Read Smitten Page 11

  “Yes,” Ripper replied, lifting her arm so he could clasp it around her wrist. “Nothing but the best for my girl.”

  It took all my willpower not to protest his possessive words.

  “I can’t accept this,” Cami said, finally looking up at him.

  “Why not?” Ripper seemed confused.

  “Because it’s too much, too soon. What does a college girl like me need diamonds for?”

  “You’re over thinking this, Cami. Just accept it as a token of my affection for you.”

  I almost snorted. There was no doubt in my mind he was trying to bribe his way to better things. He expected something in return, and I knew exactly what that something was.

  She glanced briefly from him to me, and I gave her a nearly imperceptible nod to go ahead, hating that she had to accept it to keep our cover. She looked at Ripper and gave him a tight smile. “Okay, thank you. This was very generous of you.”

  He bent and kissed her forehead. “Like I said, nothing’s too good for my girl.” She stood and he hugged her.

  She responded loosely. “I’ve got to run to the restroom real quick,” she said apologetically. “Too much soda.” She gestured to the forty-four ounce drink on the table and left.

  We both watched her walk out of the bay.

  “Damn that chick is fine,” he said appreciatively. “You weren’t kidding about her being nervous. I sure wish I could get her to loosen up a little more.”

  “Still my sister, dude,” I said, pocketing the money he’d given me. “Thanks for this,” I added hoping it would distract him from further comments about Cami.

  “No problem. I think I’ll sell this car you got tonight as-is.” He walked around it, surveying it closely. I’m going to move it into the shop next door, get these plates off it, and start taping it for a new paint color.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be over to help you in a bit. I’m going to find Roberta real quick and let her know I’m here. Here’s the keys.”

  I tossed them to him as I headed across the room. The tow truck engine roared to life behind me, and I hit the button to open the garage door. I waited for him to clear it and then shut it again, making sure to press a button that would open the far bay door for him also.

  He’d be busy for a while now, and I was determined to have a moment alone with Cami.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I opened the door into the bay and felt a hand roughly close around my upper arm. I gasped as Hunter shoved me up against the wall, pinning me there with his body as his lips descended to mine. His mouth assaulted, laced with possessiveness and desperation as his tongue invaded, sweeping inside with delicious abandon. My knees shook, and I fisted his shirt in my hands, trying to pull him closer as I drowned in the sensations he was creating inside me.

  This is dangerous! My brain shouted, reminding that Ripper could walk through the door any second and catch us. The thought quickly left as one of Hunter hands tangled in my hair, and the other drifted down my body. A soft moan escaped from me, and he growled in return, pressing harder.

  “I can’t take this anymore,” he whispered harshly against my lips. “Seeing you in his arms—watching him touch you. It’s driving me insane. I want to rip him apart.” He claimed my mouth again, denying me any chance to reply, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want him to stop—I wanted him to continue his ravishing. My blood pounded in my ears, rushing with both fear and desire as I continued to clutch at him, desperate to keep this connection. Heat streaked through my veins and threatened to melt every part of me . . . I couldn’t get enough.

  “Cami, where are you?” Ripper’s voice floated in from the hall, interrupting the moment, and Hunter released me abruptly, stepping away, his breathing rapid as he stared hotly.

  “You are mine,” he whispered, glancing once over me before he swallowed thickly, then fled the room through the far door that led outside.

  My legs felt like gelatin as I quickly stumbled back to the desk and sat down at the computer, trying to slow my breaths.

  “There you are,” Ripper said, peeking inside with a puzzled look. “Didn’t you hear me calling for you?”

  I shook my head. “No, sorry. I think I’m coming down with a migraine or something. I don’t feel very well.” It wasn’t really a lie. All of this pretending was starting to get to me.

  Ripper’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and he studied me as he walked over.

  I felt my heart rate click a notch higher. Were my lips swollen? Could he tell I’d been kissing Hunter?

  “You do look a bit flushed. Why don’t you go lie down in my room?” He said it casually enough, but there was no way I was going to cross that boundary. I needed to keep as much distance as possible between us. I felt sick every time he touched me.

  “Actually, I think I may go home, if that’s okay with you. I’ll take some medicine and go to bed. I have a lot of homework due tomorrow, so I’ll need to get up early and finish it.”

  Ripper rubbed a hand against my face. “Whatever you need, baby. It’s okay with me. I’ll probably be working on this car for a while anyway. Call me in the morning, okay?”

  “I will,” I promised, standing and grabbing my purse off the desk. Ripper turned my face toward his and placed a kiss against my lips. It was all I could do to not start weeping. I didn’t want to kiss him. I only wanted Hunter. I hated all this faking, but it had to be done. I’d do anything required to keep Hunter safe.

  Quickly, I gathered my books, and Ripper walked me outside. I couldn’t help glancing to the bay next door where Hunter was bent over the dash of the new car. It looked like he was replacing the VIN plate. Ripper scavenged salvage yards to get bogus numbers off other vehicles that might match new models they brought in. He really had thought of everything, and I hated knowing as much as I did about this illegal business. Even though the police were involved, it still made me feel guilty and dirty, as if I were doing something I shouldn’t be.

  “Taking off already, Cami?” Hunter asked, looking at me casually as if nothing had happened between us.

  “Yeah, I have a headache and a ton of homework,” I hoped my voice wasn’t shaking.

  “Feel better,” he replied before turning his attention back to the vehicle.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled as I continue to my car, wishing I could tell him goodbye properly. Ripper opened the door for me, and I slid inside, fumbling to get the keys into the ignition.

  “Call me if you need anything.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I started the car, and he shut the door so I could drive away. I made it through the alley and out to the stop sign on the street before my phone buzzed. I checked it, seeing a text from Hunter.

  I love U.

  I texted him right back.I love U 2. Then I started to cry.

  The old theater felt the same—pretty but sad, as if it were unable to get past its own nightmarish history. I drug my hand across the yellowed wallpaper as I walked down the red-carpeted aisle toward the stage. I paused to stare at it before gingerly walking up the steps.

  The heavy curtains suddenly parted, and I snapped my head around, wondering who was with me. A spotlight suddenly flooded out from the back wall, blinding me, and I lifted my arm to shield myself from it.

  “Who’s there?” I called out, my voice shaking. I could see the silhouette of someone sitting in the audience.

  “Sing, Cami,” a familiar voice said quietly. Strains of music filled the air, but I couldn’t sing. Something wasn’t right. I had to get out of here.

  I ran down the steps and sprinted up the aisle toward the giant doors, eager to escape the shadowed watcher. I reached the doors, frantically twisting the knob, but it wouldn’t budge. Banging my fists against it, I started screaming.

  “Help me, please! Someone help me!”

  Something heavy hit me, knocking me to the floor, and I felt the breath whoosh out of my lungs. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out, and I felt like I was suffocating.<
br />
  Clay’s face suddenly swam into focus as he pinned me to the ground. “What’s the matter, Cami?” he asked, his expression a mask of concern. “Why do you need help?”

  “Get off me!” I ordered as I twisted about beneath him.

  “Why? What wrong?” he asked again. He dipped his head and began kissing my neck.

  “Help me please!” I called out again in a panic, tears leaking from my eyes.

  The thick doors burst open and Hunter rushed inside. Relief poured through me as he dragged Clay away, the two of them fighting desperately over Hunter’s gun. I jumped at the sound of a shot firing. Clay fell to the ground, a pool of blood spreading beneath him.

  “Cami?” Hunter swung around to face me, breathing heavily. “Cami? Are you okay?”

  Relief flooded through me as he ran toward me. Suddenly, another shot rang through the air. Hunter stiffened, a surprised look on his face. Two more shots rang out, and he looked down at the blood pouring from his chest.

  “I’m sorry, Cami,” he said, and the same red fluid started running out his mouth. He fell to his knees, then hit the floor, revealing Ripper holding the smoking gun behind him.

  “Hunter!” I screamed and jerked awake with a gasp. My chest was heaving and tears ran down my face.

  With a trembling hand, I turned the clock on my nightstand. Three A.M. A disgusted sigh escaped as I flopped back onto my pillow, running a hand across my sweaty forehead. My temples throbbed, and I rubbed them, trying to ease the increasing headache.

  “It wasn’t real. It’s okay. It wasn’t real,” I spoke aloud, trying to give myself a comforting pep talk. The nightmares were starting to come more frequently again. I wasn’t sure what to do about them, but they were definitely tied to Hunter being on this case. I was more than ready for it to be over and done with. While I was happy to see him and spend time where he was, things were getting stressful, to say the least.

  I did not like Ripper. Despite his good looks, every time he touched me, my skin crawled. It was getting harder and harder to keep acting interested. I knew exactly how Hunter felt, because I felt the same way about watching him with Roberta. She might be his contact, but she was totally into Hunter, that much was plain. I wondered if he was aware of it too, since it seemed impossible to miss.

  I needed something to drink. I got up, put on my slippers, and grabbed my water bottle to fill at the fountain in the hall. Everything was blissfully quiet, though there was some light shining out from under a couple of doors. I wondered if anyone else was plagued with bad dreams too, or if they were simply having late night cramming sessions. I kind of wished I had another girlfriend here, someone I could share my concerns with whenever I needed. I’d been too busy with everything else going on to really make any friends.

  I reentered my room and stared at my phone, tempted to call Hunter simply to hear his voice. I wanted to make sure he was okay, but I didn’t know if he’d be with Roberta. I picked it up and dialed another number instead.

  “Cami? Is everything okay?” Russ’s sleepy voice answered.

  “I’m fine. Sorry to bother you. I keep having nightmares, and I can’t sleep.”

  “You aren’t bothering me. I told you to call me whenever you needed. Talk to me.”

  “I keep dreaming about bad things happening to Hunter. I know he’ll do his best to stay safe, but I still worry. These people are criminals, and he’s with them all the time. I can’t even go see him at night because he spends most of his time sleeping at Roberta’s.”

  “That’s rough, I’m sure,” he replied sympathetically, still sounding kind of out of it. “How about I come get you? We’ll find an all-night restaurant somewhere and have a milkshake or something.”

  “That sounds marvelous, but I don’t want to drag you out on my account.”

  “No worries, really. I’ve been craving a shake for two days. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Can you be ready?”

  “Yeah, I’ll meet you outside.” I ended the call and glanced down at the t-shirt and shorts I’d fallen asleep in. They were good enough to wear to a diner, so I quickly rubbed the mascara out from under my eyes, ran a brush through my hair, and pulled it back into a ponytail. Grabbing my purse, I popped a breath mint into my mouth before heading to the lobby.

  Staring out the glass doors, I waited until Russ pulled up in his new pickup, which had been a graduation present from his parents. He was quite proud of it. I hurried out the door and he leaned to open the passenger side for me.

  “Hey, buddy,” I said as I jumped inside.

  “Hey yourself,” he replied with a wink as he put the truck in gear and backed out of the parking space. “Sorry I was a little longer than fifteen minutes. I had to do my hair.”

  I snickered as I stared at the ball cap he was wearing. “Did you now?”

  “No. That’s code for I couldn’t find my hat.”

  “Ah, I see. You are like the best friend in the whole universe right now. You know that, don’t you?” I smiled widely at him.

  “Yeah, that’s me. I’m always out rescuing chicks from nightmares in the middle of the night.” He laughed and I joined in. “Why didn’t you call Hunter?”

