Read Solar Minimum Page 10

Veronica sat in the royal monorail car at Victoria Station in London waiting for the final dispatch to the secure Buckingham Palace rail stop. Only special royal monorail cars with proper security clearance could be dispatched to the Buckingham Palace stop three stories under the palace. The ride from Oxford was a very quick 24 minute ride thanks to the new monorail system. During the 30s, most of the London Tube and train system was replaced with an ultra-fast monorail that could travel at 250 miles per hour in the country, and with the new rail stop under the palace, royal visitors could be dispatched from almost anywhere in the country directly to the palace and other government buildings quickly and securely. The royal monorail was over-the-top elegant like everything else royal in England, decorated in rich red and navy blue velvets, and gold leaf everywhere.

  Nothing escaped the notice of the Crown in England and it was known that Gus and his companions arrived in England without baggage. Shortly after the royal emissaries left the hotel, a royal valet arrived with clothing for Gus, Matt and Veronica that was suitable for a royal meal at the palace in the presence of the King. The clothing was perfect fitting of course and it seemed that not even a dress size was missed by the Crown. Veronica sat waiting in an elegant and very formal, scarlet taffeta gown made of pure silk. It had an overlay of nearly transparent silk tulle that made the dress glow in bright light. The empire waist of the gown fit her figure perfectly and was enhanced with onyx stones which elegantly accented the sweetheart neckline. The dress was both sleeveless and backless and she never felt more beautiful or perfectly dressed in her life. Should couldn’t help but wonder how much the dress she was wearing cost and while she was not a fashion expert she guessed somewhere around 8,000 GD at least.

  Matt and Gus were also looking very smart in traditional black tuxedos with full tails but with a modern lapel cut accented in black silk. Veronica caught Matt’s glance more than a dozen times during the trip and on a couple occasions their eyes met and they both nervously smiled. Veronica couldn’t help thinking back to a year ago, graduating from college and landing a job in Gus’s office. It was her dream job and she couldn’t imagine things getting any better. Yet, here she was, getting ready to walk into Buckingham Palace to dine with the King of England. She inwardly smiled almost forgetting the dire circumstances they were under. Just then the monorail began to move and within a few minutes they stopped and an armed escort met them as the doors opened.

  Before proceeding upstairs to the palace proper, they were briefed as to how the evening would progress, the acceptable etiquette and the seating assignments. Once the royal formalities were in place, they proceeded up the Grand Staircase to the Blue Drawing Room and waited to be invited into the State Dining Room. The magnificence of the room was unlike anything Veronica or Matt had ever seen. They couldn’t help turning in circles trying to keep their mouths closed instead of wide open in amazement. Everywhere they looked was an amazing display of hand carved and hand painted elegance accented with marble columns. Veronica took a seat on a blue silk sofa as her dress elegantly flowed across the entire seat and encircled around her on the floor. She knew it was trite and perhaps even tacky to think but she couldn’t help but feel like a princess. Sitting in such opulence and dressed to the nines affected her in a way she was not prepared for, but it was more than just being wrapped in elegance. Veronica felt nobleness come over her in a way that spoke of duty, steadfastness and a power she had never known.

  She reflected that while Buckingham Palace was only 200 years old, mother England herself was over one thousand years old and had never been conquered—ever. Reflecting further as to why they were there, she realized she was about to participate—however slightly—in its very long and very rich history dating all the way back to King Alfred in 871. Being a student of European history, Veronica felt as if she taken a time machine to the palace not a monorail and she sat very satisfied.

  During the royal briefing, it was explicitly understood that there would be no discussion of any topic that was not first initiated by the King or a member of the King’s Council. Consequently, the royal dinner was spent in light conversation and triviality, which was extremely frustrating for Matthew. On more than one occasion Gus has to remind him he must keep his peace until asked otherwise. Matt was amazed such formality was still conformed to in such a modern age but he couldn’t deny that there was something about it that made him feel clear-minded and more determined and calculated.

  Veronica leaned over to Gus and asked if it was usual for so many armed guards. They were surrounding the room in addition to the many footmen attending the table. Looking around casually so as to not be conspicuous, Gus replied, “I think not, it is probably due to the fact England is in a state of war at the moment—or near war.”

