Read So Totally Page 27

  “Dani,” I squeaked.

  I was forced to rethink my decision not to shower. I mentally cursed myself for being anxious to get away from Bev.

  Maya smacked Craig’s hand away as if he were a mosquito. “Don’t let him bother you.”

  “He’s not bothering me.”

  Maya sighed. “Whatever. I wanna hear more about the show.”

  What were the chances I’d get on, especially against the senior girls? But still, I had a shot. Maybe not a good one, since my training is mostly limited to the classics, but I could still try. Man, this school was so cool. Much better than Sparta High.

  “Who’s on the show?” I asked.

  Analisa consulted the flyer. “So far, they’ve confirmed J.D. Danforth, Daronn Williams, and John Michael Cooper, but rumor has it Prince Harry and Daniel Radcliffe are in negotiations.”

  I giggled. “Prince Harry and Harry Potter?”

  Analisa cleared her throat before continuing. “Well, I seriously doubt the prince will do it. Isn’t he in the Royal Marines or something? Personally, I’m hoping for Robert Pattinson.”

  “Yeah, right.” Maya’s laughter sounded more like a snort. “Like he’d really do this. I think that’s illegal anyway. He’d have to dance with underage girls.”

  Wow, all those stars were totally hot. Daronn’s debut hip-hop CD landed him at the top of the Billboards at just sixteen, and who wasn’t in love with J.D. Danforth?

  “Just guys?” I asked.

  Analisa tossed back her curls. “Looks that way. I recognize most of them, but not Michael Cooper.”

  I laughed. “You mean John Michael Cooper, right?”

  Analisa blushed. “Oops, right.”

  “You don’t know who JMC is?”

  Analisa shrugged, twirling a strand of fettuccine with her fork. She wasn’t worried about carbs?

  “Um, Great Expectations? Hello?” I asked.

  “The book?”

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “The band. They’re all over MTV.”

  “Sorry, but I was never really allowed to listen to popular music,” Analisa explained. “My mom’s a ballet teacher. I only listened to music by dead white guys growing up.”

  Maya shook her head slowly and whistled. “Girl, that’s some warped life you led.”

  I felt my forehead scrunch up as I thought. “Why aren’t there any girls?”

  “They were hoping to get Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift, but there was this whole controversy about whether Miley was a good role model and Taylor was too expensive,” Kyle explained.

  “Anyway, their target demographic is teenage girls, so it just makes sense to only have guy stars,” Analisa said.

  “Taylor Swift, now that’s a chick I could get behind.” A smirk graced Craig’s well-chiseled face.

  Maya turned towards him, exasperation darkening her expression. “Was anyone talking to you? I didn’t think so.”

  “So, how’s it work?” I asked.

  A third guy, a tall, skinny Asian kid who, up to now, had been quietly doodling animé figures in his sketch pad, said, “They’re gonna choose five dance students to be partners for the stars. But I really don’t think it’s fair that only dance students can audition.”

  “What do you care whether it’s just dancers?” Maya asked.

  “Because,” Craig answered slowly, dragging out his syllables, spelling it out for a bunch of infants. “It’s national TV. My big break.” His already incredible eyes flashed a bright, piercing blue, making me go weak in the knees. It was a good thing I was sitting.

  Definitely an aspiring actor.

  Analisa laughed. “They’re only choosing girls.”

  “That’s just it,” Ryan said. “It’s discrimination. We should sue.”

  “Big words.” Maya smirked. “Someone’s been reading his Constitution, huh?”

  I cleared my throat. “Actually, I think it’s only discrimination if the government does it. So you can’t sue.” Everyone stared at me like I’d grown a second head. “My mom’s a law professor.”

  Craig smiled in my direction. “Guess we better listen to the new girl.”

  Kyle fixed a hard stare on me. “I’m sure we could still sue.”

  Maya shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Whatev. You trying out for ‘Law & Order: Special High School Unit’? Cut the act.” She stood up, lifting her tray with the regal air of a queen. “Gentlemen, it’s been real, but my girls and I gotta finish eating and get practicing.”

  She marched away, and we followed her to a nearby table. I kept sneaking looks back at Craig and his friends, though.

  “Why did we leave?” I asked. “They seemed really fun.”

  “Tim’s pretty cool. Kyle has his moments,” Analisa admitted. “But Craig is a total jerk.”

  I looked over my shoulder at the guys we’d just left sitting a few tables away. Craig definitely looked like the leader of the pack. “He seems pretty nice.”

  Actually, he seemed really hot, but I wasn’t going to admit that to the girls just yet. Not when I barely even knew them. I’d start with nice. Nice was neutral. Nice was safe.

  I could deal with nice.

  “Girl, everyone in school thinks that, and it goes straight to his head,” Maya told me, a conspiratorial tone coloring her words. “Really arrogant. I don’t fall for that shit.”

  “Yeah, don’t get any ideas. Everyone wants to date him,” Analisa said. “Anyway, I think he’s still with Hadley Taylor.”

  “Who’s Hadley Taylor?”

  Maya gestured over her shoulder. “You just met her.”


  “He probably only likes her because she’s totally rich. One of the upper class girls’ dorms is named after her dad,” Maya continued. “Plus, she’s a junior and danced Sugar Plum her sophomore year.”

  Shoot. Hadley Taylor was serious competition. Nobody ever gets the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy that young. I was way out of my league. Better write Craig off.

  I knew I wouldn’t meet the guy of my dreams tonight.

  “What grade are they in?” I asked, motioning towards the table of guys.

  “Seniors,” Maya and Analisa answered at the same time.

  “Craig has an audition for the Yale Drama Program in two weeks, but it’s just a formality,” Analisa said. “Everyone knows he’s going there.”

  “And if not there, then either UCLA or Northwestern.” Maya shrugged. “He’s a cocky jerk, but damn, the boy can act.”

  I looked back at the other table. “So how do we try out?”

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19
















  About the Author

  Other Titles Available by Gwen Hayes

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  Gwen Hayes, So Totally



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