  I sighed and leaned my head against the back of the seat. “He’s been under so much pressure lately I didn’t want to worry him anymore. Plus he’s all the way across town. I know he’d feel obligated to jump in his car and drive here to check on me. He’s been spending the nights with Roberta, too, so I figured it would probably upset her if he went running off to me. I guess I didn’t want to rock the boat any more than it already is.”

  He glanced at me with concern. “It must be tough for you to watch him with her all the time.”

  “You have no idea. She’s stuck on him like glue—at least she is whenever I’m around. It drives me nuts.”

  “Does she know you’re his real life girlfriend?”

  I shook my head. “No. I think Hunter told her I’m someone he works with. He didn’t want her to know for some reason.”

  “That makes sense. I think he wants to keep as much of his personal life to himself as he can. If things went badly, he wouldn’t want anyone looking for you to get to him.”

  “Well, all I know is that it stinks not being able to tell people we’re together. I swear I almost gag every time Ripper lays a hand on me. Between fending him off and watching Roberta and Hunter, I’m almost in a constant state of nausea. And that’s not counting the mountains of homework I have to do.”

  “It’s no wonder you aren’t sleeping well. Your life’s a complete mess. I’d be nervous too. Sounds like this is a perfect time for you to go out and do something normal.”

  “I agree. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied as he pulled into the parking lot of a nearby Denny’s. We went inside and a waitress greeted us and led us to a booth. There were a couple other tables with college kids there too.

  “What can I get you to drink tonight?” she asked as she handed us menus.

  “Actually, we don’t need menus. We just want to get some shakes,” Russ spoke up.

  “Okay, that’s fine.” She pulled out her order pad. “What would you like?”

  Russ gestured for me to go first.

  “I’ll take a strawberry,” I said.

  “And I’d like two shakes,” he added. “One vanilla, one chocolate.”

  “No problem,” she said with a smile. “I’ll get those right out to you.”

  “Thirsty?” I asked with a grin after she left.

  He shrugged and smiled. “Sometimes it’s hard to choose.”

  “I’ve been a strawberry girl for as long as I can remember.”

  He shook his head and gave a sly grin. “I like strawberry too. Maybe I should’ve gotten three shakes.”

  I laughed. “You’re going to be up the rest of the night on a sugar high.”

  “It’s Saturday now. No classes. I can sleep all I want—if my roommate cooperates. Some of us weren’t as luck
y as others to get into private rooms.”

  “It’s been nice, but lonely sometimes. You’re welcome to come sleep in my room while I study if you want. It’s the least I can do after you rescued me tonight.”

  “Thanks, but I think you’ll be busy with other plans today.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  “Is this seat taken?” a familiar voice interrupted.

  I turned to see Hunter standing there with a grin, and I gave out a squeal of delight as I jumped up to hug him. “What are you doing here?” I asked, before quickly releasing him and glancing around. “Are you alone? Is it safe to hug you?”

  He chuckled and pulled me back into his arms. “I’m alone, and please hug me all you want. Russ called me and told me you were having a hard night. I decided to come meet you.”

  We sat down in the booth, and the waitress came with our shakes.

  “The chocolate shake was for you!” I said with a laugh, everything making sense now.

  “Yeah, I told Russ to order one for me.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me to him.

  “How long can you stay?” I asked, wishing we could get back to our real lives.

  “I’m yours for the rest of the day.” He leaned over and kissed the top of my head.

  “How’s that possible? What about the case?”

  “Ripper is working at the station today, and Roberta has plans with some of her girlfriends. I’ll shoot them a text later and tell them I’m spending the day with Chris because he’s having a bad day or something. It’ll all work out. What do you say to taking a day trip out of the area together?”

  I knew I was beaming. “I can’t think of anything I’d love more!”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was home. I stared up the sidewalk toward my parent’s house, excited to surprise them this way. Hunter—who insisted Russ come with us—spent most of the drive to Copper City reviewing the aspects of the case before we dropped Russ off at his house.