  Every guard was dressed in very traditional and regal uniforms similar to the emissaries that visited the hotel but with unmistakable and very impressive military styling. Each soldier carried a high powered rifle and a handgun in a shoulder holster. The setting was like that out of a fairytale and Veronica found it difficult to fight back a smile that defiantly kept returning to her face.

  Once the multi-course meal was completed, they were escorted back into the Blue Drawing Room where other English dignitaries joined them. A large round table had been set up and they were all invited to sit. Gus was seated next to the King followed by Matt and on the Kings left, Veronica was invited to sit. She nervously sat down as a footman helped her with her chair. She thanked the footman and as she turned to face the table, the King whispered to her, “You look lovely my dear.” For the first time in Veronica’s life, she blushed without first being embarrassed or angry. She turned to the King and responded with a grateful nod, “Thank you your Majesty,” being inwardly very happy she used the correct title and didn’t botch-up the first words she spoke to the King of England.

  Veronica was the only woman in the room and she shined as if she was sitting in the bright sun and her dress was made of pearls. She caught glances, smiles and nods from every man in the room and if she were any less practically-minded she might have started to cry. She thought to herself, “Every woman in the world needs to feel what this is like.”

  The King cleared his throat and began to speak, “Thank you once again Senators and my Lady for seeing me this evening. I imagine you have heard the terrible news of the additional bombings in Washington this evening since we do know Senator Guiscard that you made a call to some of your friends in the Senate?”

  “That is correct Your Majesty, however I lost the connection only seconds after I heard several additional embassies were destroyed.”

  The King nodded to one of his council members, signaling him to inform Gus and Matt of the additional bombings. An aged and very wise-looking gentleman nodded to the King and then turned to Gus, “Our information is still rather spotty but what we do know is reliable. It seems every European embassy has been destroyed in Washington, twenty-one in total. According to rumors on the Transnet the United States is responsible; however we are very skeptical of it and will not believe it until we get confirmation from your government.”

  Gus nodded, in a thankful manner and was about to speak when he saw the King turn to him directly, placing his hand on his shoulder, “We are assuming you are also not aware that your President was killed in the recent bombings?”

  Veronica gasped and held her hand to her mouth and Gus replied in alarm, “No, I was not aware—how, and what was he doing on Embassy Row?”

  The King turning from side to side addressing both Gus and Matt on one side and Veronica on the other continued, “It is still somewhat unclear but he appears to have been visiting our embassy site and was caught in one of the many blasts along Embassy Row. I wish that were the end of the bad news but I’m afraid I must rent your heart once more. Your Vice President has lost no time assuming the U.S. throne—so to speak—in an ugly display of abused power.” It was obviously no secret to even foreigners that the Vice President of the United States
was usurper waiting for his time.

  Matt was not able to control his royal etiquette any longer and he belted out, “That son-of-a-bitch!” Every eye turned to him in surprise and he quickly recovered his usual unbridled fervor, “My apologies your Majesty.”

  The King smiled and responded reassuringly, “No apology needed Matthew, if I may address you so casually.”

  “Please do,” said Matt smiling in relief.

  “You need not worry about etiquette here, now that we are talking candidly about some very upsetting matters. However, we do have a Lady present and I would request we keep her in mind.”

  “Of course Your Majesty,” said Matt as he acknowledged Veronica formally, “My apologies to you,” he nodded to Veronica and after pausing slightly added, “my Lady.”

  Veronica blushed again and smiled in respectful acknowledgement as her eyes locked with Matt’s for several moments. This is ridiculous, she thought, I feel like I’m on a first date.

  The King continued, “Your Vice President issued a public address minutes after the secondary explosions stating that the United States was claiming neutrality on both the investigation and punishment of the attacks. He further stated that a neutral position was now the official position of the United States in all current and future world affairs that did not directly affect them.”

  Matt shook his head in disgust as Gus tried to reassure the King, “I am very certain this position was not ratified by the Senate which is mandatory according to our law. However, the fact that he announced such a thing is very troubling to me. I am assuming the worst in what I am about to say but it appears there is a coup afoot in the U.S.”

  Veronica put her hand to her mouth but did not make a sound as Gus continued, “Unfortunately it explains all of today’s events. I hate to think what is happening over there right now and what has happened to both Houses of Congress. If it is progressing like all other coups in history it begins somewhat peacefully until others oppose then the military steps in to silence the trouble makers.”

