Read Smitten Page 6

  Chris nodded. “I get it, but when in Rome . . . ,” he let his sentence drift off.

  “I’d rather be in Rome. It’s got to be better than this.”

  “Hang in there, man. It’ll get better, I’m sure.”

  “I’d be fine if I could check in on Cami once in a while. Hell, at this point I’d settle for sitting in a parking lot and watching her walk by. I just want to see her. This no contact thing is killing me.”

  “I know, but you have to remember it’s also protecting her.”

  “I do. That’s the only thing keeping me from breaking the rules.” I sighed. “So, anything new from the department?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, more of the same—continue on with what you’re doing. I guess Randolph was in a fender-bender while he was responding Code 3 to a call. He’s okay, but the whole department had to sit in on a mandatory reteach of the defensive driving course. They made us watch all the videos and take a test on it again. So perk up, you got to miss all that!”

  I chuckled. “That’s something, I guess. Nice of Randolph to put everyone through that.”

  “Yeah, the guys have been ribbing him pretty hard.” He glanced at his watch. “You have any plans tonight?”

  “Yep,” I replied, drawing out the word and glancing at him with an eye roll.

  He laughed. “Let me guess? The club?”

  I made a shooting gesture with my fingers. “Pow! Chris gets a bulls eye. How’d you manage to guess?” I let my hand drop lifelessly to the bed.

  “Cheer up. It could be worse. Besides, weren’t you the one who used to love using your fake ID and hanging out in those places? I clearly recall you telling me about picking up girls there when you were younger.”

  “That’s before I met Cami. There’s no reason to go to a club now unless she’s there, and in case you haven’t noticed, clubbing isn’t really her scene.”

  “So take her with you sometime. You never know, she might like it,” he suggested.

  I shrugged. “Maybe, but I’m not going to be able to find out for a few years. She won’t be twenty-one for a while, and it would probably look bad for me to get her a fake ID since I’m a cop and all.”

  Chris chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, I can see how that might be a problem. I guess that’s what happens when you choose a teenager to be your girlfriend, though.”

  “Spare me the age lecture please. I’ve already given it to myself a billion times, and I come to the same conclusion every time.”

  “Which is what?” he asked.

  “I don’t care how old she is, obviously. She’s the one. Period. End of discussion.”

  Chris sighed. “Well, if there’s one thing I know for certain about you, it’s that you’re bullheaded, and when you make up your mind about something, you’re not very likely to deviate from that course.”

  “Are you saying you don’t approve of my choice?” I could feel the tension knotting in my shoulders as I prepared to defend myself.

  “Not at all. I quite like your choice, honestly. Cami is a beautiful, good girl and way better than any of those other girls you used to amuse yourself with.”

  I chuckled. “So you’re saying she’s too good for me?”

  He laughed. “No, I’m saying it’s about time you started dating someone worthy of you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “You’re my brother-in-law. You have to say things like that.”

  “Don’t delude yourself. I don’t have to say jack to you if I don’t want to.”

  I groaned. “Can you please not use the term Jack around me? I’ve had about all I can handle of the elusive Mr. Ripper.”

  “Jack the Ripper . . . ,” Chris mulled the words over. “He sure seems full of himself. Do you think he has the instincts to match the pseudonym? Was Manny his first victim, or are there others we don’t know about?”

  “All good questions I don’t have the answers to, I’m afraid. So far, the only thing I can accuse him of is drinking and driving. There hasn’t been one word of stealing or selling cars, or chopping parts. All we’ve done is drink beer and talk about women and building custom cars. I’m really not even sure if he trusts me yet. He keeps staring at me and squinting, like he’s trying to see through me or something. It’s a bit nerve wracking to be truthful.”

  “You’ll get it. Keep being yourself—people naturally gravitate toward you.”

  I glanced at the clock and sighed. “Guess I better go get ready. My girlfriend likes to show me off to everyone.”

