was two stories high made with gray brick and a mahogany roof. It had its own separated area far from any social activity and near the back of the castle ground walls. Traveler found it odd that even though it was separated from the main castle by a great distance, he was able to reach his room in a short amount of time.

  “Traveler I would like to talk to you about the incident in the classroom and you are the only person I can trust,” King Gavel said.

  “What is it Ki- I mean Archer?” Traveler said.

  “I know we have a spy in my castle, but I cannot determine who it is. Someone is trying to end your life. They mixed tiny bits of black scorpion shells in the sands. That is why the scorpion was real instead of the training hologram.”

  “Really?” Traveler said with worried eyes.

  “Do not worry Traveler. I know you are starting to see the danger that lies ahead. But, I have assigned Jelly to protect you during your training. He is my most trusted and skilled fighter.”

  “Thank you Archer.”

  As they got closer to the infirmary, Traveler saw a row of white creatures with red eyes. They looked like the creatures he first encountered when he was in handcuffs. They stood along the gray wall in their own wooden stalls. Traveler recognized Caleb feeding them hay with tiny bits of brown pellets.

  “Good day Caleb,” King Gavel said.

  Caleb finished feeding the creature and patted him on the side of the head. He realized the king was trying to get his attention.

  “Good day Your Highness. What brings you here?” He said as he walked over to the king.

  “Just on my roundabout; I thought I’d check on things here. How are the numbers this week?” King Gavel said.

  “Traveler, what are you doing back so soon? Are you hurt?” Caleb said.

  “No. I am fine,” Traveler said.

  “Uh-hem. My question Caleb,” King Gavel said.

  “Oh, sorry sir. Not good. My risons have brought many people in this week, some of which didn’t have a great outcome.”

  Rison. Traveler thought. He walked over, grabbed some hay from the bin, and began to feed the nearest one.

  “You were probably the one that saved my life,” Traveler said. He reached up and began to pet the side of his face. The skin was cool and soothing to the touch just like the cream that creates heat to soothe the aching muscles.

  “Is there anything more you need?” The king said.

  “No Sire, I have everything I need. I just need you to fix this,” Caleb said.

  “I know. I am doing my best....” The king said.

  Just as he said that, the rison in front of Traveler made a terrible squeal and rose to its hind legs. Traveler stood frozen and scared. It kicked open the stall doors. The stall door hinged around rapidly and knocked Traveler off to the side. Once the door opened freely, the rison burst out in a fury.

  “That is the 10th one today,” Caleb said.

  “That is terrible news,” King Gavel said.

  “Are you okay?” Radius said.

  “Yes, I am fine. What just happened?” Traveler said while getting up.

  “These risons are continuously sending signals throughout the realm pinpointing people that have died or collapsed because of Terrorene’s dark magic attack or energy drain. Once the rison picks up their signal, then it makes that noise and hurries to pick them up and bring them back here,” Radius said.

  “You mean like an ambulance,” Travelers said.

  “What is an am-bu-lance?” Radius said.

  “It is what we use to pick up sick people.”

  “If that is the meaning, then yes, it is like an am-bu-lance.”

  “Caleb, keep me updated on the numbers. Let me know what I can do to keep the numbers down,” King Gavel said.

  “Yes Sire.”

  They exchanged salutes and walked away.

  “Archer, how do the rison get over the walls since we are so far from the castle wall’s gates?” Traveler asked.

  “They jump over the castle ground’s walls. But don’t worry, the rison knows who is an enemy or not,” King Gavel said.

  They continued to walk along the path and visited the farmers that lived on the outskirts of the protective castle walls. They looked so tired from toiling away on their land. However, once the farmers saw King Gavel, they rushed over to greet his presence. Everyone was happy to see him.

  “Your Highness, please come in to my home and have a snack,” One of the farmers said.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I have other places to visit,” King Gavel said.

  “Yes, Your Highness. I understand. It’s just a honor to see you.”

  “Please go back to your work and feed this territory. That is the greatest honor you can bring to me.”

  The farmer ran back proudly to his field and began planting his crops.

  “Archer, how come you cannot use magic to create the food?”