  “Like Ted, Jess and Shay,” said Matt shaking his head with worry.

  Gus nodded in agreement as the King turned to Matt and asked, “Whom?”

  Gus answered for Matt, “Our colleagues in the Senate; when last we spoke they were safe but,” Gus paused choosing his next words, “let’s just say they are not made of the kind of cloth that irons easily if you know what I infer?”

  Matt laughed slightly and smiled at Gus’s choice of words. The King nodded, “Indeed I do.” All eyes were on the King as he sat deep in thought at what Gus had said, marveling that such a thing could happen in the United States, the home of the free, land of the brave. Still trying to fit Gus’s comments into a mental schema that he could accept the King continued, “Do you think there is military involvement at this early hour of the coup?”

  Gus looked at Matt and Veronica, garnering non-verbal support of what he was about to say. “I struggle with the thought as I can tell you do as well. Let me shed some light on the state of affairs in the U.S. at the moment as best I can without flirting with treason. Having the leadership of our country change every four to eight years has its benefits but those benefits come with a cost. Sadly, federal elections in our country have turned into a contest for lazy opportunists to get on the gravy train. After a single year in office, all of the federally elected enjoy a life-long stipend so I’m sure you can imagine the type of avaricious vermin it attracts. Both Houses are over-run with these types and I’m rather certain that in a crisis such as this they will quickly fold, which is why we fear for our friends.”

  Gus paused slightly thinking about Ted, Jess and Shay and how they would respond to a coup, “However, Ted is rather clear-minded in a crisis and Jess tends to find the high road in all conflict unless it is about God or Texas.”

  The Blue Drawing Room grew quiet as the weight of the situation descended on everyone like an acrid smell wafting around the table. The King was a leader and renown for shrewd tact. As he sat contemplating the hydra his country faced, the crisis with many heads that consisted first and foremost of his country’s impending war with the Middle East followed by the Minimum effects and now their greatest ally and friend crumbling to pieces. As he saw it, each crisis alone was potentially devastating to his country but all three would require drastic and decisive actions immediately. Formulating an initial plan, the King turned to Gus for confirmation, “Are you fairly certain Senator that your Vice President will have his way with Congress?”

  Gus sighed in both disgust and disbelief, “yes, Your Majesty,” then looked at Matt for confirmation and Matt responded with an equally disgusted nod.

  The King stared straight forward, lost in thought and cunning contemplation. From Veronica’s perspective she thought she could see the King staring deep into a large painted portrait at the end of the drawing room that was over twelve feet high and eight feet across. The painting was obviously a royal ancestor of some sort but she couldn’t make out who it was. The painting depicted a king on a battlefield standing triumphantly in leathern armor with a shield in his left hand, resting on the ground. He had a red cape draped over his left shoulder that flowed behind him. In his right hand he held his sword high above his head, but not with the blade pointing heavenward as in conquest. He held the blade itself just under the hilt with the sword pointing downward showing the unmistakable sign of the cross. It was very obvious that the painting depicted victory after a great battle, but the king was claiming victory for his country on behalf of God. The painting was stunning and drew the admirer into another place and time where virtue was power and honor was the breath of all life. Veronica was drawn in just as the King was and out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw the King look at her.

  Breaking her lock on the painting she turned to face the King, “Powerful is it not?” asked the King as he felt Veronica sharing in his mental vision within the painting.

  Veronica looked intently into the King’s eyes still sharing in his vision and sharing in what he absorbed from the painting, “It is indeed your Majesty,” she said nodding respectfully. What she learned from staring at the painting with the King in those few moments could fill many pages of new understanding and new moral convictions. Veronica was never unreligious but like most of America, God and religion was passive in her life and she never considered it was more than just an ideal and social orientation, but looking at the painting, lost in the King’s vision she understood. Selfish ambition and vain conquest was hollow and cancerous to the soul and no matter how grand the victory could never satisfy the eternal need for peace.

  The more Veronica stared at the painting and understood its meaning she concluded the king must be Alfred the Great; the first king of all of England who drove the Vikings out of his country after years of Viking occupation and innumerable bitter, bloody battles. The Vikings would be driven back by King Alfred only to return again attacking unsuspecting peasant villages, raping and then hanging everyone who survived the battle. Veronica was lost again in the painting. King Alfred’s victory was a victory for righteousness and while it was his and his countrymen’s blood that was spilt, the glory was to God and His kingdom and they, the grateful recipients of His goodness, His power, His deliverance and His eternal peace.

  Just then Veronica felt alone in the shared vision of the painting as the King shifted his attention and began to announce his plan to the group, “Great leaders throughout history were only great because that which was required of them was great. I can think of no other time in history where so much was required of so few.” The King looked around the table making sure to make eye contact with everyone then continued, “I am certain we will gain many more to our ranks but this group shall form the core of what I will call In Spem de Mundo. The title is ominous I know but it most accurately frames our charge and our sacred duty as we are part of a very small number who see things as they truly are.”

  Matt was at a total loss with the Latin title the Kin
g just conferred upon the group and Gus, knowing Matt did not speak Latin leaned over and whispered so quietly that Matt could barely hear, “The Hope of the World.” Matt being very unprepared and uncomfortable with such a title turned to look at Gus with narrowed eyes wondering if he had heard him correctly. Gus just nodded slightly in return.

  The King got up and walked around the table as he spoke, “The first item of business for this core is to determine who is with us, whom we can trust and whom we must…” then the King stopped to choose his words more carefully. Instead of using the word “fear” he reconsidered and said, “despise. Senator Guiscard, I would like you and Senator Hector to return to the United States with the goal of providing us with accurate intelligence of the situation there. Carefully rally all you can and await further instructions. Lady Veronica, I would like you to be my guest and under my protective care at Kensington Palace—at least until we have a better understanding of things. The majority of that royal residence is vacant and I’m sure you will be quite comfortable.”

  Veronica took a quick look at Gus and then looking back at the King she nodded respectfully. Gus was nervously waiting for Matt to have an extreme objection to the King’s proposal and make a fool of himself as the King assumed command and complete authority over three U.S. citizens. He turned to look at Matt afraid of the look that he would find on his face but to his surprise, Matt was eager and focused. Matt, catching Gus’s glance looked at him and smiled as if he were just given a promotion.

  Gus had secretly maintained dual citizenship in the U.K. so the King was technically already his sovereign and he had no problems with the King’s authority. As for Veronica, it wasn’t hard to see that Lady Veronica was already at peace with her new title and change of residence. According to royal etiquette and State law, in order for Veronica to reside at a royal residence she had to be royally connected somehow so her new title was only a formality or so Gus thought.

  The King was on his second lap around the table as he continued, “The hour is quite late so let us finalize our initial plans. Senators, I would prefer to fly you back to the United States in my private atmoscraft but that would arouse much suspicion I’m afraid. I will therefore book passage for you on a public British Airways flight and send a small detachment of my personal guard to attend you—in plain clothes of course. I will also send an empty seat back to the States for Lady Veronica so her location will be unknown. Before you leave tomorrow, I will have a car pick you all up from the lodgings I have secured for you here in London and we shall have a private investiture and luncheon.”

  The King started to make his way to the door but then stopped and turned to Gus, “Senator Guiscard, as far as the British Crown is concerned, you are the only trusted dignitary of the United States—at least until we can trust otherwise.”

  Gus was greatly taken aback and responded almost choking, “Yes your Majesty, as you wish—of course.”


  Arriving at their new lodgings in London which were royally furnished with every luxury including a new wardrobe for each of them appropriate for the next day’s activities, Matt turned to Gus when it was finally acceptable to speak freely, “So, I understand what to expect with a luncheon but what is a private investiture?”

  Pulling at his bowtie and unbuttoning the first button of his shirt, Gus sat down, exhausted. Not from the physical activities of the day but the mental and emotional ones. He had left the United States as a senator looking for answers to returning as a spy in just a few days. What was most unsettling for Gus was where he should place his allegiance. If the U.S. was in fact imploding—as it appeared to be—he would claim English citizenship, but what did that mean for Matt and Veronica? He hated the thought of defecting to the side that only appeared to have better odds of winning. Ever since he left the palace he struggled with his own patriotism and his duty as a U.S. Senator. He had to keep reminding himself that the world was not the same as it was a month ago and that the current crisis was no longer about countries or even about Kings and Presidents. It was about freedom versus slavery, honor versus disgrace and good versus evil. From that perspective he convinced himself that it was no longer important what nationality he was or the citizenship he claimed, the only thing that mattered was that he was on the right side.

  Gus turned to Matt, “An investiture of course is an initiation of sorts, however what that has to do with us and what we can expect tomorrow is anyone’s guess. England has always been the land of formality so I suspect we will simply be asked to make allegiances to the King in this new committee we have been placed on, nothing more.”

  Taking Gus’s cue, Matt pulled off his bowtie and snapped it in the air making a loud crack, “You know Gus, I’m okay with it. I joined the Senate because I wanted to serve something bigger than myself and effect important change. I quit playing professional football after I realized it was just a game. I know that sounds a little stupid since it is a game but when you’re young, it’s more than that and it was incredibly gratifying to be a part of something that beat the enemy and conquered every week. After winning a championship and after my injury healed, I could have gone back to play but that’s when I realized I was an actor and the battle I was fighting was meaningless.”

  Matt took a chair next to Gus and continued, “My time in the Senate has followed a similar path—as I’m sure you’ve noticed—I’ve become a little cynical over it. I wasn’t in the Senate long before I noticed that I was surrounded by actors pretending to be something they were not. I didn’t find any honor or love of duty in the Senate, the greatest body of government in the world.”

  Matt sat up and leaned on his knees, “But this, this is what I joined the Senate for—a chance to be on the right team and to fight real enemies and conquer something that won’t be forgotten next season. Whatever we do tomorrow and the rest of my life, I’m ready.” He slid back into his chair, “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  Gus looked at Matt intently, “You are an inspiration. It is an honor to know such a man as Matthew Hector or that any such man exists in the world today.”

  At 10:30 in the morning a car arrived and to everyone’s great surprise they were escorted to Westminster Abby in the center of London. They Entered from the west Jewel Tower and were then escorted into the Pyx Chapel which Veronica knew was the oldest part of the Abby built in 1055 by the Saxons.

  The entrance to the chapel was made through a small gothic-arched door made of very thick English oak with an overlay of heavy lattice on a grid of ironwork. The ceiling was low compared to the rest of the abbey with even lower stone arches that rose up every 15 feet from the chapel floor. The room was damp and lit very subtlety with floor lighting in the corners. The entire chapel was made of a light-colored limestone and the floor was a pave work hand fired bricks. They felt as if they had gone back in time since the chapel has remained largely unmodified for nearly one thousand years.

  They were directed to sit on small wooden pews in front of a small stone alter with a wooden crucifix upon it. Gus, Matt and Veronica sat very confused looking at one another as the door behind them opened and they heard the announcement, “The King!” Gus, being English immediately stood as if he had heard the National Anthem and he motioned Matt and Veronica to stand also. Other English dignitaries filed into the small chapel and the meeting was quickly underway.

  The King himself conducted the meeting and after thanking everyone for being present he spoke directly to Gus, Matt and Veronica. “Thank you my friends for your loyalty and your stalwart souls. The backbone of England has always been founded on truth, goodness, wisdom, justice and love—and loyal men and women committed to those ideals. Without proper commitment and an outward manifestation of that commitment, we forget ourselves when we are apart and in the world. Therefore, today let us commit ourselves to our duties and to each other in the most important undertaking of this millennium. The best and perhaps only way to do this, in my country is to bestow
title and loyalties.”

  The King stretched out his hand to Gus, “Leroy Guiscard, I invite you this day and forever more to be Lord Guiscard, loyal to the Crown of England and my trusted advisor and true friend.”

  Gus was without words to express his surprise. The night before he had only anticipated signing a document and a handshake. This was not only unexpected but unprecedented. There had only been five Lords created in the last one 100 years in England and he would be the sixth. The honor was a little over whelming and he couldn’t help but smile inwardly at his father’s comment only a few days ago accusing him of no longer being English.

  Gus got up as he was invited and kneeled before the King and bowed his head in agreement and respect, and respectfully said, “Your Majesty.” The King presented him with the royal insignia of Lordship and rising, the King broke from the formalities of the ceremony and gave Gus a handshake and a one armed embrace with a closed fist pounding lightly on Gus’s back. Recovering from his surprise, Gus did the same.

  The King then stretched out his hand and invited Matt to kneel before him. To Gus and Veronica’s surprise he stood and walked to the front of the chapel very dignified and without any wisecrack or complaint. “Matthew Hector our God has endowed you with great strength and unyielding power. I therefore invite you to be our champion and accept the honor of knighthood after the order of In Spem (The Hope).”