  “I love that there are guys on the department who’d kill to be in your shoes right now, and you’re grumbling about it. Try to enjoy yourself—hang out, have fun.”

  I gave him a noncommittal grunt and headed for the shower. “I’ll try, but it’s kind of difficult when the girl rubbing herself all over you, isn’t the one you want. I’d happily trade places with you, if you’d like.”

  He raised his hands in surrender. “That’s perfectly okay. You keep your job. I get to see my wife, thank goodness. Besides, I’m way too old for either of your teenage girlfriends.”

  I chuckled and shook my head. “You’re such an ass.”

  He grinned. “It’s a gift.”

  Chapter Eight


  I stared down at the text from an unknown number on my phone.

  I can’t take it anymore. It’s been 3weeks & I might actually die if I don’t get 2 C U. I knew exactly who it was from, and my heart skipped a beat. Was I dreaming of him again? Another text beeped in before I could respond.

  I’m going 2 send U an address & I want you 2 meet me there. It’s an automotive store. Drive my car & park 2 the side of the building. Lift the hood & sit in the car with the door locked.

  Lift the hood? That’s a weird request, I thought. I waited for more.

  Write down the address & then delete these texts. I’m taking a big risk with this.

  The phone buzzed one more time and an address appeared. It was across town and would take me a while to get there. It looked like I was going to miss my class tonight. I’d need to call in.

  Got it.I texted back.It’ll probably take me 30 minutes 2 get there.

  C U soon.

  I waited for a few moments in case he sent anything else, but nothing happened. Quickly looking up the address on my computer, I took a moment to memorize the driving instructions. It was freeway most of the way there, and the automotive store was a couple blocks away from the exit. It would be easy to find.

  My pulse raced as I grabbed the keys and my purse and headed to the car. I was so excited to see him. It felt like it had been ages, although Russ had dutifully filled in for him, checking on me several times a week and in between classes occasionally. I smiled as I remembered the dinner and movie we’d gone to last weekend. I’d teased him about how having me around all the time was going to seriously cramp his style with other girls.

  “What other girls?” he’d replied with a laugh, brushing off my comment.

  Living in a single dorm room, I hadn’t really had the opportunity to become well acquainted with any of the girls at school since I was always at class, studying, or doing my work-study hours in the library. What free time I had, had been spent with Hunter before this, and now Russ. I was happy to have someone to fill the time with.

  The freeway was busy with the evening rush hour traffic. Coming from a small town, I always forgot to take that kind of stuff into account, and I tapped my fingers against the wheel, hoping it wouldn’t slow me down too much.

  In the end, it wasn't too bad—only about 15 minutes later than I said. Parking, I glanced around the lot and realized Hunter wasn’t here. At least, I wasn't sure if he was, since I’d forgotten to ask him what he was driving.

  Getting out, I went to the front of the vehicle, released the hood, and glanced around the parking lot one more time. There was no sign of him, so I got back into the car. It was slightly nerve wracking sitting here alone. From the looks of all the graffiti on the buildi
ngs, this was a much rougher neighborhood than I was used to. Suddenly I recalled Hunter telling me to lock the doors. I quickly pushed the button, feeling safer when the loud click sounded.

  I checked the phone, to see if I'd missed any texts while I was outside, but there was nothing. I couldn't help watching the parking lot behind me through the mirror, trying to catch his arrival. It was pretty dark when a flashy red-and-black Camaro pulled up beside me. There he was in the driver’s seat, and I felt my pulse rate jump into high-speed.

  I quickly climbed out of the car, not even bothering to close the door behind me, running over. Hunter got out to meet me, pushing me back in front of the vehicle where the hood was raised. He glanced around quickly, before hugging me tightly.

  “Man, I've missed you so much,” he said, burying his face into my hair. “I'm sorry to drag you all the way out here, but I couldn't take it any longer.”

  “I miss you too. How much longer do we have to do this?” I wrapped my arms around his waist squeezing him tightly, not wanting to let go. It felt so good to be back in his arms.

