Read So Many Boys Page 3

  For the love of unicorns! This was quite a mess—one that I’d have to rein in.

  It was time for some serious sherlocking.


  9:00 P.M., SEPTEMBER 13

  The operative glanced toward her rearview mirror and slicked on a deadly shade of Midnight Red lipstick. A serious mission like this required serious color. Tate Donovan had appeared on the Naughty List, but his accomplice was unnamed. And even though Tate was single, the addition of his name meant that the accomplice was not. The anonymous texts were really coming in fast now that SOS had been restarted.

  The operative smoothed her lips together and smiled. This would be easy. Tate was idling just a few cars away in his black Ford F-250, waiting for his order at the McDonald’s drive-through window. He had someone in the passenger seat—a girl—but the thick tint of his windows obscured her face.

  As the truck pulled away from the window, immediately heading for the exit, the operative swung her car out of line to follow him into the street. Damn it. She really wanted some french fries.

  She stayed far enough back to keep her face hidden from view in his mirror. After a few turns, the operative realized that Tate wasn’t heading to his home in the exclusive Redmond Hills. She narrowed her eyes and pressed on the accelerator. The operative was glad to see that this cheat was going according to plan. She’d beat Tessa’s record yet.

  Minutes later, they arrived in a downtown neighborhood. One with small, wood-paneled homes tucked close to one another. The yards were unkempt, overgrown with weeds. Tate’s truck slowed and eventually stopped in front of a green, one-story house. He cut his engine.

  The operative clicked off her lights and turned into a driveway several houses down from the suspect’s vehicle. Quickly she snapped her zoom lens on her camera. She rolled down the window just an inch and pointed the slim viewfinder at the truck, eager to catch the accomplice’s identity.

  She could see only a vague silhouette as the couple turned to face each other. The operative held her breath, her adrenaline pumping at the thought of the impending cheat. It would be her first catch. Stupid tinted windows.

  Every so often, the operative could make out Tate’s arm as he reached out for the girl, but the girl pushed it away several times. The operative pulled back from the camera, confused.

  Just then, the driver’s door opened and Tate stepped out. He looked nice. His chin-length, chestnut hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he was wearing jeans and a pale pink sweater with a colored shirt underneath. The operative smiled at this. Only a really secure guy wore pink.

  When he reached the passenger door, Tate glanced over one shoulder. The operative quickly dodged down, unsure whether she’d been spotted. She all of a sudden wished she’d parked farther away. Shit. She would need to be more careful.

  Slowly she poked her head up just enough to catch a glimpse of Tate closing the passenger door, his arm draped protectively across the back of a female with a short brown bob. They had already begun walking toward the house when Tate leaned down to kiss the top of her head tenderly.

  The operative felt a little flutter in her stomach. Did cheaters have hearts? She dismissed the thought and lifted her camera to zoom in, tense with the need to capture the girl’s face on film.

  “Move,” the operative muttered, trying to see around Tate’s pink sweater. She brought her left thumb to her mouth and chewed on the nail nervously, flaking off the polish before she caught herself. Tessa would never walk around so unkempt. The operative burned with resentment.

  Tate stepped back from his accomplice. Then, after a quick embrace, he turned and left her on her doorstep. The operative clicked the picture and gasped, straightening up.

  “Jenn,” she whispered. The case had just gotten more complicated.


  “TESSA!” IZZIE YELLED THE MINUTE I STEPPED INTO the gymnasium. She jumped up from the bleacher and clapped happily. Her red hair bounced over her shoulders, somehow adding even more sparkle to her look. I noticed that her cheer skirt was well above regulation length, showing off her muscular thighs. But I wasn’t captain anymore. I needed to keep my advice to myself.

  “Thank goodness you’re here,” she said, green eyes brimming with tears. “We’ve missed you.”

  I furrowed my brow as I crossed the wooden planks of the gym floor to center court. “Izzie, we went out together for pizza Thursday night.” It seemed that out of the skirt, I was invisible.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Tess, that was two weeks ago.”

  I stared at her, confused. Had it been that long?