  Matthew bowed his head, following Gus’s example, “Your Majesty.”

  The King drew a sword from off the altar and then with his other hand smote Matthew across the face with great force according to the ancient custom of bestowing an accolade. Gus and Veronica were shocked—first at the King’s actions and then even more at Matt’s unflinching and noble demeanor. Matt didn’t even raise his head or appear alarmed. Veronica then remembered that the box, as it was called or the act of being smote across the face was intended to instill the memory of knighthood with pain so that the knight never forgot his calling. The King then gently dubbed him as Sir Matthew Hector as he placed the sword blade on each shoulder and presented him with the royal insignia around his neck.

  The meeting concluded and they were then all transported to Kensington Palace for luncheon which was also to be Veronica’s new living quarters. Though she didn’t say anything or outwardly express her disappointment, she was secretly hurt over the events in the Pyx Chapel that she was not given any honors and even worse that she seemed to be excluded from the In Spem de Mundo group altogether. She resented being sidelined and quarantined in a royal residence, little more than a political prisoner she thought. After Gus and Matt left to catch their flight back to the States, Veronica was escorted to her new apartment and she meet several members of the house staff that would be her attendants. The accommodations were lavish and beautiful of course, with every need and luxury accounted for.

  Alone after her orientation to the house and meeting several dozen members of the staff whose names she knew she would never remember, she flung herself in a window side chair in her room and looked out on to the meticulously groomed grounds below. She took a very deep and depressed sigh and said out loud, “So Mary Queen of Scots, it appears we are sisters—imprisoned in luxury in a foreign country. I do hope my fate fares better than yours.”

  Queen Mary was a political prisoner and cousin of Queen Elizabeth in the 17th century. Mary was an annoyance to Elizabeth since she sought to steal her crown and claimed that the throne of England belonged to her. Being Elizabeth’s cousin and having royal blood flowing through her veins, Elizabeth couldn’t bring herself to dispose of her so she kept her imprisoned in many different castles in England most of her adult life. In the end however, Mary was not content to live out her life deprived of what she thought was rightfully hers and strategized several plots to overthrow Elizabeth. At the pressure of her advisors Elizabeth finally agreed to have Mary imprisoned and then beheaded in the Tower of London.

  Veronica heard a voice from behind her in her room, “Excuse me my Lady?”

  Veronica turned around in surprise, thinking she was alone. One of her attendants was hanging new towels in her bath and heard Veronica speak as she was about to leave her room.

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” said Veronica as she paused slightly, “It’s bloody nothing at all,” as she was feeling more slighted and abandoned by the minute. She thought about venting her frustrations to her maid but then thought better of it, “Thank you,” she said.

  The maid curtsied respectfully, nodded and left the room. Turning back to the window Veronica sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek. She hated being treated as though she were fragile and too delicate to be of any real service. More than that, she felt alone, very alone in a foreign country surrounded by strangers with thick accents. She already missed Gus and Matt and she worried about them and the hailstorm they were about to walk into in Washington. She thought about her friends Ted, Jess and Shay, and how they were dealing with the crisis and the Vice President. Trying to piece together the events in her mind and imagining how everything went down a few days ago after the embassy bombings she was very glad Matt was not in Washington. She could see him picking a fight with the Vice President himself. One thing was certain in her mind and that was Ted, Jess and Shay were not that reckless and she was certain they were all safe.

  Just then she heard a knock at her door and she replied, “Come in.”

  The door opened and a middle aged woman she had not met entered the room. She curtsied and introduced herself as Corinna Durst her main attendant. She apologized for not being present when Veronica first arrived and said she had just returned from meeting with the Duke of Devonshire.

  Veronica was growing a little tired of the formality; after all she was an American not a bloody princess, “It’s alright, and you need not be so formal with me. I’m just a girl from Berkley, California.”

  Corinna looked at Veronica confused but being in the service of the royal family most of her life she responded, “My Lady?”

  Veronica shook her head as if trying to wake up from a stupid dream and sighed, “Whatever.”

  Corinna knew why Veronica was frustrated. She could tell that she had been crying and even though she had asked not to be addressed formally, Corinna could not violate the royal statues, “My Lady, can I bring you anything? We will be having dinner in the main dining room in an hour’s time with the entire house.”

