Read Solatium! Page 2

  life we also notice their regular appearance and disappearance daily,weekly,

  monthly or yearly.This is the rythm of life as it is conceptual for 'humans' mind ."

  He didn't let me to ask more questions,but simply with a sign or gesture of his

  hand he made appeared a large screen before my eyes and asked :"what you

  see?".I noticed first some pictures and then the pictures began moving.Stuttering

  I replied:"some moving pictures, just like what I always seen in my dreams". He

  said:"good answer!In your dreams everything is possible,flying , moving around the world ,the universe in a wink, joining the stars and playing with them, jumping

  from one star to another one without being hungry,thirsty,tired or bored and so on.If I had to use the word 'reality', I would tell that your 'reality' is your dream and

  all the other things concerning your body , or the needs of your body are your 'animal' part following the clockwise untill the unavoidable disincarnate state and putrefaction and the pulling apart of all atoms and elements and their continuous

  recycling in the universe.So we don't consider this your 'reality',your very reality

  is the functioning of your mind , your dreams".

  ..."now let me asking a 'better' question:what do you have with 'you',I mean something concret as a result of all your 'young' life of a 'twelve or thirteen years old' boy?do you have something else than your memory?if so show it to me. Of

  course you can tell that you have your body and your clothes, but what else apart

  this? Your body and your clothes tell nothing about who you are, absolutely

  nothing. But on the contrary your memory is quite eloquent. You stocked all your

  past, your experiences and your identity in a sort of box which is your memory .

  You are able to open it at each moment or just let it to invade your whole

  person and living with it forever, crying and feeling pity for yourself or smiling at

  some of those 'pictures' which were pleasant and joyful. But imagine what will

  happen to you if by a sort of accident you lose this box? Would you spend the

  rest of your 'earthly' life to search for that lost box or rather you will try to create

  another box filled with new and agreeable data? You always have the choice,

  simply don't forget that this box of memory is not only in your head but the least

  particle of your body or organism has a memory of who you are and from what ancestors you have inherited the genetic code of your cells. This sort of memory

  would always be with you, inside your body even though dead you will spread

  the 'memory' of your particles or accurately your DNA in the nature. DNA

  contains the data or all the informations of your particularity , and it is





  It was supposed that I could understand all the 'scientific' things the 'Someone'

  was explaining. And at my surprise I noticed that in fact I understood everything

  he was talking about, so to clarify this fact I asked:"how comes that I understand

  everything as if I already had all this knowledge in my mind or in my heart?".The

  'Someone' replied:"as I told you , you are experiencing an eternal 'dimension'

  and here nothing would be a mystery for you , you already have the 'knowledge'

  of the whole universe". Then I said :"previously, on earth, I learned that an

  'omnipotent' and 'omniscient' 'being' existed and also I learned that 'angels'

  shared this universal 'knowledge' , so I deduce that You are an 'angel' and here

  is a 'dimension for angels', but what I wanted to know is why and for what

  reason I am here in 'angels dimension'?". The 'Someone' explained:"as I told

  you, the 'humans' beside their shape and body which is somehow an

  incarnation 'entrapped' in 'timely-space', they inherit an immaterial potential

  which is called 'soul' among 'humans' and as I told you this 'soul' could be

  inspired by innumerable 'species' of 'forces' or immaterial 'beings'. These

  'beings' are or benevolent, malignant or neurtral. These 'species' or 'forces'

  decide about their 'recipients' based on their 'genetics'. Some 'recipients' are

  just the 'habitat' of the benevolent forces, just like yourself or the ones you met

  on that 'timely-space' like 'sherven', 'sweet-uncle' and the family members of

  your teacher 'mr.solen' , some others are the 'recipient' of the malignant forces,

  just like 'gorgon' or people like him , another category of 'recipients' allow the

  both benevolent and malignant forces inhabiting them given the circumstances.

  Some others are just the 'recipient' of neutral forces and we call them the

  'moderators' of all the 'forces'. These 'forces' regulate the order of 'things' in

  the worlds and in the universe by their regular interference in all 'affairs' of the

  worlds and this interference create the ultimate 'Order'.


  I understood everything the 'Someone' was explained but there was still some

  'shadow' which needed to be clarifyied , so I asked:"why did you bring me here

  and why are you communicating all this knowledge, given it is the 'knowledge of

  angels', then am I supposed staying here 'eternally' in this 'dimension' or might I

  return back in that 'timely-space' of that 'earth'?". The 'Someone' replied after

  a 'thoughful pause':"you have to go back to that 'earth' in order to fulfill your

  'earthly' destiny till the end, if not something in the 'order' would be disturbed

  and lot of 'damages' would be produced in the 'equilibrium of the forces'.You

  have to spread your DNA in the 'nature' and also to transmit it to your

  descendants, that would be your 'trace' in the 'world' and this is essential for

  our species, because without any material 'sign' we would remain only 'forces

  and it could be harmful for the balance of the 'Order'.As I told you the DNA is

  indestructible, but the immaterial 'forces' left to their own could be vanished,

  that's why the incarnation is so important. On the other hand we brought you

  here in this dimension because if not you would be lost by the deadly events

  which occured in your 'surrounding' .Now I will show you on this screen all

  the things which happened on earth after all you experienced and witnessed

  during that 'WWI' and the 'civil war'. First of all with your biological family you

  would not have a worthy and valuable 'future', because not only they would not

  protect you or caring about you but their 'homeland' was the prey of lot of

  social disturbance and you would be deprived of all sort of education and

  would be lost forever. Secondly the country which was familiar to you with all

  its terrible and pleasant experiences would be the scenery of another war

  called 'WWII', and if you remained there you would be killed in that war as a

  young unknonw soldier. So for all these reasons you are here and rescued

  from all the damages.Just remember that as 'long' as you stay in this 'eternal

  dimension', the 'time' is passing more fastly 'there' on earth and when you

  will find your 'biological family' , they are much more older than you and they

  will never recognize you , simply you and only you, you will know them and you

  would help them in their old age , because you are a 'benevolent' 'soul' , and

  you should know that 'souls' just like the DNA are indestructible .Now

  I let you watchi
ng these moving pictures which will show you everything

  happened on earth after you left it because of that 'time-crack'".

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