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  Rave Reviews for the CRUSH Series!

  “Crush is an unforgettable, stimulating romance that will have you reeling in astonishment when the unthinkable strikes in Cami's world! Which of these characters will come out of this deceitful web carefully designed by this wonderfully talented author, Lacey Weatherford! I give this book my thumbs up!” ~Jessica Johnson, Book End 2 Book End

  “Ms. Weatherford has done what I thought impossible and given us a sequel that is just as enjoyable, if not more enjoyable than the first book. With Smitten, Lacey Weatherford has cemented her place among my favorite authors. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!” ~Melissa Simmons, Girls Heart Books

  “Lacey Weatherford keeps the surprises coming. Just when you think the story ended at SMITTEN, she hits us with a semi truck, POW, with another fantastic and explosive storyline. Makes you fall in #LOVE with the characters all over again!” ~Lisa Markson, The Paranormal Bookworm

  “Dylan and Cami have done it again! They made me laugh, cry, and turned my heart into a puddle of goo! "LOVE" is the best book in this series yet, and I have enjoyed every step of the journey this series took me on!” ~ Christina Racich, Pretty Lil Page Turners

  “You thought you had a #CRUSH. You thought you were #SMITTEN. Prepare your heart for full blown #LOVE as Dylan swoons his way to the top of your book boyfriend list!” ~Belinda Boring, Bestselling Author of the Mystic Wolves Series

  SMOLDER Copyright © 2014 Moonstruck Media

  and Lacey Weatherford

  Edited by Kim Swain, Red Line Editing


  Published by

  Moonstruck Media


  Smashwords Edition

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book is available in both ebook and print formats.


  This book is dedicated to all my readers who’ve loved this series and these characters so much. Thank you for all the support you’ve given me and for allowing me to live my dream.


  A Crush Series Companion Novel


  Lacey Weatherford



  My heart was racing, pounding faster than any other time I could recall in my life. I knew this was it. I was done.

  It really was true—what they said about your life flashing before your eyes right before it was over. Sadly, I realized I had a lot of regrets, unfinished business, things I would’ve liked to try, relationships I would’ve liked to have had, and people I would’ve liked to make amends with.

  But it was too late. The clock had run out for me and this was the end.

  Blood dripped into my eyes, obscuring my vision and I tried furiously to blink it away, but my eyelids were too swollen. The rest of my body was just as useless, restrained and unable to move. Only my head jostled about, under the constant pressure of the gun barrel pressed to my temple.

  “Make your choice or they both die right now!” Derek screamed across the room at my best friend, Dylan. His wife, Cami, lay slumped, unconscious, in the chair beside me, beaten to a pulp.

  My eyes never left Dylan, who was sadly tied to his own chair. Yes, I knew I was going to die. There was only one choice he could make—and it would be me. I wanted him to pick me.

  Derek shoved the gun so hard against my head, I felt like the chair was going to topple over.

  “Russ!” Dylan cried out. “I choose Russ!”

  Even though I knew the verdict was coming, the words still slammed into me like a bullet, marking me for death. The sound of the cocking gun reverberated in my ears and everything around me blurred to slow motion . . . frantic shouting . . . and then a shot fired.

  “No!” I screamed, bolting awake so fast I fell from my bed, sheets twisted around my nearly naked form—my chest heaving as I pressed my face against the cool, newly refinished wood floors. The light scent of the wood stain filled my nostrils as I slowly became aware of my surroundings. I was in my own apartment, on the third floor of the gigantic plantation-style house I shared with Cami and Dylan.

  I’m okay. I’m alive. Cami and Dylan are safe. I repeated the mantra over and over in my head until I finally started believing it again.

  The nightmares were growing worse, coming more frequently, and lasting longer. Apparently my short stint in counseling hadn’t helped much.

  Glancing through the darkened room toward the doorway, I held my breath, anticipating the sound of footsteps running to check on me. But no one came, and I released a sigh of relief.

  Dylan and Cami could never know I was suffering. They already felt guilty enough about everything that had happened with Derek. I couldn’t stand seeing the pain in Dylan’s eyes every time he looked at me, knowing he blamed himself for everything that happened.

  No. He was not to blame—something I continually tried to tell him. He’d made the right choice when he chose to save Cami. We’d all been innocent victims of the horrible circumstances.

  These nightmares were mine to carry alone. No one could know my secret.

  Chapter One


  “Is it safe?” I knocked on the doorframe, leaning my head around quickly to peek into the kitchen, spying Cami cooking as Dylan set the table for breakfast.

  Dylan shook his head. “Has it ever not been safe?” he asked. “Name one time you’ve walked in here and found us going at it on the counter.”

  “Hmmm,” I grumbled, entering the space. “There’s always a first time. A guy can never be too careful in this house.”

  “Whatever.” Cami laughed, rubbing a hand over her swollen baby belly as she continued to scramble eggs. “We aren’t that bad.”

