Read Smolder Page 18

  Dylan appeared to ponder this for a second. “Hmmm. Just promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If you decide to take your relationship with Misty to the next level, make sure you’re doing it because you have feelings for her, not because you’re using her to erase another girl you have feelings for. She deserves better than that.”

  “I agree completely,” I replied, having already thought that myself. “I don’t want Misty getting hurt either. I really like her.”

  “Good, then promise me I’m not going to need to clean any surfaces in my kitchen in the near future.”

  I laughed. “That was totally an accident.”

  “You don’t accidentally slip and fall into a woman’s vagina, Russ. I’m pretty sure it was intentional sex.”

  Chuckling, I shook my head. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do.” Punching me lightly against the shoulder, he stood and pointed at me. “I’m serious, though. Any sexy stuff going on between you and whoever needs to be happening in your part of the house—with the door closed.” Turning he walked into the other room. “Oh, and with a new bed, too,” he hollered, his words carrying through the station.

  “Already ordered,” I called back to him. “It delivers this week.”

  “Good. I’m glad we won’t have to put up with any more of those squeaking springs. What the hell took it so long?”

  “I had it custom made—from the Amish—in Pennsylvania.”

  Dylan reappeared, gaping at me. “Seriously?” he asked and I nodded. “Well, they sure took their damn time. I’m happy to hear it’s coming.”

  No happier than I was. I was tired of sleeping on the damn couch and I needed to get everything that reminded me of Evie out of my head. She’d clearly moved on, proving that she hadn’t ever considered our relationship as deeply as I had. Now it was time for me to move on, too. Only this time, I was going slowly. There was no way I was jumping into bed any time soon with Misty. I wanted time for the relationship to build naturally, and reduce the risk of someone getting hurt. Maybe I should ask her if she had any missing boyfriends she was longing for, just to be safe.

  Yes, this time was different. Slow was the key.


  “Shit! Holy hell! Yesss!” I dragged the word out long and loud. “Dammit, Misty. You’re killing me! Yes! Yes! Right there!” I closed my eyes, complete ecstasy flooding my body at the mere touch of her hands. “Holy cow, how you ended up as a secretary with hands like these, I’ll never know. This is the best massage I’ve ever had. I swear I’ve had a knot right there for months!”

  “Oh, you know this because you get massages a lot, do you?” she teased, working her fingers into the tightened muscles of my shoulders as I lay on her table.

  “Not a lot, and definitely not this good. You’re like a magician with those hands.”

  “Well, you better keep it down a little, or Cami and Dylan are going to think I’m up here giving you the happy finish. I swear, I’m blushing with all the hollering and groaning you’ve been doing during this.”

  Of course, me being a guy and all, her words immediately inflamed other parts of me. Rolling over, I stared at her, the sheet tucked around my waist hiding nothing. “Just so you know, I’d be okay with the happy finish in the future if you ever feel the need. I’m all for helping you stay up on any necessary skills.” I raised an eyebrow in invitation.

  Her eyes trailed a path over me, resting on the sheet and staring at it like there was a potential bomb underneath it that was ready to explode . . . which, really, there was.

  Laughing, she shook her head at me. “What happened to wanting to take things slow?”

  I sighed, throwing an arm over my eyes. “If we go any slower we will be at a standstill.”

  Giving a slight laugh, she nodded. “This is true.”

  “How many dates have we been on now?” I asked, trying to count up the last several weeks we’d been seeing each other.

  “I’ve lost count, but they were all good.”

  “Yes, they were,” I agreed. And truthfully, I’d wanted to sleep with her after each and every one; but I’d managed to keep waiting. Only now, I didn’t know what we were waiting for.

  It was obvious we were great friends, and it was obvious the attraction burned hot between us. It was also obvious that Evie wasn’t going to be changing her mind. I’d seen her out and about with Kory a couple of times, and the two of them stuck to each other like glue. Thankfully, I’d seen them before they saw me, so I was able to ditch away. I didn’t think anything would be changing on that front.

  It was crazy how much all our lives had changed since Evie’s near drowning. I often wondered if Misty was the one I was meant to have met through all this. There was never any guessing with her. She seemed totally, one hundred percent, into me. I didn’t ever have to wonder about things with her or beg her to give me a chance while she mourned for someone else.

  I liked all that. It said a lot. Somewhere in my head I realized that if Evie came right now and asked for me back, I’d have a hard time letting go of Misty. I was falling for her, and that had never been my intention to begin with. It had just sort of snuck up on us. At least I hoped there was an “us.” Misty had never pressed me for anything more than friendship.

  “Think this table will hold us both?” I asked, teasing her as I ripped the sheet away and dropped it to the floor. “It would give me a better, complete assessment of your massage skills.”

  She laughed, shaking her head, blushing heavily at my obvious lack of clothing. “I bet. You know, if I was licensed still, I’d lose my certification for this.”

  “Good thing you aren’t still licensed. Besides, we can just list this under the sensual massage category, can’t we?” Grabbing her bottle of oil, I lubed up my hands. “Take your shirt off and get on the table. I need to massage some things on you.”

  She laughed harder. “I’m going to get into so much trouble with you, aren’t I?”