  “Don’t you remember Traveler; magic can’t affect the natural gift of the land. In addition, not everyone can use magic. Only Electus, former or current, have
the ability to use magic such as the Enchanta spells. The Calic, former or current, can only create the Caddre trinkets. The Visorist can only create the elite vials. The trinkets and vials that have already been conjured and mixed are the only items regular people can use. Of course, the gifts that were given to us by the Elders can also be used without magic.”

  “What did Lumonus give you?”

  “Lumonus gave our family the understanding of light and dark knowledge.”

  “Hey, what about the trainees that got kicked out of the program? Didn’t they learn about the Enchanta spells, Caddre trinkets, and vials?”

  “Yes, but once you get kicked out, every knowledgeable details you learned during the training-spells, trinket formulas, and fighting techniques, disappear from your mind. The only thing that stays is your fighting experience.”

  “What about dark magic?”

  “They have their own set of rules. It is difficult to understand, but Terrorene had the ability to give anyone the use of dark magic. As long as he is alive, anyone under his power has the ability to use dark magic.”

  “Your Highness, we have to move on,” Radius said.

  “Yes Radius, I just get caught up in the moment sometimes,” King Gavel said. “Well Traveler, ready to move on? Let’s go back and see if Jelly has my scout.”

  They left the field of farmers tending to their crops. After several minutes, they reached the main castle.

  “I hope you learned a lot Traveler. I think you have enough time to go back to your lessons,” King Gavel said.

  “Yes Archer, I learned a lot. Thank you for inviting me on your roundabout,” Traveler said.

  Traveler ran to the courtyard and fell into the line that was just about finished forming up. Traveler was eager to learn more than ever. There was a small chatter amongst the group, but when the hint of Aiken’s purple shoes stepped out of the castle doors, there was an immediate hush. Aiken walked out carrying a clipboard. “Now we are going to learn the other half of magic...Enchanta Spells. I need everyone in the full battle training gear. There are crystals balls at your feet.”

  Everyone looked on the ground to find his or her crystal ball. POOF! They all shattered their crystal ball as one collective unit and created a storm of white clouds that surrounded the entire courtyard.

  A-heck a-heck. We have to find a better way to do this. Aiken thought.

  “I need everyone to gather around me,” Aiken said.

  They ran to the spot, to avoid any more confrontation. “These things are called a Wit.” Aiken pointed to the mannequin-like figures. They were clear, but had this light blue outline. It looked weird with no fingers and toes. They looked even creepier with blank faces. “These Wits are training dummies and here to help you with your training, but they will not hurt you.” He tapped one of the Wits on his head, and everyone watched it run to the other side of the field. It moved so fluidly as if someone real would move. “This is the first spell I am going to teach you.” He turned his body towards the running Wit, aimed his sword, and shouted “Retinaculum!” After the incantation, Aiken’s sword slightly shook. At the sight of his sword, a small gathering of light appeared at the base of the handle. It snowballed larger and larger until it engulfed his hands. In a flash, the small ball of light shot from the sword’s tip. It zipped across the grassy knoll heading towards the Wit. The light struck the Wit in the back and began to wrap itself around it, causing the Wit to lose his balance.

  Aiken turned back to his group of eager minds. “That spell was called Retinaculum. It is a wrapping spell. If at any time you need to subdue a person, just shout out ‘Retinaculum!’” Another beam of light shot from the sword and began traveling across to the awaiting Wit that was in the middle of untying his previous bond. The light wrapped around the Wit even harder.

  “This is the first spell we teach to everyone because it is the easiest. There are no sword movements involved, so just point and shoot. There are two parts to an Enchanta spell. You have to get them both right. You have to say it correctly and get the sword movements accurately.” Aiken began to count off the trainees making sure there was enough.

  “Okay, there are five Wits here; everyone get into five groups and take turns shouting out the spell.” He tapped on the other four Wits and they ran to their spots. “Oh I forgot. There are counter spells to remove any Enchanta spells you shout. If you are good enough you can actually manipulate the counterspell, but it has to follow the Enchanta rules and you won’t learn that until the last year.”