  “I don't know—I wish I could tell you, but I won't be able to stay here long.” He released me and stepped away with a longing look in his eyes, before he ducked his head under the hood and started looking at the engine. “Stand over here with me and pretend you're watching.”

  I did as he asked, wondering what was going on.

  “Just in case I was followed here, we need to make this look believable. Do you have your phone on you?”

  “I do,” I replied, pulling it out of my pocket.

  “Great. I need you to send me a text asking for help with your car.”

  “Give me your number again then, I deleted it with your texts.”

  He rattled it off to me, and I quickly added it to my phone contacts.

  “Russ said you’re going by Hunter Wilder again, is that correct?”

  He reached out and jiggled a hose while he studied it. “That's right. It should be easy for you to remember, don't you think?” He glanced over at me and winked casually brushing his hand over mine as he set it down and linked our little fingers together.

  “Yeah, that might be true, but it’ll also make it harder for me later.” I smiled at him.

  “I can see how that might happen, but whatever you do, don't start calling me anything else now.” He gave a short laugh and glanced back down at the engine before straightening. “Come into the store with me.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We’re going to get something to clean your jumper cables. You’re going to be one of those helpless women whose car isn't running right, to find out it was only dirty cables.”

  “Ah, so I'm a stupid damsel in distress.”

  “Yeah something like that.” He laughed. “Sorry.”

  He opened the door for me and we walked into the store toward one of the aisles. I followed and watched while he appeared to study and look at different items. It was so nice to see him in person again. I drank in the sight of him, afraid to blink for fear he’d disappear before my eyes.

  “So what’s been going on with you? Can you tell me anything?”

  “No, not really. This is a dangerous group of people. I don't want you getting involved with them.”

  “You can’t drop things like that in my lap, Hunter, and expect me to be okay with it. Do you know how many sleepless nights I've spent worrying about you, wondering if you were okay, or if you were shot in an alley somewhere? I need a bit more to go on, something that’ll help put my mind at ease.” I crossed my arms as I looked at him intently.

  He gave a short chuckle. “Are you always this demanding?”

  “Only when it comes to you and your safety. I take that very seriously, and after what happened with Clay, I want to make sure there isn't a repeat performance.”

  Hunter glanced around again before grasping my hand and squeezing it slightly. He pulled me around the end of the aisle toward the back of the store, gathered me into his arms, and held me tightly. It felt so good to be there again.

  “Cami, I'm so sorry to put you in this situation. You know if I could change it, I would. In fact, I begged not to be sent on this assignment. There was no one else to go. All you need to know is that I'm doing okay. No one has attempted to harm me, and I don’t plan on giving them any reason to. Chris is involved in this case as well and watching out for me. I know it’s still risky, but I'm doing my best to stay safe. I promise.”

  I hugged him tighter, never wanting to let him go again. “I just miss you. I want you back to myself.”

  He gently kissed the top of my head. “I want that too, Goody. More than you could possibly know.”

  He held me for a few seconds longer before he released me and stepped away, continuing to look over items in the aisle before selecting one. I followed him to the register where he paid for it, and then we went back outside to the car.

  Removing the item from the package, he revealed a round, steel brush of sorts. He proceeded to clean the jumper cables, which didn't appear to be dirty at all, in my opinion.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Keeping up appearances while we talk.” He continued on with his task.

  “Isn't there somewhere we can go to be alone together—away from prying eyes that might be watching?”

  “As much as I would love that, I don't think it's safe. I’d be too tempted to spend all evening with you, and it would raise questions to my whereabouts.” He glanced around. “This location is too far away now as it is, but I didn’t want you anywhere close to these guys.”

  “Where do they think you are?”

  “I'm supposed to be meeting my girlfriend at a club across town right now.” He studied me, clearly waiting for my reaction.

  I couldn’t help my sly smile. “Well, you are meeting your girlfriend.”

  He chuckled. “You know what I mean, Cami. My other girlfriend.”

  “I'm not sure how I feel about you having another girlfriend,” I teased. “I'm not really big on two timing.”

  “Trust me, there is no actual two timing going on.”

  “So, you're saying you got stuck with an ugly girl?” I couldn't help letting a small giggle escape.

  He gave a noncommittal grunt. “Hardly.”

  His reply caught me off guard, and I opened my mouth to question him some more, but a car playing very loud music pulled next to us.

  “Damn,” Hunter said, as he glanced at it. “Whatever you do, follow my lead. He’s probably been watching us this whole time.”

  I knew we were in serious trouble by the way he was acting. This was obviously one of the people he was worried about. A tall Latino guy—near Hunter's height, maybe a couple inches shorter—climbed out of the fancy sports car.

  “Hey there, my man,” he called out in a friendly enough tone, but I noticed he narrowed his eyes, his dark gaze scrutinizing both of us. “What’re you doing way out here?” He walked up beside Hunter and clapped him on the back, squeezing his shoulder. “And who is this sexy little number you have with ya? You know my sister is the jealous type, right? You aren’t cheating on her already, I hope.” He laughed, revealing a set of perfect white teeth that lit up his face, but there was still a rough edge to his demeanor. He pounded Hunter against the back again. “If you are, I may have to break your legs.”

  Hunter laughed too and shook his head, but I certainly didn't see what the joke was. If this guy was serious, then he was a freak.

  “Dude, you know I’d never cheat on Roberta. That girl is a hot mess, and I can't get my fill of her.”

  Hunter didn't look at me at all, and I tried not to feel hurt by his remarks. I knew he was playing a role, but it was still hard to hear him talk about someone else like that. The new arrival checked me out as he sauntered over to my side, and it didn’t escape my notice that Hunter hadn’t made any effort to introduce us. It was obvious he didn’t want this guy anywhere around me.

  I took in
his appearance as well, albeit it was more discreet than how he was observing me. He was good looking and he knew it, short black hair cropped close to his head, dark eyes, perfect skin, and sporting casual, but nice clothing. There was something about him, though, that felt off to me—like he was putting on a show. He lifted his hand and twirled a bit of my hair around one of his fingers. I saw Hunter’s knuckles turn white beside me as he continued to grip the edge of the car.

  “”What are you doing here?” Hunter asked casually. “I thought you were meeting Seth and Nick.”

  “Just out for a drive,” the newcomer replied noncommittally. “What's your name, sugar?” he asked with a wink and a grin.

  “I'm Cami.” I didn't know what else to say. Hunter hadn’t had time to coach me at all. I was totally tongue-tied, feeling a little paralyzed by fear. I was clearly out of my element.

  “Well hi, Cami. I’m Ripper.” He held out his hand, and when I accepted it, he raised it to his lips, placing a light kiss on the back. He didn’t release me either, and I resisted the urge to yank it away and wipe it against my clothing. “How exactly do you know our Hunter over there?”

  “Man, lay off her dude. She's my sister, all right?” Hunter jumped in, saving me from trying to invent a feasible reply. “There's no need to give her the third degree. She was having some car trouble and called me for help.”

  “Sister, really?” He glanced back and forth between us. His gaze narrowed as I gave him a faltering smile, wondering what the heck had possessed Hunter to say such a thing. There was no way we could pretend to have any kind of family resemblance. “What seems to be the problem? Cars happen to be one of my specialties.” He looked away, leaning in to stare at the engine.

  “No problem, just some dirty jumper cables. She wasn't getting a good connection. I cleaned them and she's set to go.” Hunter sounded slightly irritated.

  Ripper chuckled. “That’s women for you—not very mechanically minded.”

  I didn’t appreciate his condescending tone. “Well, I’m glad that’s all it was. I can’t really afford a bunch of repairs right now. Thank you, Hunter.” I could see the tenseness in his eyes. “I better be getting along now.”