  “Most likely. But I swear it will all be fun trouble. How’s that?”

  “Sounds great to me.”

  I watched greedily as she removed her clothing and crawled onto the table face down. Yeah, her body was just as I thought, rockin’ awesome. Not an ounce of fat, but curvy in all the right places.

  I knew nothing about giving a massage, so I simply started running my hands over her, rubbing the oily concoction into her skin.

  “Mmmmm. That feels so good.”

  “Keep moaning like that and you’re going to get the happy finish before you get the rest of your massage.”

  She laughed. “Maybe we should just get that out of the way now, so we don’t have to worry about it later.”

  She was teasing me, but I was all for the plan. I liked Misty, a lot. And while we were great friends, I was more than willing to see where a friends-with-benefits relationship would take us. Maybe it would work out, maybe it wouldn’t; but the two of us could have fun while we tried to figure things out along the way.

  “I’m in total agreement with this assessment.”

  Laughing again, she shook her head, rolling on her side and propping her head up as she stared at me. “I can’t ever tell when you’re just messing with me, Russ, or if you’re serious.”

  Staring at her for a moment, I decided to take the open opportunity. I slid my oily hands to either side of her head and bent to kiss her—deeply. Sparks rushed through me when she slipped an arm loosely around my neck, a low moan escaping her. Pulling back slightly, my eyes briefly fell to her lips before moving back to her beautiful eyes. “Any questions?” I asked. “Or do you require more demonstrations?”

  “I think I got the message.” She smiled seductively. “Should I scoot over?”

  “Nah. It just so happens I have this really great new bed. I think we might fit better on it.”

  “Wow, I actually get to touch the new bed? Look at how special I am.”

  “Hey, I let you help me g
et it all put together.”

  “And then you refused to let me lay on it,” she reminded me.

  “I wanted to lay on it first,” I replied, laughing. “Besides, I was tired and seeing you laying on my bed would’ve required me to take things to the next level.”

  “Hmm. I have a hard time believing that,” she replied with a smirk.

  “It’s part of the unspoken guy code. If you have a hot girl on your bed you have to do her.” I grinned, winking at her.

  “And what is the guy code if your girl is on a massage table?”

  I allowed my gaze to move over her from head to toe. “Then you definitely get the happy finish.”

  “Do me a favor?” she asked, laughing.


  “Don’t ever become a licensed massage therapist. You’d end up in jail quicker than you can imagine with this kind of talk.”

  “This kind of talk is only reserved for my ‘special’ clients.”

  “So I’m special?” There was laughter in her voice, but a hint of seriousness in her eyes.

  “At the moment you are my only ‘special’ client.” Reaching out, I began rubbing my oily hands over her exposed chest.

  “Why is it I think this would be the most massaged area on my body if you were my masseuse?”

  I shook my head. “Honestly, I have no clue, because I can think of something I’d much rather massage on you. It happens to be my ‘specialty’ for my ‘special’ customers.”

  “And what ‘specialty’ is that?” she asked, her eyelids growing heavier and her voice huskier.

  “It’s a special internal massage. It really gets the blood pumping through all parts of the body. It causes the body to tense from the friction and then literally explode with release. It’s one of the best stress relievers out there. You really should try it.”

  Biting at her grin, Misty stared at me with smoky eyes. “And are you licensed to practice? I want to know I’m getting the very best treatment.”

  “All I can give you is my 100% satisfaction guarantee. I’ve never had any complaints yet. Only rave reviews.”

  “Well, then it looks like I’ve come to the right guy.”

  I shook my head. “Not yet, but you will really soon, I promise.” She laughed at my joke, shaking her head. Scooping her off her massage table, I carried her to my room and practically tossed her among the pillows. Her laughter echoed through the space and thankfully, the huge bed didn’t even make the tiniest squeak.

  Quickly, I climbed on next to her, staring down at her pretty features. “You sure about this?” I asked seriously. “We’re about to cross a line right here. I want to make sure you’re comfortable with it because I don’t want things to get weird for us later.”

  “I’m completely comfortable,” she replied, slipping her hands around my neck and pulling me closer. “If you want the truth, I’ve been wondering what was taking you so damn long.”

  I grinned. “Things have been a little harried. I promised Dylan I wouldn’t rush into anything new.”

  “He’s a good friend. I love that you have him and Cami in your life.”

  “And Piper. Don’t forget her. I claim that kid as my own.”

  She giggled. “So I’ve noticed. I think you’ll make a great dad someday.”

  “Not right now though,” I interjected. “Right now, I need to keep practicing my baby making skills so I get it just right when it’s time.”

  She totally snorted and grinned. “Is that what you’re calling it?”

  “I am. And since I hate to fail any kind of testing, I say we get onto the practicing right away.”

  “I’m ready. What’s the hold up?” Leaning forward, she captured my lips, her soft hands running down my body eagerly.

  Yep, I was definitely feeling very happy right now.

  In fact, I intended to get my happy finish many times tonight.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Have a seat, here, and we’ll go over your chart, together,” Dr. Emily Daughtry said, gesturing to one of the chairs in front of her desk.