  “Told you she’d be here,” Leona called to Izzie from across the court. She was sitting back, leaning against the bleacher in a well-worn skirt—one with the hem fraying at the edges. “Hey,” she said to me in greeting, popping her gum loudly.

  “Uh, hey.” She wasn’t wearing her glasses, which seemed a bit odd. She hated contacts. And I could see why Kira had been so concerned about Leona taking body shop. She had the tiniest smudge of what looked like grease on her cheek. “Can I have a word?” I asked her.

  Leona rolled her eyes, blowing her dark bangs away from her face. “Sure,” she mumbled, making her way toward me.

  Kira hadn’t arrived yet, and even though I didn’t want to step on her sneakers, I knew that Leona was a tough nut to crack. I thought that maybe I could talk to her in private and ratchet down the animosity factor. It didn’t help that she and Kira consistently got under each other’s skin. They fought like an old married couple. But not in the adorable-old-people way.

  “Glad you’re here, Tess. We really need you to step up,” Leona said, looking relieved.

  “Of course.” I put my hands at my hips. “Now, what’s going on with you? Let’s talk.” It was going to be a challenge to give advice out of uniform. I almost felt like an imposter. Also, I was so overwhelmed by my own problems that I wasn’t sure I could solve Leona’s too. And by the poorly combined eyeliner-and-shadow combo, it was obvious she had one.

  Leona stopped chewing her gum and measured me with her dark eyes. “Talk about what?”

  “What’s up with this body-shop nonsense? I don’t know, Leona. I think it’s sweet that you’re cultivating your knowledge about engines and oil changes, but getting dirty? It doesn’t make sense.”

  Leona sighed and twirled the ends of her dark hair in one hand. “It’s not about the cars,” she said quietly, looking up once to make sure no one was listening. “There’s…a guy.”

  I gasped. In as long as I’d known her, Leona had shown little interest in the opposite sex, other than busting them as they got their grooves on with people other than their girlfriends.

  “Who?” I asked, now completely fascinated.

  She exhaled, her breath smelling like the watermelon Jolly Rancher she was always sucking on. “His name is Marco Sandoval. He’s a junior.”

  I tried to remember if we’d ever been called on assignment over Marco. Nothing came to mind. At least there was that. So few innocents were left! “Is he nice?”

  “Yeah,” Leona mumbled. “Really nice. And he’s smart. Maybe even smarter than I am.”

  I smiled. That was highly improbable. “So what does that have to do with you taking body shop?”

  “Because that’s where he always is. His dad runs Sandoval’s Repair, and Marco is planning on taking over the business after graduation, so he has a fast track in auto-body shop.”

  I tilted my head, still not understanding why Leona had to go to this much trouble over a guy. She was pretty, smart, and wellaccessorized (normally). “Why don’t you just ask him out—or better yet, tell him to ask you out?” I was a modern Kitten. No need to wait on a boy these days. Well, except for Aiden. But that was different. We had history.

  Suddenly Leona’s normally level stare faltered. “Because I don’t think he likes me.”

  “What? Why in the world wouldn’t he?” I was genuinely surprised.

  Leona lo
oked at the wood floor and kicked at it with her sneaker. “Remember that time I got into an argument at the pool with Lucy McGill?”

  “When you called her fat?” I cringed as I spoke. I hated to think that Leona could be so harsh, even if Lucy did accidentally-on-purpose dump her root beer float in Leona’s lap just because she didn’t like cheerleaders. Another classic case of cheerleader envy. It was an epidemic, really.

  Leona looked embarrassed. “Yeah, that time. Anyway, she’s Marco’s cousin, and he heard about it. He thinks I was totally unprovoked. He told me that he couldn’t hang out with someone who’s shallow.” A tear started to run down her cheek, but she rubbed it away. “And I’m not shallow,” she whispered harshly.

  I chewed on the corner of my bottom lip. “So you joined body shop and started getting dirty,” I said for her.

  “I wanted to prove that I wasn’t as one-dimensional as he thought. And Tessa, I think it’s working. But…”

  She paused, and I was afraid she was going to break into total hysterics. I reached over to pat her shoulder supportively. I should have known about this sooner.

  Leona sniffled and straightened her posture. “It’s awful,” she whispered. “I haven’t worn a headband or earrings in three weeks. Three. Weeks.”

  “No!” That was awful. Even though my own love life was completely convoluted, I couldn’t stand the thought of Leona changing herself to get someone to like her. I mean, had Marco seen her accessories collection? It was fabulous.

  Just then, the gymnasium door popped open and Kira flittered in, her blonde curls framing her face as she flashed a brave smile, trying to look captain-like. “Sorry I’m late,” she called to the squad. “But I have news.”

  Leona made a barfing sound, and when I glared at her, she rolled her eyes. “I hate when she does the power-trip thing,” Leona leaned over to whisper. “Hey, don’t say anything about Marco, okay, Tess? I don’t want it getting back to him.”

  I nodded, but I had a small pang in my chest. I needed to help her. Once I sorted out this copy-Kitten mess, Leona was top priority. Well, that and working off the extra five pounds I’d put on since I’d stopped cheering. My skinny jeans were seriously starting to cut off the circulation to my ankles.

  “Oh, good!” Kira said, noticing me in center court. “You’re here already.” She jogged over, sneakers squeaking, and hugged me. “Oh, thank God, Tessa,” she murmured in my ear as we embraced. “I’ve got nothing, and they’re turning on me. I’m so royally nailed without you.”

  “I think it’s screwed,” I said as I pulled back to look at her.

  “That too.” Kira forced a smile and then spun back to the squad. “I just checked my e-mail, and it seems another report has gone out. The fake SOS is not only charging money for their services; they’re taking the organization public.”

  Izzie gasped. “Our reputations will be destroyed.”

  “Take a breath, Iz,” Kira said. “I think they’re only taking the spying public and not the members.” She shot a side glance to me before continuing. “Luckily for us, Tessa’s here now, and together we’re going to fix this.”

  I was pretty sure I had no idea how to help fix it, but I nodded and stepped up next to Kira, facing the squad. It was good to look unified.

  Kira rubbed her lips together as if deep in thought. “We have a fraud,” she announced. “And after discussing it with Tessa, I ran a thorough check last night and have determined that none of the Kittens were involved.”

  “Well, of course we weren’t,” Leona snapped.

  “Right, Leona,” Kira responded. “Like you hadn’t considered continuing SOS.”

  Leona reset her jaw. “No more than you, Kira.”

  “Enough,” I said, holding up my hands. “Look, I made some calls, and that SOS notice went out to every girl in Washington High, West Washington, and Fairfield. But as far as Google Search is concerned, we’re still very much secret. The copy-Kitten could be bluffing.”

  “What if she’s not?” Izzie yelled, her voice cracking. “If the copy-Kitten exposes us to everyone, the boys at school will be totally ticked!”

  “Shit. She’s right,” Leona muttered from her spot on the bleachers. I shot her a dirty look, but she just shrugged. Actually, I echoed her sentiment internally, just in a much more polite way.

  The entire squad began fretting, and I knew I had to take control. Kira was right. They were turning on her. I stepped forward.

  “Listen,” I said. “I’m hoping that the girls we’ve protected will be able to see that this is an obvious forgery. Most of us”—I eyed Leona—“don’t cuss. And hopefully that, coupled with the fact that they’re charging money, will jump out as phony-baloney nonsense so that even if they do name us, no one will buy it. I have no idea what this copy-Kitten wants, but our priority should be finding the culprit and stomping her out before she can do something we’ll all regret.”

  “Should I type up a rebuttal?” Leona asked. “Calling out the imposter?”

  I sighed. “Unfortunately, I don’t think we can. The copy-Kitten has our identities in her back pocket. We can’t go on offense until we know more.” I glanced down at the floor, noticing how my white sneakers covered up my toes—the toes that used to always be painted (badly). Now they were colorless.

  “We need to set up surveillance,” I said quietly. “Starting with Chloe Ferril.” My stomach sank. I knew this would directly violate the promise I’d made to Aiden. Sure, technically I wasn’t restarting SOS, but it was still spying.

  “You should do it.” Kira pointed, volunteering me as she smiled. “After all, Tess, you still owe her a little payback for the alarm clock incident.” She tapped her forehead with her index finger.

  “Good point,” I replied. I wouldn’t mind catching the ex-vixen who tried to steal my ex-boyfriend (sort of). I turned to the squad, and as they looked back at me so attentively, I sighed. I wanted to do something more to help out my best friend. “Girls,” I pleaded. “While I check into Chloe, I need you all to do something for me. Kira’s been working really hard to get you prepped for homecoming. Can you please show her some more respect? This routine is our most important of the year.”

  Kira let out a breathy noise next to me, and I felt her move closer. The squad looked around at each other guiltily and then nodded toward us, mumbling apologies to Kira. Well, except for Leona. She was picking at her nails.

  “Great! Now go kick some tail!” I added, hoping to rev them up before practice. As they began to adjust their waistbands and hair ties, Kira leaned her shoulder into mine.

  “Thanks, Tess,” she whispered. “Your support means a lot.” When I looked over to her, Kira’s blue eyes were brimming with tears, and I realized I’d missed the snot out of her. And the squad.


  CASE: 002

  CLIENT: Jenn Duarte

  Jenn Duarte originally contacted SOS about her boyfriend Riley Richards’s relationship with an unnamed female. The female was later identified as Megan Wright, her best friend. Although the cheating has not been confirmed, there is cause to continue the investigation.

  However, the client has since been named a subject in another case. Ms. Duarte was observed with Tate Donovan, who is not her boyfriend.

  This may be a case of mistaken identity or a double cheat. Right now, both Ms. Duarte and Mr. Richards are official suspects.

  The investigation will resume immediately.


  Text: 555-1863

  Exposing Cheaters for Over Three Years


  KIRA SLAPPED HER HANDS TOGETHER TO SIGNAL the start of practice, her loud clap echoing through the gymnasium. Just then, a cell phone sounded from the bleachers—it had a techno ring tone. I tsked and looked sideways at her. I’d never allowed the girls to have their phones on in the gymnasium.

  “That’s me,” Leona called, leaning over to dig through her backpack. “I had my tech guy trace the SOS e-mail to get an
IP address.”

  “Oh, well, good thinking,” I said, truly impressed. Leona was a better spy than even I had realized.

  “Hello?” she said. “Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yep. Wait, what?” Leona’s eyes snapped up to mine.

  “What is it?” I asked, my heart beginning to pound in my chest.

  Leona continued to stare at me as she nodded, as if the guy on the other end of the line could see her. “Thanks, Greg,” she said absently into the phone. “I’m sure I can track down the rest of the information on my own. Talk to you later.” Leona lowered the phone to her lap and snapped it shut.

  I could feel Kira standing there, swinging her head to look between Leona and me. “For Pete’s sake! What is going on?” she squeaked.

  “What’s the IP address?” I asked, my voice near a whisper. Leona’s expression reminded me of that day when we’d gotten the fake cheater report on Aiden. Oh, no. Leona had bad news—onehundred percent.

  “He said…” She paused and furrowed her brow. “He said that the SOS e-mail was linked to one of our accounts.” Kira reached out to take my arm, steadying herself.

  “What?” I asked, Kira’s hands like ice on my skin. “Whose account was it?”

  Leona looked down at the phone in her lap, then back up to meet my eyes, swallowing hard. “He said the e-mail came from your computer, Tess. That means…” She faltered. “The copy-Kitten has been in your house.”

  Hot fudge sundae! With nuts.

  This was not good. I touched my hand to my chest and gasped for breath. Someone had been on my computer. Someone had been in my house!

  “I need to sit down,” I said, stumbling toward the bleachers, my sneakers squeaking on the wood floor. My entire world felt tilted.

  The girls surrounded me, holding my arms as I sat down. Once there, Leona reached over to pat my thigh. “Hopefully they didn’t take pictures of you while you were sleeping or anything,” she said supportively.