Read Slayer's Awakening (Legends from the Imagination) Page 2

  Chapter 1

  The Past Future, 2008 PE

  It was foolish to think that one person can make a difference. Truly, one person cannot make a difference, but one heart can.

  Griffin Northern stood in the middle of the forest with his eyes closed. Most people knew him as Griff, a bluish elf with passive tendencies, green eyes, and black hair from the Pentune Territory.

  It was hard to concentrate and focus that day. The process of Kala was a lengthy yet dangerous one. When his father did it for the first time, it almost killed him. Every Nepateen had to go through it, but everyone told him that he was too young to attempt the process. However, this world was once peaceful and has now turned into a treacherous haven for greed and resentment. The only way to survive is to grow up quick.

  His Father always said the best way to be one with the forest is to think about the worst moment in your life and let that feeling enrage you. Let it pollute your mind with anger and irritate your veins. When you reach your boiling point, a point you cannot stand anymore, stab this feeling in the heart. This is how you get the forest energy you need to complete Kala.

  Griff closed his eyes and pretended that nothing else existed. Then, large shadowy figures came from behind the tall trees and crept along, leaving black smoky trails. Everything about them screamed dangerous and evil, even the weapons they carried. Each of the shadowy figure grabbed an arrow from their quiver. They loaded their crossbows and took their aim. Once the initial arrow left, the rest them sets off like a chain reaction.

  Griff finally opened his eyes and found the barrage of arrows heading his way. He closed his eyes again and as the arrows gained closer, his body turned into a clear gel. He looked like a huge jiggling display of clear Jell-O. Each arrow struck the gel structure, penetrating deep. Then, a single sonic boom pulsed from the middle, punching each arrow out. As the arrows shot back passing through each shadowy figure, they disappeared into a black mist. However, one figure avoided his early demise by hiding behind a tree. Griff, still in his gel state, finally turned back into his normal self. Still with his eyes closed, he pulled an arrow, grabbed his bow, and shot it with a curving like motion hitting the last shadow behind the tree. The process of Kala was finally finished. He can now defend himself.

  Griff smiled and looked down reaching for the parchment on the ground. He began to read the letter. He found the parchment earlier in the day while searching for food. He knew what it was before he opened it, which prompted his early decision to begin the process of Kala.

  Suddenly, another bluish elf swung down from a tree branch and snatched the letter from his hand.

  “Hey, give that back!” Griff yelled as he chased down his thief.

  The thief released the flexible branch at the perfect moment and somersaulted forward. Griff continued to chase the thief throughout the forest, but the thief was too fast. Frustrated, Griff grabbed his arrow and aimed for the branches at the top of the trees. He tensed up and focused hard. The aim had to be perfect. The released arrow was just able to snap off a branch. He happily watched the branch crashed down on the thief.

  “Okay Kore, give it back,” Griff said as stuck out his hand.

  “You know how lucky you are. It is not everyday people find the invitation to become a Calic,” Kore said as she handed the parchment.

  “I know, that is why I want it back,” Griff said.

  Suddenly, the trees flashed red and then back to their natural green color in an alarming fashion.

  “Kore hide. The Spiters have crossed the border,” Griff said.

  They both ran to a tree and hid in their trunk. They both put their hands on the tree and turned the tree into a liquid state. They were able to walk through the bark as if it was their home. Once inside, the watery bark turned back to normal.

  They crouched down frighten. Two goblin-like brown creatures emerged from the bushes and sniffed the area. They were carrying silver sickles in each hand. As they walked around the area, they breathe deeply as if the black leather armor was too tight.

  “Evkiz, I know there are some here. I can smell them,” A goblin-like creature said.

  “We better hurry Cina. They’ll be here soon,” Evkiz said.

  They walked toward the bushes taking a swipe searching for any hidden body. They knocked on different tree trunks in the area.

  “The flashes are bothering me, can you make that stop?” Cina said.

  “Shut up and keep looking. We don’t have much time. Lord Tristan needs a body to test the orb,” Evkiz said.

  Then Kore sneezed.

  “I found one,” Cina said.

  They ripped off the bark, revealing a frightened Kore.

  “Grab her and let’s go,” Evkiz said.

  As Cina grabbed the elf by the arm and lifted on his shoulder, Griff popped out of his trunk.

  “Let my sister go. You dumb loofs,” Griff yelled.

  “Look at this one. He’ll be perfect for the sacrifice as well,” Evkiz said.

  Evkiz moved closer to grab Griff. Then, Griff took an arrow and shot towards his head. Evkiz was able to grab the arrow before hitting him and threw it back at Griff’s legs. The fast counterattack left Griff on the ground screaming.

  “You didn’t know I could do that did you little one?” Evkiz said.

  Evkiz reached down for Griff and suddenly, an arrow hit him in the arm.

  “I guess you missed that one,” A person with white wings said.

  Evkiz did not seem bothered by the arrow and threw his sickle at the winged person hovering in the air. The sickle flung along passing the winged person, but boomeranged back clipping the leg.

  “The reinforcements are here. We have to move. Leave the big one behind,” Evkiz said. He grabbed the sickle as it returned to him and they both ran away carrying Kore with them.

  “No, stop, bring her back,” Griff said as the goblins disappeared in the forest background. “Damn.”