  Veronica was spent and the last thing she needed or wanted was a large formal dinner with strangers, “Oh, please, I can’t, not tonight. Can I please be excused this evening? I will just take something light here in my room.”

  “Of course you can,” said Corinna in a very endearing tone and then continued, “before you retire for the day my Lady, the Duke of Devonshire will be here presently to meet with you on some important matters.”

  “Oh, what does he want?” Veronica was irritated and couldn’t see any reason to meet with anyone and couldn’t understand why she was of any importance to the Crown, “I am in trouble?”

  Corinna smiled in amusement and then paused slightly considering what she was about to say, attempting to lighten the feeling in the room, “Of course not my Lady. You have a fire in your soul that is warming and comforting, if you don’t mind my saying.”

  Someone with a fire in their soul, thought Veronica. That is usually not a complement, “Excuse me?”

  “Very sorry my Lady, but your fire, your strength is comforting like standing next to a large fire in winter, when there are storms all about and there is safety in doors, that’s all.”

  “What do you know of the storms in the world Corinna?” asked Veronica in surprise learning that her humble maid knew more than she was telling.

  “The Duke of Devonshire will be here soon and he will answer your questions and,” Corinna paused wondering how much she could tell Veronica, “you will be much the wiser and more comfortable here my Lady.”

  A knock at the door interrupted their conversation and they heard
a voice from without, “Duke Devonshire here to see you my Lady.”

  Veronica started to leave the room when she turned to Corinna and asked, “Are you coming?”

  “It wouldn’t be proper my Lady,” said Corinna as she curtsied.

  Veronica sighed still being frustrated with the formalities. The truth was, she liked Corinna and since she had no idea what she was about to walk into, Corinna was the closest thing she had to a friend and she didn’t want to be alone. Veronica was escorted down the main corridor stairs and down to a drawing room where she was introduced to the Duke of Devonshire. Once the doors were closed, the Duke become more casual and leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs.

  He smiled at Veronica, “I suppose you are wondering why you are here?”

  Veronica was still frustrated and was getting to the point where she didn’t care so much if she offended anyone, “Oh, I think I get it. My country is falling apart, my friends have been sent into the eye of the storm and I’m to be protected here for some reason. I guess we can start with that—yes, why am I here Mr. Duke.”

  The Duke smiled, equally enjoying Veronica’s fire, “The British Crown makes the world its business much like your country used to do back in the day. I’m not sure if you are aware but you might be since you have a degree in European history. Genealogy and the tracing of blood lines are very important to us English, but never so much as it has been in the past 10 years.”

  Veronica looked at the Duke surprised and then puzzled. Over the past few weeks she learned to pay close attention when timelines of the past 10 years were thrown around since that was the true beginning of the Minimum.

  The Duke sensed her surprise, “Yes, we have known about the Minimum. Almost 10 years ago, we thought we and Toprak Esir were the only ones who were going to notice it until it was too late for the rest of the world. So when you and your friends showed up unannounced in Oxford we were pleased.”

  Veronica was still confused, “So why not come to us if you knew 10 years ago and you knew about Toprak?”

  The Duke smiled and then laughed slightly, “And what in St. Peter’s name would we have said that would not make you think we were blithering idiots on this side of the pond? Besides, your scientists were aware of a potential minimum and had observed the decreased flares but what they didn’t know and still don’t are the effects.”

  The Duke sat up and leaned over slightly, “But that’s not what I’m here to talk about, there will be time for that later. Before you feel imprisoned here a moment longer you need to know who you are.”

  Veronica was confused again, “Who I am? You speak as if you know something I don’t.”

  “Humanity is an amazing thing, truly fascinating how people and circumstances come together so often at just the right time, but being a student of history I’m sure you have noticed this.”

  Veronica had never considered it. She just assumed that things happened the way they did due to men and women stepping up and showing courage. However, she just nodded in agreement so the Duke would continue.

  “Before any of this will make any sense, I need to give you a short history lesson. Ever since the English revolutions starting in 1642, the aristocracy of England has been diluted and completely abolished in some cases and locations. As I’m sure you know, English titles are handed down generationally with specific rules and when a blood line dies out, the King has the right to bestow the title to another completely of his choosing.”

  Veronica nodded.