  “Then why am I wasting all my money soundproofing the third floor of this monstrous place?”

  “Maybe it’s to protect us from hearing you?” she replied, hitting much closer to the truth than she could possibly imagine. I definitely wanted to keep my nightmares hidden from them.

  Rolling my eyes, I sat at the table. “Yeah, that must be it, because my love life is so over the top.” That was exactly what I needed—to bring a girl over and let her wake to me screaming at the top of my lungs. Not exactly the impression I wanted to make on the ladies. “I promise you, any squeaky bedsprings you’re hearing is just me rolling over in that ancient bed up there. I’m fairly certain it’s original to the house.”

  “So, maybe you’re in bed with some ghost and don’t even know it?” Dylan teased.

  “Well, then I hope they’re hot ghosts. At least that’ll give me something nice to look at, since they obviously aren’t putting out.”

  “Poor Russ,” Cami said, coming over to dish some food onto my plate. “He can’t seem to find a girl he likes.”

  Grabbing her, I pulled her onto my lap and she squealed as I kissed her on the cheek. “That’s because Dylan stole the only girl worth having. You’ve ruined me on all other women, Cami.”

  Dylan chuckled and Cami squirmed her way back to her feet.

  “Whatever,” she said. ?
??I look like a barn right now . . . which is appropriate because I’m pretty sure I’m giving birth to a small calf, judging from the size of my stomach.”

  “And you never looked prettier,” Dylan said, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her.

  I was used to it by now; and I should’ve been immune to their constant touching and making out, but I wasn’t. Seeing their love in action made me want a relationship like that of my own. But, for whatever reason, it seemed the moment I made that decision, all the women in my life just disappeared. Of course, most of the ladies I’d been entertaining myself with up to this point weren’t really long-term relationship material. They were out playing just as much as I was—not that there was anything wrong with that.

  The more I was around Cami and Dylan, though, the more the idea of one special someone appealed to me. Their love was unbreakable, constant, and neither of them ever questioned the depth of the other’s feelings. I’d never seen two people who were better suited to each other.

  Yes, I was completely and totally envious.

  “So, what’s the plan for today?” Cami asked, glancing between Dylan and me.

  “Lots of barbecuing and lake time,” Dylan replied with a grin.

  “I can’t wait to sink my teeth into a large juicy steak,” I said, my mouth watering in agreement. “I think this is a nice tradition the department has.”

  “I’m looking forward to the Fireman’s Annual City Barbeque, too,” Cami replied. “Well, at least the food. I doubt I will get much lake-time. I couldn’t find a suit I liked in whale size.”

  “Just wear a bikini—problem solved,” I said, eyeing her as she sat down at the table, laughing as she gaped at me.

  “What?” I asked, loving the horrified expression on her face.

  “You want me to just let this belly hang out there?”

  “I think it sounds great,” Dylan said, winking at me as he joined the discussion.

  “You do?” Glancing incredulously between us, her mouth hanging open.

  “Better shut that trap or you’re gonna get flies,” I said, picking up a plate of sausage and dishing some for myself, before passing it on to her.

  Cami continued to stare at Dylan. “Are you serious or are you two teasing me, again? I never can tell.”

  “I’m completely serious,” Dylan said, eyeing her stomach. “You look great and I don’t think you’ve put on an ounce of weight that isn’t baby related. Your body is as rockin’ as ever. Your breasts are a little bigger, but that’s totally normal and I kinda like it.”

  “I’m still here,” I muttered, taking another bite of food. I loved Cami, and I agreed with Dylan’s assessment just fine—the extra fullness enhanced her figure and Cami was smokin’ hot, but I definitely did not need to hear the list of her assets described in detail. No siree!

  Cami had the decency to glance at me apologetically. Dylan apparently didn’t care, as usual.

  “Your body is gorgeous and you should definitely flaunt it,” he continued. “I know women who aren’t pregnant who’d kill for your figure. Besides, showing that belly makes me look good, too.” He winked at her and she blushed.

  “Oh, yeah,” I said with a groan. “Don’t forget to pump his ego, Cami. You’re doing all the hard work, but be sure to let everyone know Dylan’s dick was involved. Maybe you should buy her a shirt that says that, dude.”

  Cami choked, sputtering as she reached for her orange juice, taking several giant gulps as Dylan patted her absently on the back.

  “Quit trying to kill my wife, would you?” He grinned.

  “Only finishing up what you started. Besides, it’s pretty obvious who’s been . . . abusing . . . her lately.”

  “Believe me, it’s not abuse,” Cami whispered, her face flushing a deep shade of red and I chuckled.

  “I’ll take your word for it.” I replied, digging in for another bite.

  “Trust me, Russ,” Dylan said. “Someday you’re gonna meet someone and all of a sudden, this,” he gestured between Cami and himself, “is going to make perfect sense.”