  The trainees ran to their stations and practiced. Aiken hovered around the trainees offering his advice along the way. Traveler was the first person in line in his group. He stepped up to the front and took his proper stance. He swung the swords sideways just as Aiken did and yelled Rent-nack-calium! However, nothing happened.

  Traveler yelled again “Rent-nack-calium!” Nothing happened.

  The Wit started to grab his stomach with a slight bend in his posture, indicating he was in a laughing position and the laughing sounds that came afterwards, verified Traveler’s assumption. The look on Traveler’s face was not an encouraging one. However, an encouraging voice from behind cheered him up a little.

  “Don’t worry Traveler; most people don’t get it on the first try,” Aiken said.

  “Then, why is the Wit laughing at me?” Traveler asked.

  “Oh, Sedder thinks he is funny. That is an alarm letting me know if students are having problems. Show me what you are doing.”

  Traveler swung his sword and yelled out Rent-nackee-calium!

  “I see. It is pronounced Ren-nack-cal-lum. Remember what I said, if you don’t get the right tone in the words, it won’t work. But don’t worry Traveler. Once you get better at Enchanta spells, you won’t even need to say them.”

  Traveler swung another time. “Retinaculum!” A tiny beam of light streamed out of his sword and zipped across the ground. The Wit stopped laughing and waved his arms up, as the light struck him in the right shoulder, wrapping itself around. Everyone in the group gave a loud applause.

  “Good job Traveler. Now you can help the other people.” Aiken applauded the effort then moved on to another laughing Wit.

  “Okay,” Traveler said. “Hey Griff, why don’t you go next?”

  “Well okay Traveler. I’ll do my best.”

  Griff stood and faced the Wit. Traveler could see his sword shake a little. Griff took his proper stance just as Traveler did and yelled out a couple of times Retinaculum! Suddenly a tiny ball appeared at the base and shot out the other end. The light traveled quickly and hit the Wit’s sword. Griff got the right words, but he kept his eyes closed the entire time, leaving his aiming a little spotty. The light reflected off the Wit’s sword and headed back towards the group. It hit Trainee Clouden and the light immediately wrapped him up causing him to fall to the ground. The rest of the trainees burst into an arousing laughter.

  “Alright, everybody needs to shut their mouth,” Aiken said. “Acacia!” A red ball appeared and exploded into tiny speckles. Trainee Clouden found the speckles dissolving the thin-lit rope. He got up and stared at Griff. Aiken walked over to Griff.

  “Griff, how did you get a spell reflected back? These Wits are on level 1. The Wits are not even trying to block. You used to be a great hunter. I don’t know what happen to you. Ever since your sister...” Aiken stopped and realized what he was about to say. He knew the family well and this was a touchy subject.

  Griff stood trembling and at a loss for words.

  “I am sorry. I know it has been hard,” Aiken said.

  “I’ll do better Aiken,” Griff said.

  “Alright back to your training. Everyone needs to continue to practice the spells,” Aiken said.

  When other trainees of the group came to the front of the line, Traveler gave them some pointers when they were having trouble and most of them did have trouble. Unexpectedly, Aiken snapped his fingers and a loud thunderclap forced everyone to s
top. “Everyone is doing a great job. I haven’t had to kick anybody out today. Any day we have an Enchanta spell class, you are going to learn two spells. Later on, if you know other spells from the book, you can practice them here. The second one of the day is a speed spell. If you use it right, it can be very useful. Watch,” Aiken said. He stood in front of the Wit waiting for the right moment. Suddenly, the Wit ran towards him. Once it was close enough, he flicked the sword and shouted. “Plantar Fastis!”

  The Wit moved quickly forward running into the rock behind Aiken.

  “Did everyone get a good look? Get back to your stations and try it. But, I am going to make it a little harder. I am going to switch these Wits to level two. So be careful. They can block spells now. Just aim away from their sword,” Aiken said.

  Traveler again was first in his group. The Wit started to move forward. Traveler shouted “Plantar Fastis!” It did not work. The Wit got closer and raised his sword above his head. Traveler yelled again “Plantar Fastis!” Nothing happened. The Wit got closer and swung down the sword. It stopped within inches of Traveler’s head.

  “Traveler! You are dead. But, don’t worry this is why we practice. Try again,” Aiken tapped the Wit’s head and he ran back to the starting spot. The Wit started to move forward again. Traveler flicked and shouted “Plantar Fastis!” The spell worked and the Wit charged faster. But, the Wit was still far away. Within seconds, the Wit’s sword was again a few inches from Traveler’s heart.

  “You are dead again,” Aiken said.

  “What did I do wrong?” Traveler asked.

  “This spell is all about execution and timing. You have to use the spell at his halfway point,” Aiken said as Traveler sighed. “Try one more time. I’ll draw a line. Once they pass it, use the spell.”

  Aiken tapped on the Wit again. As the Wit ran back, Traveler took a deep breath. The Wit started to move forward. It passed the line. Traveler shouted “Plantar Fastis!” It worked but the beam of light was blocked by the Wit and reflected back towards Traveler. He did not know what to do. He placed his hands up and braced for the impact. When the light hit him, his legs started to tingle. They began pumping up and down.

  “Umm, Sir?” Traveler pleaded.

  Aiken turned around from helping another trainee and saw Traveler’s leg pumping up and down. He tried to pull out his sword, but it was too late. Traveler had already left his sight. Traveler’s legs moved without him even trying. He ran around the Wit three times and then headed for the castle. Aiken told the trainees to wait there while he chased down Traveler. The rest of the trainees started laughing and chasing after him as well. Aiken looked around the castle area and found a big hole in the barn. When he opened the door, he saw Traveler on the ground in a pile of manure. The rest of the trainees caught up to Aiken and saw Traveler in the barn as well, but with his feet in the air still running. Traveler turned and stared at everyone.

  “Umm, a little help here,” Traveler said.

  “I think we will call it a day,” Aiken said

  The rest of the students dashed away.

  Aiken shouted “Dorsal Fascist!” Traveler legs stopped moving, and he got to his feet.

  “I don’t think the speed spell is supposed work like that,” Traveler said.

  “I think I would have to agree with you,” Aiken said.

  Traveler entered the great mess hall and looked for any familiar face. Across the room, he found Jelly sitting with a bunch of the trainees making grand gestures as if he was reenacting a story. Jelly indeed was telling one of his survival stories when he saw Traveler in the distance and waved signaling where to sit. With that invitation, Traveler walked over and introduced himself to the crowd of people.

  “How are the legs feeling Young Master?” Jelly asked as everyone snickered under their breath.

  “Umm, they are fine. What were you talking about?” Traveler asked.

  “Jelly was telling us about the story of a Teck that had a multiple personality disorder,” Griff said. “He and Jacob were attacking this one Teck, but every time he was stabbed, it splits into another person. Well, that is where he left off before you came by.”

  Traveler grabbed a chair and waited for the story to continue. Once he sat down, a tiny light snow-flaked came down to the empty plate. A couple of seconds later, the plate had a delicious dinner.

  “Well, go ahead and finish the story Jelly,” Griff said.

  “Yes, the master and I were there amongst a crowd of people. There were at least 20 people standing ready to attack us from what our eyes could see. It was very hard to figure out the weak point of this particular Teck. We thought that they would all have the same weak points, but each Teck that multiplied had its own weak points.” Everyone gasped as the trainees sat on the edge of their seats. “So, there we were standing there waiting until suddenly one of them pounced on us, but Master Sands was able to kick him back. However, that set off a high chain reaction of every Teck attacking us. We were on the bottom of a very large pile; I stared into Master’s eyes, hoping he would have an answer. He had none at the time, but there was a deep fiery glare that came about him and with all his might, he jumped out of the pile sending everyone back. Then, Master grabbed his sword, placed it on his shield, and threw it into the crowd of Tecks. One by one the heads came off and they never split again.”

  Everyone had the same expression of awesomeness.

  “So your master figured it out? Right? But how did he know?” Griff asked.

  “Ah little one. I never know the answer to that question. He just knew what to do,” Jelly answered. “Okay everyone, go back to your supper. I have to eat my food before it gets cold.”

  There were small groans from the crowd, but they all dispersed. Traveler watched as everyone scurried back to his or her table and noticed a half-filled mess hall.