  “Due to the Minimum and the eventual effects it will have on the planet—most of them we still do not know—the Crown has determined it important that we try to reassemble the royal aristocracy as best we can from the scattered blood lines around the world. We have a gifted scientist in a foreign country who can determine blood line origins and you showed up on our radar so-to-speak about three weeks ago. Of course we were very delighted when you showed up in Oxford, giftwrapped.”

  “How did I show up on your blood radar?” asked Veronica.

  “As I understand it, you had a brush with death not long ago and from the incident we obtained a blood sample, quite by accident actually as I have been told. Amazing how things fall together isn’t it?”

  “So what—I am a long lost cousin of the King or something?” said Veronica trying to put it all together in her mind.

  The Duke smiled, “No, you are—a relative to be sure—but it is very distant or so I have been told. Veronica my dear, you are very fortunate. You are of pure Anglo-Saxon ancestry, very rare indeed in this melting pot world we live in. In fact we have been told it is the most pure we have ever encountered in over 10 years. In fact, you are more entitled to the British aristocracy than even I am,” said the Duke laughing.

  “So—that is why the King called me Lady Veronica yesterday, I thought he was just flirting in a professional, royal sort of way.”

  Helping Veronica close the loop the Duke added, “And also why this morning you were not included in the accolades. Lord Guiscard was only formally…” the Duke stopped and bit his lip.

  When he didn’t continue, Veronica tilted her head and looked at the Duke, “You were about to say?”

  The Duke had spoken out of turn and had started to relate something about Gus that he was advised to not disclose to anyone but now that he had started he wondered how he could retract.

  “I am the closest thing Gus has to any family—besides his father here in England—and we are much more to each other than a senator and assistant. You can tell me I assure I will tell no one,” said Veronica.

  The Duke nodded in agreement, “You don’t know how correct you are my Lady, you are the closest thing to family to Lord Guiscard in America, your blood line is nearly identical, and you are both very pure Anglo-Saxons. We only went through the formality today with him to keep up the appearance of standard procedures in creating a new Lordship. The Crown has stopped granting them for the most part there have only been a few created in the past one 100 years. Otherwise it would have been right awkward for Sir Matthew to be the only one initiated today now wouldn’t it?”

  Veronica smiled at hearing Matt’s new title for the first time in conversation and she said it again in her mind, Sir Matthew.

  “As for you, no ceremony was necessary and the King felt it best to keep you a secret for now. We have many enemies in our midst’s and we dare not trust too many with the truth of your identity.”

  Veronica was feeling better now and less confused at the actions of the King and she looked around the room differently than when she first walked in. An hour ago she felt like a prisoner or at best a mere guest being paraded as a royal. She looked around now as a rightful resident in Kensington Palace, “It’s all a little overwhelming my Lord,” she said shaking her head in disbelief.

  The Duke laughed, “I’m actually addressed as your Grace, but you’ll get the hang of it all. Corinna is very good and will teach you all you desire to learn. She has been with us for nearly 30 years now I believe. You will find her very personable I think and honest when you allow her to speak freely.”

  “Yes, she is very kind and surprisingly loyal already,” Veronica smiled remembering her interaction with her upstairs when she was so upset and angry, “Does she know—about me?”

  “Yes she does. The most trusted staff members in all royal households know of the plan to gather the royal blood line, however it is a very guarded secret and is never to be discussed after we end this conversation,” responded the Duke somewhat firmly.

  Veronica nodded her head in agreement as the Duke rose from his chair, “My Lady, I will bid you good night. Thank you for the audience this evening and welcome to Kensington.”

  Veronica wasn’t sure what she should do and how to respond so she nervously extended her hand to shake his like at the end of a business meeting. The Duke took her hand, turned it palm down and kissed it, “You’re getting the hang of it,” he smiled.

  Returning to her room Veronica fo
und a tray with a spinach salad, a club sandwich and a glass of Chardonnay on it freshly prepared and just what she was in the mood for. Slipping off her shoes and taking a sip of the Chardonnay, Corinna knocked at the door, “Corinna my Lady.”

  Veronica responded in much better spirits, “Oh, please come in.”

  Corinna walked into the room and immediately turned back the covers on Veronica’s bed as she watched, a little amazed thinking it’s just like the movies and then correcting herself, no—just like a dream.