  Sitting, I folded my hands primly in my lap, waiting for her to speak, though I was pretty sure what she was going to say.

  “First, I want to offer you my congratulations. You’re pregnant!”

  I attempted to muster a smile, but had no way of knowing if I actually pulled it off.

  “Judging from the date of your last period,” she continued. “I’d say you’re around eight weeks’ gestation.”

  Eight weeks. Eight weeks. Eight Weeks? The words reverberated over and over in my head. This was Russ’ baby, for sure. I didn’t even know Kory was still alive eight weeks ago.

  “The rest of your lab work looks good; so unless you have any more questions for me, I say we get scheduled for your next appointment in a month. Does that sound good?”

  “Huh?” I was still lost on the eight weeks and what this particular baby would mean to my life right now. I’d been so caught up with everything else, I hadn’t been paying attention to my body.

  “Shall I schedule you for a month from now?” she asked, again.

  “Actually, could you give me some information on abortion?” My voice was shaking, but I couldn’t make it stop. “I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep this baby.”

  Settling back into her chair, the doctor stared at me. “I can definitely give you a referral to an abortion clinic, but I like to talk to my patients a little bit before I send them there. Abortion is a big decision—one that will affect you emotionally for the rest of your life; so you need to make sure you don’t rush into anything you might regret, later. Also, if I may ask, is there a particular reason you’re leaning this direction? Remember, everything you say here is confidential.”

  I gave a wry laugh. “My life is so screwed up right now, I don’t even know how to process this latest development.”

  “I’ve seen a little about you in the news lately. I understand you were rescued from a near drowning and you had a previously presumed dead fiancé return from overseas. Is that correct?”

  I nodded.

  “And you don’t feel he’s ready for a baby yet? I know life has probably been pretty traumatic for him.”

  “It’s not that,” I said quickly, seeing she was heading in the wrong direction. Sighing heavily, I looked her straight in the eye. “The baby isn’t his.”

  Those words put such finality on my situation.

  “Oh. I see. Yes, that does complicate things.”

  I hated that she thought I was some cheating tramp. “Even though I thought Kory was dead, I still waited for him—mourned him every day. That day—when I was rescued—well, the firefighter that rescued me, he and I kind of started a relationship. But when Kory came home, I chose him. He was still my fiancé as far as he was concerned and he lived with me. What else could I do? He needed me.”

  “So, you broke things off with the firefighter, not knowing you’d conceived a child with him?”

  I nodded, dipping my head into my hand as a sob escaped me. “What am I going to do?”

  “Well, if your relationship is over with the firefighter, and you’re in a committed relationship with this other man, maybe abortion is the best option for you.”

  “I just . . . I can’t . . . I don’t know . . . .” I stared at her through my blurry water-filled eyes. “I’m still in love with him. I never stopped loving him—the firefighter, that is. I don’t know if I can abort his baby. It’s a piece of both of us.” Several hysterical sobs escaped me. “I love Kory, too, though. How can I help him through everything and ask him to raise another man’s child? He has so much on his plate right now.”

  “Sounds like you have a lot of things to consider,” she said sympathetically. “Tell you what, I’m going to give you several brochures. I have some on abortion and adoption, as well on how to deal with a pregnancy that has occurred outside the bounds of a relationship. Maybe that will help you know what direction to go.”<
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  “Okay,” I said, feeling like a steamroller had just hit me. I needed all the help I could get. While I didn’t necessarily cheat on Kory—I mean he was dead after all—it still felt like I did.

  And Russ. How the hell do I tell Russ? I’d broke off with him fairly harshly, thinking that stopping cold turkey would be the best way for us. Now I was pregnant with his child. I couldn’t go back to him—he was with Misty now. Besides, if the two of us ever got together, I wanted it to be because we loved each other, not because we goofed and I got knocked up.

  I really wasn’t sure how Kory would take this news either. We’d both sort of taken for granted that we would move on with our future together . . . at least I did. We’d never actually sat down and really discussed it in depth. I’d assumed he returned to his old life because that’s what he wanted. It’s what I would do.

  Everything was moving in a hazy dream-like status right now. I took the offered pamphlets Dr. Daughtry handed me, shoving them into my purse. I promised to call her if I needed to talk to her about anything, and she even gave me her after-hours number.

  I didn’t remember the walk to my car, but once I slipped inside, I leaned over the steering wheel and let the water works loose.

  Russ and I were having a baby—maybe. I was terrified, heartsick, overwhelmed. I had no idea what this revelation would do to my future. And I didn’t know if I had the guts to get an abortion. I couldn’t just put the baby up for adoption either. Russ would have to sign away those rights, as well. I knew there were lots of families out there that wanted babies and couldn’t have them.

  Of course, that was my problem. I wanted this baby, too. But I didn’t see any way I could keep it and keep Kory, unless he was willing to raise another man’s child. If he broke up with me, there was no way in hell I was running back to Russ. I’d put him through enough already. I wasn’t going to have him thinking he was merely my second choice. My feelings for him weren’t like that.

  I adored Russ. I was crazy about Russ. Walking away from him was the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life, but I’d made a previous commitment to Kory, and I always honored my commitments.