  “Where are the rest of the people?” Traveler asked.

  “Only the trainees in the first years and the instructors eat lunch here at this time of day. The second year and up, eat in a different area. They are called Upgraders,” Jelly said.


  “The first years are always crowded with different people and the king didn’t want the upgraders talking about the training with the first years.”

  “I see, so the training for upgraders is secret”

  “Yes, now be quiet and let me finish my meal.”


  They continued to eat until Traveler heard a loud clatter of plates. He turned around and discovered Clouden hovering over Griff.

  “You know I am tired of getting embarrassed,” Clouden said.

  “I am sorry Clouden, it was an accident. I am just learning like everyone else,” Griff said.

  “Well, sorry is not going to be enough for me,” Clouden said as he grabbed the apple-pie on the table and smashed it on Griff’s head. The entire table of people pointed and laughed. Griff just sat there with a nervous look on his face.

  “Hey why don’t you leave him alone?” Traveler said getting up from his table.

  “Or what? Are you going to stop me?” Clouden said.

  “I might just have to,” Traveler said with a nervous voice.

  “I don’t care what they say about you. I think you are a fraud.”

  “Then, why are you here?”

  “I am just here to work for the king. I hate you Electus. Besides, I know about your so-called “powers.” You don’t have any here. I know they only work in Kapricia.”

  “Why don’t we find out?” Traveler couldn’t believe what came out of his mouth. The adrenaline rush made him say things he never would have dreamed of saying.

  “Okay.” As Clouden said those words, he balled his fist and threw the first punch. Traveler, surprised by the quick attack, did not have time to defend, which resulted in being smacked squarely on the right eye. Traveler still managed to stay upright and the second fist started to come around. However, it stopped within inches of his face.

>   “Windbottom, you are hurting me.” Clouden grimaced in pain as Jelly had a hold of his wrist.

  “How dare you lay your hands on an Electus? You know the rules. You could be thrown in The Confinement of Desolation. I just saved your life.”

  “Windbottom, please let go.”

  “Yes, however you are lucky that I am not going to tell the Magister about this.”

  Clouden grabbed his wrist and walked away. He had this glare as if he was going to plot his next plan.

  “Young Master, are you fine?”

  “Yeah, I am okay. That really hurt.”

  “You’ll be fine the next day. The bruises go away the next day; however, cuts are the thing you have to worry about.”

  “Thanks Jelly, can you clean up Griff?”

  “Sure, Griff come here.”

  Griff came over and Jelly pulled out a green vial and poured it on his head. The green liquid covered his entire body and expanded into a foamy snowman. After a short moment, the foam suds blew away and Griff was clear of the apple-pie mess.

  “Traveler, you didn’t have to do this,” Griff said.

  “It is my job to protect the people, even from the people on the inside. And who knows, maybe you’ll return the favor.”

  They went back to their tables and continued to eat the rest of their dinner.

  Later, Traveler saw Griff walking with his friends and approached him.

  “Hey Griff.”

  “Traveler, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

  “Mmmm, yeah, anyways. I have to ask you a question. I overheard you talking to your friends about Terrorene being trapped in the Kapricia. How do you know this?”

  “I have my sources.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we are not supposed to study about Terrorene until the last year, but my father used to be an advisor to the King. My father was a very wise man who can gather information quickly. He found this hidden section in the second Arcus amongst the forest. They had a great deal of information about Terrorene. He told me that Terrorene was trapped when a specific scripture was written on particular parchment. The Elders created a special kind just for him. I believe it was made with a piece of Terrorene’s cloth embedded in it.”

  “How did they get the cloth from him?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know, he didn’t tell me. Well, they were able to get the cloth and read the scripture. After that, Terrorene is now forever trapped in the Kapricia.”

  “So how does he get back?”

  “Hmm, I believe my father said Terrorene has to first read it himself and then destroy the parchment.”

  “Do you happen to know where it is?”

  “Sorry Traveler, I don’t know. Maybe you should ask the king. He knows everything. On the other hand, I heard about the storyteller. She used to be Terrorene’s advisor and is now living in the Forest of the Unforgotten. A bunch of people often go there and listen to the scary stories of adventures in Codextrius.”