  Eyeing them both, I continued to chew my food. I wasn’t sure anything like that would ever happen for me . . . even though I wanted it to. The fact of the matter was that Cami had pretty much ruined me on all other girls. Secretly, I’d been a little bit in love with her since high school—like most of the male student body had been. We’d all simply viewed her as out of our league. Then Hunter, a.k.a. Dylan, the undercover cop, had swept in and claimed her for his own. He was perfect for her, and she for him, each complimenting the other so strongly.

  Regardless of some of the terrible things we’d endured together, I felt privileged to have them both as my very best friends. Still, there was a tiny jealous part of me that craved what the two of them had for myself.

  Swallowing, I replied to Dylan’s comment. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “It’ll happen,” he replied, capturing Cami’s hand and squeezing it lightly. “Most likely when you least expect it.”


  “How’s lifeguard duty going?” Cami asked, waddling up beside me, holding onto her straw hat that was blowing lightly in the breeze. My gaze traveled over her sundress before I gazed back out at the people playing in the lake.

  “So far so good. I’m glad I picked up more hours. A little extra money for my renovations never hurts,” I replied, shuffling my stance. “Decided against the bikini?”

  Giggling, she scrunched her nose. “No. I’m wearing it underneath this. Believe it or not, it actually kinda fits.”

  “So, why are you hiding it?” I teased.

  She glared up at me with one eye. “You know why.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Chicken.”


  “It’s just as well, I guess. I don’t need Dylan rushing over here to try and peel it off of you in front of all these innocent children.”

  Cami snorted. “He’s over at the grill, barbecuing, so I think everyone is safe.”

  “We’re never safe when Dylan is playing with his meat.”

  Gasping, she lightly slapped my shoulder. “You are so bad.”

  I chuckled. “You know it’s the truth. There should be a public alert on the two of you. ‘Warning: Avert eyes or be subjected to extreme displays of affection,’ or something like that.”

  “We aren’t that bad. Besides, you’re just jealous.”

  I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and squeezed lightly. “That I am, Cami. That I am.” I was man enough to admit it.

  “Don’t be. You’re a catch Russ. Someday, soon, you’ll be the one making all of us green with envy.”

  “Not likely, but I love you even more for thinking so.”

  She slipped her arm around my waist. “I love you too, Russ. And I will always think so. You’ll never make me think different. Especially after all you’ve done for me in the past.” She was getting awfully close to touching upon that elephant in the room. Tightening her embrace, she stared at me for a moment.

  “I know what you mean,” I said, looking back at her, not wanting to continue the direction this subject was heading. “I’d do anything for you and Dylan.”

  “You’ve already proven that,” she said softly.

  A loud squeal interrupted us and I jerked my head in that direction—instantly on alert for any danger but it was just two teenagers wrestling around in the water a few feet away.

  “I better go keep an eye on these guys,” I said, releasing her. “I’ll talk to you, later.”

  “I’ll bring you some lunch as soon as it’s ready,” she called after me. “Dylan and I will come eat with you.”

  “Sounds good.”


  “Yep, I still got it,” Dylan said, groaning as he bit into his steak.

  “Props, dude. I agree. You are the grill master.” Taking a bite, I savored the perfectly cooked rib-eye steak. It practically melted in my mouth.

  “You didn’t have to wait for me,”
Dylan said, cutting another piece.

  I shrugged. “Someone had to keep an eye on the swimmers during lunch. Figured it might as well be me and I’d just eat when you were available.” I took another bite and groaned. “It was worth the wait.”

  “You two sound like a porno with all that moaning and groaning going on,” Cami joked.

  Arching a brow I stared at her. “Been watching a lot of those lately, have you?”

  Blushing a deep shade of red, she slapped me, playfully. “No! You know I wouldn’t do that.”

  “You probably don’t have time, since Dylan keeps you pretty occupied with living your own.”

  Dylan chuckled and stared lovingly at Cami and her skin flushed even more, her eyes wide in disbelief at the topic of conversation.

  “What?” I said, gesturing to her stomach. “It’s not like you can deny it. The proof is right there staring me in the face.”

  “I . . . it’s . . . ,” she stuttered. “It’s not porn.” Picking up her plastic cup, she glanced away and took a swallow.

  “It’s better than porn,” Dylan whispered loudly and Cami choked, spraying Kool-aid across the table and splattering me.

  Stunned, I glanced down and started laughing. “Okay. I guess I deserved that. Thank goodness I’m not wearing a shirt.”

  “Yeah.” Dylan elbowed Cami and nodded at me. “You know he only volunteered for lifeguard duty so he’d have an excuse to go shirtless in front of all these women, today.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. I’m on duty and I’m the best swimmer in the department—you know that.”

  “Hmm,” Dylan replied with a grunt, continuing to eat.

  “Well, all that working out he’s been doing with you has paid off in a big way.” Cami smiled. “I’m sure I’m not the only woman who’s noticed all those rippling abs.”

  “Hey now,” Dylan chastised. “I’m going to get jealous if you keep talking about Russ like that.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re still my favorite.” She grinned at him as he leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips.